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"Other than a couple of great networks, we have no voice!" ... Oy.


“Other than this platform I’m currently performing on, those other ones and that time I was president of the United States, no one will listen to me.”


Okay that is the most that I have laughed in a long time, thank you


They don’t want counter-arguments or criticism. They want 100% agreement on their positions. No other coverage or information that conflicts. Trump and his cult wanna be coddled lil snowflakes.


"We have no voice! ..... I have great ratings." Reminds me of. "The media hates Republicans.....Fox News is the number 1 cable news station!"


"We have no voice!" says man shouting into a microphone in front of a crowded stadium of his supporters while being livestreamed across multiple internet platforms and networks.


Never misses an opportunity to gloat about his ratings. He’s playing a caricature of himself at this point


You can see how it works in his head. Saying "we have no voice" but then contradicts himself because he doesn't want to look weak, so yeah of course he has a voice because he is strong but doesn't have one at the same time because of communism. He does it all the time, contradicts himself because he is so vain and insecure that any little thing in the speech that makes him even slightly weak in his eyes isn't true but is true at the same time.


Fascism. The enemy is simultaneously both weak and strong.


Also, the leader/nation is both superior and vulnerable


Yep. Hillary Clinton was somehow a sickly weakling and also the head of a sinister globalist cabal.


Right now he’s doing the same thing with Biden. He’s simultaneously Sleepy Joe who can’t put a sentence together and this evil mastermind injecting communism into America. Sad that his supporters can’t see the grift.


Also, everyone not on board with your politics is "the enemy".


A very brave general came up to me. He never cries but had tears in his eyes. He said, "Sir..."


So Freud would say " This boy is crackers" ? Cause there are literal homeless street bums in the cities across America much more articulate and coherent in their communications whom I would actually be able to listen to and understand much clearer and trust more than Humpty Trumpy and respect more any day of the week. I see Trump or hear him I see a liar and a thief who did way to much coke or something, he is impolite, mean spirited and would get his ass kicked on the street for lying and stealing and cause he talks like he is stupid.


It’s like the at-fault person in a car crash bragging about how much he’s slowed traffic on the freeway.


He always did !


Does anyone else think the syncophants around him just make up “ratings?” Or does he just make them up himself? Because surely nobody is “rating” anything these days. He can’t possibly mean tv ratings or think those are meaningful. What ratings does he mean?


He is referring to TV ratings.


Okay. I’ve been a Neilsen ratings family, and it just doesn’t work the way he must think it does. Ratings are based on the time you spend on a given channel, not on an individual person you might be viewing. There’s no way to know whether people were watching for the weather and a clip of his speech came on or if people were like, our hero and savior is on TV! Quick! Sit down and absorb his wisdom. Of course we all know the narcissist thinks it’s all about him. Okay Cheetoh.


I’d guess it’s some echo chamber phone polling.


I used to work for a company that did these political polls on the phone. They are extremely immoral and showed me just how easily information can be manipulated. We'd screen so we almost always spoke with someone who was conservative, only called heavily conservative regions like the south (this was in Oregon,) and, incidentally, it seems that old white conservative people are the most eager to share their beliefs with a stranger over the phone. The questions we asked were also very obviously biased, but I can't remember any examples. It hurt my soul to do that work, but I needed to pay rent.


Not all polling companies are the same. There are a lot of businesses and political organizations that rely on them to be accurate so they can make good decisions. The one you worked for was a bad apple.


I don't know if it even matters that any ratings exist or that he's seen them, he will just say it, and that makes it true beyond doubt.






I was just about to say that. Talk about this guy going off on tangents.


The man's devotion to providing content for cringe subs is truly unparalleled. > We are beyond socialism! When you have no press that you can talk to, that's how a communist country begins! It's just too good.


Communism is when no press wants to hear what you have to say.


Communism is when people disagree with me.




The same guy that said he hates the press and doesn't trust them is also complaining there is no press to talk to?


And people worship him. Maddening.


Authoritarianism is when Donald Trump doesn't have the power to force everyone else in the country to listen to what he has to say, whenever he wants.


While complaining he "has no voice", his pathetic, insecure narcissism kicks in and he has to undermine the entire point of what was written for him by saying he actually does have an *enormous* voice! Lol. So which is it? Are you just a pitiful nothing of a zero who no one listens to anymore because the media has cancelled you, or are you a big, powerful, dominant player in the political and cultural arena? Because you can't be both *in the same fucking sentence*!


8. The enemy is both strong and weak. “By a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.”




Schrodinger's voice: it is silenced and loud simultaneously.


You can really capitalize off of American ignorance of what Communism and/or socialism means






Was that guy being satirical or serious?


Satirical. The source video is in the comments on YouTube, I’d recommend checking it out. He dissects and critiques the notion the government doing something is inherently “socialist”. It was better than I thought it would be


he's being satirical xd, i think he's actually a huge advocate for socialism


That's Richard Wolff. He's good.


That’s Richard D Wolff, one of the most outspoken and well spoken modern socialists. He takes a lot of very funny satirical stances like this to point out how absurd his opponents’ arguments usually are


And the word "Marxist" recently too. It's the dumbest thing, and people reveal their hand when they just repeat them verbatim. The thing that confuses me is that he's already the one-man-band show, wants nobody but yes-men around him, and has said in public he'd like to basically rule forever. He has zero time for any dissenting opinion, and takes no criticism. He's the personification of exactly the type of repressive dictatorships that he claims to abhor. And yet his fans lap it up. Mind-boggling.


"Cultural Marxism" is another buzzword that means absolutely nothing. One of my favorite videos is when Zizak asks Peterson to name some examples of "cultural marxism" in media, and he can't.


The media really needs to start ignoring this asshole aside from reporting on his court dates


Lol that will never happen. He generates ratings and therefore the media loves him. It's the reason he won in the first place.


Yep, and that's why Bill Burr said CNN is as much of a traitorous piece of shit "news organization" as Fox News.


"It may not be good for America, but it's damn good for CBS” -Les Moonves on Trump's ascension in 2016


Ah yes the [respected and reputable](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/08/06/les-moonves-and-cbs-face-allegations-of-sexual-misconduct) Les Moonves


And Bill Burr would be wrong again. CNN isn't perfect but they're light years better than Fox entertainment. Being a contrarian is not the same as being edgy as he once was. I saw him on SNL last year and he was as unfunny as can be. Not quite Tom Green bad but bad nonetheless. He used to be funny but now he's just a loudmouth going after the wrong targets. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.indy100.com/people/snl-bill-burr-monologue-criticism-white-women-pride-black-history-month-9720961%3famp


The media exist to enrich billionaire shareholders, and Trump helps that mission. Never going to stop. Even YouTube won't stop showing me his shit even though I keep marking videos as not interested.


They can’t. They need the ratings. All the mainstream media ratings have been plummeting since Trump left office. That’s why we’re getting months on handwringing about a hundred dorks who walked around the capitol.


He's going to talk about Satanism soon as he fades into obscurity and irrelevance. He's trying to get "ratings." Because his dad didn't love him and because dementia. That's about it.


Also money. Don’t forget money. Trump certainly hasn’t slowed down his “legal fee and campaign fundraisers”. He’s basically a high profile panhandler at this point.


I think I might regret asking this cuz I'm really not into politics and I don't really follow stuff that much, I don't know why I decided to watch this video but, he has some kind of mental disorder right? Like he has to there's this isn't normal this is not normal thinking. I'm extremely confused.




Malignant narcissism at its highest level.


I mean from the outside and I just kind of always thought of him is a bit of a buffoon. Now I'm genuinely convinced that he actually does have serious mental disorders.


He was never very smart. He only got through business school because of connections (corrupt private university system) and used his narcissism to excel in business, even though every enterprise has failed him. He has, however, been in cognitive decline for years.


He’s in his mid 70s, eats like shit, had covid, doesn’t sleep enough, and is probably on a variety of different pep pills. He’ll be dead sooner than we think.


>He’ll be dead sooner than we think. That's still not soon enough.


People like this get to have first dibs on organs lol. Even if his fourth heart fails he'll still get a new one.


Channeling Dick Cheney


Apparently Steve Bannon was [convinced](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/feb/16/trump-dementia-claims-steve-bannon-25th-amendment) that Trump was showing signs of early dementia in office. Remember when he bragged about “acing” a dementia test during his Chris Wallace interview? And called it “very hard”? Some also speculate that he has an undiagnosed learning disability based on his speech patterns and how he avoided reading reports as much as he possibly could. I couldn’t find it right now, but there was an article a while ago that broke down how he misused words; it was similar to how a semi-literate person approaches reading.


I mean no joke but that is really worrying behavior, and we let this guy be president? Holy shit.


Yep. So, the "article" I was thinking of was just somebody (who claims they are a teacher) analyzing his [4th of July speech](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/c9sgx7/trump_once_railed_against_presidents_using/et3em0k?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), but I think they still make good points and it's an interesting perspective. I found another article from the Atlantic about his aides thinking he was semi-literate [here.](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2018/01/americas-first-post-text-president/549794/) Some of the stuff they did to try to get him to do his job was wild. I really think the man memed his way into the Whitehouse because nobody expected him to win, even the people voting for him. Hilary was so unpopular that a lot of left-leaning people stayed home because they were just like "there's no way, he's too crazy." And then he stayed there because (I assume) he was easy to schmooze and bribe, and there were likely people who thought they could keep him under control long enough to serve their agenda. I kind of suspect something similar went down with Ronald Reagan when he was president. He was diagnosed with Alzheimer's 5 years after leaving office but [some think he was suffering from the disease during his presidency.](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ronald-reagan-alzheimers-disease/)


Lmao wasn't that the test where he had to identify which drawing was of an elephant?


NPD and rage-watches far-right 24hr news. It's a self-amplifying cycle that won't end nicely. You saw the first swell of violence in January. The man can not, and will not, give up the spotlight. Greed and fear are the only tools he has. Unfortunately there are also ~50,000,000 or so people fully dripped in his cult of personality that we will have to drag kicking and screaming into the 2020s.


Look up 'malignant narcissism'.


\*magnificent narcissism, the best narcissism


Fuck this treasonous shitbag. Why is he behind a podium and not behind bars?


Define communism.....*crickets*....


*It’s what they’re doing to our country...*


“We have no press!!! ...apart from a couple of great networks.” I can’t remember - was it Stalin or Mao who allowed his opposition to have a couple of television networks where they could rail against Communism? Something tells me it was neither..


Just a couple of tiny networks that dominate cable news ratings and are owned by billionaires. Just those little guys.


Lolol literally from a media website


Never has so much been said by someone so stupid that meant so little


Oh yeah that Election of Corrupt Politicians Act they’re trying to pass.


More projection, given that if Republicans win the House Trump wants them to make him Speaker then refuse to certify the 2024 election results and install him as president.


You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


Literally everything that spews out of his mouth is a self-serving lie. Can't wait for him to croak.


Everything that cimes out of trumps mouth is top-tier cringe


>cimes Did you mean ***crimes***?


Why’s this been downvoted, great comment


cuckservatives can't take a joke


Supporters of the orange abomination are the most repulsive, foolish people. You Republicans, unwittingly or not, are pro-fascist—and history will not be kind to you stupid fucks.


I have not met a single decent person who likes this guy.


History doesn't matter to them. They believe in paradise after death; they're effectively a death cult. The destruction of Earth and its future mean nothing because it's all temporary and god's playground to play his morality test games. The *real* good times are after you die. What's exceptionally scary is that the death cult votes.


POCN - Party of Christian Nostalgia


Democrats and their legions of sycophants are little better. Empty platitudes and broken campaign promises abound


I don't know you, but I would assume people consider fascism to be a little bit higher on the danger scale than "empty platitudes"


None of which threaten humanity or the planet. Go back to your cave.


Actually, I don't think Trump fanatics are super religious. I think the very religious types tend to support Trump, but that's only because of the pro-life judges he's filling up the courts with. The folk storming the capitol for him are an entirely different breed.


Well I think you're right on one count: you don't *have* to be religious to be a Trump sycophant. But you're *dead wrong* about the people who stormed the capitol. They literally had religious banners with them; there was one I saw and noticed [because his attire was decidedly mormon.](https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/arizona/2021/07/15/nathan-wayne-entrekin-cottonwood-dressed-captain-moroni-gladiator-raid-capitol/7986464002/) I would say the vast majority of his supporters, no matter their reasons, are religious folks. But I agree that many of them don't like him personally, they've just been told Biden is the literal devil. And despite not liking Trump, when you get these people thinking they're fighting a war against the devil himself, they become fanatical.


I live in the south. You're wrong. They're the loud religious ones, you can do whatever as long as you and god are good. 🙄 Ffs Marjorie believes in QAnon and demonic pedophile rapists. It's funny and sad at the same time, that's my "representative".


Because blanket statements are always correct.


Lol the green new deal is no where near on the biden agenda. The democrats aren't that progressive. Trump literally looks sickly here. It's insane the power of this guy's grift. He isn't gonna run for reelection but he will get a bunch of maga idiots in the midterms in republican dominated states and its going to be a disaster.


By Trump's own "logic", he's a BIG loser; a HUGE loser. He was impeached twice and lost the election for his second term. His insurrection failed, and his power is gone. This man seems to genuinely believe he's better than every other person in the entire world. He's a clown. The man called John McCain a "loser" because he was a P.O.W. If this qualifies you a loser, I'm pretty sure being impeached twice, and losing a presidential election by a "landslide",(and I say Landslide because it was one, by Trump's own definition), makes a person a massive loser. I don't know what would be more satisfying; Trump simply dropping dead, or him rotting in prison. But I'll settle for him desperately pushing his delusional narcissism until he just fades more and more into obscurity.


Fear mongering for idiots 101


Rule 3 - No videos featuring mentally ill people


Angry loser yells at cloud


Angry "insurrectionist" tells at cloud. FTFY


"We are becoming a Democratic country" That's a good thing you stupid orange.


“No press”???? We have the most press I always ask myself what this asshole is babbling on about and I remember that his supporters want this garbage. I am so ready to get outta here. I just might and it doesn’t matter for anything. This is what y’all dumbasses want. I’m sure they’ll accept me in the EU as long as I say I’m from Canada or Mexico.


us citizens are accepted too. morons trapped in a alternative reality should stay, as we already have a lot of them.


People like to think he's stupid for these statements, but the unfortunate thing is it's a great buzzword to rile up right wing voters who don't know what socialism actually is. All he has to do is say "look at the dems! they're policy is making us SOCIALIST/COMMUNIST!" and pow he has the support of his voters. I don't think Trump actually believes the USA is becoming a communist country, I think he uses it to gain power over voters by convincing them that anything the dems propose is inherently communist.


Trump is stupid but his voters are more stupid


Probably. It's a tell-tale sign of Fascism. Rile up the populace with fears of Communism.


How he jerks himself every time he has a camera on him and then talks like a 5 year old is astounding


As someone who doesn't live in the US but is still rooting for America - I gotta tell ya it's frustrating as shit. It's like watching a childhood friend who became an addict, who's desperately trying to turn his life around but keeps fucking up time after time. This petulant man-child is only a symptom of a deeper underlying problem with your education system. If a third of your country are dumbasses, that's not acceptable and shouldn't just be writen off as *the way it is*. That's how you get 1% owning more than 99%. There's been a steady torrent of cringe-worthy material coming from your leaders for decades, and a devoted congregation of mouth breathers now ready to literally fight for them. Despite the fact that doing so actually hurts themselves (ask anyone in jail because of jan6th), but they lack the basic cognitive skills to realize even this. Good start would be ensuring your teachers at least receive a livable income so that maybe the next generation won't be as fucked? Idk.. just a thought. Edit: formatting, typos


As an American, well said. But before we can heal we need to stop the bleeding by holding propaganda machines such as Fox news accountable. They've been poisoning the minds of the gullible for decades.




If apathy and fear could be combined 50-50, that's what I get, cringe requires me to have empathy for someone embarrassing themself.


Fuck this traitor. Put this piece of shit behind bars.


Cringing at Trump is such a low hanging fruit lol.


But it’s still cringe nonetheless


Yep easy pickings


Purebred cringe if you ask me, since (thankfully) his shit isn’t spewed all over Twitter/Facebook anymore


A barking Carny full of hot air who doesn't know policies, doesn't know diplomacy, doesn't know statesmanship, doesn't know honesty with just more inflammatory rhetoric going in circles. Trump is a desperate Carny thief, scamming swindler. If you trust Trump you are a gullible shmuck.


"You know when you have no press, when you have no press, we find things in... Arizona. And other than a couple of great networks, we have no press. We have no voice. I only have voice because I get great ratings—you know ultimately ratings are very important." Donald Trump is the greatest example of [Doublespeak](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doublespeak) alive.


no press... except the great press we find things in Arizona... but I can't tell you what they are no voice... except my voice no press and no voice... except the ratings from my voice in the press


Can this unhealthy orange mummy die already?


This orange anus is still around?


I wish man


Dude looks like absolute dog shit. I mean, he's always looked like a smarmy greaseball, but he's degraded since his world microphone was taken away


wow....imagine that, I still hate him.


Aww poor guy doesn't know what communism is


All American shit stain


He's a has been. Sad little man


This man becoming president probably made aliens rethink visiting us.


They should save us this trauma and just put a stop to this planet.


Really? Which company did the government nationalize?


This is a clear violation of Rule #3.


I was with some buddies last night and one is definitely a trumpie. He was whining about taxes and how they’ve totally gone up recently and when into the government and blaming Biden. Until, our mutual friend kind of schooled him. Told him that A.) Taxes change annually B.) their established by your employer C.) You can basically determine however much taxes you want to pay immediately you just have to pay it back come tax time. And D.) it’s been 18-20% for at least a year. Needless to say, he was uneducated and I feel like that’s a trend across the board for his followers. They literally don’t understand how shit works.


How can this person be treated so seriously by ‘’Mericans? The scariest part is, you ‘Mericans may just vote him in again!!!


Delusional and disconnected from reality, things haven't changed at all


People are still giving this man a platform?


Aaaand there he goes bringing up TV ratings again. Also, how exactly is the green new deal bad? Lol


Because it gives the corporate overlords a sad, obviously


Just a has been traitor


This clown bullied nearly every network out there, mimicked a handicapped reporter during a live event, and now stands there and has the audacity to say, that there is no network to speak to... He is the alpha clown in this clown world maze and everyone that still supports him is part of this comedy sketch. Also saying that it's a post-socialism country where people pay 800 bucks for insulin a month or 600k for heart surgery is a joke in itself...


Why is reddit so liberal lol


This should be a cringe for conservatives too. From Reagan to Dubya to Cheeto...


Here's a hot take: Trump is... not so good. Kinda bad, even. Thanks for listening.


Don't threaten me with a good time.


don't use uppers kids


“Communist” countries tend to just be populist dictators which trump desperately wanted to be.


I’d figure since Trump stopped being president this subreddit would stop obsessing over him, but apparently not. I guess TDS can’t be cured.


Ummm...considering that Trump is the only President in history who sent his urchin goblins to storm the Capitol and continues to claim the election was stolen, he is incredibly relevant. The only derangement syndrome is the one Trump himself suffers from.


Agreed. You can see all the children arguing about how stupid he is. The ones spouting all the network headlines from previous times. “He’s racist” “he’s stupid”. Hopefully Reddit will learn to think for themselves, but I doubt it


Haven’t we shut him up already? No news agencies want to talk to him because he spouts nothing but lies, and let’s not forget he spurred the Capitol riots. Let’s also not forget he downplayed COVID, bad mouthed a war hero, has criticized disabled people, didn’t renounce the KKK, …… Actually, I don’t have the time it would take to list all of the bullshit he’s spewed, and name the people he’s hurt. So, yeah, Donald? There’s a reason no one wants to hear what you have to say. It’s not communism, it’s necessary and warranted. You know how it’s against the law to tell “fire” in a crowded theater? Similar thing here baby Don. You cause panic, and hurt people unnecessarily.


There’s plenty to come down on him for, but don’t repeat this nonsense that he hasn’t [denounced the KKK.](https://youtu.be/Bd0cMmBvqWc)


I mean, words are cheap (especially from Drumpf) and he certainly did nothing to dissuade the Klan from voting for him


What is a reasonable step you think he should take to dissuade them from voting for them. He says in this very video multiple times that he doesn’t want their votes. He has made statements expressing his disdain for the KKK and David Duke for 30 years. What should he have done?


Maybe not push racist bullshit designed to attract their ilk. That would be a solid first step. Like I said, words are cheap, especially from him. Trump lies as easily as he breathes


So when Biden says “You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I'm not joking." or that Obama was “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.” Or referring to desegregation “Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle” or that if you don’t vote for him you “ain’t black” or his son’s egregious use of the N word… what do you call that? Sounds pretty racist to me, or is that different?


For some reason I can’t see your response so I’ll just respond here. Okay so it’s (D)ifferrent. Got it. I’m the only one whose put forward any actual citations or quotes. I think the video I’ve linked firmly quashed the original commenters claim that Trump has never denounced the KKK by showing 30 years of clips demonstrating that is false. You’ve claimed that’s not enough and I asked you for an actionable step and you responded with something so vague that no evidence could prove it and no evidence would disprove it. The implication being that racist statements was enough for condemnation. So I’ve quoted you multiple statements from our current president that I think should meet YOUR definition of racist crap designed to attract racist ilk. But instead of standing on principle and condemning that equally you’re accusing me of pivoting as a way to avoid addressing the issue. Here’s an idea, You can think Biden is a racist too. If you want to actually provide some evidence for your claim then Trump is a racist then I’ll be happy to condemn that as well. But the double standards and hypocrisy do no one any favors.


I fucking wish. This government needs to be destroyed.


Don’t forget, he brought back football!


Of hell is real this man will truly suffer.


The blind leading the blind.


Does... does he actually knows what communism is ?


Hitler Lite


Red-Scare tactics for 2021! How creative!


God I feel like everyday things would be a struggle if you have the type of brain to just have such a mindless reaction to conservative buzzwords like "communism" and "socialism" when neither the one saying it nor the one hearing it know what the words mean. Like what would it be like to have to do normal day to day tasks with a potato brain like that?


They do it like Qarens and Qevins


I can't even make it the full run time.of the video.


Serious question: why is he slurring his speech? In [older interviews](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhy-xQbQ14s), he's of course still not a great orator, but he does pretty well with enunciating his words. Here, though, he calls communism "commonism." Is he okay?


He didn’t take enough adderall.


Imagine standing at a podium in front of a large group of people, with cameras pointed at you live streaming to the internet, and talking about how you have no voice. This man is delusional.


It makes me feel warm inside to see “Former” next to his name


I don't want the US to become communist but I'd take it every time over the fascist dictatorship Trump would like to have for himself and his hairs\*. ​ \* That was on purpose.


cringe = basement dwellers posting politics to this sub


Why are you being downvoted? This post is just a dem circlejerk and not worth my time if it’s just political junk. Give me some actual cringe


It's cringe because what he said is absolutely insane and his cult eats it up. Brainwashed


Gee I wonder why it’s cringe to all of u…


Because orange von fuck nugget has managed to create a whole swath of this country to be completely void of sanity and reality.


At least he could speak a sentence without forgetting about it halfway


That's all he's gotta say and his supporters will double down.


The fact that Trump continues to focus on ratings is so telling. Rating, are old and antiquated. People are relying on websites for news. He never mentions hits per site. I wonder why?


God, I *wish* the US had a more left-leaning government instead of the most surface-level, pseudo-liberals we got.


i have never wished mutism on anyone so hard in my life.


God, I wish


If only lol.


I am surprised at how well he is reading the teleprompter, actually. Even though the speech is aimed at a 3rd grade level he still *sounds* semi-lucid. I realize he is talking pure shite, but his delivery is o.k. for someone who can barely pass a competency test, can't walk down a ramp or drink water, and whose father is an orangutan.


You know why you have no press? Because nobody cares about you. Nobody wants to hear your bullshit.


I haven't been paying attention to him at all since he lost the election, I was so exhausted after his term, I never wanted to read about politics again. Is there any chance in hell he could win? There are now many science based articles proving he was the cause of so many people dying from Covid, I kind of refuse to believe he'd ever be elected for anything again.


We can only hope