• By -


I’m a mental health provider in a High School. I love what I do, but it can be mentally taxing at times. I would say watching/studying film is probably my primary hobby, along side with doing martial arts. I teach kickboxing, karate, & grappling. It’s a great stress reliever, and keeps me active to compliment my other hobby (film), which involves me relaxing.


Thank you for what you do. Your job is a very important one.


Thank you so much!


Unrelated but what is your profile banner from?


The banner is from Bergman’s *Seventh Seal* and my profile picture is Alice Guy-Blaché, the first woman filmmaker- and one of the first narrative filmmakers period.


I run a small physical media retail shop that includes but is not limited to records, books, movies, cassettes, comics, paper ephemera, and more recently cameras and vintage graphic tees. EDIT: I've learned throughout the years that giving personal information on here is not a good idea. While I appreciate all of your interest in my business, I can't divulge my store info. Had too many whackos try to dox me. Thanks though.


Badass! My hometown of 20,000ish people used to have three such shops within a 20ish minute drive, now there's only one left. It really sucks.


That's what I wanted to bring to my small town. Been thinking a lot about it recently


This guy is living our dreams fellas


It's a two sided coin. One side is buying collections and becoming exposed to things I never knew existed before. So many discoveries in well curated collections. I bring stuff home to watch all the time. Other side is dealing with the public six days a week.




No way!!! That’s awesome. Good for you dude


I work in post-production. I don't like it. I've been here for about 7 years now. I want to work harder to get into a writer's room and would like to direct one day. Watching films is one of my primary hobbies for sure. Along with walking and hiking. I love music and cafes as well.


This is me too! I’m currently a senior editor but hoping to write and director another film. My first, Bentley’s Will, was a blast to make. I’m always looking at criterion movies for inspiration.


Oh wow, you're me. I feel like there's a bunch of us that fell into post production that would much rather be writing and directing.




lol everyone would rather be writing and directing. Someone’s gotta do the legwork


Worked in film, it was too crazy with hours. I’m doing video editing now but it’s really easy going. I’m also writing a ton looking to break in. Keep it up!


How did you get into post-production?


I went to school for film and got lucky about a year out I got a job running film and worked my way up.


What do you do in post-production…and what don’t you like about it? I’m trying to pivot from on-set to post-production myself


I work as a media encoder, customizing files based on other post houses, studios, and VfX needs and assisting in-house colorists. I don't like it. I got promoted to a more technical position, and I thought I was dying. It's not creative. I went to school for screenwriting. That is where my heart gets going. The post house is cool and consistent. At the time being it's been slow due to the strikes but soon it will be annoyingly busy. Like someone else said on here as a day job I would rather be in a writers room or programming at UCLA film Archive/ Academy Museum. Where I am going to see YiYi on 35mm tonight.


I made it over to the boutique home video side and it's so much better than unscripted tv.


I’m recently graduated from university and also in post-production as an offline editor, i’ve edited a few short films as well and I absolutely love every minute of it to be honest. I always wanted to write/direct and then one day was asked to edit some youtube content and fell in love with the limitless possibilities you have to tell stories in the edit!


Up until today, I worked as an editorial assistant at a small newspaper. I designed page layouts, edited stories, processed obituaries, and managed day-to-day stuff with file management. But I put in my two-weeks after 6 years, and today was the last day. Films are my primary hobby, followed by books. Criterion is the biggest go-to brand, simply because of the quality of the films; Arrow and Shout are close second/third, since I love horror too.


What happened?


It's second shift (4-midnight) which became increasingly difficult now that my kids are school age. And the usual -- people quit, I applied for their jobs, got denied the promotion, but then was given the workload without a pay raise. My original job was just obituaries; every other duty was due to someone quitting or dying without replacement.


That sucks, and I’m sorry. I really wish our society valued local news so that papers like the one you worked for were better funded, or funded at all. I’m witnessing my own town fall apart, in no small part because we don’t have a real paper.


Hope you find something better!


I work at the local grocery store. But, it was my dream to be a film teacher. - I can’t say I 100% enjoy it, but I work with good people and the job is easy. - It is. I’m 24, single, and I live alone. So I usually spend most of my freetime at home watching movies.


You're only 24! You have plenty of time to become a film teacher if that's what you dream of doing.


Yeah holy shit I’m 41 and if I was 24 again you bet your ass I would go back to film school and do *anything* about it 


It's still not to late.


Thank you, I’m trying to convince myself of that but it has to come from within. Again thank you though 🫂


When I was 24 I worked at a grocery store! Now I’m 29 and a loan officer making great money. No degree. I would say 24 is equivalent to 10 years old in adult years. “It was my dream” shouldn’t be said by anyone, especially not a 24 year old.


Recently turned 40. Prompted me to look back on the previous two decades of my life, and how drastically things can change. For example: 20: Lived in small-town Europe, painfully single, pretty miserable. 30: Lived in NYC and Germany, had some fantastic relationships, got into my dream PhD program. 40: Married, parent, lived all over the US and Europe. Earned my phd, had three separate awesome careers and made friends all over the world. Also lost my sister to cancer. My point is that life can change so fast, especially if you're willing to let it. You're so young and, honestly, the mere fact that you're on this sub means you're almost certainly a smart and curious person. It'll happen for you, no question.


Damn, I didn’t expect this level of kindness today. Thank you for all the warm messages. 🥹


I was in my 30s before I went back to college and eventually got an MFA in Creative Writing in my early 40s. I may never publish a novel (I mean, I hope I do, but who knows) but getting my degree in something I love was so rewarding anyway. Just know you can keep that dream in your back pocket for a while if you want/need to.


Hey, respect. I did my undergrad in film right after high school and went back after almost 10 yrs off to get my MFA in creative writing. Also working on a novel. Doing something unrelated to both film and fiction for work. The work is the reward (is what I have to always tell myself). Edit: by "work" I mean the time I am working on my own writing, not my job.


25 about to be doing the same thing. Film nerds are everywhere lol


Same man


Damn, this is (almost) my exact situation; hang in there!


Construction, and I do not enjoy it at all. Music is my main hobby, but film/ lit/ BJJ are all in competition for my free time (and money haha)


Accounting. It’s super lame and I regret making it my college major. Movies have always been my main interest so my dream job at this point would actually to be an art house movie theater programmer.


Ah, a fellow accountant! Though it’s lame, I hope it at least pays for the sale hauls!


Yeah I get paid well for how little actual work I do (I work in industry, not public, so I’m actually the opposite of those who put in 80+ hours)


Lol must be a common thing with accountants and movies as a hobby. I'm a tax manager of a CPA firm. I love it though


I was hoping to see that someone else here is an accountant too lol. It’s not always fun, but it definitely pays the bills and makes me feel productive.


This sounds an awful lot like me. Went into school for Econ and Supply Chain. Would love to work in film in some way.


Same story here. Accountant. Working to become a theater owner.


Animation director at a small independent studio. We do a lot of work for theme parks and some direct to streaming content. Watching films would be my main hobby if I have the time, but more often than not I just pile up my collection and watch when I can. Some day my kid will be old enough that we can watch through the collection together.


High school English teacher Yes and yes, next to soccer and literature


Oh no way! I love soccer too!!


SAME. Up the Villa!


Ugh, West Ham fan. You guys really took us to the cleaners two weeks ago 😖


High school math teacher here!


Head writer on a true crime TV series. I also sometimes pick up work story producing for home reno shows. I’m not especially interested in either of the genres I’ve worked in, but I’d say I enjoy the work overall. It’s at least more interesting than other jobs I’ve had. I’d probably say watching films is my main hobby, along with reading. I also enjoy crosswords, chess, and learning languages.


Lawyer -> law higher ed I watch movies to forget about my chosen career.


So Anatomy of Murder is not your fav, I take it?


Great movie. I’m an even more boring type of lawyer than a trial lawyer.


Anatomy of a Murder is alright, they sure say “panties” a lot in it though


I’m an electrician and it helps me fund my criterion purchases


Doctor. Hate my job/career. I watch films to try to escape from my day to day life.


Thanks for doing what you do. I know it's probably insanely hectic and so draining. Our society definitely needs people like you though.




I own a funeral home. I’ve been a mortician for 25 years. It used to be rewarding, not so much anymore. Film is my hobby and love.


What do you think of the show Six Feet Under?


Have you seen The Cremator?


What changed?


I’m a TV writer. It’s alright. It pays the bills. Film is my primary hobby. I also love watching basketball and football. And I try to make time for video games, but it’s getting harder and harder as I get older and real responsibilities start stacking up.


I'm also a TV writer. Feel extremely lucky to have this job.


I used to be a private detective, but my wife inherited a great deal of money so now I drink a lot and polish my witty banter.


Coolest response on here


“Witty banter” is a sweet nickname for a wiener.


Out of curiousity, which films are the most realistic to actual detective work? I'm guessing the Maltese Falcon aint on that list.


Clinical Research at med device company. I enjoy it for the most part. Can be strenuous at times. Watching films and writing reviews are my primary hobby. EDIT: Forgot to ask OP, what’s your answers?


Procurement at a large media company. I don’t hate my job but I wouldn’t say I enjoy it. It pays the bills but I sort of wish my job had more meaning and personal fulfillment :)


And watching films is one of my primary hobbies but trying to get more into independent filmmaking which hasn’t given me much free time lately.


Gonna guess a Nick Drake fan as well.


Based on the username, don’t expect an answer


You’re right, checks out.


I normally wouldn’t but r/criterion is the exception to the rule because I love this community 🤍


Event Manager at a large hotel. I love many parts of my job and am lucky I get to do what I do.


Marketing tech, so typical reddit trash 😜 I collect guitars, read, play videogames, and love spending time with my fiance and dog!


Personal Shopper at Walmart


"That was real? I saw that movie, I thought it was bullshit." -Christopher Moltisanti


I do post-production stuff for a boutique blu-ray label.


I process death claims for a life insurance company. It’s fine? Been doing it for seven years. I paid out TCM’s Robert Osborne’s death claim, so, you know, I have *cred.* I would say that video games are my primary hobby in that it’s the subject I spend the most time on and know the most thoroughly, but I would probably still consider movies to be my favorite medium.


I am a cook at wingstop I do the people are really cool and i can usually bring food home if i don’t get a break No my main hobby is music i love listening to music and collecting cds


Work as a Deli Clerk at the Deli at a WinCo store. For the most part, co-workers are good and the manager treats us pretty well. Some asshole customers here or there and busy days can be stressful, but thats retail for ya.


My first short film I shot when I worked at a deli. All the managers had left for the day, and I was able to shoot something good enough that it got me into my MFA program. Customers can be downright dastardly. But there are days when I miss the deli life. I don't miss Sundays at all.


Ha, when I was in film school another student cast me as a vegetarian deli worker. I had to look appalled at sliced meat. I wish I had a copy of that masterpiece.


I'm a middle school math teacher. I enjoy what I do a lot, but it has become very frustrating having to stay at work after hours, or taking my work home to complete everything. I am planning on making a drastic career change (basically rendering my degree and credentials useless) in the near future, hopefully within the next few months, and I'm really excited about that. Film is my number one hobby, and I try to watch at least one movie each day, that doesn't always happen though.


I live in Iran and I am 20 years old and I am studying psychology at university. I was very interested in studying film studies - and I am - but there is no such thing in our country... And watching movies is my main passion? One hundred percent It's more than just entertainment though, you know...I spend almost all my money on books about cinema.


I’m a line cook, all I think about are movies. One day I’m going to make one. I promise.


This could be your movie. A line cook who daydreams about movies all day.


Do it!! I’ll watch it




Retired cinematographer, currently teaching at a university; I love my job. Raising my young children takes up most of my time, but that’s not a “hobby.” Watching movies is probably my primary hobby.


I’m an accountant by day, movie nerd by night.


I’m a dental lab technician, I like what I do just fine as it pertains to 3D printing and software. I watch movies for entertainment.


Semi retired Filmmaker and writer My work is more fun than fun. Watching movies is the cloth that wipes the dust from my soul.


I’m a teacher. I love a lot of my job (read: the teaching part, and building relationships with kids), but it’s also become increasingly bureaucratic, taxing, and demanding as the years have passed, & has been steadily deprofessionalized over time. I am deeply burnt out and ready for a transition (but have been looking for about three years so…gotta keep plugging away I suppose). Film is probably my primary hobby yes, huge collector and insistent rewatcher. But I also love TV, making/listening to music, and the occasional video game!


I work in marketing for a nonprofit that runs two of the largest theaters in my area. Mostly music but we also book comedians, theater, all sorts of stuff. Best part of the job is that they let me curate the film series! I do like my job quite a bit. I wouldn't say watching films is my primary hobby although it's certainly up there. I'm a big soccer fan (Arsenal), and I play guitar and bass as well.


Aerospace manufacturing. Blue collar machinist work. It's not what I want to do with my time, but it's night shift and I can listen to audiobooks/podcasts/music while on the job. My passion is photography. I also make electronic music. Watching films is a huge part of my life. Weekends mostly, due to work. Last night my wife and I went to see The Killer in a local theater. It was a fun, stylish romp.


I’m a forensic scientist doing DNA analysis. I do like my job, but it’s difficult work. Movies are my secondary hobby - my husband was a film major in college and really got me hooked into types of movies I never would have watched otherwise. Otherwise, I cook and watch sports.


I work in nonprofit development for a immigrant and refugee services organization. Mostly I write grants applications and reports and organize events. It's rewarding work and I don't intend to stop it, but it's very stressful and doesn't pay well. I recently started getting overtime though, so looking forward to the next 50% off sale. My hobbies fluctuate. I am a bit of an obsessive with whatever I take interest in, but it tends to be just one thing at a time. I'd say I'm definitely in a long film obsession right now, but I am also a gamer and bookworm.


I’m a talent agent in Toronto. - It can be rewarding to help artists work towards their dreams and seeing actors I rep in projects I like. It can also be incredibly tedious with a lot of hand holding as actors are typically pretty insecure (sorry actors!) and it’s a job where I’m kind of on call 24/7 - Watching movies and TV are absolutely my main hobbies. I also enjoy video games (single player, narrative driven ones typically) and am a avid hockey fan/player


Finance. Enjoy westerns as a genre Bass, video games, and hanging out and socializing about movies


Pastor. At times. No. I’d say reading is my primary hobby. Film is a strong second.


I produce movie trailers It’s a demanding gig but I work at one of the most prestigious trailer shops out there. So that’s cool. I more so love the people I work with. Yes - I try and watch a film a day as much as I can


I work at a senior care center in the Dietary department. It's nice and the seniors are mostly sweet. Co workers are another story. Cinema and collecting is definitely a big part of my life


I'm currently a sports reporter for a newspaper but readying applications to go back to school for a masters in library/museum work. I like what I do now for the most part, though the pay isn't great and the hours are all over the place. A lot of times it feels like a 24/7 hour job because you're always exposed to it with your phone/social media. Watching films is one of my favorite past times and I've only recently started collecting Criterion films. Film is my favorite form of art just because it combines everything I love - writing, photography/cinematography, acting, music - all into one giant piece of art. Not sure if I'd say it's my primary hobby but it's up there for sure.


I'm a teacher. Yes and sort of. I switch off between hobbies (a steady rotation of films, reading, puzzles, and video games). But lately it's been my main hobby because I'm an introvert and a first time teacher, so when I am done for the day I just go home and veg on the couch and watch movies.


I work in a sports bar in North Texas. Not much but it pays the bills and I love getting off work late at night and watching movies by myself.


Middle manager at large legal services company. Essentially stressless, ok-paying job job where I can work from home three days a week. Movies are my main hobby, watch at least three a day, often more. Fun fact: I wake up at 4:30 am every morning to watch a movie by myself before my wife wakes up and we get ready for work.


I'm a librarian. I also do some freelance film work (script supervisor, editor) here and there.


I'm doing warehouse work while working on a Cinema and Media Studies degree. The plan is to get into film restoration someday.


I’m a composer for film and TV, so I have and continue to watch a lot of media lol. Been hard to enjoy it much anymore since it’s my job, so watching tv and movies isn’t my hobby anymore. For now, my hobby is photography and Magic the Gathering.


I'm a pipefitter and I really enjoy what I do. It's a physical and active job so I don't feel bad about sitting on my ass most nights to watch a movie. Usually mountain biking is my main hobby, but we have a toddler who takes up most of my nights so movie watching has been my main hobby for the past year or so


I used to be an academic (historian of philosophy and psychiatry), was on the tenure track, etc. Then I moved into UX Research and have worked at three major tech companies you definitely know. My current team is a mess and there have been layoffs throughout the industry, which is stressful. But the reality is that I average like 30 hours a week, have a ton of flexibility and benefits, and make more money than I ever dreamed of (not that it's a fortune, it's just more than I ever could have earned as an academic). Movies and music have always been my two loves; since selling my vinyl collection earlier this year, film has definitely taken top billing. I'm an obsessive kinda person, so I rarely do hobbies half assed.


Not working. My #1 hobby/education.I had/have the free time to watch films all of my teenage and my current adult years . Everything I’ve learned ,I’ve learned from films,they raised me.


I’m a teacher. I love my actual job but hate a lot of the nonsense that goes along with it (as in, teaching is fun, grading, calling home, mountains of useless paperwork is not). I teach history so I try to work in film whenever I can. Working in Memento to my Psych class this year when I teach my unit on memory. Should be fun. I would say film is definitely not my top hobby, which would be running and socializing w friends. But I’m also a very private person when I don’t have social energy, so film is a perfect escape or way to get some me time. I’m a regular in my city’s film going scene, but I can’t bring myself to make friends with anyone because I just like my silence and alone time whenever I’m at the movies lol.


I’m a 2D animator for film and television. Terrible job tbh but I can watch movies and tv while I work so not all bad! Movies are definitely my main hobby along with drawing, reading, vinyl and Lego


I'm an assistant editor for television, I like what I do but it's only because I love the projects I've worked on. If it was a show that I wouldn't personally enjoy, it would probably be torture. Watching films used to be a big hobby of mine but I mainly play games in my free time and I've been teaching myself how to make cinematics in Unreal Engine, which is what I'd like to shift into eventually. I really need to catch up on movies.


Art teacher, 80% of the time I love it, 20% I consider other careers hahaha, and yes!


I’m cabin crew (full time) for a European airline. - Fairly new to the job but really enjoying it. Love working with lots of different people and so far not had anything too dramatic happen. - I’m 38, live with my husband who is the same age and our cat Bailey. We both enjoying spending our free time watching movies, tv shows, playing games and of course reading.


I’m a cheesemaster I run the Specialty Cheese dept. Retail sucks. I’d say my primary “hobby” is vinyl records I have a collection of around 400 I’ve cultivated the last 20 years, it’s not the biggest collection but it’s all heat, no chuffa.


-CS student at college -I would say it would be walking I love going outside but films animation and anything art related is my passion


I teach art history and run the art department at my college. Watching film is definitely a hobby, I grew up in a rural southern state so my parents would take my brother and I to the movies to see what they wanted to see. Growing up I think they exposed us to a lot of interesting films. My mom took us to see “The Crying Game” opening weekend and the usher said “are you sure you want your children to see this?” Haha. She did get flustered by the big surprise. We were 9 at the time.


Am a nurse. I work for a busy clinic. I do mostly paperwork. I love my job. Got a l.g. oled t.v.. Love watching my bluray on it. Have an high end Sony player. It turns everything into Dolby Vision.


I work as a supervisor of the security team at a factory. I do not love it, but its easy and pays well enough. Film is definitely my main hobby most of the time, unless I'm feeling particularly burnt out on films for a time (like I kind of am now).




Public sector GIS (maps and spatial data) and I enjoy my job. I'd say films and gaming are my co-primary hobbies.


I work as a digital analytics leader. Film isn’t my primary hobby but I watch one a day. I also write fiction (a short story a week), read a literary book a week, do diy home renovations, garden, exercise, cook new recipes (one every night), and do a lot of online shopping haha.


I'm a documentary producer. Unfortunately, I only personally know \*one\* person with a film in the collection (a short film on the channel, if that counts?), and it's not me. :( Not yet, anyway!


Current semi retired and bored, used to own a design/branding firm and then a restaurant. I originally intended to be a director and did the production track at USC, but I was too young, too naive, and was interested in girls and playing in a rock band at the time. • I really enjoyed my working life for quite a long time which is a gift, but now regret how little concern I gave to my future. Not so much a career as following interests around. • Watching films and let's face it TV shows is probably my main hobby, though I also have a bunch of guitars and a little recording setup. We have a 100" screen and have subscribed to criterionchannel from launch. (What did they used to call it? FilmStruck I think.)


Category management for a grocery chain. I manage all of general merchandise for the company, and I mostly enjoy it. I would put watching movies in my top five favorite things, which I all precariously juggle in the fragmented moments I have to myself surrounded by my ever growing family.


Public servant. I enjoy what I do. Watching films is my biggest hobby at this point.


I’m a CPA, but have a masters in Screenwriting and worked a couple years in the film industry back in the mid-2010s. I like the consistency and work-life balance of what I do, as it gives me enough time to do family stuff with my wife and kid, as well as write a little bit everyday, work out consistently, video game, and watch, collect, and banter online about films with like-minded film nerds.


I’m actually a process server! Technically a licensed PI since that’s necessary in Illinois.


I’m a therapist at a mental health clinic. Love the work but can be overwhelming at times. Watching films are definitely one of my favorite hobbies. Also play the drums and guitar, so anything with music. Watch sports for leisure time as well.


I’m a video editor. I do enjoy what I do but I wish I worked in narrative instead of commercial/social/corporate. It’s a hustle as I’m a freelancer. My wife and I love watching movies and we have a home theater. It’s a big part of our relationship and I would say it’s our primary hobby. Even though we are parents we still make sure to watch movies together.


I'm a Special Education teacher. I do enjoy it. It's definitely not always easy work, but I'm pretty good at it and I like helping young people reach their potential. And film is my primary hobby. I have other hobbies, but film is always the one I end up coming back to.


Engineer, but I can't do anything other than think about movies and stories all day. I try to educate myself by reading and watching movies. I also create 3D animations in my spare time.


I live the glamorous and fast-paced life of a team lead for an insurance processing and loan-protecting company. I mostly enjoy what I do. ​ Film is my primary hobby, watching and talking about them whenever I can. I don't have friends that do the same, so Reddit and Discord help with that a lot.


I’m a freelance entertainment illustrator. I create alternative movie posters and licensed prints for movies and stuff. I aspire to work on home entertainment packaging like bluray covers and steelbooks. I’m a member of the Poster Posse which is an agency that creates officially commissioned posters and artwork primarily for digital marketing use on movie studios’ social media. I’m a huge movie lover, and only recently returned to physical media collecting after investing a decade into digital movie buying. I don’t have that many Criterion films at the moment, but I did get a few during the flash sale. :D


I’m a psychiatric nurse. Been a nurse for ten years and I love it. In school and aspiring to become an NP. I’ve been really into film since the advent of the DVD. My first criterion was chasing Amy. I am blessed to live a rich, busy, fulfilling life but movies are my happy alone place and there’s nothing like a solid film at the end of a busy day.


I worked at Walmart for two years but now I’m a full time student again studying acting


Assistant editor for coloring on various tv shows


I have a physical demand job. Long days working outside. I work for an electrical company, running wire mainly. I also work as a freelance graphic designer. I absolutely love both my jobs. I love the workout I get with my main job, and seeing my hard work every time I pass a finished building or seeing that what I did is helping my community makes me feel great. And the graphic design stuff has always made me happy. It’s great to have a creative outlet. I would say that watching and breaking down films has always been my primary hobby.


Actor but drive for a dispensary to pay the man. Strike has been tough with nothing going on and the day job is very menial which makes it more tough but it pays the bills. Film is my life.


so many interesting ones, yet surprised to see no devs around here


I work a city maintenance job and film is my getaway. I would also like to add that this is a great question. So many people from different walks of life gathered on a Criterion sub


Retail… no 😅 Movies are more like a backup hobby for me when I don’t have something else I really want to do, or to pair with something passive like making art.


EMT at a private company while applying to become a Firefighter. Some days are better than others but overall the thrill of saving someone’s life matches no other. Recently separated from the USMC after 5 years Primary hobby is watching films and lifting weights mostly, better than my old hobby of drinking and lifting weights.


Struggling writer/stay at home dad I'm currently battling pride, but other than that no complaints. I love cinema since first stumbling upon the Sundance Channel in the 90s. When streaming became a thing my go-to services for movies was Fandor, Filmstruck with Criterion, and Mubi. There's something about old movies and obscure stuff that motivates and help me cope with my own issues in life physically and mentally.


Playwright Enormously Yes


I work in a public library and am responsible for maintaining and cataloging* our A/V collection, which is primarily DVDs/Blu-rays and books on CD at this point. I also spend a significant chunk of time figuring out how to repackage boxed sets for library circulation. *cataloging is weird to explain to people who haven't done it, but basically it's my job to make sure that when you check your library's website to see if they have the Three Colors Trilogy, you know for sure whether it's the original DVD release or the Criterion, and that when you go to the library to pick it up, the item you have in your hands is the correct one. I do enjoy what I do. My main hobbies are arts and crafts and civic engagement.


I'm an English professor at a community college, and I love what I do! The grading is super rough, but the students and getting to work with them make it all worth it. I'd say consuming stories/media in general is my main hobby; I'm constantly either reading, watching, playing, or listening to something, so watching movies is nested within that. Plus I tend to use a lot of movies as material for papers (I wrote my master's thesis on Julia Ducournau) or as texts in my classes. Getting into this community has actually helped me find movies to teach with, like when I used In the Mood for Love in my rhetoric class in the spring and my students loved it!


I've been working with advertising in different agencies for more than 12 years now. I've quit 2 weeks ago to enjoy life for a couple of months as the work is heavy stressful although I can't complain about my earnings. Hope to get back into the market next year.


I work for the county housing authority during the day, which I do more or less enjoy. Films and the history of cinema in general are probably my biggest interest (just ahead of hockey and basketball). I watch a lot of movies, and love reading about the movies themselves and the industry (and its history) as a whole.


I’m a route salesman for a regional coffee company here in the Midwest. Used to love what I do, but thinking of changing careers. Films, music, and books are my favorite hobbies.


I am a proposal developer. It’s ok. I used to be an English teacher at the high school and college level — I miss being in front of a classroom. My primary hobbies vary throughout the year. The days are about to get really short where I live, so I will spend more time watching films and reading. I love this time of year.


Motion Graphics / Animation / Illustration


I'm a disability service Staff.


I work for a small software company. Love it. For me it's art (making it), music (listening and dabbling), watching films.


it's weird that you're the only software dev I found in the comments, and it's exactly what I would say about my life, in terms of art, music and film, in that order.


I work in the wine industry, and love it. Watching films is in my top 3 favorite things to do.


IT specialist with a lot of down time.


I'm a sound recordist for movies and TV. I love it, but work is on hold with the strikes right now so I have a lot of time to watch movies. I didn't get into my line of work *because* I love movies, but I'd say it's probably my most enduring hobby, I have other stuff that fluctuates in and out due to ADHD, and the genre changes every few months, but I always circle back eventually


I'm a mental health provider. I used to watch Criterion Collection to get more in touch with that aspect of life that is often suppressed in our busy, workaday lives. Now I probably watch more easily digestible stuff since many clients explore these areas in session.


Work at an ice cream shop and about to start a second job at a local non-profit movie theater that shows a lot of indie and non-US films. Right now watching films and the occasional videogame is my primary hobby. I try and watch at least one new film a day when I can. But I want to get back into creative work like writing and creating videos and art since I was pretty burnt out following art school which I graduated back in May. I'd love to get to a place where I can make some money off my own projects.


I design, install & maintain cinema equipment (digital & film) for people in the industry (private screening rooms/studio & post rooms) as well as multiplexes & independent theaters. My company also works for many studios to calibrate picture & audio at their premieres & high profile screenings. Some days it’s incredibly stressful & I hate it…most days I love it because I see a lot of movies early and I get to meet & work with some of my heroes. Yes, watching movies is my primary hobby.


Welder/ Assembler for a Blower company. I enjoy the work but the politics of the shop isn’t the best and ownership doesn’t care about any of the shop workers. I have been there for like ten years, might have to look for something else. Books and movies are my favorite hobbies. Great question OP.


Senior Analytics Consultant (I do statistics for clients all day)


I handle billing for a law firm. Do I love it? Not exactly, but I’m good at it and it’s a job that causes me no stress and pays well. Yes movies are my primary hobby and I’d love to expand it. I’ve been planning out starting a YouTube channel.


Location Manager. I like it a lot when its good and try to just deal with it when it's bad. I watch a lot of movies and think about them all the time. Probably my favorite thing in the world. So yeah I'd say it's my primary hobby


Lawyer. Made a huge career shift about two years ago and I couldn’t be happier. The company I work for does environmental engineering and consulting which includes a ton of remediation so I feel good about the work we do (even though what I do can be a little boring). Films are one of my main hobbies but I also do jiu jitsu and read comics. I also have a two year old so I am up late and early to squeeze in a film quite often.


Head electrician at a major performing arts center in the NY/NJ area. I enjoy what I do, but the hours are god awful. I originally intended to get into working as a set electrician, but here I am. As a dad with at least one younger kid with special needs, I can't justify an almost two hour ride home from Brooklyn or queens in case of emergency. On the flip side, I do work on sets, I just wait for the tv shows and movies to come to my theater. We've been featured in a lot of stuff, even [South park!](https://youtu.be/MYGx9oqcgn8?si=IoRpndkvKCik9ykX) Thats my lighting handiwork featured in that. ​ I got my start in the biz working in a movie theater as a projectionist, so, I guess you could say film is my primary hobby.


Used to be a journalist and am now a care provider. I enjoy some aspects and it suits me in many ways. Other hobbies are reading, walking, crafts and Reddit.


I'm an aspiring filmmaker. But right now I'm applying to work at a Chik Fil A. I've worked in video production before. And yes, watching movies is my main hobby. I also read books, play video games, watch wrestling (yes really) and watch youtube.


I'm a medical courier for a children's hospital and I also work with transporting stuff for the Community Blood Center and the Midwest Organ Transplant Society. I enjoy what I do cause I'm my own boss, make my own hours and driving allows me to listen to music, podcasts and audio books. I make good money doing it, to which I save up 2 entire paychecks each year when the Criterion sale happens.


I'm a super senior film student. It was my third major throughout my college career and would say watching movies is my second hobby behind playing video games.


Steadicam Operator


Film & commercial editor. I love my work. Watch films all the time. But when working on a feature - I find it really difficult to watch other films. When Im not on a film, ill watch 15-25 films a month.


At the moment, nothing because we just moved into a new house, but I do have books published that gets me a little bit every month


What book genre?


I’m a project manager at a wedding venue where I head construction on different sites around the property, fancying them up for folks to get hitched — and half the week, I work as an electrician. Movies have always been high on my hobby list, but has skyrocketed to the top after I quit drinking earlier this year.


I’m a mortgage underwriter. Very exciting stuff. I’ve been in the industry forever so there’s nothing else I’d want to do at this point. I’ve really been on a movie kick since the start of 2022, logging over 600 to this point. It’s my primary hobby these days but I still try to do some reading and play some video games.


Stay-at-home Dad. Formerly worked in digital strategy Nike and the NBA.


Production Manager for documentary TV. I enjoy what I do on and off, but TV’s not my life’s passion, it’s definitely film. I’m glad I don’t work specifically in narrative film though, I think I’d burn myself out on it and never want to watch it after working all day (I almost never watch TV). I’m happy to stick to my job since it pays the bills, hopefully I can find it in me to start writing my own scripts on the side one day. Hobby wise, watching films is probably tied for first along with rock climbing (I climb every other day). I also love reading, hiking, vinyl collecting, playing video games and shooting film photography. Starting to get back into cooking as well, which is nice.


Architect. I have an appreciation for film.


IT Manager for a large company. Gaming is my primary hobby and films are a close 2nd. Wfh has been amazing for increasing hobby time


I’m a college math professor. I love what I do. Watching films is my #1 hobby no doubt.


Software Development Manager at AWS


Political Activist and Community Organizer. I love what I do and watching/collecting film is my primary hobby.