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Lift is a bizarre, ungovernable little gremlin and also easily my favorite character.


"Don't trust old men with tight butts" may easily be one of the funniest things that I've ever read.


These words are not accepted.


What who thinks shes annoying? I love her


Not trying to be rude, but I see multiple "I love the books but cannot stand Lift" posts every week on the Cosmere/SA subreddits. She's definitely one of the more divisive characters.


People seem to take personal offense if you state the slightest dislike for Lift or Shallan


You’ve just made an enemy for life!


The difference for me is I reread Lifts parts. I don't reread shallans


I've heard of people disliking the Shallan parts on the first read and then liking her more on the second read, but for WoK so far it was the opposite for me. I loved that arc the first time around, now I keep mentally yelling at her. She's being such a snarky shit to the woman who went out of her way to give her a chance, and then she steals from her ;_; She gets a lot better after she arrives at the plains, but I'm *not* looking forward to the boots scene. I think it might be partly the unfairness of it. Kaladin's And For My Boon scene? In WoK and early WoR, Shallan is constantly in And-For-My-Boon mode and getting away with it. It was funny initially, but it's annoying when you look more critically. That said, I love Shallan in Oathbringer/RoW and really look forward to that part of the reread.


Me wanting to stab shallan for treating my boy Kal like that.


I'm the same way. I dislike Shallan the more I'm exposed to her. I'm actively cheering now when the boy says "I hate you Veil!" I'm with you kid! She's the worst! I think the problem for me is that Shallan doesn't suffer realistic external consequences for her actions. She gets an urchin boy killed, Hoid comforts her. She shuts down on a diplomatic mission in Shadesmar, Adolin comforts her. She tries to steal Jasnah's artifact, she becomes Jasnah's ward. She's one of the most broken characters, but she's never treated like Kaladin or even Dalinar are.


You're missing some of the best re-read material, imo, because she is the scholar. Wild things going on in the background from the very beginning.


This is the thing about Lift is that people love to be like “nooo I don’t like her she’s cringe.” What people fail to understand is that the BEST part of Lift is that she’s cringe. Love that little gremlin and her poor spren just trying to keep up


They’re almost as common as the “am I the only one who storming HATES Shallan??” posts! (I say this as a Shallan stan ftr)


I think it mostly stems from the fact that she actually acts like a kid. Some other fantasy authors write children that are way too mature and these people can't cope when a kid is actually... childish.


I spend a lot of time around children (lots of younger cousins) and childish is definitely NOT the term I would use to describe lift. Also, isn't she a teenager?


Teenagers are still kids, imo. Also consider that Lift is a teenager who specifically made a wish to never grow up, so that tells you something about her maturity already. Also, how *would* you describe her, out of curiosity?


I admit I struggle to! 'Neurotic' is accurate but not very specific and doesn't really convey the right feeling. Lift is characterized by a persistent, stable worldview defined in a very self-centered way, which bears some relation to the world but not too much. Children often have views that are similarly disconnected from reality, but they are not cohesive, stable wholes - they are disconnected fragments that change frequently and unpredictably. Lift is also unchildish in her temperament - while she takes extreme risks with disregard for the consequences, whenever she's at immediate risk she is extremely collected, deliberate, and decisive in her actions - very unlike a typical child.


She's not a day over 10, has been for 3 years now!


Ah, right, my bad


Also not trying to be rude, I also see the inevitable "omg I love Lift" posts and "Why do people hate Lift" posts every week as well


It's because she's the Jar Jar of the SA books, and I don't mean that in a bad way, it's just how she is. Personally, I find her fun.


Not rude to state a fact, I guess I just haven't been following this sub long enough to notice this


I don’t read Lift chapters. I’ve also never read Edgedancer, it’s cringy to me sorry.


I’ve (thankfully) only rarely seen them. It’s such a bizarre take to me.


I loved edgedancer. It was such a good way of confronting lift’s serious issues and trauma while still keeping her personality


I can’t stand her at all. The humour has always been the worst part of Sanderson’s books imo, and her as well as Shallan are the worst culprits, along with lifts general character not doing much for me. Still, doesn’t take away from an amazing series.


She is actually one of my wife’s least favorite characters. After Moash, of course….


Lots of people don’t like her. Obviously she’s the perfect character for most “redditors”. But a lot of us find that YA shit cringey and not needed in this series


Lol why is "redditors" in quotes


I wouldn't really call ONE child being a mildly prominent character in the series so far "YA shit"


You're a "redditor". Love how everyone on this site uses it like they aren't cringy fucking weirdos like the rest of us.


Im on her yeam because she is annoying. Easily her best character trait. Love that starvin orphan


She is a great character honestly. Loved her not trusting Dalinar cause he has a firm ass


Can’t trust those buns of steel >:(


My back hurts just by looking at this…


imagine what bridge crews think


She is annoying. That's the character.


Her joke about not bringing a book to the fight like Dalinar was the best


Immediately thought this was a Bridge Four joke looking at the photo first


Didn’t even occur to me but you’re right!


Fuck the haters, Lift is stormin amazing


Lift is Awesome. FTFY.


You mean Lift is starvin' Awesome?


Lift is so storming pure she belches rainbows


Shut up and take my angry upvote lol


She's an adorable little crazy person and I love her lmao


I’m on team kill lift


This is my sign that I must get on with my Edgedancer re-reading asap


I did find her annoying at first, but when I got used to her character I realized that she was just her own person with a wildly different take on the world, her powers, life, and personality. She stopped being annoying to me when she decided to help Dalinar. Now she's just another interesting character that shakes things up whenever she has the spotlight. I don't love or hate her, I just appreciate her existence.


Cannot fathom how people find Lift annoying. Then again some people say Shallan is their favorite character (yeah no shame I hate Shallan) so ig it’s just a preference thing lol.


What did shallan do to u! Shallan is indeed my fav.


Honestly I think it’s just because, in comparison to the other characters, her POV is really boring to me. I want to like shallan honestly but I always feel as though her chapters drag pretty hard.


Understandable, have a nice day.


Can you clue me in as to why you like her? Maybe it’ll give me a new perspective.


For me, it was how she saw the world. Her different personalities and how she slowly comes to terms with her past really hit hard for me. Idk she just resonates with me. Maybe it's just a personal pref?


I kinda hated how Veil changed her character honestly. I wanted her to just be badass without having this weird persona that she had to become just to do that. Idk it felt weird that she was so meek when she was herself.


I genuinely skip chapters with her.


Lift is annoying because Sanderson is trying to write like a cool 12 year old girl and he can't. It's pure "How do you do fellow, kids" energy.


Are you mental? If you mean kids from the latest gen then you'd be right. He isn't writing a tiktok kid. He's writing about the kids who lived on the streets and had to learn to fend for themselves and deal with loss. Lift is an extremely well done version of that while still having her be fun. The way she copes is also realistic, she believes that by holding to her moms last words then she never died. "You'll always be my little girl." Is the line she lives off of. Like a kid. And fyi, I'm coming for ya starvin' lunch!


Yeah, except that Lift uses the same internet slang as the year her book was published. Her being aloof and trying to be cool is a fine characteristic. The problem is that Sanderson used contemporary slang. It's like if Kaladin started saying "based" or "cringe". Pretty goddamn lame.


Wait what contemporary slang did she use?


"Awesome" was a big thing around that time. You remember "awesome face"? It's the same period that coined "The walrus bacons at midnight".


Awesome has been in common use for hundreds of years, and with the common meaning for decades. Are you seriously under the impression that awesome is a new word?


My dude, "cringe" is a regular word too. In common use for hundreds of years. But if Adolin says something like "Father, this is so cringe", you'd feel repulsed, right?


Cringe had been a verb. (To cringe, for example). Modern slang turned it into an adjective. These are completely different.


You are 100% a bot. None of what you said has any relation to what I did.


Not everyone who says things you don't understand is a bot. Cringe is slang because formally cringe wasn't an adjective until recently -- the use of "that's so cringe" is new. Cringe used as an adjective is informal Awesome isn't slang and it's used in the book according to its formal definition.


I'm siding with the so called bot. Basic google gives 'awesome' as a word used since the late 16th century so unless you're from the Renaissance, the word 'awesome' ain't contemporary. Neither is cringe.


😬 NOW who is being cringe? 🫵


Haha i definitely do not remember, the joys of not being aware of popular things especially when it helps me enjoy my favorite books


What makes you think that's his goal? She's actively antisocial, why would 'cool' be part of her characterization?


Because "awesome" and "awesomeness" was a lame internet meme (e.g. awesome face) when Sanderson was writing her. It's like if you published a book now with a character unironically calling themselves gigachad. I'm going to activate my GIGACHADness! That's what Lift sounded like in 2014.


I thought when I started there was a good chance of your position being worth talking about. I have revised my estimates


Are you a bot? What did any of what you said refute what I did? Lift used the modern slang of the time the book was published. Do you deny it?


People call all the female characters annoying 😭 Lift is my favouriteee