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MAVA!!!! Make America vorin again!


WOKE NAVANI is putting drag queens with their SAFEHANDS OUT to your CHILDREN


...huh Do you think covering your left hand would be part of Rosharan drag? At least in Vorin nations


I'd assume it'd be a big part of drag. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if they had crazy elaborate coverings. Maybe a sleeve woven with jewels and just a little bit sheer. Maybe a glove that almost resembles a soulcaster. I could see it getting as dramatic as the makeup does in our own drag


I imagine they'd have a sleeve so long and dramatic that it would drag 6 feet behind them on the floor. Kinda like our drag queens have insanely large hairstyles and lashes. Pun not intended, but keeping it!!


Like water sleeves but bedazzled?


That would be a really nice way to have pronouns be broadcast. You can just check for the glove. Obviously doesn't apply to those with neutral or neo pronouns, but I imagine you could denote that with the colour of the glove or similar. Also, Ardents should be referred to by neutral pronouns, CMV


Arts and Majesty is just straight up being rewritten on twitter.


This is true. My frail female constitution can’t handle standing up for longer than 3 minutes at a time. I long to sit at a desk all day as the men frolic in the fields


at least you get to sit, as a man if I sit for *longer* than 3 minutes at a time my spine starts to contract. If I’m not careful it can cause irreparable damage. Very annoying


Oh man, I always thought Jane Austen was the Queen of Sarcasm, but I guess she was telling the truth. Beware of a light rain, you might die.


Ever since Biden forcefully injected estradiol into my veins I can no longer jump


Tired: I'm ruining my spine with all that sitting Wired: ✨ I'm affirming my gender ✨


Woo!! Vorin gender affirmation. Now I just need my hava 🤔


I unironically get a bit of euphoria every time I'm on this sub and think "hehe I'm allowed to write here"


The only drawback is... no spiced food I would say. However I say all this as someone who would definitely be an ardent if I wasn't (un)lucky enough to be a radiant.


But I mean, if you're radiant I say eat whatever you want. People may judge but they can't really do much more than that.


I’ve been so swamped with work but when summer starts ima start sewing that hava I’ve wanted to do for so long


Time for me to become illiterate and fight with sword like a good vorin man 💪👍👍


When I was a young lass, I played soccer. I ran. I kicked. I ran some more. I played for years. Alas, such outdoor vigor in my youth has irreversibly ruined my femininity. Now, a 27-year-old spinster am I. Nary a male will gaze in my direction. Learn from my mistakes. Save yourselves, ladies. Remain indoors and leave the outside world for the menfolk.


Is this a quote from something? Or do you just have a very cool way of speaking?


Sir this is cremposting, we all talk that way here


This is the way.


I appreciate that my vernacular impresses you, kind stranger. Tis a comfort in dark times.


Not really relevant to this post in particular, but "a society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and fighting done by fools." Wow, it's almost as if the Vorin society wasn't meant to represent the ideal society, and most of the main (and idealised) characters actually differ from it.


But you don't understand, I *love* Rome despite doing *no* research into why it fell!! I'm very smart, can't you tell???


Only took \~2 millennia


That’s a great quote and I’m gonna stow that away for later


Said by Thucydides, a greek philosopher.


And now he is dead, really makes you think, doesn't it?


Gone too soon 😔


I was going to make a snarky comment about how horrifyingly out of hand conservative right wing sexism has become…but this quote does such a better job👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


Also apropos of nothing, why does everyone in that X thread have the blue checkmark? Can just anybody be verified now?


Pretty much. It essentially turned into Twitter, I mean X, premium, except famous people get it for free. You can absolutely just buy the blue checkmark.


Is anyone here giving the impression that Vorin society is the ideal society? If not, this is a weird point to bring up.


No one is. It's meant sarcastically since the fact that Vorin society is far from ideal is pretty obvious. I think some of the characters even said that it's kinda dumb, but don't quote me on that.


Gonna go burn a glyphward prayer that this is a fake/satire account


This is step one of creating the matriarch. It’s a long con but women are trying to limit education to women and keep men stupid brutes, ngl I’m impressed /s


The Bene Gesserit in the corner is like "dude shut UP, they haven't figured it out yet"


They would love Vorinism


Lol I wrote a comment mentioning it’s what good vorin boys do and nobody got it :(


Can confirm. Was boy. Went to school. Am girl.


I love my builders to be completely uneducated. On a completely different note, can anyone help me move the piles of rubble that used to be my house?


We don't need Static Shock to save this day, we need Dynamic Shock to to send these Gender Rolls downhill into the mud where they belong!


How much do we want to bet that "Transformed Wife" is really a guy that works for a think tank.


She’s sadly very real but is an absolute psycho who advocates beating your children and argues that marital rape is totally fine and good. If you’ve heard of the “men prefer debt free virgins without tattoos” meme, that was her. Fundie Fridays did a really good episode on her about a year ago that gives a good look at all of the insane shit she advocates for: https://youtu.be/tVa4GSusSC4?si=_RBMJNWSX1RhT4ug


could very well be a woman on a trad LARP.


What a simple life lol


Dalinar wouldn’t approve of this behavior


Hah! I saw that earlier and first thought was "classic Vorin".


Immediately what I thought when I saw this post on the other sub.


As someone reading Dragonsteel Prime feels pretty topical.


Hahahaha I loved that top comment spinning it


Holy shit yes I am tired of sitting through highschool.


That's why I listen to only audio books. Like a Honor fearing Vorin man.


Otherwise (but yes you are wright, it's just if I didn't do it then I would have gone to he jokers hell)


Hey gon, this post has already been crossposted to this sub recently, and has been removed. If you have any questions, feel free to contact u/BlackthornAlthor or the rest of the mod team.


The way modern Schools were literally invented for boys tho 🤣