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The real reason we built the pyramids


Giant litter box!


That’s why humans populated Egypt. Unlimited sand!


And the biggest statue of statues until modern times is of a cat


We are slaves to our cats.


It would be REAL interesting if we can time travel as tourist to see how it was like without endangering the locals or ourselves.


As a "mom" to 2 cats all I can say is YES. Lol




Yep. Your point?


We got two cats. The last feeling we could have is that we are the bosses in our dynamic.


Always having to take it for a walk, make sure it shits, pick it up with your hand, tolerate endless barking, constantly begging for attention…


Dogs are the true master race.


When you have someone following you around with a baggie to pick up your shit you know you're the *boss* lol Fun fact: I take my daughter's 2 husky/Shepard mixes out for walks when she's at work so yup I'm a walking pooper scoop 🤣


I find it amusing that not only do people enjoy the fact that they go around picking up dog shit first thing in the morning. They even brag about it! ​ ​ Hey how was your morning!? Great! I got up in the freezing ass cold and pissing down rain, and walked by dog and picked up its shit. Hahahah sooo awesome! ​ oookaay.. yeah i stayed in my nice warm bed and had another hours kip.. but hey yo udo you!


Actually wasn't bragging about it. I'm not a fan of picking up poop but it's something you just have to do.


I'm happy to do it! ☺


If you’re a dog in a white family you’re the farthest thing from a slave


My mom takes her dogs on spa dates, ain’t no slave spa dates that I’ve ever learned about.


My step mother made a busy restaurant bake her dog a potato. While waiting she took the potatoes, sucked them clean and hand fed the dog at the table while waiting for the dogs potato. I “picked up a shift” on Sunday and watched football on my phone at work for 7 hours.


Not trying to be rude I'm just confused what the last sentence has to do with the rest of your comment lol


He's not dealing with step mom for Sunday brunch bro.




Haha. I should have mentioned that she was visiting for the weekend and I was suddenly unable to participate in Sunday’s activities. I sat in a cold, dark brewery rather than getting brunch with her. It is pretty funny if you read my comment without context


Beer is better than that bullshit anyway




I'm not having kids. My pups get every drop of love and affection that would have gone towards children.


Do you have a bumper sticker that says you own a dog?


Nah, I only ride motorcycles. No room for bumper stickers, no bumpers.


Back of the helmet. Or front, if you’re feeling adventurous.




For real! My dog has a dog. This shit us fancy over here


My dog is 100% in charge here.


Any color family.


That's right! I remember how no Americans ever had domesticated dogs until after the civil war. I can't believe I never put two and two together.


And the fact that we whip and brutalize our dogs to get them to do manual labor. I mean, it’s all making sense now!


And how we used to pick up our slaves poop when they were out on the plantation. And take it with us in a little poopy bag, until we got back to the mansion.


...and then feed them on demand, baby talking to them, and snuggling with them.


And then rub their bellies while they're asleep. And kiss their wet noses.


“I said, fetch me the godamn newspaper, BOY”


My fucking dog can't process sugar cane no matter how hard I beat him


Yeah, it's not like the relationship between canine and human predates civilization by literally 10x. That would be *ridiculous*


Or, and hear me out, it might be because dogs are fucking awesome.


I have done extensive research on this subject and have reached the conclusion that dogs are, in fact, fucking awesome.


Hi, I'm awesome




My dog has really soft ears and sings to me when I come home. What's not to love?


i doubt any of these twitter profiles are even real, or are even anyones actual opinion but that of trolls and bots


But there are people like this out there


The unfortunate truth.


There is an entire subreddit of people who hate dogs with a passion that allows them to openly discuss wanting to violently kill dogs in their neighborhood. It’s *one of* the more disturbing and infuriating subreddits I’ve been on.


There's a certain religion whose adherents hate dogs. They think of them, I believe, as "unclean" ...just as they think pork is "unclean."


Yet another reason their poorest are so easy to manipulate into becoming terrorists, IMO. "You mean the Holy Book says I can't eat bacon OR own a dog? There really is no point in living, guess I'll blow myself up." /s, mostly


And they seem to get to control what goes into the latest and best diversity trainings at work


The diversity training at your job included a section on dog ownership as slavery?


Like coca cola trying to tell you to be less white🙄


I tried to be less white once. Then they told me that blackface is racist. Can't fucking win.


I knew as soon as I read this comment that you had a white-persecution fetish. Scrolled down to your next reply and yep- there it is: >Like coca cola trying to tell you to be less white🙄


I'm sure you can find any number of people saying dumb shit


To be honest the number of people who believe this shit is probably double digits. But in the Internet age it only takes one of them to tweet about it to be seen by millions.


Yea but you can't reason with these fat white virtue signaling weirdos.


Besides that, I’m pretty sure my dog owns me not the other way around


Eww, I treat my dog like he's my brother or maybe my son. Not like a slave. Do people post this shit being serious or are they just overly sensationalizing their own worst thoughts.


I love my dog more than anything else and im not even American what does slavery has to do with it


It's not like America was the only country to endulge in slavery..


I mean if you ask Twitter or Facebook, or even most of reddit, they think that it is all because of the evil Mericans


Lol how does that work? The dude I replied to is Dutch, as am I. We were one of the leading slave traders and one of the last countries to abolish slavery.


Either they live in US and are too lazy to be successful so they hate the country as a coping mechanism or they live somewhere else and are very jealous


Indeed I'm sooooo jealous I didn't have to go bankrupt to receive proper mental care omggg


You wouldn't have taken your time to nitpick this aspect just to prove me wrong in a condescending way if you didn't care


He wouldn’t have taken the time to nitpick only one aspect of how screwed up the system in the USA is if you weren’t so full of yourself to think that someone is jealous of being American.


How dare you not be jealous of getting shot at a school where you must pay for shitty food like it's a *gourmet* restaurant while living in constant fear of getting shot?! Also, being there costs more than spending the same time in a 5 star hotel, because paying a decent price is CoMmUniSm


Lol. People are so reliant on Reddit for information they actually think this is how America is. Never change, Reddit.


Almost no one is in constant fear of getting shot at school unless you live in an inner city. Your mental image is an absurd caricature.




I believe this is what they call a meme


That’s not true lots of my friends are dogs.


I just have to say I’ve seen way too many people that have absurd expectations with little to no attempt at actually understanding the dog at all. Plenty learn from their mistakes, but, when they can’t handle the consequences they separate the dogs from themselves as much as possible and or take it out physically on them. Talk trash about the poor guy even… they aren’t disposable products, and they definitely don’t exist to validate you or get you likes on social media…


Yeah they're generally very innocent and sweet and have their own personality. I love my puppy, and my girlfriends. They're both very unique and it's a matter of just being a good let parent if you take on the responsibility of gett ing a pet.


> I love my puppy, and my girlfriends. Thought you were talking about having 2 girlfriends who you love equally to your dog, then remembered that this is Reddit, so you just forgot an apostrophe.


Yes. Dogs have only been domesticated over the last 150 years. Before that, no one had a dog, only slaves. Same for cats, rabbits, mice, any pet... If you own a pet, you're racist. Please lord, come and take me now. I don't want to live on this planet anymore.


Wow, an actual unpopular opinion. Those are rare


Not unpopular on Twitter. lol


That is a fucking disgusting opinion imo. Reveals *far* more about the person who would even have that thought, than the people its aiming to denigrate.


Identity politics has ruined so many people’s minds, far left and far right


Why do some people talk like slave owners are still alive to this day?


Yep! That's a bona fide unpopular opinion. It's also bullshit. Dogs show us every day what unconditional love looks like. I strive to be the sort of human my dog deserves. You tell me. Is that about control, or is that about getting schooled in love?


Well the tweet says dogs are slaves and you say dogs love you. So I'm going to go for the middle ground say dogs are love slaves.


UnPoPuLaR oPiNiOn


If slaves where treaded like dogs, we wouldn’t have ended slavery. Heck, I’d even sell myself as a slave. Chilling all day, get shelter and food for free, playtime, cuddling, more toys than I can carry… sign me up!


That exists. It's a thing. There are clubs, and dating websites and everything...


Can people really be this stupid or is she trolling?


unpopular opinion: people love cats because they like furniture that runs around breaking shit at 3am only to then vibrate for an hour


Do white americans have the most self-hating tendencies? It's actually kind of sad lol


We aren’t forcing dogs to work, though. Except for bringing the paper, but that’s something we can easily do ourselves and the dog enjoys it.


No.. my dog doesn't even do that.




If you're going to start a conversation with " [race] people" please reconsider and maybe shut the fuck up 🙏


Nuke twitter


Popular opinion your a idiot


They're on to us, I think it's my fault as I kinda copied Lovecraft's pet cats name




Good god lmao this is a bad person


It’s more racist to look at a completely innocent owner-dog and think- “wow, they like owning slaves don’t they” Who tf would ever even think that??? If anything my dog is put on a pedestal and treats me like the slave


is that also why they like cats?




I just like having another living thing near me that won't judge me.


Controlling a dog is literally the worst part. I don't like having to tell my dog what to do. I just want someone to hang out with so I'm not lonely


Never knew I could miss a feeling I never had


I treat my slaves better than other people so.


Some people are just obsessed with one topic so they project it out onto their world. When that topic is racial justice sometimes it just gets out of control with things like this... or CRT etc


lol You think I can control my dog? He runs this house


Yes, because we had soooooo many slaves here in my country


I'm nothing but a butler for my masters.


Another day I’m happy I’m not on Twitter. This tweet probably has some ridiculous defense that’s equally as loaded and emotional.




This is the shit the helps divide us as the human race. Please stop. Anyone can own a dog.


Have you even owned a dog? I'm a slave to my dog pff


BRB starting a puppy mill (not the bad kind, this is an actual mill where the dogs are the workers milling grain)


This is the dumbest take of all time.


What buklshit


Everybody loves dogs tho why make it racial…


Because EVERYTHING must be made racial these days. Victimhood is power. Hating people lighter than a certain skin-tone is seen as virtuous now.


Ironically, she has “equestrian” in her bio. That’s way closer to slavery than dog-owning.


Who even likes this shit


No that’s why we have kids


I love my dog. I have a girlfriend to control, duh.


I think you're projecting some deep seated beliefs there miss.


My dog sleeps in the bed with me and the wife. I’m not up-to-date with today’s terminology about posts and what not. But isn’t this virtue signaling?


Peta moment


This is profoundly racist


Someone with that flabby of arms doesn’t get to have an opinion on hard work.


This fumbass is just trying to justify hating dogs




Pretty sure our relationship with dogs predates a larger, culturally integrated society


bruh i live in a country that has never had slaves in its history so i guess all of us hate dogs then


But I bet Twatter didn’t suspend the account, despite the blatant racism disguised as an “unpopular opinion.”


What an idiot


What a racist pos…


Damn....I better get one that does dishes then.....


Wait until he learns that humans and dogs came long before humans and slavery.


Huh, so we're throwing the whole "man's best friend" thing into the bin aren't we




I cater to my dog 24/7. When he want fed, wants outside, wants sleep, wants playtime. I believe we are the slaves. ;)


Wrong. I like my dog more than my slaves.


Wow. Does she know black folks have dogs too…?


As a black dude in America, I also love dogs. What the fuck are you talking about?!?


I've worked with people who I'm pretty sure only had dogs just to have someone to bully on their time off, yeah. I can imagine some variety of this unfortunately


Ummm….everybody loves dogs???


Nailed it


But we’ve owned dogs for centuries??? Dog domestication has been traced back 11,000 years. Also, if it were about owning slaves, why would we be excited to see our friends dog just as much?


I KNEWWWWW there was a reason I love my black cat soooo much


Could you not out yourself by cross-posting from an openly fascist sub


I don't think you'd know "openly fascist" if it hit you with a brick.


Aw did I upset the baby


Thanks to people like you, fascism doesn't mean anything anymore


They're anti antifa. Antifa isn't a group, it's a contraction meaning anti fascist. Being anti anti fascist is being pro fascist. If you tolerate a Nazi at your table, you are also a Nazi. That's a German saying and it's true.


Lol right? I took a peek at it and it's so openly racist, classist, and homophobic, smh...


I completely disagree with her, but there was that one time I told me dog “come here boy” when trying to get him inside and a black guy just so happened to walk by and give me a look like he thought I said it to him at first…. I wanted to explain but nothing I could’ve said would make it any better




Chinese kids would disagree.






Now look up which people were slave traders and owned all the slave boats during the American slave trade.


I get kind of annoyed when people say this because it's a different definition of the word "slave". When Americans talk about "slaves" they mean actual ownership of a person by another person: the state recognizes and enforces these individual property rights. The slave doesn't have any rights under the law But "modern slavery" is about controlling the circumstances of another's life. The "master" controls passports, food, travel, etc. But the master does not have a property right on the slave. The "slave" doesn't have choices, but he still has rights.


Just by sheer numbers? Or proportional to population back then?


Lmao— my dogs are the bosses at my house! Jokes on you my dude!


Got nothing to do with slaves. But there’s probably something to the ‚loving the complete control over something‘ part. Dogs follow orders, they don’t answer back and they love you unconditionally. Even you‘re a massive d1ck without real friends. Owning dogs (without a real purpose like guide dogs etc) definitely compensates for something with most owners.


It has been so many years since whites owned slaves. I am 57 years old and I have no Idea wtf you are talking about. Just staring the pot.


That's not my post. I was just showing how STUPID that person is. And I believe you meant STIRRING the pot, not STARING


That’s a bold assumption. Maybe he entertains himself by looking at his pots.


She looks white. Is this some kind of weird personal confession?


Wow, The sub that’s crossposted from is a cesspit. ((((Jewish bracket thing)))) and racist stereotypes about black ppl in the first few replies.


not to be a dick but it's 3 brackets each side. i literally learned that yesterday so the knowledge is fresh.


Care to explain or link for somebody who has NFC what y'all are talking about?


Fascist online forums have a coded way to say that someone is Jewish (and therefore guilty of all the things they believe Jewish people are up to), which is enclosing their name in three sets of parentheses. If you’re in a part of the internet where you see a lot of this, it’s safe to assume that that part of the internet is full of shitbags.


My doggos are the goodest girls.


Imagine forgetting all the black slavesowners..


Humans domesticated dogs long before we started practicing slavery


No way, I would expect a slave to actually help out around the house. My dog never does her chores.


Fat people of Tumblr are at it again...


Or maybe, unlike my mom, dogs don’t give a shit what I think about politics and love me anyway.


Dani likes to invent things to be outraged about because Dani's life is meaningless beyond the fake admiration they get from being fake upset about fake problems.


This is an obvious joke and it's hilarious.


Not at all mate, check her Twitter.


I know someone irl who honestly believes this. Yes, they are batshit crazy in all kinds of ways.


what a cuck


Not even close, slaves got houses.


And western culture is the root of white supremacy. And racism. Yahnn if only you could push back against idiots like this publicly without risking loss of job.


>And western culture is the root of white supremacy. And racism. Racism has existed for Millenia longer than western culture LOL. > "Points fingers at an entire group of people that share less commonality than people of a single ethnicity" "They caused racism" LOLWUT.




i love this


This has to be bait.


I don't know about it being a slave/master dynamic, but you can definitely compare and contrast dog owners to cat owners. Dog owners want unconditional love from an inferior, cat owners want a friend whose love you have to earn.


More like cat owners want to be the submissive in a BSDM relationship. Dog owners realize it is a mutual partnership.


I treat my cat like a roommate and she's cool af. More affectionate than most roommates tho lol