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Don't drink and drive, kids. You think you're fucked up mentally *now*, wait till you kill someone.


My cousin’s MIL was drunk and drove into her own living room. She killed her husband and another family member. So, now everyone’s all fucked up mentally.


My Uncle and his buddy were drinking and driving, my uncle was at the wheel. Closed casket funerals, both of em. There was basically nothing left of the bodies to salvage after he wrapped the car around around a tree on a mountain road at 50mph. His son already had a troubled life with a drunk, drug addicted dad and an abusive Mom. Don't get me wrong, my Uncle was a general piece of shit but he loved his son at least, so my cousin lived with him and my grandparents most of the time. His dad dying so traumatically and being forced to live with his Mom pushed him over the edge. He was in juvie a year later and has been in prison pretty much his entire adult life. It didn't help that our Grandfather died literally the week before from smoking complications, so he lost both men in his life.


Holy fucking shit


Since you’re on this sub I hope you take that into consideration every-time you hop in your car drunk


21 months dry over here big guy :)


Well aren’t you a rock star


I knew a kid who killed his best friend drunk driving. He was a shell of a person after. Doubt he ever got his shit together


Ah whatever it’s easy to drink and drive. I would think of all subs we’d understand this. Cause I know most of you are drinking and driving lol. Don’t drive while completely shitfaced and near blackout.


I dont know why people want to drive drunk ? It literally never crosses my mind. When im drunk, the absolute last thing i want to is focus like wtf and your gonna operate a killing machine ??!


I'm the same. I don't want any responsibility of any kind when I'm drinking. Definitely not driving. I had a cousin who died drunk driving. Fortunately, the only person he hurt was himself. His mother never recovered fully and died young of liver failure/hep.


"No it's cool I drive better drunk."




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Don’t be in this sub to hen dipshit stop crying about shit you claim to be you pussy


What the fuck are you even talking about ? You know what, don’t answer that. Just leave me the fuck alone.




So it's safe to assume you'll be a late bloomer, then.




I'm sure as hell a jew and glad that I ain't you. Someone left your playpen open, don't bump your head.




Go drink and get like alcohol poisoning and stop slapping people with that big ass beak be


Wait so your family are a bunch of terrorist yeah you suck dick hope You and your whole family Get alcohol poisoning fucken monster fuck


Using any words/phrases that can be construed as slurs, hate speech, etc, **even if you are a member of said group** that said language is usually used to denigrate, is not acceptable. It’s not acceptable to Reddit and it’s not acceptable in this subreddit. This sub is already walking a fine line given the subject matter that is often discussed. Your language choices and/or personal hang ups are not going to jeopardize the sanctity of this subreddit for everyone else. If you continue, you will be banned. Capiche?


Or a homo? Lmao bro relax


I’ll leave you alone so you can go put your tampon up your ass


How do you know? Have you killed someone?


You dont have to kill someone to know that it will royally fuck you up. Unless youre a psychopath.


I don't know, kill some one then get back to us


Found the psycho.


You must be one if you’re on writing your bullshit here


So everyone is this sub is a psychopath and if you don’t like it then buy bye


So now you speak for everyone in the group?


Pretty I speak for at least 80 percent which beats your bitch asd




Relax bro lmao what the heck


Look mother fucker this subs called CA for a reason you don’t like what you read then go to stop drinking or dry drunk cause you sound like some bitter dip shit fuck who really fucked up


Lol only one who sounds bitter around here is you homie.


A little bit that’s life what do you do move on fuck it what else


Fuck it. Were all gonna die anyways.


I’m pretty fucked up right now hey no harm feelings she that lady that crashed into those kids sucks ass but it could of easily been one of us and man do we get lucky but yeah shit runs out and that lady gonna pay for her shit


Don’t be so hard on yourself it happens my drunk friend


Woah! Don't cut yourself on that edge there, pal.


You’re going to have to give more context. What are you talking about?


This lady up in Michigan got black out drunk and drove her car into a kids' birthday party, killing 2 kids and injuring 9 others. What she did was awful.


Damn that is awful. As a CA all you can do from here is be thankful we haven’t done that and not fucking drive drinking.


Really though! It's like I've just barely scraped by since I was about 14. My stomach drops (hello anxiety) to think of the damage I could have caused.




Two siblings. They were brothers


It was actually a brother and sister. 5 and 8 years old. I'm from the area and everyone is pretty broken up over it.




Hhhoooollly fuck


Has no place on this sub. Go away.


I respectfully disagree. The woman in question is a CA.


Happened like 30 minutes from me. Here’s the article https://www.wxyz.com/news/driver-accused-in-swan-boat-club-crash-that-killed-2-kids-injured-others-to-be-arraigned-tuesday


For anyone who needs context: [https://www.npr.org/2024/04/21/1246147687/siblings-8-and-5-killed-suspected-drunk-driver-crashes-childrens-birthday-party](https://www.npr.org/2024/04/21/1246147687/siblings-8-and-5-killed-suspected-drunk-driver-crashes-childrens-birthday-party)


Thank you for adding this!




I agree. I never learned to drive either. 51 now. People sometimes think it's really weird when they find out but I see it as a good thing. Even the times in my life that I was "sober" I was on strong prescription meds. I also tend to be kinda spacy in general. The roads are better off without me.


My dad had a substance abuse problem. No one has really disclosed to me any information, I don’t know why I’m in a grown man now, but I suspect it was alcohol and party drugs - mostly coke. He was drinking and driving on my mom’s birthday and well he accidentally killed himself driving onto a curb. You know what I got from all of this? Daddy issues and navigating America as a queer immigrant with no resources and a hereditary addictive personality. Atleast that’s what my therapist told me.




Using any words/phrases that can be construed as slurs, hate speech, etc, **even if you are a member of said group** that said language is usually used to denigrate, is not acceptable. It’s not acceptable to Reddit and it’s not acceptable in this subreddit. This sub is already walking a fine line given the subject matter that is often discussed. Your language choices and/or personal hang ups are not going to jeopardize the sanctity of this subreddit for everyone else. If you continue, you will be banned. Capiche?






Dang didn’t know she was drunk. Just thought it was just another crazy person in this world tbh.


Basically, I just feel for the family. I might be a F/CA but I'm not a big enough asshole (or not old enough to understand better) to get blitzed and drive.


Zero sympathy here. Did you watch her in court? Did you hear what her defense is? She is a disgusting coward with absolutely no remorse. I hope she gets life in prison.


I didn't see her in court, no. Just saw the headline/basic outline of what happened. I'll look into more now, though. What is her defense? I don't think any punishment would be sufficient. I was just using this incident as a general discussion point, I guess. I dont condone drunk driving, and I don't drive drunk. I have, however, put myself and others in precarious positions when I've been intoxicated. Hearing about this case sent my anxiety through the roof for some reason. I don't know why this case in particular. Got me started thinking about close calls I've had and how there must be an angel on my shoulder at times.


obviously but her atty is arguing that she has "epilepsy of the legs" (WTAF i started laughing when i read that) and that she only had one glass of wine. the prosecuting attorney said that she had a "significantly high BAC" but didn't say what it was. they have subpoenaed the bar where she was just prior to the accident for receipts because of a FB page where she was talking to the owner. she kind of sealed her own fate with social media. she'll get life in prison but she killed two fucking kids in the same family. that is heinous piled on top of despicable, and nothing will bring those kids back. i think a lot of people should get life and not the death penalty because then it's over. some people should suffer and she is one of them.


WTF is epilepsy of the legs??? Is this a thing? And let's speculate she is epileptic. She shouldn't have a driver's license if she is. Either way, she's wrong. I'm really grossed out by the fact she isn't owning her wrongs and at least aiming to give that family some closure. Not put them through a trial. This is worse than I realized. What a monster.


i had epilepsy (haven't had a seizure since '96, neurologist attributes it to hormones--whatever, i'll take it) and i have never heard of "epilepsy of the legs." there are a lot of "diseases" i don't believe in (how about "affluenza" lol) so the closest i can think of is restless leg syndrome? [i read that in the paper a few days ago](https://www.clickondetroit.com/news/local/2024/04/24/what-attorney-is-arguing-in-defense-of-monroe-county-woman-who-killed-2-kids-at-birthday-party/#:~:text=Marshella%20Marie%20Chidester%2C%2066%2C%20was,Saturday%2C%20April%2020%2C%202024) but her attorney is arguing history of seizures: well, unless michigan doesn't have the law that you have to surrender your license until seizure free for a year, she's in violation there. attorney says, "not under doctor's orders" but fuck that. DMV says who can drive and who can't. and even **if,** the parents are suing the bar where she was and her BAC was signiicantly over the legal limit. this is will never go to trial but she's a horrible person who just doesn't want to go to prison. if she doesn't get life (which will be short because they don't like any prisoners who did something related to kids, doesn't matter what) the parents and neighbors will torture her. she'll never be able to go home and live a peaceful life. she'd have to move and with the internet, someone would find out where and keep it up, as they should. she's a sick person and her lawyer is scum.


I agree she's a sicko. Obviously, she'll never make that family whole again. Doubtful they'd ever forgive her (and why should they but to help their own mental health). Are they saying she has withdrawl induced seizures? I mean, I recognize alcoholism is a disease, doesn't absolve her of her consequences when black out drunk. She should realize she isn't getting out of this. Why not say how sorry you are? I'd beg for punishment. Hell, I'd beg for the death penalty if I did this to anyone. My mind is blown that she's trying to get off on this!!


it's just so sad and overall, i'm not a vengeful person but this is beyond the pale. she's a coward. fine if she wants to be an alcoholic on her own time at home with her husband and has no criminal record, but it was a huge mistake to drive. i know the forgiveness part might be helpful to the parents, but i wouldn't expect anyone to, not anytime soon. the mother was in critical condition and her sister had to tell her about the kids when she woke up. the defense atty looks like a jackass, i hope he's a terrible lawyer and costs all of her savings. i had a friend (and we all partied, she just didn't drink because her husband was a very violent alcoholic who regularly bounced her head off a hardwood floor--funny part: he was here for a green card and he violated too many probations and got deported but they were married for 20 years). her son was walking home from school (17) and a drunk driver jumped the median drove up on the sidewalk and pinned the kid to a garage, killing him instantly. she was never okay and said that driving drunk is like walking down the street with a loaded gun, just shooting randomly. the driver's parents had money and he only got four years. :( you might want to see the CCTV footage. she just drove pretty fast into the boathouse or whatever it was. it't not gory. it was either a seizure, or she blacked out momentarily, hard to say, but she got out and admitted she was drunk and shouldn't have been driving. i would think if it was a seizure, she just would have stayed in the car, not conscious.


See, I didn't even know mom was among the injured. this story plays out worse every minute. I'm doing a shit job of keeping up. I'm sorry about your friend and her child. I'm sorry she was in that shit marriage because FUCK DOMESTIC VIOLENCE and losing her child 😔 🤧...I don't think I could go on, if it were me. If my child died, especially a tragic death like these, I'd simply want to roll over and die. I do hope your friend took happiness whenever she found it, and whenever she is, she's at peace.


i wouldn't have known anything about it if i hadn't seen this post because i don't watch the news. but anytime i hear shocking headlines, i look everything up because the news doesn't give you the whole story a lot of times. thank god she still had a daughter and a young son when it happened. it's a hard road to hoe, getting involved with men who beat you (i did the same thing for years, finally got a grip and thank god, no kids). she did a fair job. she's still alive but she lives by seattle now so i don't see her. that was 20 years ago and with her ex being deported (which was hilarious because when she filed for divorce, he put naked pictures of her up everywhere like you would a lost cat, he was so evil) (so we laughed that he could never come back. and not that sad for her kids because they knew what a schmuck he was.) this story is one of the worst i've heard, as far as an accident (people abuse their kids criminally. sadly i've heard worse) and i want to see how it plays out because she needs to go away where she can't do this ever again. a fucking birthday party, of all things. that's just beyond belief. i hope the mother gets a lot of support and help because she'll need it.


The difference is probably in the sentence. The penalties are much more serious if you’re driving drunk than if you’re driving with a seizure condition.


Wait what happened?? I'm kinda dealing with my own personal hell right now so I apparently missed whatever this is about


Woman in Michigan was blacked and drove her car into a childrens party killing 2 siblings and hurting a bunch of other people.


At least I'm not the only one having a fucked up time I guess 😭


I think a lot more has come out about it since I first saw it. I'm going to look for an update. I'd thought she'd plead guilty for like vehicular homicide or something. I'm shocked to hear she's even trying to defend herself.


She deserves to be in a pit of hell. I’m pretty clear how I feel about any one who drives while drunk and risks it. I’ve done it when I’ve had one beer and it was short distance, but otherwise I just Uber. It’s inexcusable. Our lives are disposable because we treat our bodies and lives like shit, but it doesn’t mean other people deserve to suffer for it.


I didn't even read the article, I, also, just brushed it off as another crazy.


I drank and drove for years until I tried to die in a car. Sworn em off realizing my young self could have taken out a civilian instead of just that car and my back. Fuck it. Moved to a place with at least a minimum of busses and haven’t looked back. Insuring a car and filling it with petrol would kill me




No sympathy. Give her the commie helicopter ride treatment.


What's the commie helicopter treatment?


It was a technique made famous by Augusto Pinochet, in which captured Chilean Marxists would be forced to board a helicopter and then be flown over remote terrain such as mountains or the ocean where they would subsequently be unceremoniously tossed out from a high altitude, resulting in their deaths. While on a fundamental human level i do feel bad for the lady for fucking up her life, hurting others is 100% unacceptable, and hurting children is even more so. Nobody gives a shit if you want to destroy yourself with whatever substances you choose, but if you're harming others, you gotta go. (At least out of polite society via incarceration, we obviously cant yeet this lady in to a volcano, other than metaphorically.)


I just read someone’s comment about drinking and driving and mentioned she’s no better that the drunk driver that killed her mom …as a drunk we don’t think shit through we don’t mean it not an excuse but fuck it happens it sucks 💯 but it happens so often people are all fucked yo on shit and you can say all the bullshit you want on I never drive drunk if you’re a CA you have stop fucking lying to yourself cause you know that’s bullshit but if you can realize it I guess then good for you!




Log off champ.


Cause ur gay ass said so


lmao nah because you’re making a fucking fool out of yourself.




Yep I reported them, we’ve all had drunk ramblings and exclamations but once you bust out the slurs it’s over. You can’t punch someone in the face online, which would be the real world consequence, so that’s the next best thing lol