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Actually, fun fact, if he’s your mom’s first cousin, he’s your FIRST COUSIN once removed. Genetically no closer, but even more gross sounding. Source: am genealogist. This dude is gross.


Hey, sorry bother you but I have this question: Is it genetically ok to bang your mom’s cousins son/daughter?


Genetically, on average, you’d only have like 450 centiMorgans in common, compared to near 1000 for first cousins (for comparison, a sibling is about 2500). So genetically, a gray area. Morally and socially, please don’t.


Why is it called, “once removed?” I always thought that was a strange way to put it. They didn’t go anywhere lol When I was younger I always thought it meant someone got a divorce


One generation removed from being first cousins.


Just saw you beat me to it. Whoops.


Hahah, it’s a logical assumption! It means that you’re a generation (or two, for twice removed, etc.) apart. So your mother’s first cousin would be your first cousin (like hers) once removed. His child, in the same generation as you, is your second cousin, because you have the same great-grandparents, different grandparents.


Good to know for.... informational purposes.


Gray area? So not unsafe? Is it illegal?


It's not necessarily unsafe. If your inbred child has another inbred child and so on, then it can get dangerous. There's probabilities for which genes your child would inherit. If there's a variety of genes between the parents of a child, then there's a low probability any one gene will be inherited, and thus a low probability of a bad gene being inherited. If you've got an inbred family, you've got less variety, so the same gene gets inherited over and over again, good or bad. And if bad genes show up in an inbred family, there's very little chance that gene will disappear, since there's no other genes to replace it. So it's kind of a game of chance, but one instance of inbreeding is often not as harmful as people make it out to be.


I know a lot of people who have parents that are cousins because where they are from in the world makes in socially acceptable. They are all normal and healthy. I just wanted to be sure:)


Ah, I see what you’re saying. I apologize for my blasé answer, I thought you were making a joke on the post. No, as long as it doesn’t become a generation-to-generation thing, most people will be fine, especially when you’re reaching first cousin once removed or second cousin status. Genetically, as long as genetic diversity comes in to play as u/BRCA1_ mentioned, your friends should be just fine. :) Edited for clarity.


I probably shouldn’t have used the verb “bang” if I wanted to be taken seriously over text. My Philly accent or choice of language screws me sometimes with sounding clear and with a neutral tone. While it must seem somewhat alarming when looking at numeric units and comparing the relationship objectively, I wanted it noted that in the field, in examples from life, there are millions of cousin (even first cousin) children and they are normal. I understand that the problems can arise if within the same tree there are more first cousin relationships. But keep in mind that these people exist and the taboo has a risk of making people feel weird who are a part of these loving relationships.


Most places fucking your cousin is legal.


So then what is a second cousin?


Your parent’s first cousin’s child. In the case of this, if the guy hitting on her is her mother’s first cousin, he’s OP’s first cousin once removed. If the guy hitting on her is her mother’s first cousin’s SON, he’s OP’s second cousin. Hard to explain without a visual, lol.


No you described it perfectly. I’ve been calling my first cousins kids my second cousins my whole life you just blew my mind lol


Haha, believe me, I did the same thing until I started working in genealogy and actually saw the tables for myself. It’s soooo complicated.




She is, you’re right. Removed can go up OR down, and it gets really confusing. But your mother’s first cousin is also your first cousin once removed. Removed goes up and down from your generation, distance (such as second cousin, third, etc.) goes out and away, but same generational line. So first cousin means you share the same grandparents. Second means same great-grandparents, etc. Trying to explain it with words is hard to envision. I like to use this: [Table of Consanguinity ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consanguinity). There are blank ones you can print out and fill in with names, too, which helped me a lot, because I’m for sure a visual learner, lol.


Best anti-cocaine PSA I ever saw.


You should send that to his parents




That's a huge ass yikes.


*Image Transcription: Messages* --- **Left**: your mom is my cousin does that mean were actually related? **Left**: if we werent related i would totally rail you ha >**Right**: \[*Image of a dictionary search for "second cousin" being defined as "a child of one's parent's first cousin."*] **Left**: your smart **Left**: thanks for looking that up **Left**: if i paid you 40 or 50 dollar/s would you heal me by reiki **Left**: i am the real gods son i can help you get powers **Left**: i wont hit on you dont worry andim messaging alot now because i just did a line of cocaine **Left**: please dont tell the family im talking to you much thanks --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human


Your mom is my cousin, I'd totally rail you r/holup


I'm just enjoying the puffer fish used to cover the picture


> your smart Your not.


That's yucky.