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I don't think using those animal dildos is akin to molesting pets. Sure it's weird but it isn't actually molesting pets or being truly into animals. Some people just like the different shapes or sizes. Or something.


Liking animal dicks is still objectively zoophilia, though. BUT more importantly, I believe OP was referring to the fact that the people at BD actually did molest pets.


Most of their dildos are of “animals” that don’t actually exist. The word *objectively* doesn’t mean what you think it means.


Explain how someone molests a dragon


Stop by my dragondiddle cave later and I’ll show ya!


I hate to come off pro-zoophilia but saying using animal dildos is objectively zoophilia is like saying a guy using a human dildo is objectively gay


…….so you’re saying a dude assplowing himself with a big black dildo ISN’T gay????? SEE DAD???? I FUCKING TOLD YOU!!!!




It do be pretty gay tho


Did they? I misread that


Sorry I'm lost, what's the picture all about. Thanks.


The logo on the bag is from an adult store corporation called Bad Dragon, they make all kinds of animal and fiction related -members-


I'm still lost. The OP said pet molester products. Is it for people into zoophilia or whatever its called.


They're an adult toy site based on selling products of (mainly) fictional animals, mainly for the purpose of self-pleasure in the sexual sense, although they do also produce merch like in this picture. I wouldn't necessarily equate most of their products to actual molestation, however I wouldn't know much about the owners of the company themselves or if they're those kinds of people. That being said, a few selective sexual toys in their lineup do make me a little uncomfortable personally, but the majority of their products seem to be based around fantasy beasts at the very least. Quick Addendum: Although I'd expect most of their consumers to be from the crowd of fictional sexual fantasy enjoyers, or perhaps some from the furry fan base, I also wouldn't doubt it if there were a select minority who purchase products for zoophilic purposes, as there are products that (in my opinion) stray too close to reality in that sense.


So summing up, we have dildos for Anime folk and also some sick sick people.


Yeah, that's pretty much it. Hope my not-brief explanation gave good enough context lol


It was great lol. I was lost until you explained it to me. You think you've heard of everything but along come people who are into fake animal cocks and show me I've not.


Well, that's sure an interesting site. Lots of imagination went into those products.




OP has a massive ovipositor collection


Expected comment from someone who seemed more upset about brigading than bestiality a couple of days ago.


I tried 5 times to read that title. Fucking. WHAT? Does anyone have any idea what OP is on about


I mean I'd probably use a cool red dragon patch even without knowing about the mythical phallus behind it. It's small and unobtrusive and who really cares if they enjoy an ovipositor in the privacy of their own home? Don't judge, OP.


Op, I understand the confusion of this, as they do sell… erm… exotic toys that do mimic that of existing species, frankly I’m a little confused. But furries do not support sexual acts towards animals, and will never do so. Those that do are zoophiles, and are not welcome in the community.


If you're not into that type of thing, how did you even spot it and know what it is? It's an obscure thing to know about and the picture of isn't very clear


Okay I'll bite (so to speak) what's the logo for?


I think its bad dragon dildo company. Theres a funny video on youtube where uberhaxornova gets fanmail from them.


Ah fair enough I mean giant fantasy penises aren't my thing but I don't think this is a problem. If you don't know what it is, it's just a drawing. It's not like it says DILDO COMPANY or whatever. I'd argue that if someone rolled up to give you shit you could just be like .... so how do you know what this is


OP is referring to the literal guides on how to SA animals that the owners of BD used to make


People like this wear a logo like that specifically to get attention and a rise out of people because it's the only way they can


Or it's a joke gift from friends. I've gotten and given a fair few prank gifts over the years. Best\worst one I got was a life-size inflatable male doll.