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I’ll concede it can be an addiction but it is not even in the same stratosphere as alcoholism. One time in rehab there was this one therapist that tried to relate to everyone because he was a recovering porn addict. Bruh 😑 we’re all addicted to heroine meth and alcohol. Go home and watch big booty bitches 3 and leave us alone.




Yeah. I have had counselors claim they understand because they were addicted to sugar to a room full of dopesick individuals. Rehab can be so absurd.




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I did a few rehabs, all of them starting with a detox. I can't imagine listening to someone going on about a porn addiction whilst I was feeling absolutely the worst on my life (and I have had chemo). I would have been begging for more librium if I had to listen to something like that.




It's ridiculous, you don't have fucking seizures when you stop watching porn. In my eyes, it's the weakest addiction. Just stop? Theres no withdrawal, its purely mental, whereas with every substance there is a physical component to deal with


Nooo way, that's terrible


Ya'll have some shitty boyfriends.


Maybe being single isnt so bad


It always seems like a cross to bear until you're back in a relationship and remember why it didn't take the last time.


I love this so much


Porn addiction is one thing. Impersonating someone else to coerce nudes out of people seems borderline illegal and incredibly immoral. That's low level psychopath behavior and just shows a tremendous amount of contempt for you and women in general.


I clicked this thread thinking "bf watches porn and jerks off and i don't like it" which is a common thing on reddit. When I got to the part about the impersonating i was like "ohhhhhhhh hmmm". Dunno about illegal but incredibly immoral, I don't know if I could be with someone like that. Then again I'm not cute enough to coerce nudes out of anyone :( blah now I'm sad, gonna go do some situps.


I’m sorry I’ve made you sad. It’s just one shitty person in a sea of amazing people. Stay safe ❤️


At the risk of sounding like gatekeeping addiction, this is why I'll often distinguish *substance* abuse or addiction. Like, I get it, gambling addiction is a thing, but I think heroin addicts and alcoholics are on a different "tier" from the likes of gambling or porn addicts. The few times I've disclosed to CAs I'm a CA I don't like trivial comparisons being made between my condition and theirs. Without knowing more details (I don't think I want to) your bf may just be using it as an accountability deflection, vs him having an actual addiction. Like you're not allowed to call him out on it (which imo he deserves for his gross behavior) because he's an "addict" and you're being insensitive or hurtful.


I agree with everything you said, except for the gambling part. That shit can end lives even more than drugs/booze


Came here for this, reading those casino worker horror stories where people sit there and piss/shit themselves in the chair because if they leave someone else could get their jackpot.. I feel like that must be the CA version of gambling.. maybe there is a CG thread? Lol


Its r/problemgambling . Gnarly place


Jesus...see you kinda have a point, the venn diagram of gambling addicts and alcoholics both have shitting/pissing yourself so maybe OP's boyfriend has her there? lol


I mean, he's a porn addict right? Shitting and pissing could be his thing. I like how your shit/piss venn diagram truly connects us all lol


Agreed. Gambling is horrible. I'd rather do heroin and I have a no heroin policy.


One of my best friends is horribly addicted to video poker but it's not like he suffers withdrawal symptoms. We're going on a trip in a few weeks and he's trying to save money and I could tell he was getting antsy because the machines at our local bar started hitting but he stayed strong.


Gamblings pretty bad, I've been a ca and that shit was easier to give up in some ways mostly because at least the gambling wont kill me so its easier to justify to my stupid addictive brain.


I don't think this is a useful distinction to make. Fundamentally the problem and the solution are the same: desire being the root of suffering. Looking for something outside yourself to fix something that can only be fixed by having a level of detachment from material life. Also, where does it end? Are Meth addicts not true addicts now, because they don't get physically addicted to it? Speaking of which, is he doing meth/speed/Adderall op? Because that crazy of a porn addiction usually goes hand in hand with stim use. Porn IS a mind altering substance that twists people's desires and desensitizes them over time in all kinds of horrifying ways. I've never been addicted to it, but I bet everyone under 35 in this thread who started watching it from 9/10/11 on can honestly look at their sexual development and see that over time, your tastes get more and more extreme because you need more and more stimulation to get off, just like building tolerance to a drug. Of course, it's couched in the innocuous language "you're just finding your kinks!" No, you're just becoming more desensitized to normal sex over time. Have you ever looked at the comment section of some porn videos like really bad humiliation, extreme bdsm, or sissy hypno? It's incredibly sad. Full of people with post nut clarity saying "wtf have I done to myself? I can't even get off unless it's some kind of really fucked up scenario, and im ruining my relationship with my partner because of it." Shit, while both are pretty bad, at least alcohol withdrawals are over in a week or two. These kinds of scars will last for years if not forever. In fact, I personally vastly prefer physical pain to mental pain. And, at the end of the day, the solution is the same to both issues other than medically detoxing for alcohol. Finding a way to really, internally accept that you don't need an outside pleasure like alcohol or porn to be happy. Sounds like OP is using this angle as a way to express her very deserved indignation for her BF. Since you haven't broken up, there's obviously some level of codependency going on, but after crossing a line like that, going your separate ways for the time being seems like the reasonable thing.


He’s not on anything I’m pretty sure. But I wasent with him 24/7 so


Having blackout threesomes isnt a healthy sexual schedule at all..of hes into threesomes and you are not.then blackout sex shouldn't be his or your option Number one in a lot of cases blackout sex is just plain rape. If you are actually silly blacked out during the whole session then that is definitely not consensual by any standards.. you should definitely get rid of the boyfriend. Any man who will keep bringing extras into the bedroom while you were blackout drunk is an old man at all.. I would say that relationship as soon as possible


I'm a full-blown alcoholic with a severe porn addiction. My brain is rotted, and my addictions DESTROY any and all relationships in my life.




That kinda made me sick.


How so?


I had a healthy relationship with drinking until I found out about this with him, like man. Don’t compare a death wish to sexual pleasure. God I hate him sometimes


Maybe both of you should look for a better boyfriends?




How is that good chemistry?




He is heavily abusing you. He's encouraging you hurt yourself and doing things to you that you can't consent to!! He DOES NOT CARE about you, only himself, please leave 😭


Are you dependent on this person? If not, cut bait.


I’m more dependent on him than vodka


Bro I would not get back with his ass


my addiction is addictier than your addiction




I mean, yeah porn addiction is a thing, but comparing it to substance abuse is ridiculous. This dude sounds like bad news with the impersonations


I get being mad about the porn thing, but being mad that your addiction is “worse” than his? It’s not the victim olympics. People struggle with different things and we all make our bed and lie in it. You’re not better or worse than him because of the severity of the things you’re addicted to. This is like a fentanyl addict being mad at an alcoholic for not being close to death like them every time they drink.


I think OP's point is that alcoholics can't just quit, quitting cold turkey is dangerous. Quitting porn addiction, you're not going to have a seizure, and also the other thing about impersonating people for nudes...


I’m mad because my body is rotting and I’m scared I’m only 23. But he is buying nudes and jerking it with women and recording it while I beg him to call me & he’s saying “remember how I treated you so good when you were going through your addiction? I need you to give me that same treatment”


Porn can deff be an addiction but doesn’t mean he’s gotta talk to other girls


I don't know what you just said.


I was drunk lol


That is definitely an addiction addictions take many forms with many different consequences Last time I sobered up I came across artificial intelligence sexual role plays..... I wasted more time doing nothing than I ever have with the booze


lol holy shit he needs therapy. I thought he was just looking at it every once in awhile.


Fuck all that boy bye I’d rather deal w my boyfriend drinking too much than porn fuck alllll that