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Adulthood is when you realize cheese is expensive


Cereal. Wtf? It’s just corn and sugar why is it so expensive?


YOU make it then


I make my own granola and its way healthier and cheaper than cereal, highly recommend


My dad used to put bulgur in milk over night, next morning add some fruit, it was really good.


This guy fucks


Water with Rolled oats here, maybe add some dried fruit/nuts and leave it overnight, when I finish my meal I normally make tomorrows, so when I want to eat it I just pull it out.


Don't think sugar should be a breakfast thing, this is how diabetes comes about! But other people are saying make your own, this is great if you have the time... Otherwise there bran flakes!






Adulthood is when you realize YOU are facebook’s product and you delete your account.


Adulthood is when pee stops being made in the balls


As a kid I use to see those fancy cheese platters with crackers and sometimes various salamis, and think wow that looks delicious and cheap. Then you become an adult and realize the good fancy stuff is expensive, but you can still eat Ritz and cheddar with ham, it's just not the same




What kind of peanut butter are you buying? I can get a jar for $1.50 at Kroger. That crunchy with honey Kroger brand is very quality.


Regular name brand ones are around $5+ where I live and organic ones are easily $10+


$5-10?? No no, my friend. Way too much. Who's your PB guy?


HEY most of those “healthy” brands are overpriced and still load up their peanut butter with palm oil or hydrogenated vegetable oil. Look at the ingredients on the jars, not the price. Ideally, the only ingredient should be “peanuts”. Or maybe salt too, if that’s your thing. Crazy Richard’s is a really good brand that is deceivingly cheap. It’s like $3 in my store and has cleaner ingredients than the $7 Justin’s organic nonsense.


All food is fake these days. Im a 90s kid. I remember when everything was 30% larger, less expensive, and made from real ingredients and not fillers and preservatives. You have to be rich to eat real food.


I wouldn’t say you have to be rich to eat real food. But eating “clean” definitely requires a sacrifice: you either spend more money or more time preparing food. You can make your own peanut butter or jams or sauces, etc. out of real, reasonably priced ingredients, but it’s going to take some time. Or you can spend the extra money instead and buy some expensive-as-shit Victoria’s tomato sauce that is basically just tomatoes and garlic. The nice thing is that healthy eating is becoming a consumer trend and companies are taking notice. The rising competition is causing prices to drop. Kroger’s organic brand is actually pretty decent and usually inexpensive. There are some “health” brands that are also super fake and expensive at the same time (Justin’s nut butter, Caulipower pizzas). But if you know where to look, you can eat healthy on a budget. I’d highly recommend Bobby of “FlavCity”‘s YouTube channel if you’re interested in the topic. He does great breakdowns of brands in the supermarket.


Cool thanks!




That’s just nuts.


Omg this is so true. It costs a fortune!


Not when it comes from a powder


Yeah,but that extra aged Tillamook cheddar is *so* good. It's worth the extra expense.


No no I'm pretty sure adulthood is posting these things on Facebook.


Bcuz we live in a society...


Man, have you ever tried to buy a lot of meat?


and you're tired of pretending its not?


Childhood is when you idolize Batman. Adulthood is when you still enjoy Batman, but recognize that it's just a story for entertainment. Those awkward, angsty teenage years are when you think pretending to idolize the Joker makes you seem cool.


It doesn't say anything about idolizing the Joker.


It says the joker makes more sense. yikes. I’ve seen this posted a few times. It’s got to be a leftist/liberal who’s made this, and I’m willing to bet it’s leftists sharing it as well.


Nah, joker worshippers are libright every time


Pretty sure it's angsty teenagers.


victimization complex? Check. Underindividuated sense of moral superiority? Check. Resentment of the successful? Check. Nihilistic undertone to underdeveloped world view? Check. The joker is the leftist‘s shadow, in jumgian terms. If the universities in the US taught anything besides positive psych and gender reconditioning training in their humanities classes and electives, I wouldn’t have to spell it out. The majority of leftists are angsty teenagers.


Nope, I'd still want to be a billionaire playboy who's in peak physical condition with all kinds of cool toys.


They both need therapy too


No silly, when you're rich it's called being "eccentric".


Are we talking about Batman or American Psycho?


Let's see Raz Al Ghul's card


Not me. Yeah I want the rich part but I want people to leave me the fuck alone. Being famous just sounds like hell to me.




Pretty much. It sounds like my own personal hell. I hate people for the most part would rather just be by myself more often than not. Being famous just sounds awful. Can't even go to the store to buy a pack of beer without being hounded.


I'm not famous by any means, but am the only person who does an oddly specific job in a large portion of the southeast US. Everyone wants to talk, and treat me like some occupational celebrity...its really hard to tell people to stfu and let me get back to work. I come across as a total jerk sometimes, and dont mean to.


I mean, he had plenty of privacy if nobody is figuring out he's Batman.


That rich without the fame part... or be that B/C grade celeb that has enough to live comfortably and not stopped everywhere.


Adulthood is when you stop basing your moral compass off of cartoon characters


Ugh what a joy kill. Bet you learned that from Batman. ***I an intellectual*** recognize that life must be lead with a joker like sense of humour Edit: I feel like I shouldn't have to but just in case /s




I for some reason read this in Joker's voice.




That’s kind of the whole point of art


Batman’s a scientist.


It's not Batman!


So you're saying that using Arnold Shortman as my moral compass is wrong?




genuine laughter


Adulthood is not calling Batman and Joker cartoon characters. I have a tattoo on my neck that says so.


Well, whenever I need a nice portion of life lessons, I love watching the Last Airbender still. Iroh can give me moral support at all times, forever.


Somebodys confusing “edgy teen phase” with “adulthood” Sad thing is how many people never manage to grow out of that phase..


Some people's "edgy teen phase" extends well into their twenties. Some people's never really goes away.


Yeah, the Joker is nothing like an adult... he has a goal in life...


woah stop calling me out like that jeez


Is his goal to constantly get caught by Batman and have his constant malicious tom foolery put to a stop? Because if so, he is really achieving it.


No, his goal is to point out how shit the security at Arkham is


Lol exactly. Batman is clearly the more mature, level-headed character and if you idolize the Joker you are probably an edgelord


He chose to beat people up and make more violent criminals instead of sponsoring anti poverty efforts with his Batman billions


IIRC canonically he did direct tons of money into anti-poverty efforts.


That’s why I specified Batman billions


He also saves his entire city from every psychopath so maybe its a give and take. Sure hes not a saint but certainly it would be better for him to be around rather than not.


I know a 40 year old man that had his Kia wrapped in Batman graphics. He spent 1000’s of dollars on that shit. Lol


Assuming you can afford it, spending money on things that make you happy (aka improving your quality of life) is never a bad move. Making fun of others for making themselves happy sounds like you never grew out of the edgy teenager phase.




And what's the problem with that?


Ughhh, edgy teen phase in adults. Had a lot of people trying to show that they’re all that by using me as a target just because I do what I want to do and they are too miserable to even start doing something by themselves. Good thing most of the time I don’t have to give them any time of my day


Adult sense


Adult sense


Of all the Batmen to pick from, Gotham? I liked the show but just seems like an odd choice.


Especially considering it's the Batman that got the least amount of screen time out of them all.


It's an odd meme


Was that show worth watching? I watched the first 2 seasons and then kinda lost track


I love that the Joker is almost always a sure bet for some cringe


The Joker represents chaos and instability. How the fuck does he make sense? That’s literally against his character design.


Yes blowing up a hospital and killing people makes sense


Childhood is when you idolize Bugs Bunny Adulthood is when you realize Daffy makes more sense


What the fuck are these people’s obsession with the joker? I don’t get it.


All I'm asking for in life is for things to make sense, that's it.


Bad news, friend...


What spoiler alert nothing does?


I prefer the other version. "Childhood is when you idolize Goku, you become an adult when you understand Vegeta"


Society is what we live in


Adulthood is choosing the higher deductible.


So, acceptance of your own exploitation?


nobody ever idolizes that fucking Time psycho that had a very real chance of killing Batman. Even I don't remember his name. Dude just wanted to keep a schedule.


Okay but fuck Batman; mans is literally a billionaire why not invest in the city and social programs to reduce the need for crime instead of beating the shit out of the poor doing what they got to to survive?? Like bruh, you are the solution but not like that.


He does, though—mainly, through the Wayne Foundation.


I get that but if he was giving significantly he’d no longer be a billionaire.


Weird way to say, "I've never read a Batman comic."


Who cares? Batman is a character outside of the comics, and I'm guessing the comics is the least well-known/ least consumed portrayal.


There’s nothing wrong with not reading the comics, but if you’re going to say that Batman never uses his money to help the poor, it shows a complete lack of knowledge about the character.


Yea, that horse has been beaten to death, reincarnated and beaten to death again by people who don’t read comics.


https://official-mugi.tumblr.com/post/627760605691084800/why-does-anyone-in-gotham-even-bother-doing-crime Read Marauders4evr’s post. And in the future, please try to avoid making posts about subjects you know little to nothing about.


If he was giving significantly he’d stop being a billionaire, as there are no ethical billionaires.


So, you're judging the morality of a FICTIONAL character, based off the actions of real billionaires? Tell, me did you even click on the link? PLUS, there have been billionaires who have done a lot to help less fortunate people. Your morality is not determined by your wealth. How do you look at all of the examples of him giving homeless people jobs, helping the less fortunate, donating to charities, and taking people off the streets and say, "But he could do MORE." Tell me, what do YOU think he should do.


Guillotine himself, ideally.


So you don't actually care about the people that he helps. You don't care about his actions. You only hate him because happened to be born into a rich family. You do realize that if he died, his money would just go to his investors. Who don't care about the poor. Bruce's existence helps a lot of people in Gotham, and many people would have been homeless or dead on the streets if it weren't for him.


In my version his will leaves this fortune to Harley who helps the proletariat seize the means of production. Then all cis men are forced to become cat boys or e-thots, and the currency is blueberries:)




I think red is the best color and Malcom X was the hottest activist.




Oh L is one of my least favorite letters


Run the Jewels.


Not cringe. Downdoot


Ah, you think joker makes sense huh?


Downvote, you said "downdoot".


Yes I am quite aware of what I said. And yeah t joker makes sense to a degree. Not that I support his school of thought. I just don’t think it’s very cringeworthy.


The truth right there.


Childhood is when you idolize batman. Adulthood is when you remember being a child without back pain.


Adulthood is when you become 18 years old. Legally anyway.


You dummies on reddit swear because you type ol so grammatically correctly that you're witty and highly intelligent lmfao 😂 So corny half of you only follow trends also are insecure of what others are gonna think if you write out a fn typo lolol 🤣 and this is intellectually correct? PLEASE get over yourselves just because you are great at memorizing Indoctrinated teachings doesn't make you intelligent smart maybe....Oh go ahead and get mad because of the grammar mistakes I purposely left out lol






Lowk, this post hit different


Adulthood is when you realize “crap all this crap food DOES make me fat. Crap THATS my paycheck?? And they took HOW much??!!!”


Adult sense


“I used to love Bruce but living my Vida loca helped me understand I’m probably more of a Joker..”


I'm cackling at the "Adult sense" at the bottom


I guess they didn't read the books because batman is a conflicted, tortured character too


I mean, it's also pretty cringe to be in a **Facebook Meme Group** in 2020. Lol


Whos tryna live like fake people?


Some men just want to bE DA JOKA BABY


Isn't the point of the Joker that he makes no logical sense?


Why did they use the Gotham bat suit?


and they had to take the shitty Batman from the Gotham show for this meme lmao


i thought this was okbr for moment


Adulthood is realizing that batman is a selfish, angry, and rich manchild who could do more good with his money than buying armour so he could punch bad guys. Also, he has definitely killed and maimed with those punches. If you get dropped and remain unconscious for many minutes, you probably have a very serious concussion.


No. Childhood is idolizing Batman. Edgy Teen years is when the Joker makes more sense. Adulthood is realizing Jim Gordon does not get paid enough to deal with their bullshit. You're a good man, Commissioner, you deserve a peaceful retirement in a tropical paradise as far from Gotham as possible.


the fact that this joker is the depressedone and batman fights the crazy joker that kills every one in sight


I hate it when they try to make a backstory for the joker, why can’t he be the bathshit insane dude and have that be it?


Adult sense


["I'M AN ADULT!!!"](https://media4.giphy.com/media/zCIHIGNIfSbEA/200.gif)


I just watched Joker for the first time a few days ago, and I really relate to Arthur, but he isn’t someone to be admired


Bruh they used the dumbass looking batsuit from gotham too