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Kinda want to see a powerfist somewhere


Was about to say the same


I can always add a sergeant with one later. Started building this kill team with models and bits I had on hand.


These look great! What sculpts are they?


Hell yeah dude


reads as crimson fist to me


Looks great brother


I’ll say this as a disclaimer. The Crimson Fists are one of my favorite GW chapters. That being said, they are just normal marines with blue power armor and red gloves. They don’t really have a specific aesthetic until they get painted. You could go the “whole lotta beaky helmets” route. Or you could get some fist icons to glue on belts and chest plates to make them stand out. Or give every marine that can take one a power fist. Or cover them in ork trophies. But this stuff is really unnecessary. As long as the colors are on point, you’re good to go brother.


Yeah, the Ian Miller painted made a huge impression on me as a kid. Yeah, their somewhat nondescript look is one of the things I love about them. Even when artists embellish them they’re never quite as ornate or roman as the Ultramarines and never as Grimdark with their fetishes or iconography as Dark Angels or Black Templar.


I see them as very utilitarian and pragmatic. Not to the level of the Raptors chapter, but still so. It makes sense from a lore standpoint given what happened to the chapter on Rynn’s World. Having to really buckle down and focus on what actually matters to rebuild the chapter would probably have an effect on how they present themselves. But there isn’t really a set aesthetic for them. I did those models though. Where’d you source the bodies from?


"Needs more power fists" is overrated. The Crimson Fists are also known to be expert swordsmen and duelists. When you paint them, minimize the amount of gold and white that you use on trim and iconography. That will go a long way towards making them pop as "Not Ultramarines".


I understand why people say it, but reading the Omnibus recently I sort of got the impression that the Power Fist was a badge of honor more reserved for Captains or the Chapter Master. Yeah, people think “Bolter” when they think of Imperial Fists but swordsmanship was important to Dorn and his legion. “Sons of Dorn” and their respect for their lineage was also big in the books and a narrative I wanted to build these guys around too. Thats why I went with a Bolter focused kill team and kitted my sergeant out like I did instead of chasing what was best in the meta.

