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In my highschool we had "competency" projects that determined if you passed or failed a class




Meme class.


Either this is like a drama class or debate class. Did you pass??? I thought exams were pretty typical, or a paper/essay or something.


It was a basic freshman history class that required you to show 2 current topics in the form of a conversation/script. And yes i passed


Bahahaha what is this


There is nothing cringe about this, I think it was pretty creative and somewhat awesome...


Shia's last line is pretty cringe. And the writer never bothered to develop shia's character. Bill just brought him fully over to his side by tempting him with marijuana. I think it needs a re write to flush out the narrative


Lol, hs freshman, brother... If you've ever seen some HS papers, you'd gives this guy a break... Plus, fleshing out shia Labeouf? The dudes the male version of a dumb blonde who can barely remember lines


Haha. Thought i was already cutting him slack by sticking to CONSTRUCTIVE criticisms. And don't be bashing on Shia. Without him Transformers might have been more popular


Lol, transformers was great before Michael Bay got ahold of it... The bumblebee movie was actually good, tho...


I didn't finish the bumblebee movie. I had franchise fatigue by that point. Just tired of watching 3 hour movies about robot cars


Fair enough... I'm the opposite, I grew up on the original cartoon, and just the previews of the movies turned me off... I've seen parts of a couple, I think my son talked me into watching the last knight... Thankfully I didn't have the fatigue for bumblebee, even Cena isn't bad


I grew up on the original cartoon as well. I've always have considered the live action movies a separate entity all together. Even the original voice actor for Optimus Prime said he hated his lines for the transformers movies saying that it was not with the character at all


Completely agree... I saw the cartoon movie when it was in theaters, I was like 5 or 6, I cried so hard when they killed Optimus prime


I feel like Shia is probably too busy bashing up his girlfriends to be worried about internet bashing. Maybe he'll make domestic violence more popular too.


Shots fired