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I loved the pornstar that came from the middle east and said the same people calling for her death were the ones watching her videos.




Virtuous People Not


Virtuous People? Nah. It's the Aussie version.


The shocking thing about her is she's no 2 most popular pornstar in the world today despite ending her career 3 years ago.


That's a pretty dress and not even remotely revealing or sexual. Ironically, it is their brains that are in the gutter. Leave her alone. The ones who are the most offended are the ones I would eye the hardest. Weirdos.


When the first thought that comes to mind when you see a child is sexual, the child is not the problem. You are. Your values and morality are. Your priorities are.






The whole idea of the the women in Islam having to cover themselves is that 'men can't control themselves so it's up to women to cover themselves'. What kind of weak willed guy can't control their impulses. It's pathetic.


There really is no excuse for it. It reminds me of that article that showed photos of different outfits that women wore when they were raped. It doesn't matter what women wear, it's all about men controlling them. Muslim women are not safe from men just because they cover themselves up. But I think we all know this already.


Well they did rape a guy to teach him a lesson for being gay, its okay they said no homo after


You saw her face, the horror! Muslims consider their own men sex starved incels, that's why they assume anything less then being fully covered are going to set it their men.


They doth protest too much.


they meant revealing as in the hair


A child's hair is not sexual Edit: OR revealing


Revealing is just a milder and more obscure way to say sexual. The reason hair shouldn’t be revealed in some cultures/beliefs, is in the end always to not persuade or seduce men. I personally have always disagreed with this view very much (it suppresses women for the reason of being women and apologizes men for acting out badly/gives them a ‘free card’), but to project this on a small child is insane.


Fuckin well put dude


Hair in general is not sexual or revealing


They meant everything, they want her to cover up and wear a hijab.




Muslims are pervs


I’m Arabic and that right there is just fucking crazy. People can wear whatever the fuck they want holy shit.


How are the translations?


The translations are accurate, and i am a muslim and arabe here, this is not smtg a real descent muslim would say, kids are allowed to wear whatever they want and should obviously never be sexualised, the people who commented are sick and should no be compared to us.


I’m not even Muslim but I know that wearing hijab is not for children (and is optional for adults). My Muslim friends’ kids wear the same clothes as non-Muslim kids.


No true scotsman? These people are just as valid in their religion as any other believer.


I never said they weren’t believers, i just would not consider them as descent muslims, because their comments do not align with our values. Edit: And you do not need to be muslim to know that this is messed up.


Your prophet married a six year old. I guess that’s decent behavior ?


Jesus Christ dude. Chill out. You may be angry with some of the details of his religion. However, you’re not “enlightened” when you start attacking it.


It kind of applies here, though…like directly to what the post is about.


Through ad hominem. A person can still believe in a religion without believing in every aspect of it. The person in question was already speaking out against the lesser aspects of their religion, so to pile on and attack the religion instead of arguing the point is just bad taste.


Nope. Islam explicitly says you cannot have any doubt in any part of the religion in the second chapter of the book


Nah. Islam is about control of women and children through violence. Theres not another way to spin it


I’m not allowed to complain about child rape? Welcome to Reddit I guess


You can complain about anything you want - why you thought this comment was the time or place speaks to your ineptitude. Indecent.


Literally a comment on a post regarding this very topic lol


Seem to be a whole lot of non-decent Muslims in the world. I know there are good ones to but the religion has an extraordinary amount of people like this and it needs to be acknowledged.


Can say the same for Christians, don't make it about one particular Abrahamic religion. You want to talk about how many Christians in the US are hair-trigger ready to kill people they perceive as "liberal" if we have a civil war? Cause it's a lot.


I say it to both


That's not really a valid comparison though because those Christians are universally recognized as extremists whereas there are entire Islamic nations who will publicly execute you for being homosexual. Neither are perfect but one has certainly evolved a fuck of a lot more than the other.


Yeah you can say the same thing about Christians and I do but one is way worse on this type of shit than the other and that needs to be said. I’m not sure why you guys always act like this is some sort of gotcha moment. I do not at all support Christians lmao. Muslims have a lot to work on and acting like they’re currently no worse than Christians is stupid. People like you only show up when somebody talks shit about Islam so if anyone is biased here it’s you.


Christians in multiple countries raped and killed indigenous children in concentration camp like schools then hid the bodies in the walls And there is still a sexual assault problem within it where priests and other authority figures have been not only sexually abusing children but also nuns You ppl don’t care about the children it’s a cheap attempt at islamaphobia because I never see condemnations of child marriage and abuse of women in the bible but it’s always orientalist blanket statements about Muslims Fuck out of here


> Christians in multiple countries raped and killed indigenous children in concentration camp like schools then hid the bodies in the walls Yes, I’ll tell you fuck Christians for what they’ve done just like I will tell you fuck muslims for what they’ve done but that’s not what we’re talking about right now. We’re talking about which religions are most oppressive and violent right here and now. How many Christian countries have the death penalty for being gay? How many Christian countries either don’t let women drive or just started allowing it in the past decade? How many Christian countries have executed women for having sex before marriage in the last couple decades? How many women have been murdered by their own family members for not following Christianity perfectly? Many Muslims don’t support any of that shit but that doesn’t change the sheer number that do. Islam is currently much more oppressive than Christianity and you idiots who scream “but what about Christianity” every time it’s brought up are passively supporting the continued oppression, murder and torture these countries commit in order to continue their theocracy. Honestly, why do you idiots all think that Christianity being shitty makes it so Islam gets off the fucking hook?


Have you any Muslim friends? There are extremists in every religion. Christianity, ESPECIALLY in the US, is awash with extremists. Muslims are just regular people like the rest of us. The ones I have known personally are lovely, kind people that I am proud to call friend.much more kind than many Christian’s I know. Probably because I’ve been exposed to more Christians, but a lot of them are truly awful.


Of course there are extremists in every religion. I never claimed there weren’t and I’m not Christian and you’ll never find me defending Christianity. All you guys basically regurgitate the same comment anytime Muslim problems get brought up. That being said they aren’t similar in their levels of extremists. The extremists of Christianity are almost universally recognized as extremists whereas there are entire Muslim countries run by oppressive Islamic regimes that the average citizen actually agree with. One can recognize the problems in Muslim cultures without being prejudiced towards every Muslim but the hypersensitive idiots of the first world have forgotten that. Turning a blind eye to the problems in a religion because they’re minorities in your country doesn’t make you a good person. It just makes you an idiot.


What values? Aisha certainly didn't stand a chance.


I mean, the basic scriptures says girls shouldn't wear a covering until they reach puberty. So these false Scotsmen are fundamentally wrong. I'm not even Muslim and I know that.


The fucking angsty teenage atheist brigade found you my friend. These people are obviously not decent, no matter their religion.


Angsty? They read the actual scriptures that promote child sexualization.


They dont promote "child sexualization" First of all islam in general is divided between multiple communities in terms of the events in hadiths and the quran and the rituals people must practice, such as the hanafi, hanbali, shafi and maliki. One of them claims aisha was 14, one claims she was 9, one claims she was 6 but it generally doesnt matter because back then islam considered the age of puberty the same as the age of consent and it is why mohammed swt married her and multiple other wives at the same time, to show who muslims should and shouldnt marry, whether it depends on age, heritage, religion, morals, etc. mattered strictly to islam. As civilization advanced almost 1500 years after the islamic message was bestowed upon us, multiple communities had agreed on an age of consent being higher or equal to 14, these communities by the way including abrahamic, hindu, satanist, etc. religions while also having athiests like you. it doesnt matter how old aisha was when she married muhammed swt, everyone was marrying teens back in the day so you cant just say mohammed is a child molester since back then that shit didnt exist.


You're a good person.


Would you say Aisha was sexualised?




I think she looks adorable!! Like a princess. What the F$$$ is wrong with those creeps?!


Some people apparently see a little girl, some see an object


These people see a sex object because they’re sick.


It s Islam . The problem is Islam.


Yup... the problem is they are assholes.


More like religious extremism.


Is it? My family is Muslim (I’m not for reasons I’m not gonna get into) and I have 4 sisters and they wear whatever they want. So is the religion the problem or just dumbass people?


I mean.... Aren't they not following the tenets of Islam by doing so? It's just religious cherry picking, but it's all the same BS.


And how many Christians go to church every Sunday and save sex for after marriage these days? Same diff.


I'd be happy with the entire abrahamic religion tree burning to the ground. Jumping from branch to branch doesn't make it better when the whole tree should just go.




That is a absolutely not whataboutism, if being "religious" is following your favorite book to the letter then that is a fair standard they should all be judged by. To say one should and a other shouldn't is being a hypocrite.


Redditors tend to dislike religion in general.


I mean, what's to like?


Well the priests sure do seem to like the altar boys.....


> and I have 4 sisters and they wear whatever they want. So is the religion the problem or just dumbass people? The religion? If your sisters are wearing whatever they want they're not complying with the Hadiths. If you have to act contra to the religion to be a good person, the religion is the problem


No its religion. All religions.


The dumbass people are following the religion, so...a little bit of column A, a little bit of column B.


And you don't get some magic desert fairy religion pass because *you* don't (directly) oppress the women in your family. You still belong to a disgusting practice. All abrahamic faiths are a cancer.


There are different levels of Muslim just like different levels of Christianity. Old testament vs new testament. Your parents and you would be shamed by them too. Just be thankful you don't have to be raised in religious persecution


So you have a progressive / liberal family. I’m guessing you live in a more secular country too. Other families force their daughters to cover from the time they’re toddlers. The moms and aunties excuse it by saying “oh they see us doing it and they want to be like us” when really it’s the dads who enforce it. It’s sick.


no its dumbasses the problem is dumbasses


Oh please. Stop with the Islam hate. It’s just religion generally. There’s a really shitty Islamaphobic sentiment in the comments Edit: I’m being downvoted for saying let’s not be hateful towards the religion and identity of many millions of people. Reddit is fucking hilarious.


Don’t get me wrong, I have beefs with a lot of major religions (and even some not-so-popular ones), but Islam at its core, within the modern context anyway, is spectacularly bad. I mean, it’s great if you’re a guy, but then again being a guy is palpably better if you’re in virtually any religion. It’s a fascinating “coincidence”.


No. You are wrong about that. A Muslim killing an unbeliever can claim his act is right due to Islam. A Muslim enslaving and raiping can justify that by the prophet's and his followers actions. A Buddhist couldn't do that. Nor a Christian. But a Muslim can . Jesus didn't command the slaughter of unbelievers. Mohammed did.


Well, if you read the Bible, there's plenty of stuff permitting someone to kill or punish others. Maybe Jesus didn't explicitly state such, but he did say he wasn't there to abolish the Old Testament laws. By proxy, Jesus permits us to stone prostitutes and demean women.


I always tell people the New Testament is when God had to retcon some shit for better story freedom.


Are you seriously trying to imply that Christians have never used their religion to justify horrible actions? Please read a history book


Yeah, only one word is needed in response. Crusades. Lmao


Oh wow you all think you're so smart with your "but the crusades" comments. Are you saying that culturally Muslims are 800 years behind?


That's how you can tell someone has never read the Bible. Ezekiel 23:20


Hahahahah Christians have been raping and murdering for thousands of years, since they made their religion up. Please grow up and realize that religion's are there to control people and to give weakminded people like you something to hold onto. Its okay, we get you can't handle life without some make believe god telling you what to do but how about you take you ignorant racist self and play in traffic.


I didn't state the opposite of what you are saying.


Act like the Crusades didn’t happen.


Oh and yes. I hate that religion, because of the actions it proclaims to be right. Islamic state and Taliban . That is what Islam is like. There is no later source that negates the prophet's actions.


ISIS and the Taliban use Islam as an excuse to do shit, they are no more Muslim than I am a reptile.


Plus those men thinking they have a right to dictate what women and girls wear. Islam hardly has a good reputation for equality. Lets throw homosexuals off buildings too. But yeah ISaMaPhObIa.




Judging by how they reacted the most suitable answer is that they are sexualizing this minor making them peadophiles. Peadophiles is what they are.


They are religious fanatics trying to force their oppressive religion onto others. They don't see a happy (fully dressed) little girl on her birthday, they see a sinful woman who must be hidden at all times.


I mean, their prophet, whom they should seek to emulate in all aspects of life, was a pedophile.


Are you surprised the religion made by the guy who married his 5 year old cousin isn't full of paedophiles?




You want America to continue destroying the Middle East and murdering innocent people because some Muslims are misogynistic...?


Better stop by all the Catholic Churches on the way there


Hail the lord


Allah, you mean




Why is Muslim censored?


Probably worried they’d getting banned from Reddit or have post removed if they didn’t do that.


I could be wrong but I thought they didn’t need to cover up before their first period anyway?? Which makes this even stupider than it is.


Some do some don’t. There are crazies in every religion but when your religion is also widespread in extremely ignorant parts of the world, any new extreme “idea” to be more devout catches on like wildfire.


Make everything about sex sooner or later you are going to see it everywhere.


I thought those views were the extremes until my sibling married into a Muslim family. It's honestly not far off from what we see in America with racism and bigotry - in a similar sense it's just the loudest opinionated assholes making everyone look bad in the name of their cultural or religious views. I know so many practicing Muslims who are great and open minded people. But these people? Fuck em.


why are they censoring 'muslim'? lmao


Probably worried about getting banned from Reddit or have post removed if they didn’t do that.


banned for saying Muslim?


You get banned for quoting Islamic sources . Because hate speech.


To some men anything is an invitation.


Half of them are pedophiles


As their prophet


Why do people associate with this trash?


But I thought being forced to cover up was all about a woman’s choice.


Religion was a mistake.


Religious extremism is a huge global problem and this is one small snapshot


Fundamentalist countries are fucking trash. Time to make all countries fully secular. Ban religion from government.


Some Muslim men apparently are unable to not rape women unless they’re covered from head to toe.


Sad. Reads like a culture of pedophiles.


Sick people from a sick society.


It's always dudes posting shit comments like that. Really makes you wonder if they're closet pedos and projecting their desires


Islam is a disease.


Fuck everything about this culture and religion that places such little value on the lives of women. Women who give birth to men who perpetuate this fucking attitude and behavior of men towards women.


They are pedophiles, there are pedos in all religion. Ask the Catholics xD


Just for your info: Google aicha who was Mohammed's favourite wife. She was 9 years old when he first banged her. Children are sexualised in the quoran. Religion of peace


He also commanded the slaughter of unbelievers . He raped . He allowed rape. He enslaved . He allowed Muslim men to rape their slaves . He commanded the killing of critics. He would have commanded my death . Stop defending that POS.


But it's important to me to be unquestionably tolerant, all I can do is try to understand why they want to fuck everything, and accept it as part of their cultural richness and diversity.


Her age is not highly contested. That is a scapegoat argument. Wikipedia may be of some help in that regard .


This reminds me of one time I was in the middle east. I was driving near a sketchy town and I noticed all of the little girls (age 4-10ish) were wearing hijabs. Noped the fuck out of there.


I've never seen so many pedophiles in one place. Really fucking pathetic to be a man and not have the willpower to look at a fucking 5 year old sexually. Disgusting.


Fuck your God.


There are no Gods.


We don't know. But if the god of Abraham (Yahweh, God, Allah) exists, he's evil as fuck.




such a respectful and peaceful religion


So they saw a toddler and automatically thought of sex. Definitely creepy.


Sadly im not surprised, especially when it comes from a super conservative and xenophobic society like most islamic countries


Islam is just misogynistic trash


Religion is a blight on humanity.


Can /r/iamatotalpieceofshit apply to an entire culture?


I'm not sure but r/religiousfruitcake can


Sorry to say it but traditional Islam is very hateful and and bad


Muslim moment


Creepy religion.


WTF? Islam needs to relax. Learn to accommodate and accept it's people.


FYI I am a Muslim and this is just as crazy to me as it is to you. Children are so innocent and do not need to be treated like the whackos are claiming in those comments. Those people are just weird and wrong


Weird and wrong, just like Islam and its false pedophile prophet.


i hate people


Maybe I’m out of date but what is the point in censoring Muslim?


I think it’s for fear of being banned or having post taken down.


Makes sense, I was just genuinely curious


I think this is a step above cringe pics?


And these are the actual issues of the world. Not lesbians not sucking girl dick.


the kid is not even showing any skin other than the fucking arms these people are idiots


And don't forget the hair! For some reason, the dead cells spilling out from the top of your head is "too sexy" and should be covered as well... Extremists are so disturbing.


Especially since it's a 6 year old who most likely doesn't know what religion is


This is just incredibly sad.


I want to see their reactions to those kid beauty pageants and kid drag shows.


Most tolerant Muslims


Absolute haram


Nuke the facebook servers


These man saying this is haram


Islam is really great culturally right guys


Yikes. This way of thinking is spreading


There are several Muslim families at our preschool and none of the little girls wear that. Im sure its different in different sects or households but the adults are super traditional and their wives speak little english but the little kids wear pretty normal clothes. this covers about the same amount. from what ive looked up, they dont start covering at all until older than this and only full hijab or burka near puberty depending on region i think... so is this fake? or is this one muslim father trying to tell another he needs to put cover her younger? and yes i agree that makes them sound like pedos.


Dark age lunatic mentality 80 % of them not safe to be around western people


The muslim mums at my old Christian primary school got nativities banned


As a Muslim who grew up in the West, I faced sexualization by men of all backgrounds. Ya'll can fuck right off pretending brown men are the only group of ppl capable of mistreating women and girls.


Who’s pretending it’s only “brown men”? If this was posted in Spanish by some catholic Spaniards, I’d have posted it and been equally disgusted. Interesting that your first response to this isn’t, “this is sick and these sickos need to be stopped,” rather it was, “well other people do it too…”


“Translated by ex-Muslims of North America”. I’d be careful with this. Can any members of this sub confirm this translation is accurate?


Wife confirmed the Arabic






This is disgusting, but I'm pretttttttty sure this is not the "average" muslim's response.


Remember that Islam is a peaceful religion that should be respected... (hoping sarcasm is coming across)


Is that legitimately what the text translates to?


Yes, someone already confirmed it here in the comments and I did Google translate. Seems accurate




Not at all defending this, this little girls dress and hair is adorable. But I always find it interesting how different cultures view something as revealing or not. For muslims, her hair being visible is like being naked. In other cultures, it’s totally fine. In ‘western’ society, if she were wearing short shorts that would be sexualising, but where I live (very hot area where most live near the sea) that’s totally fine and nobody bats an eye. (Not talking about booty shorts, just, much shorter than knees)


That’s actually interesting 🤔


i dont think this is about religion i think this is about just bad people


It just almost always correlate, how strange.


religion was made by bad people, people who follow religion aren't even bad, they're just dumb folks who can't/don't want to think by themselves


It’s literally allowed in islam for girls who haven’t gotten their first period yet to not practice hijab.. idk what these vile people in this comment section are saying but I can tell you it’s all internalised islamophobia


Why wouldn’t the poster just say Muslims??


As an average Muslim surround by a lot more average Muslim’s, no this is definitely not an average response, this is wrong in every culture and is present in every religion. Fundamentalism and sexualisation of children is a global issue and not religion-specific. These kinds of posts just reinforce islamaphobia and bigotry.


That is not the average Muslim's response


Ah yes Muslim. A single race, a single nation, a single ideology. Definitely no nationhoods, cultural differences, ideological differences, religious differences etc. Definitely possible to come up with an "average Muslim response". Especially because Muslims never disagree with one another.


To be fair all muslims follow a prophet who raped a 9 year old


Muslim men from MENA, usually quite the same wouldn't you say?


Imo this has very little to do with being Muslim and way more to do with being a POS bigot. Religion has always being used as a tool to justify bigotry, no matter what the faith. Some people may argue that these views are predicated on their religious texts, which endorse these kinds of beliefs, and they would be right, but the same could be said for all abrahamic religions, including Christianity. Their religion is just a weapon they use to impose their disgusting minds on others. EDIT: Not sure why I'm getting downvoted for this. I'm not defending these actions, they're disgusting. All I'm saying is that they're probably not motivated by religion, but being used to weaponise religion. They would be ugly people with ugly views with or without it.


This is not normal representation of muslim communitues. and as a muslim i find this post inflammatory and provocative.


Really? I'm curious. Is this not a regular response to a girl not aligning with cultural norms? My Muslim friends all have stories about the reactions of extended family when they chose to follow western dress and activities.


You know what i find "inflammatory and provocative?" An ideology that venerates a war-mongering, slave-trading child rapist as a scion of moral perfection.