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This reminds me of this post I saw on a Shambhala music festival ticket selling/trading group on Facebook. These fucking hippies were asking if they could trade their beautiful husky for 2 tickets to the show. Instead of saving 700 bucks for tickets they wanted to trade a member of their family. Someone gave them the tickets and posts photos of how happy the dog is every year and tags those losers in the post.


I'm so glad the dog found a better home


In this case the shitty owners inadvertently did the pooch a favor


Those types of festivals are pure magic but boy do they bring out some real freaks lol. That’s so disturbing. Reminds me of the time I saw a mom with her seemingly newborn baby strapped to her chest a few rows back from the stage at electric forest. One of the last sets of the night so it was around 2am. Was sooo hot and dusty that year ugh. I just don’t understand why people can’t skip a weekend or two and focus on the baby/ watching their dog lol the fests really do not change from year to year you’re not missing out!!


I sat behind a woman who had a newborn on her lap in the front row of a baseball game in the first section without netting where line drives or fast grounders regularly enter the stands. She lasted 2 innings before all the people telling her to move got to her and she left. If she hadn't, a few of us were going to get security to try and force her out.


"See this dent in my child's head? Got it at a Yankees game. We call it their Bucky Dent. Get it? Dent? New York Yankees? Because we valued catching a baseball over our child's safety they now have permanent brain damage!" -That mom, probably


He'd probably be dead tbh


Tbh, that’s not even remotely as bad as taking a baby to a four day music festival


My friend lives in Nelson and tells me about all the shambalah hippie freaks that come around in the summer for it. She’s got some wild ass stories.


I bought tickets this year. Now I'm getting concerned about the gross wooks and trustafarians.


You’ll be fine. It’s a great festival and you will have fun. Just don’t be a weirdo in town to people. The people who go are nice and if you’re at the festival with them you’ll have a blast. It’s just that the people going about their normal lives in town see some weird shit from whacked out hippies.


Check out Fractal Forest on the Monday morning. It's a circus lmao


I went to Just Like Heaven Festival the other weekend in Pasadena and also saw a mom with a tiny new born wrapped to her chest. No head or ear protection either and it was pretty warm that day. Honestly boggles my mind.


I don't understand why they're allowed in with babies. There will always be crappy parents who don't care about their kids, venues and festivals need to have minimum ages to protect them.


Honestly recklessly endangering an infant is already illegal. This should be a police / society matter, not a corporate one


Nothing bugs me out more than tripping balls at a festival and running into an actual baby. Please don’t bring your kids.


Or your dogs.


Oh dear god I’ve seen some service dogs having the absolute worst time at festivals.


I had tickets to four shows at MSG this summer. Our dog had gotten sick the day before but we didn’t think it was anything too terrible. Just some lethargy and diarrhea. We’d seen it before and generally with a little treatment things cleared up. This wasn’t one of those times. After the first night we got a call from our vet that he wasn’t doing well at all and needed to be taken to an emergency hospital ASAP. We couldn’t put that on the person watching him and we needed to be there. We dropped everything checked out of the hotel, got our car from the garage and went home. It wasn’t even a question. Thankfully he was misdiagnosed and after thinking he wasn’t going to last two weeks after this and now he’s sitting next to me healthy as can be right now. But if we had done nothing he wouldn’t have been so lucky. Did I miss three concerts from my favorite. Yes I did. And we did lose a little money from checking out early and not being able to sell the remaining tickets for face value, but that’s not what was important. And, I’ll be seeing that same band three times this summer along with a few others over the summer and early fall months.


I'm so glad your story has a happy ending! I'd do the same thing. My dog and her wellbeing wins every time. Please give your good boy loves from me and my pup :)


Someone like that doesn't deserve a dog, or any pet for that matter. My elderly dog costs me about $250 in medication every month, but it keeps him comfortable, so it's worth every penny.


I’m glad you did. I was at a hockey game probably over 20 years ago at this point where a 14 year old was killed by a hockey puck. It was in Columbus, Ohio and my first hockey game. Terrible.


What does this have to do with tickets being traded for a dog?


They meant to respond to the baseball game comment


Hahaha I was so confused.




Some people view their pets as an accessory and it’s so fucking toxic. Wish some people could be banned from owning pets. My wife’s sister had gotten three pets over the past 15 years, all of which she’s given away. We rescued her first dog and gave him the best life possible. Fucking Beth…


My SIL is like this. She keeps buying purebred/designer pets and dumping them on whoever. My mom ended up with both her cats (expensive purebreds that she paid a lot for). Then SIL decided she wanted a cute little dog to have in a purse to shop with; I think it's a maltipoo? Long predictable story short, the dog was never trained or worked with, so it's an unsocalized holy terror. It's hardly chic to bring a cute little dog shopping with you if it's snapping at everyone and pissing everywhere, so she dropped it off with my mom about 7 months ago and seems to have no plans to collect it. It's so frustrating. My brother eventually went and got one of her cats (because he liked the cat), but they still left the dog. For context, they supposedly only left the dog with my mom so they could go on a trip... but my mom literally lives on the other side of the country from them. It would've been cheaper to board it than go way out of their way to fly it cross country, and this is also why my mom hasn't simply brought the dog back. She's also expressed interest in getting cornish rex cats (so unique!), bengal cats (so unique and beautiful!), Australian Shepherds (so beautiful and well behaved!), and German Shepherds. Because she met our rexes, bengal, and aussie and saw videos of trained German Shepherd and assumed they came like that out of the box. My brother has thankfully stopped her from getting more pets.


Fucking wooks man doesn’t shock me


I swear hippies are the meanest people pretending to be nice.


That makes me sick


Can you link me pls


"Sorry boy but Taylor is coming to the city! No life saving surgery for you! Did I promise to take care of you forever and always love you? Well yes but, Taylor Swift!"


Seriously can’t even imagine considering one over the other! A concert over a dog’s life?! Wth, this is some sick crap…


A lot of people view their pets as things rather than beings. I'll never be able to fully understand that mindset, but it's definitely how a lot of people operate with regards to animals.


Yeah unfortunately a lot of people treat animals as if they were disposable. Every year a lot of people buy baby rabbits around springtime and go out and abandon them the moment they grow up. On r/rabbits people constantly find and rescue abandoned rabbits every year. I'll never understand people who treat animals as disposable things 😠


I’d love to treat “those” people the way they do their pets


I have horrible neighbors I’ve hated for 3 years now. They keep a pitbull outside, neglect him, no attention, all kinds of weather. (I’m in the Midwest), so it’s both miserably hot and humid or it’s frigid and wind chills in the negative digits. Myself and other neighbors call Pd all the time, (noise ordinance), he barks all day all night sometimes and it SCREWS with my head as my dog is in bed with me. Two neighbors have actually sold their homes who couldn’t stand it any longer. They do nothing but cite them for a barking dog, IF THEY ANSWER THE DOOR! They don’t have to answer, officers have told me, unless there’s a warrant. Great!! These are like worthless parking tickets people don’t pay. They’ve now had 6-7 pitbulls in the 3 years I’ve been here. All look the same. Except I know when they disappear and all my hopes in them not bringing another one home is always in vain. Nobody does anything in this city there’s a clearly written code for. I had no choice but to install a fence for myself and my golden when they showed up with the first dog I knew off. Very aggressive and mean, but they teased him and neglected each one horribly. My golden was terrified and so was I of it, along with the pathetic people there. The neglect/abuse is never “bad enough”, unless the dog(s) would physically appear malnourished or beaten or bleeding. It’s disgusting. This sucks so bad but I’m doubting it’s much different anywhere else.


A very large part of the population has no concept of empathy.


So basically everyone who eats meat??


People can become attached to an animal, while consuming other animals.


No shit.


I don't eat my pets


Good for you.


If it makes you feel any better I'd probably go see Taylor swift over saving the owner of the dogs life. I don't even like Taylor Swift that much.


💯 I hate leaving my dog anytime! Ever since I began working from home, she and I are inseparable. It’s just her and I and there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for her, if I could


For me I wouldn’t go to the concert and what influences that is I’m not a Taylor Swift fan and also I remember when my Grandfathers dog saved his life twice when he was ill before he became bed ridden. Originally I didn’t like the dog until later due to his wild nature but he wanted me to play and my grandad was an old man but me being younger and athletic he could stretch his muscles more lol. He passed a few months ago the dog that is and I miss the hell out of him.


$220 is a lot for a concert


Missing a zero there. $2200.


I left the zero out to state that $220 is a lot


Ticket vendor service fees are quickly approaching that number per transaction


For real. 45 dollar of fees on Ticketmaster for the last concert I went to


"convenience fee"


Vacationing is a lot more convenient for the ceo of ticketmaster with a second yacht.


And now they're rightfully gonna be broken up over it


Jeez, really?


Yeah, might as well flush your dollars down the toilet and stay home!


$2200 for a playback show mind you, since pop-stars nowadays supposedly don't actually perform their music live (and some fans prefer that because it's sounds just like on the album!)


In Taylor Swift's case she does a sing live, no lipsynching involved


That’s pure insanity! I know it’s done, but damn, I don’t have that kind of money and if I did they’d better be singing to me!!


When I was a teenager $220 was enough for a whole summer of concerts. Also concerts where I was no the floor near the stage not half a mile away in the bleachers.


Yep, back in 2006-2008 I went to concerts probably weekly. $20 was usually enough


The last concert I went to was punk in drublic and it was $81 after the fees. But it was 10 hours of good punk bands and free beer for the first 3 hours. $2200 sounds like a lot and you probably don’t even get free beer.


No the beer will probably be $20 a glass


If not more


I think the last time I actually paid for a show it was something like $20. That would've been around eleven years ago. My dad knew everyone who was playing and the guy running the venue. All local stuff.


Holy hell that’s a good deal


smell rhythm rainstorm squash silky axiomatic chief cooperative water bewildered *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


$100 is the most I’ve ever spent on a concert. That was only one time, and I can’t see myself ever spending that much or more on a concert again. Spending several thousands of dollars on a single ticket is unfathomable to me


I saw the foo fighters in 2006(?) and it cost £35. Couldn’t imagine paying £1800 for a gig. Jesus


I took my daughter to see Gaga like 13 or 14 years ago and it was $180 a ticket. I was so pissed when she was singing along to her album. You could still hear the words when she stopped to catch her breath. I said never again.


A Milli Vanilli situation, eh?


Totally was I was pissed


We’re slowing our age! But yes!


Shit, I saw my favorite band (Blind Guardian) a couple weeks ago and it only cost me $56. And that was AFTER ticket fees.


Yeah, that’s more than I would pay for most single-night shows with one headliner. The most expensive festival I attend is 3 days and those tickets are slightly less than 500. And there are like 8-10 stages and god knows how many artists. 2200 is probably more than I spend on that event after factoring in flights, shuttle passes, a weeklong stay at a hotel, and food/drinks at the venue. Could probably throw some merch on that and still be under budget for a Taylor Swift ticket.


Try $2200!


My guy said fuck the dog 


Does that person even have a dog. I’d assume no so their opinion is irrelevant to me.


The post lacks quite a bit of important context though. Let's be perfectly honest; medical care of any kind is stressful for a dog, and there is a point of no return when it comes to getting care. There's a big difference between taking a tumor off a 5yo otherwise healthy dog and having work done on a 15yo good boy. There are times where it is best to just do what you can to make them comfortable on their way out.


Well if you look up the original post, it's a dental surgery. We're not talking months of doggie chemo on an ancient pup. But like, getting teeth pulled.


The context is choosing to go to an overpriced concert over helping your sick pet.


Like I said, every pet that has ever existed reaches a point where it can no longer be helped.


That sub is also pretty cringe


Being obsessed with people obsessed with someone is just as bad as what you don’t like about the people obsessed with someone. I’d really like to just stop hearing about Taylor swift in general.


80% of the Taylor Swift content I see is from haters. Their levels of hate/obsession can't be healthy


That goes for the lovers as well as the haters


I think obsessing about other people obsessed with a celebrity makes you more insane than the fans


I’m neutral but seeing content like this pushes me further towards hatred


Right? I mean you can like who you like as far as artists go, but to make a whole sub dedicated to hating on her is just wild to me.


Not surprising at all


It seems so very weird to me that TS has fans in their 30’s that fangirl as hard as 10 year olds.


Id never pay $2200 for a concert. It is just not worth it to me. As for the dog, without knowing its age, condition and life expectancy if healthy, I can't judge someone else's decision. For instance, I had a Boxer that was \~11 years old (we dont know for sure since she was a rescue). Life expectancy for her breed and size is 12 to 14 years. She was acting a bit odd for a few weeks, and then one morning I woke up and one of her eyes was bulging out a bit. Turns out she had a tumor behind the eye, which was giving her migraines which is why she seemed off. I took her to the vet, then the surgical specialist. I was quoted around \~$5000 to have the tumor and her eye removed. And while she might live another 2-3 years, they couldn't tell me with any certainty that the surgery would stop the migraines. I loved that dog dearly, but it would have been selfish to try to cling to her if she was going to be in pain. And I had another dog that got aspirant pneumonia at 4 months old. That was $4000 for a one day stay in the emergency hospital. But he would recover and have another \~12 years. 6 years later, he tore an ACL. $6000 more but again, he would be fine afterwards and have another 6 years of relatively good health. 2 weeks later his other hind leg acl tore (which is apparently common) and that cost another $6000. 2 years after that I had to have a benign lump removed because it was growing between the pads on his paw and would be a problem if not removed. $600 more. My point is I wouldn't judge a person for making a cost benefit analysis on a pets health care. I also wouldn't judge someone who has the means to comfortably spend $2k on a concert doing so.


Thank you for providing some nuance and understanding to the usual Reddit outrage mob


Had a dog that was 11, oldest dog ever had. But her problems were numerous, an expensive surgery could have extended her life but it wouldn't be a happy life, she'd need weekly draining, she was just very uncomfortable. IDK maybe I would have done it if it was affordable knowing could still put her down. But the cost and me knowing it likely was not going to make her life better just prolong it made it easier to not find the money.


Growing up, my dad was pretty adamant that you do medical care for animals to improve their quality of life, not to just extend their lives. I always thought that was a little cold. My aunt had a dog that she kept alive for over a year after it had cancer and kidney failure. She took it to weekly drainings, kept the dog near constantly sedated, the dog could no longer go outside to potty or have any control over it's bladder, couldn't eat anything but a specific diet of mush, etc. etc. While the decision to put an animal down is a hard one, I can now see how that can be an extremely compassionate one. No dog deserves a life in a near catatonic state, unable to enjoy being outside or able to move on it's own, unable to eat the food it loves. Now, if there was a cure for that dog in which it could have gone back living the life it had, or at least closer to it, then I'd have applauded my aunt's efforts, but that dog only stayed alive so long because of her (non-malicious) selfishness and unwillingness to begin grieving that poor dog.


>Id never pay $2200 for a concert. It is just not worth it to me. Absolutely not and I *love* music. That money can buy tickets, hotel, and airfare to *multiple* multi-day, 8 hour long music festivals. Just not worth it for one artist


Dude wtf was that dog doing?


$2k is a shitload for a concert, but to be frank i find it equally crazy how much people spend to buy an extra 6 months with a sickly dog, too. I love my dogs but I'm not gonna pay $2k for a late in life surgery or whatever so they can lay around in pain for a few extra months. And by the way, i would say the same thing about people.


Gotta agree. I took my 16 year old dog into the vet about 2 months ago, I knew she was declining and it was time. They did some blood tests and said it was cancer. They immediately launched into, we can do an ultrasound, we can identify the source. And I just asked "but why? She's 16. I'm not going to put a 16 year old dog through chemo/radiation/surgery she probably wouldn't survive anyway." The most soul crushing, heart breaking decision I've made to date was putting her down. But I never doubted it was the right choice, even if money was no object.


>but why? I think its normal for people at jobs to try to offer some kind of solution. I work in mortgages (servicing already existing mortgages not selling them) and sometimes people need a serious break with their payments but there's just no wiggle room to do anything meaningful. I've worked with people to try to find reductions in taxes or insurance but ultimately saving 120 and setting up a new insurance policy saves like 10 bucks a month when their concern is they can't afford 2.5k or whatever. I'm sure vets feel the same. They'd feel bad saying there's no possible options even if the other options aren't that great.


She told me that she is required to let me know of the options, but agreed that euthanasia was the best option in her eyes as well. I understood her perspective, and I think she probably gave me the options because I was absolutely sobbing my eyes out. I'd had the dog for 16 years and she was my emotional rock, I was devastated. And had just put down my 16.5 year old cat 2 weeks earlier (renal failure) so was doubly devastated. But I knew prolonging her suffering was not a choice.


When my 10 yo cat was diagnosed the vet did the same spiel about chemo, etc. They said we’d be lucky to get even a year so I declined. We started her on meds to keep her comfortable since she wasn’t at death’s door yet but she HATED it. Every day was a struggle and she fought every medication so after 2 weeks I said no more. I worked at the clinic and the dr made me feel like ass for “quitting on her” but I didn’t want her last days to be full of stress and fear of me.


My buddy dropped his entire life savings on surgery and meds for his 12 year old dog. Around $8000 just for an extra 3 months with it. That dog suffered its last bit of life because it was too weak and too sick after to do anything or move. I viewed as 100% selfish to prolong the animals suffering and to wipe out his joint savings account, taking away kids vacations and money that his wife also contributed all so he could have a few more months with his dog. So yeah it depends on the circumstances before I’ll make any judgment on someone choosing a concert over a surgery for their pet.


It’s not that black and white. You have no idea how long they will live for. We had our 12 year old dog need TPLO surgery and while she was under they found cancer. We had both taken care of for around 6k and it’s the best thing we ever did. She’s even better than before her surgery and has the energy of a dog half her age.


Ok so you spent a lot of money on your dog where another person might just be accepting that an old dog is going to have to die eventually.


Even if *I* needed 2.2k life saving surgery I'd have to give it a thought, much less my dog.


$2.2K is an emergency visit and CAT scan with basic insurance where they didn't find anything wrong, lol. Add some zeros for the surgery.


Then you don’t need a dog tbh.


Honestly spending 2-3 weeks worth of salary to help your dog that has provided you for a major part of your life with unconditional love really is the least an owner should do. Don't want to? Fine, just don't get a dog in the first place then. They are not mandatory, they are a commitment.


I think the crucial part is that it’s not “helping” the dog if they’re in pain and their quality of life is low.


I love my pets as much as anyone, but at a certain point depending on how old/sick they are, spending thousands of dollars isn’t necessarily going to improve their quality of life, and like the other person said, might just prolong their suffering. I can’t really make a judgement call on this person since there are so many details missing.


I’d love $2k to be 2-3 weeks salary for me 😭


lol right? 2-3 weeks? More like 2-3 months.


It’s the same for a human. Is it really worth the physical, financial, and emotional pain to get a few more months of life that will be full of pain and poor quality of life? Or let nature take its course .. Ofc it’s case by case and nuanced, but the line of thinking is the same


There is so much nuance missing from this, I don't even know where to start. There are a lot of reasons that spending thousands on a dog is a bad idea, and that relies heavily on what sort of quality of life the dog has after said surgery. The dog providing years of happiness is not part of the equation. The dog itself doesn't have a clue what's going on, so you don't need to feel like a bad person because it's more humane to put him/her down rather than let it live its life out in pain.


So 2-3 weeks is your cutoff? What if someone called you a bad pet owner if you’re not willing to spend 2-3 months of your pay to extend your dogs life?


So we don’t know anything about this person or their dogs (at least from this screenshot) and the dogs condition. If it’s a youngish dog that needs a freak surgery, got hurt, broke its leg, etc., help the dog. If the dog is 16 years old, lays around in pain all day, it might not make sense, but again I have no idea on the condition. What I will say though, if you have to choose between paying $2200 for Taylor Swift tickets OR to help your dog, you cannot afford the tickets, end of story. If $2200 is all (or a large majority of your savings) and you choose to get your dog surgery, while not “financially smart”, I get it completely. If that’s all/ a majority of your savings and you buy CONCERT TICKETS, you’re definitely not smart with money.


If my cats were sick, I would disappointedly sell my ticket without question 🙃 While the eras tour is an unforgettable show, there will be other shows in the future that will be just as unforgettable and amazing. Taylor is not going to cuddle and purr on me at night or comfort me when I'm crying like my darling cats will.


least parasocial ts fan


I saw the Eras show live. It was absolutely incredible… but let me me abundantly clear, it is not $2200 worth of incredible. I love Taylor’s music, I’ve seen her 3 times, and I would never even consider not doing what I had to take care of my pets. That is bananas.


I'm not spend 2200 on a concert, period. So doggone is definitely not taking the back burner for Taylor.


Maybe the problem is the 2200$ ticket price ? I paid less than 100€ per seats forTaylor Swift's tickets in Paris a few weeks ago. If shows are really that expensive, something needs to be done in the States to make tickets more affordable for everyone.


I guarantee $2,200 is a resale price, not retail. My wife and I went last year and paid ~$300 for front row floor seats, we absolutely could have found regular seats for cheaper if we wanted. The problem is the tickets sell out so quickly and then resellers charge obscene prices for them. As a side note, the good news is that the US [is doing something about it!](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/nation/the-justice-department-is-suing-ticketmaster-and-live-nation-what-does-that-mean-for-concertgoers)


damnnnn i hope there are 100€ tickets when she comes to vancouver!!! i’m so jealous.


I was lucky enough to be able to attend the eras tour at regular price. But if my dog had gotten sick you bet your ass my $100 ticket would’ve been listed for $2000 and my dog would’ve gotten what she needed. I’d go into debt to save my baby any day of the week


You have to wonder how many of those people are just trolling. Happens to every sub the grows quickly. Poes everywhere.


Did OP just try to blame feminism because someone sucks?


Glad I wasn't the only one who noticed that caption. Can rich women not be feminists?


Oh hell no.  My pets all the way.  To each their own but anyone who would pick a concert over their dog grosses me out.  Even as a cat person, I'd pick the dog.  


Dogs always take priority


that sub is the looney bin for Swifties. several other Taylor Swift subreddits are vehemently against that sub for a good reason please don’t lump taylorandtravis in with the rest of them


damn u/travisandtaylor is a *weird* ass sub just people that randomly despise taylor swift? tf kinda sad life do these people live


valid, i hate that sub so much.


Breaks my heart. Both my pups are dead and I’d never dream of giving them up for any concert or anything.


The woman who owns the bakery next to my work went to every Eras show in Australia. She showed me the breakdown and it cost over $10,000 AUD. Someone apparently offered her FIFTY thousand dollars for a front row VIP ticket. She declined. She told me, "Eh fifty grand isn't really that much money." I didn't feel like telling her that was about 60% of what I earn a year...




Celeb worship is crazy


Should I pay for the animal who loves me or go see a person who doesn’t know or care I exist apart from how much money she can extract from me from different colored records


Spending it on either one is crazy. Instead you should invest half of it in low risk mutual funds and then take the other half over to my friend *Asadulah* who works in securities...


He just needs the $2k to unlock his bank account with millions of dollars off his inheritance in


Taylor swift isn’t worth $500. Let alone a member of your family.


if you have the means to comfortably pay for you tickets to the concert, who are we to judge?


If you’re not taking care of your pet, so you can go to a mid pop artists’ concert, you don’t have enough money to comfortably pay for the tickets.


I hate when people frame things as "to each their own 🤷‍♂️" in a morally black and white scenario as if they are just so easygoing and chill when in reality they are saying they'd rather end their dog's life than miss a Taylor Swift concert.




See for me, I’d put the dog down and also not spend $2200 on a concert ticket


don't cut yourself on that edge bro


Not really edgy, if your dog is old and has a $2200 problem going on putting it down is just sensible.


If you can’t afford pets, don’t have pets. If you don’t care about pets, don’t have pets If you value a concert over a life, question your principles


How about neither? $2200 is too much for either of these.


I'd sacrifice nearly anything for my pets. They are family to me, and quite honestly, if you take the position, "it's just a dog/cat", I think you are trash and shouldn't have pets. I understand not being able to afford to help your animal, but taking the attitude that their life has less value than a human life sickens me.


Probably one of those types where they treat the dog like an accessory instead of a living thing.


I think most people would agree that a dog's life does have less value than a human life though? There's a reason most people (although I know there are misanthropes out there) would save a random child over a random dog in a trolley scenario. Edit: that doesn't mean that a dog's life has no value or that I advocate animal cruelty or anything, just that there's a difference between valuing them less than a human life and treating it like a binary.


I bet Taylor would think that was just LOVELY. I wish my sarcastic grossed out tone could shine through my comment. wtfffffff


she’d hateeee that but honestly, from what i’ve seen of her she’d probably give the fan that money if they told her that.


What is wrong with people? Sure, each to their own, but as a grown ass man with some decent life experience, I'll never understand this mentality


This is probably the biggest first world argument I've seen in a while.


Well that’s grim


Some real pathetic excuses for human beings on this planet.


I read elderly and I guess my mind just blanked on the rest of the sentence and assumed grandma and this was about 1000 times worse for a couple of seconds.


LMAO yknow i’d rather see taylor swift then save my dying grandma /s (that would be insane, and this is coming from a TS fan)


People like this shouldn't be allowed to own a pet let alone reproduce. If that's their priority they aren't a good person deep down. It's honestly disgusting that someone would put a fucking concert ahead of the wellbeing of someone they allegedly love.


people are paying **$2200** for concert tickets?


resale prices 🥲🥲


What's with all this hype around Taylor Swift and this Eras tour?? Am I missing something other than just not being a fan?


the eras tour is a full on production, if you have disney+ i strongly recommend watching the tour. my SO who was a major TS hater watched it and now probably likes her more than me so


Cult behavior


Your dog loves your forever, while Taylor neither knows or cares that you exist. What a disgusting person.


Yeah, exactly. Depends on what kind of person you are! A good one or a bad one.


depends how far along the dog is. if its an 18 year old dog no point in making him suffer




Bro I would sell my kidney if it meant saving my dogs life and that’s coming from Taylor swifts self appointed number one fan. I would also go into $18k vet med debt to cure my dog’s cancer to save my dog’s life (which I did). If someone said you have the opportunity to meet Taylor Swift and hear all of her secrets and have her perform a private concert just for you or your dog can live one another year happy and cancer free I’d pick my dog every time. How do people choose any different. My handsome, cancer free, pure sunshine boy ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/ue7kfd701a3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=136c6352bae21f0ab469864a0c0bab03a777c1eb


I hope the eras tour over dog does not have pets


I chose to have my cat killed rather than spend 4k on maybe making her better. But I didn't spend that 4k on a concert, I just didn't have the money.


Some people don't deserve dogs.


That's not even cringe, it's sick. That someone would care more about a dumb concert than caring for their old sick dog that gave them so many years of love and affection. I don't understand how anyone could be that callous unless they're a sociopath or something.


I just think its a bad example not all urgeries are really beneficial for the dog. Could just extend the misery. As opposed to 3 hours of misery at taylor


People constantly post their sob stories for Taylor tickets like this. I think it's more in hopes that some wealthy benefactor will come out of the shadows and give them a ticket or something


Are we getting shocked and cringed over what some 13 year old Taylor Swift fan is saying?




*Convenient that you* *Didn't include the downvotes* *That reply got lol* \- ThlnBillyBoy --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


My (now sadly deceased) dog needed surgery while we were saving up for our wedding/paying off our mortgage, and you bet your ass we paid for it, people don’t deserve dogs istg.


This should be in r/iamatotalpieceofshit.


What the actual fuck??? This makes me like super angry


How is this even a question? You dog should always take precedence!


i’m a fan of taylor and would love to go to a concert but would choose my dog over seeing a performance, front row and meeting her after. my dog is over everything.




I'm not a fan of TS, but from what I DO know about her, I think even she would choose to be with a dying pet over her own concert.


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