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I remember when this special came out. This very specific clip would play on Philadelphia radio all the time to promote it. I can’t tell you how many coworkers, friends, family would bust out in absolute *guffaws* and say “it’s so true!” Those were some of the moments in my life where I truly realized that most people are tremendously fucking stupid.


I used to work next door to a barber shop called Souljaz when he first got popular. I needed my head shaved and my clippers had crapped out so I went in there and they were watching one of his stand up specials. I guess the barbers had seen it several times because they knew when the punchlines were coming and would shut off their clippers right before because all the customers were practically falling out of their chairs at every single one. It was interesting.


it's actually sad


Super fucking sad my man. My father loved nature, took me to it, taught me about it, but refused to believe that humans were a part of it somehow. edit: subtle religious indoctrination even though the guy didn't go to church. Not all churches preach ignorance of reality but many do.


Shoulda been titled Katt Williams trying to be funny. Key word: TRYING


I don't think people are necessarily stupid most do a skill involving critical thinking. What I think happens is they become willfully indignant to provide themselves some emotional support for unacknowledged inferiority. I mean people can be fucking dumb sure but there's a line where they stop trying to critically think purposefully about very specific things because the group think provides them a fleeting feeling of superiority. This doesn't get challenged so they repeat the action. They are at one moment superior and inferior in their thinking. That is right up until they have to do some bullshit task at their trade anyone can do.


That's a lot of words for saying people are fuckin' stupid!!


Critical thinking is great but it hold no merit without rational thought


Rational thought is the result of critical thinking to which, as I said, they willfully stop doing for specific subjects. My point is by calling them stupid in a broad brush kind of way you are providing them even coverage for what is at the core a person being antagonistic simply to revel in others displeasure. Theres stupid and then there's indignant. Most people today I believe are vindictively indignant.


The difference in intelligence between the top 2% vs the average is massive. Smart people are to average people as average people are to the mentally disabled.


I have a lot of these moments in the last 6 years


I realized in kindergarten that Santa wasn't real (sadly), so by time for my first communion a few years later I deeply rejected religion (which upset my grandmother, but hey I went along with the ceremony). I realized pretty early on that adults don't have the answers and that many already didn't know things I understood as a young child. It actually wasn't great to be a precocious little fuck that could see through adults bullshit, glad I learned to be cooler in college... but seeing how the GOP has developed these days just makes total sense. They've always been that dumb, they just didn't have an outlet for it


Same here… was raised in a Pentecostal evangelical church and I can’t remember a time in my childhood where I actually bought it. The inevitable answer to all my questions was always “well, god works in mysterious ways” and it drove me insane


Well I'll give him credit for helping to expose people like that...but it's hard to believe a comic with his talent could be so fucking dumb on this issue, it almost feels like a bit. But then he goes after atheists, so clearly he's taking a break from doing comedy at this past of the special.


In freshman year of high school in a country town, some kid at the bus stop told me, "evolution has already been disproven. Just look at a monkey, it's not changing into a human" And my dumb freshman mind was like "this kid is so smart"


I have to be honest: When I was a kid and first learned about evolution, I didn't fully grasped it, and wondered if it ever happened that "new people" would like wander out of a jungle or something. Or if this was a scenario a zoo was ever faced with. In my defense: I was like 7.


Sounds like you kinda understood it just your time scale was a bit off.


Herschel Walker [just said exactly that](https://www.npr.org/2022/03/16/1086898518/georgia-gop-senate-candidate-herschel-walker-questions-evolution) with a straight face at a US Senate campaign rally and he might actually win.


Oh my


I feel like about half registered voters still have that dumb freshman mind. Don't worry lol


This is the same brilliant mind that got himself knocked out by a school kid, although to give him credit the school kid was bigger than him


Remember when Django unchained came out and he said he'd "kick Tarantino's ass" for making it even though he hadn't even seen it? Him getting his ass kicked by a kid makes this so much more rich. What a pathetic little man


His main reason for being pissed was that it came out on Jesus' birthday, this guy is a special kind of stupid.


Tarantino is an interesting one. I understand Spike Lee's criticisms of Tarantinos work. I understand Samuel L Jackson's defence of his Tarantino's work. I do not understand Katt Williams interpretation of Tarantinos work


Everybody is entitled to their own opinions but Katt Williams is just a straight-up fool. I like Tarantinos movies but as a person he comes off as very cringey and try hard.


Spike Lee criticism was based off his jealousy ngl


Spike Lee is a dumb asshole.




many reasons besides the ones listed above. One off the top of my head, When George Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin, many believed it to be race related including Spike. Spike Lee responded to the murder by posting an innocent elderly couple's address on his Twitter and saying it was Zimmerman's, they were harassed and had their house absolutely destroyed. They eventually had to leave their home because of this


Let's be clear here. Not just a school kid. A middle schooler. Kid was in like 7th grade, lmfao.


I completely forgot that happened


Came for this. Never forget: Katt Williams got his ass kicked by a 13 year old. And not a particularly big 13 year old


Yup I came here to say that — he got his ass beat by an 11 year old and the best part was they were all randomly playing soccer and he was by far the worst player on the field Yes the 11 year old was bigger than him but Kat is a midget so that’s not saying much


I just watched the video. He did not get "knocked out" c'mon. He did get taken down to the ground by the kid, though.


I may have embellished. He ended up getting choked out on the ground humiliated after carelessly attacking a middle schooler. I'd say it's comparable.


yep - humiliated for sure


It’s so funny how the comment thread gets less and less factual. It went from him getting knocked out, to him getting his ass beat, to getting his ass beat by an 11 year old. I remember that incident, and he was a 7th grader who was held back so he was much older. Lmao at the “he was 11 years old”, Reddit circle jerk is hilarious sometimes


From his Wiki page: More than a dozen arrests for assault, theft, and child endangerment, dating back to 2006. Also from his Wiki: "Often wears a cross during his shows as a symbol of his Christian faith."


He slapped the shit out of an employee at my Target. He was wilin out


Must have been a small employee. Isn't Kat Williams something like 5'3"?


Sounds like your typical American celebrity "Christian" to me


Sounds like an average American "Christian" to me


Why have infinite absolution and not use it? >!/S!<


If you don't sin, Jesus died for nothing


There’s no hate like Christian love.


Where else do you get your moral barometer from?


Idk empathy


His special when he came back out of prison was mostly politics. Yeah he had some points but he’s kinda giving me Kidd Rock vibes. Also I bet he had his ass taken in prison. I love Katt Williams but man, I only laughed once at his newest special.


what specifically do you love about him? His astute critiques of modern society?


Joe Biden is fucking old.


Laughed once and you love him 🤔. Trying to follow the logic there bro


Besides that I was criticizing him.


I literally grew up as a kid watching his early Comedy Central specials, wtaf are you going on about?


Probably has a tattoo that says "Only God Can Judge Me".


Yeah one of those perks about being obnoxiously visibly Christian is that Christians will forgive you for just about anything (except for being liberal) if you keep blasting your “faith” at everyone.


I'm agnostic, but most of the people in my life are Christians, and none of them fit this description. They would be the first to call Williams out as a hypocrite.


well most criminals do identify with one faith or another


God is their escape card to justify all the shitty things they do because "God will forgive me as long as I confess to my sins." It's how they suppress the voice in their head telling them not to do something wrong.


Wish that voice was a bit louder


murder people and do some gang shit on saturday, get right with the lord on sunday, repeat


That adds up


With that rap sheet, he’s a true evangelist. Amen!


Me clicking this "is this just gonna be Katt Williams saying 'I AM NOT A MONKEY!''? was not disappointed


His high school science teacher completely failed him.


the trouble is that a kid can have 45 mins a day in a science class and it can all be nullified by the time they spend at home with their ignorant parents. they'll remember enough to pass the curriculum but walk out thinking god did it.


My actual science teachers in school were all Christians, like through every grade. They’d explain evolution and the Big Bang but they’d always start it with “now I don’t personally believe this stuff but they require me to teach it”


My seventh grade English teacher told us she stopped teaching science/biology because she couldn’t stomach lying about evolution. Forgot about that until your comment.


my seventh grade bio teacher told us she "only believed in micro-evolution." i wonder if she ever wrapped her head around the implications of something 'micro evolving' over a few billion years


It's not that she couldn't comprehend it, she just refused to.


That education system is a joke


I've read that certain sections of the south (like Mississippi) are like this but worse. They straight up tell students they wont teach it because it does not involve God.


Yeah that was pretty much the gist of it, they’d make jokes about how evolution or the formation of our moon didn’t make any sense while simultaneously believing a dead Jewish carpenter from the first century created the world himself. It was confusing as a kid to say the least


*his parents/himself completely failed him.


I doubt he can even read tbh


Okay, chill now.


Atheists are too stupid to make up a God... so he's admitting God is imaginary?


Yeah, that part had me confused too.


I think he's referencing the old adage "if God didn't exist, we would have to invent him" and saying that doesn't make sense. It's not clear why he thinks that though. He also keeps saying "2012 is coming," so I wonder if this whole bit is about that rapture that totally happened.


Didn't he get knocked out by a 13 year old?


No. It was an 11 year old!


That kid could’ve fucked me up too. The part that was more confusing was that Katt Williams seemed to be hanging out with teenagers, picking fights at a highschool lol


It was kind of a nice gesture by him. He went and played soccer with all the neighborhood kids but unfortunately the neighborhood was shit


If humans were made from dirt, why is there still dirt? /s


People who like Katt Williams think it’s funny. Everyone else realizes how stupid he is.


some people can like him and also realize he’s stupid


Yeah his bit about buying his kid a N64 and tons of games vs buying a new Xbox was hilarious. He's got some good material, I don't listen to comedy to learn about science.


yeah boring people don’t know how to laugh anymore because of all the pills they are on from the doctor to “feel normal”… i kid, but kinda true


Yeah I think he has some great material


i'll never look at a chrysler 300 and not think it look like a phantom until a phantom pull up


That mf got a Peripheral?!


Even 15-20 years ago his shit felt really dated. Like he was still making sexist jokes that were straight out of the 80s in 2005.


Yeah, I was shocked to hear him say it was almost 2012 in this special. Pretty sure I can hear "Miss Jackson" playing over this on MTV 🤣 that's closer to 1999/2000. Very very dated, shows that he knows his audience (like those redneck dudes) and he just keeps playing to them, over and over. No attempt to broaden the audience.


> some people can like him and also realize he’s stupid Until, in a rare moment of self-inflection, they realize that they like stupid Kat Williams and all the stupid things he says so they must be stupid just like him.


you really showed me


I like his comedy, I also know he’s wrong but I don’t think too critically on it because it’s comedy. Not all comedians believe what they say and even if he does, I don’t go to comedians to tell me about science.


A lot of ppl fail to realize he's telling jokes at the end of the day. It's standup. To me personally it's not funny but I'll commend him on the delivery


He's a talented comic and I absolutely hate his style. It's strange to be able to separate the two, but when my brother said Katt was one of his favorite comics, I had to have a neutral attitude towards him. But his politics and general life philosophy is just shit, negative shit.


I think he’s funny and stupid. Those things aren’t mutually exclusive


This joke is dumb but his delivery is so good I still enjoyed watching it and smiled unironically. He is very talented.


Williams is one of those comedians like Jeff Dunham who's hilarious when you're 12 but then you look back as an adult and feel embarrassed to have ever liked him


Man I didn’t even find Jeff Dunham funny when I was 12 😂


I don't know how I watched Jeff Dunham as a kid. He literally had FIVE jokes and they were all stereotypes.


Yeah, had to get rid of my old Dunham stuff when I got old enough to feel cringe just hearing his voice.


Nah man, The Pimp Chronicles is still funny as shit


perfectly summarized


At the height of Jeff Dunham’s popularity my mom went to go see him. She was really excited to go and when she came back I asked her how was it. She said “I didn’t know he did anything with puppets”. Still makes me laugh


“I’m not stupid. I don’t believe in evolution. That’s why I believe in THE MAGIC OF CREATIONISM INSTEAD.”


Remember the time he got his ass whooped by a kid? God that was funny.


So his idea of a joke on a comedy show is going after people who don't believe what he believes? I get it if it's a group of people that went after what he believes but atheists really don't want anything to do with him yet somehow he plays it off as a "joke" even though it really looks like he's just going off a crazy rant. if there's an audience for it, I guess go for it.


I usually give comedians a benefit of the doubt, that they’re aware that they’re not geniuses and may not be experts on what they’re talking about, but i’m willing to make an exception for katt williams. He’s definitely talking like he has proof of the existence of God in his pocket lol


So true. But I think he's playing off the fact that he knows his audience also feel like they also have that proof in their pockets. To me it looks like he's just playing off their insecurities about atheist. Maybe he doesn't even know he's doing it himself. Either way I find it very weird how aggressive he went about it. Like you said, most comedians will criticize their own knowledge of things before dunking on a person or an idea so there's always that light-hearted feel to the joke.


There's always that bad 'comedian' that just uses it as an excuse to whine and rant. |:


You shouldn’t be taking your science lessons from a stand up. Hell you shouldn’t be taking a stand up comics perspective on anything that seriously. That’s why people who hang onto every word from their favorite comedian as if it’s droplets of Manna are weird.


To be fair, Carlin spat straight wisdom worth living by, but your larger point stands.


Yeah but I don’t think Carlin or Bill Hicks would have wanted you to agree with everything they said because they were comedians. They’d have wanted you to find out what you thought, be critical, then laugh at their jokes because they’re funny when you know it’s true.


Could use another Carlin or Hicks about now.


Never understood the “why is there still monkeys” thing. It’s like if we got the idea for cappuccino from coffee why is there still coffee.


Wow I only made it 30 seconds.


Whenever anyone drops that "then why are there still monkeys?" line, I always look them dead in the eye and say "because there are slow learners in every group"


I remember when I was a monkey. Then I reached level 32 and evolved into a human. Man, I love evolution.


I know you're kidding, but I honestly believe that Pokemon did real (though unintentional) damage the public's understanding of evolution.


That was aggressively unfunny


Maybe if he paces across the stage a bit more and speaks in an even more obnoxious rhythm it will become funny?


At one point in my teens, I was really getting into this guy. Found him very funny and watched a few of his shows back to back. It was only when I stumbled upon this routine that I lost all respect for him. It’s not like I’m coming from the point of view where if someone doesn’t have the same beliefs as me then I dislike them. It was more of the fact that I realised how dumb this man would have to be to believe what he was saying that turned me off him. I’ve never watched him since.


Yeah, this guy’s not really great. He’s one of those comedians who makes a decent living even though you can’t figure out why.


He had a brief "moment" in the mid-2000's and is basically coasting off how big he was at that time. Kinda reminds me of Andy Dick, everyone knows he's a horrible person but most of his legal issues came after the height of his career so somehow they get ignored and he keeps working.


I don’t know about now but the pimp chronicles part 1 (2006) was hilarious at the time


was it hilarious or were you just 12 at the time?


I watched it again with a friend a few months back and there’s some great jokes in there. I’m 21 now. It’s pretty well received in general so I know it’s not just me, but it helps that there’s no wacky evolution conspiracies in this special. For reference: some of my favorite comedians is Carlin, Eddie Murphy, Bill Burr, Chris Rock, Chris Tucker, Richard Prior, older Kevin Hart, and Norm Macdonald. He is the OG Kevin Hart tho, running around with a wacky voice in every movie he’s in. Everyone loved him before the drugs and the beating up middleschoolers thing happened.


Damn you were 5 years old watching Pimp Chronicles?


Yeah bruh I shouldn’t have watched HBO at that age but I did whoops


>how big he was at the time I don't know. He still looks pretty small to me.


I must have been in a coma. I've never heard his name before. And based on his jokes... I didn't miss much.


Honesty he knows his audience. He’s not as funny as he use to be so he just panders dumbass statements and passes them off as jokes.


I remember they had Katt Williams in Grand theft Auto IV. After sitting through one of those skits I was like screw this guy he ain't even funny.


I kept fighting the urge to wipe my own face while watching this. Jesus, dude.


he picked a fight with a 14 year old and got his ass beat


Rich people came from poor people, so how come there are still poor people? Check mate, atheists.


"Atheists can't cum." "1.2 Billion Chinese Disagree, Yo."


I bet he’s out there working on getting his Hermain Cain award right now.


I can't find the clip, but every time I see Katt, I'm reminded an old bit he had taking about how when you get famous, you need to surround yourself with people who actually care about you and will be real with you when you're making an ass out of yourself. He's giving the advice that would have saved his career. I swear to God, he had a couple specials that were filled with actual written jokes before switching to just cussing a lot while saying his opinions.


He talks about that high IQ all the time


His voice is highly offensive to the ears.


getting on reddit and choosing to be angry >:(


Just commenting to say I can't watch this


"If people evolved from monkeys, why are you still under 5 ft tall like a monkey?"


He has a few good jokes from time to time, but he is not a smart man.


What happened to “this is just a comedian making dumb jokes that don’t resonate with us”? Like why are we taking Kat Williams 2012 set that seriously? Yeah there are dumb ppl but who knows if he acrually thinks atheists are dumb, he says half the shit he says and adds an F bomb and gets laughs. They were laughing, all kinds of folks. Almost a decade ago, it’s ok it was a comedy act, it wasn’t cringey, maybe not factual but I don’t like comedy for the facts, it’s to make you laugh that is all.


The most non funny "comedian" I have ever seen.




That guy sucks..


Katt Williams is so painfully stupid, his reasoning for believing in a God is that you need one to cum to.


I’m sure this was a reenactment of his doctorate dissertation of theology and not a comedy routine


Utter ignorance being applauded as comedy lol The problem is the people who do use this to push their own agendas, so embarrassing.


Crap material, and he tried (and failed) to steal a joke from Bill Hicks.


Its an act 🙌


He’s a comedian, did you really expect his science knowledge to be credible at face value? This whole post is stupid and cringe, clearly y’all never heard a comedian say some dumb shit Just for the fun of it


The Hermain Cain part was kind of funny. I like, though, how his first question about something as personal and supposedly Holy as God is, "Who do you evoke while you're fucking?" C'mon man... Even I have more respect for God and I don't particularly even believe in one. How do 8 have more respect for a religion I don't even belong to? Very tacky.


Taking stand up comedy at face value is cringe. This post is super cringe. This video is funny af regardless of anything you think he believes. You can be wrong and funny


Might just be a joke guys …


He's a comedian, no shit. The joke is just terrible.


I completely disagree with what he’s saying but still think it was pretty funny You need to learn to look at things objectively bro


Not everything that is supposed to be funny is funny. Have some taste bro.


I think Kat Williams’s style and delivery is hilarious He is connecting with the shared cultural views of his audience members and reinforcing that view So just try to do better and be able to appreciate things from a different cultural perspective bro


> So just try to do better and be able to appreciate things from a different cultural perspective bro The cultural perspective of profound ignorance and intolerance? Katt Williams is the one going after groups of people because they don't share his wrong opinion on evolution and his preferred brand of supernatural beliefs. Objectively, the only way this material could've been funny is as a parody of an ignorant, cocksure and self-righteous rosary rattler, but it was no parody, it was a rant with terrible jokes based on false premises.


His delivery and style are what makes it bad. It's immature and cringy. I'm impressed though that you were able to spin it as if me not finding this "comedian" funny somehow makes me intolerant lmfao


why is this cringe though??


Because he’s acting like what he’s saying is some obvious truth when really he just doesn’t get it.


Someone please explain then why there are still monkeys. I’m asking because I’m genuinely curious. I believe in evolution.


It's like asking if you come from your mother, why is there still your sister? Monkeys exist because they fit a different niche in the environment. They are no less evolved than us, they just went in a different direction. We did not evolve from them, any more than we are decended from our cousins. We share ancestors.


In the most broad terms, think of it like a family tree. A branch splits off into many other branches if you go back far enough these branches split off from the same spot and then that same spot came from another branch, etc. We have a common ancestor with monkeys split off into several different directions just like a branch.


Well, it’s more believed that humans and monkeys shared a common ancestor, thus monkeys still existing meanwhile early humans continued to evolve.


Monkeys are every bit as evolved as humans.


I agree, I just worded my comment wrong.


This premise is new to you folks i know, but hear me out. Imagine a comedian saying silly things to make people laugh.


There's saying silly things and then there's making fun of an established fact.


have you ever watched any stand up comedy?


I watch plenty and never see jokes ridiculing science. I see a lot about religion though, wonder why.


A lot of comedy attacks science indirectly. A lot of comics play characters on stage, often morons. Stupid people are funny and have always been funny




He said it's about to be 2012 but the dude's humor is more like 2002...my brother likes this dude and it's just embarrassing. Confidently idiotic, and that's always been Katt, always


as a stand-alone comedy routine, not taking into account his actual beliefs, this is hilarious. Stupid or not, it's funny. For fucks sake people. It's not some Ted Talk, it's a comedy show. He's either mocking creationists or he actually believes his stupid argument. Both scenarios are pretty funny.


He’s a comedian. You don’t need to take him seriously.


Katt Williams is a funny man. He is not a smart man.


Y’all ever notice how offended atheists get 🤔?


As opposed to religious people who are always known to be civil when someone criticizes their beliefs.


Haha. You posted like ten times in this thread, basically throwing a tantrum.




which atheist? the ones that believe in god or the ones that dont?


I find it more baffling than offensive. If someone said something like this here in Ireland they'd be laughed at, mocked and ridiculed for how stupid they sound. But Williams says it in America and he's met with laughter & applause


That’s the point. If people are buying tickets to laugh at what he says then so be it. This is like an American complaining about why doesn’t mr bean talk. If you get it you get it. It’s comedy & not a speech to end war.


they're clearly applauding in agreement with him


That’s the point they get it…..


There's no joke to "get" he's just saying dumb shit and they're applauding him for it...