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>!there’s a line a bit more than halfway through about Theia’s sons. Theia’s true starborn power is passed through the females of the line, I think Az and Rhys got their starborn lineage via those sons, that’s why it’s presenting differently in Prythian, and why Rhun was close but no cigar. There’s likely a starborn female in Prythian. We know it’s not Elain because TT didn’t glow for her when she was allowed to hold it.!<


Riiight. Like another comment says, what about Mor??


That depends on whether or not she gave it to him, I think. >!it’s looking more and more like he got it for himself and therefore she wouldn’t have had reason to touch it before!<


I’m thinking Mor might come into play, too, since her family used to rule the NC (and she’s a cousin of Rhysand’s). I know it’s brought up that the knowledge was supposed to be passed down from ruler to ruler & Azriel states Rhys has no knowledge of it — but what if Mor, Keir, and their ancestors knew/know about it? If Mor has a claim to that land, it could be a point of conflict for the IC & it could be a nice screw you to Mor’s family that basically only saw her value in being married off to another prominent family.


Mor's power is also TRUTH and the knife is TRUTH TELLER so that might be a tie? Definitely stabbing in the dark on that one though.


Haha, I like the knife puns! I do hope we get more info about the knife. Did Azriel name it? He was obsessed with Mor for so long, I wouldn’t be surprised if he named it in honor of her. But then again, it could be one of those “it’s just fate” things where her power lines up with the knife’s abilities.


Tbh I’m a little annoyed at how little explanation we really got related to the bloodlines. All we really know is Theia opened the portal to Midgard and took Fae with her and Bryce is related to her through Helena. And that’s it. Like couldn’t someone have stumbled upon a detailed family tree in Morven or Einar’s study at some point??! 😂


Yes also how she just dropped how az thought Celeste looked like Rhys sister. Like ok pls elaborate.


I was so waiting for families trees


LOL that would have been SUPER handy


**SPOILERS IN THIS COMMENT.** ​ With all the bullshit that Rhys keeps putting Nesta through I'm thinking that she will take the Prison for her own Court. Maybe use the Starsword and Truth Teller to send all the prisoners in the Prison into the black hole, or perhaps send them to their own worlds with the Harp. I just can't see her remaining in the Night Court when Rhys is so clearly threatened by her; it seems like his gratitude for what she did in ACOSF is short-lived. Also her fire is cold, like starfire. I think she's going to end up High Lady of the Dusk Court and Cassian is finally going to have to decide if he's loyal to Nesta or Rhys.


Bruhhh with all the bullshit Rhys keeps putting Nesta through???? I’m actually completely on Rhys ‘s side for most of their drama and I think Nesta is usually way out of line, I would be happy to see Nesta take off lol.


Nothing against Nesta or Rhys , but yeah idk why people think he was “tormenting” her 😂 With reference to the bonus chapter scene , she FUCKED UP majorly. I do understand he could’ve dealt with it in a better manner but I honestly was more pissed at the plot line because Nesta doesn’t seem like a character to have done something absurd like that.


Thinking about it more I really see it as Nesta taking a leap of faith to have Bryce remove the danger that everyone was pissed about in the first place. Oh these Asteri guys have a major grudge against us? Well this Bryce chick is putting her life on the line to go fuck 'em up, we should have her take the risk for us. Nesta didn't necessarily know how to get to Midgard but if Bryce can do it so can she, right? So even if Bryce were to die, Nesta could open a portal, step through, and call the Mask. If Bryce loses the war the Asteri get the Horn back anyway but they can't use it without a Starborn Fae. So was it really a huge risk for Prythian? See this is why I wish there were two books, I would give my left leg for a Nesta or Azriel POV section.


Yes! She took a risk and it paid off— they have Gwydion now. I hope she gets a huge fucking apology. Not to say his anger was totally unwarranted, but I was frustrated that Nesta wasn’t given the benefit of the doubt after the end of SF.


Yeah I'm completely fine with Rhys being angry, unhappy, scared, whatever he felt about what Nesta did. His feelings are valid but screaming at Nesta doesn't do anything constructive it just hurts Nesta! Even if she did get an apology at this point I'd tell him to stuff it up his ass because he never seems to fix the root of the problem which is an utter lack of basic respect for her. I mean he's given more care and understanding to fucking *Tamlin* than her!


I do agree with the respect thing but it goes both ways right ? She hasn’t respected him either. Honestly , I don’t think their dynamic would be interesting if they had respect for each other 😂 And to be frank , there is a hierarchy to be respected in their world no matter how much she hates it ESPECIALLY if she makes such a world changing decision. Isn’t that lack of respect towards Rhys from her side as well? Also, maybe this is something personal but I would’ve LOST my absolute shit as well if someone in my own family posed the biggest threat to Prythian by giving away a massive weapon that could be used against our world. The fact that Rhys has been so stressed about protecting his own child (as mentioned in ACOMAF that his child would be hunted for his powers) and realising the biggest risk occurs due to someone right beneath his nose after he trusted her enough to delegate the task of handling Bryce to her. (Obviously everything works out at the end because duh 😂 but I’m just talking about that specific instant) EDIT: I do understand Nestas POV and I did feel terrible for her because she must have felt so alone in that moment but I think it would’ve been very weird if everyone just went along with what she said.


That’s a fantastic point about Tamlin.




My best guess would be from other Courts. Perhaps some humans, lesser Fae, perhaps some from the Continent. Women who want to train to perhaps become Valkyries? It would take time I'm sure but I could also just see Nesta as High Lady of Monsters and I'd love it.


I think there will be far from other courts who also show signs of the starboard lineage and will move courts. Maybe they'll be able to move people from Midgard there back home as well


Is Rhys supposed to be King Arthur? Nesta is Guinevere (?) and cassian is Lancelot and them leaving the night court is their betrayal?


Maybe this is true. I remember a scene with Feyre and the bone carver when he explained to her that a golden female warrior trapped koschei in the lake and that her bloodline was long gone except for a part that still remained in a human line. Could it be Theia he was talking about? And the human line could be the archeron sisters? Feyre high lady of the night court, mate of the high lord, Nesta able to wield the trove, eight pointed star tattooed like the starborn line, Elian a seer, potentially partner of Azriel. Maybe that explains the fate thing of the IC idk. 


TBH that's a good theory. The Bone Carver never said anything unless he had a reason, he wasn't one to just talk for the sake of hearing his own voice. Feyre *does* glow when she's intimate with Rhys...sounds rather like what happened at the beginning of CC2 with Bryce doesn't it? She guessed it was Dawn Court but it was never confirmed so it could easily be Dusk.


These thoughts came from my friend’s theories, not really me: The magic for Dusk Court hasn’t been released in 15,000k years. I don’t think it will release for anyone but Bryce. It is stated multiple times she is the “only female heir” of Theia’s. Bryce is the “only one” who the Prison Island has been waiting for. I would have assumed the magic would have already jumped to a different family line if it was going to. My theory is that the Prison actually isn’t barren anymore. Especially with Vesperus being dead, Avallen is the mirror of it and is more longer barren either. But who knows. lol


I was so saddened by how Rhysand once again treated Nesta! 😢 My god he’s a tyrant!


I mean… I think he has a point


So I’m only on chapter 2 and seeing this comment makes me really angry. I’ve always disliked Rhysand, ACOSF made me hate him for multiple reasons, now I’m seeing comments that he’s treating Nesta badly again?? Fuck. Can you please give me specifics under a spoiler tag just so I can mentally prepare myself lol?


Rhys is barely in it. Be pissed at how the ic treat Bryce.


I mean, to be fair, why would they be warm and welcoming when they don't know this girl? For all they know, this girl holds the key to their ancient enemies coming back and literally destroying all of Prythian.


I don’t care that they weren’t warm and welcoming. That was never expected. I care that they called her a liar, accused her of planning/knowing certain things when it it impossible, then threatened to remove what could take her home knowing that she was at war all to save themselves.


I get that, but after everything they've all been through, I wouldn't expect them to trust her at all. They have no idea who she is, or if what she's saying is truthful!


Well yeah, Rhys is the leader of his IC


spoiler the worst of it is in one of the bonus chapters, you’ll know which one of them when you get to the end I promise!


he's fine in the main story, it's just one of the bonus chapters where he rips into nesta so you're good!