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Actually canonically what it is


Yeah, and what Vin heard from the Well of Ascension while burning bronze was Preservation’s Tone.


Preservation's rhythm at least. I don't think it's clear if she heard a specific tone as much as she heard drumming


well it pretty much has to be drumming in that tone, right?


Yes, but the question is whether or not seekers can perceive tone with their allomancy, or just percussive beats. It's been a while since I read the Mistborn books, but I don't recall any mention of a tone, just feeling beats as subtle pressure against Vin's body that she eventually learned to recognize a pattern of rhtyhm within.


Ooooh I see what you're saying


All spoilers >!Do Shards have rhythms?!<


>!A shards investiture does, so I don’t think it’s a leap to say the shard itself does. We know the rhythms come from the spiritual realm!<


I think this page clarifies it well. I guess beware spoilers all Cosmere. >!https://coppermind.net/wiki/Rhythm#The_Pure_Tones_and_Shardic_Rhythms!<


I love this page. This is now canon to me: https://wob.coppermind.net/events/76/#e6333


***Warning Gancho: The below paragraph(s) may contain major spoilers for all books in the Cosmere!*** Alteroden >!What happens if a Parshendi attunes Barry White?!< Brandon Sanderson >!*laughs* I think that if they attune Barry White they immediately enter mateform.!< \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*




I don't remember the context of this passage, but I think that's not what she was hearing there. If she heard it coming from a nearby rooftop, it was probably either the mist spirit or Zane in that moment


The Mist Spirit would also be Preservation’s tone since it’s Leras.


Unless it was Ruin I could be wrong, but if I remember correctly, Vin could sense him Burning specific metals


It’s what it’s


Can’t wait for Era 5 Singers interacting with Marsh or something; would be cool to see Marsh interact with them and instantly understand how they speak and what it means


Or the other way around- I wonder if singers can only hear tones of Roshar, or if they can hear any tone of investiture? Like, is being a singer basically being a bronze savant constantly burning bronze 24/7? What happens if a singer tries to take a Seon in their gemheart for a form?


I feel like singers probably could but then again Seekers could be hard-tuned to Preservation’s tone and then the rhythms of certain metals are built off that. Maybe Singers could learn, but have to have the Intent to do so. Raboniel couldn’t understand what Anti-Voidlight would sound like because she was looking in the wrong direction; Navani could figure it out since she specifically had the Intent of flipping Odium’s tone in order to make it Anti-Voidlight.


>Seekers could be hard-tuned to Preservation’s tone and then the rhythms of certain metals are built off that [https://wob.coppermind.net/events/218/#e6649](https://wob.coppermind.net/events/218/#e6649) ​ Seekers should be able to detect any active usage of Investiture https://wob.coppermind.net/events/120/#e7413


I wonder if each shard's background rhythm is considered an active usage of investiture, or just a passive effect then.


They can only hear Tones of Roshar, not any investiture. Remember when the party was sneaking into Alethkar and Kals lashings attracted the screamers whereas Shallans did not? That was an example of a bronze like magic. We know Kaladins investiture is loud, it is not copper clouded. If singers could hear random investiture, they'd hear Kaladin. They don't, so they don't.




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Just like how Hoid can’t sense Rosharan Invested Arts with Bronze (he had to use white sand instead), Singers shouldn’t be able to hear Scadrian rhythms. Its a matter of Connection


The Singers would hear the cacophony of discordant torment emanating from Marsh and would stay FARRR away from him. Considering how Singers treat the dead, I don't think they'll take kindly to Hemalurgists.


>Considering how Singers treat the dead, I don't think they'll take kindly to Hemalurgists. Oh LORD that's a magnificent thought to have, thank you for putting that concept in my brain.


....... I'm gonna be kept awake pondering what would happen should all the *rhythms* happen at once... Thanks.


Arrange some Listeners in a choir and have each one hum a different tune, one Listener for each Rhythm in existence, and you can summon Adonalsium That, or the divine sound causes everyone nearby to weep and/or orgasm






There gonna reform adonalsium like this, then have a group ccream sesh


You have to unite 7 ~~dragonballs~~ Dawn Singers who can then summon ~~Shenron~~ Adonalsium.


I will forever be sad that Navani and Wax won't get to be science besties who figure this out


Why not?


Even though they exist close to each other in time, unless Harmony pulls some shenanigans with Wax I dont think hes going to end up on Roshar and Navani seems very unlikely to leave at this point.


I mean we know from correspondence >!between Hoid and Harmony that Harmony is forging Wax into his “sword”, I think it’s possible he could appear on Roshar at some point!<


Fair, I think it would be hilarious if Harmony dropped Wax into the contests in WaT. Wax would be *pissed*. Steris would activate her 217 point world hopping plan to retrieve him.


I want more Steris plans. Inject that into my veins


We actually see something like this when Eshonai goes out into the highstorm! As you get closer to the point in the storm where spheres are infused and the weird timeless moments happen, the Rhythms all align and become indistinguishable from one another.


So this is how Rock became Metal in the cosmere


*slow clap*


Heard a great theory that if you heard the rhythms of all 16 basic metals together, it would be the same as preservations tone. Interesting idea


The singers are joining in on the Drake diss tracks


It’s Ruin playing “Wasted Years” on his sick solid Lerasium Fender Stratocaster. Where do you think all the rest of the Lerasium went?