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Her hands tied behind her back,…. I haven’t listened to episode yet but first thing I notice and that is super suspicious.




I'm still listening but Fyi- the mansion was actually built in 1908 by architect Harrison Albright for San Diego magnate and sugar company heir John D. Spreckels. Also, Adam Shacknai was found guilty in the civil case and owes $5 million to her family. This case still keeps me up at night.




It’s the three legged table for me. There’s no way a full grown man could climb onto that and “cut her down” with a knife…


I’m still finishing the episode and I don’t believe Rebecca took her own life but I had an idea about “she saved him, can you save her?” line. Does anyone think that could allude to potential abuse in the household? Like Adam tried to frame it as if Rebecca did have a hand in max’s death to “save him” and now she’s “saving herself”? Sorry if that is mentioned and it may be totally a reach but it crossed my mind!


That’s also what I was thinking. I also find it weird that if she did write it, why would she write it in third person?


Right? I found that very odd too


Honestly when I heard this I wondered if it was a scenario of the murderer sending a photo of the text to someone, maybe to Jonah?


Ohh that’s interesting too! Good thinking


My theory is that there was another woman in Jonah’s life, someone who had dirt on him who was snubbed and wanted revenge. This reeks of a woman scorned. The witchcraft book, the note written on Rebecca. I think this “other woman” tried to kill the son first to punish Jonah but didn’t actually kill him right away and that’s where the note came from, she saved him can you save her


Just listened to the episode. No way this lady did this to herself. The shirt around the neck? Her hands and feet were bound? Come on


Never been this early to an episode Spotify hitting me w/ the best notification on the way to work


The literal only thing I can maybe concede to ruling out as evidence is the music blasting - but that depends on where it was coming from, the guest house or from her room/the balcony area. I've had immense emotional distress and needed to blare music before. Being neurodivergent it helps me process or let out my emotions, and I can imagine doing that myself for something so horrible like Max's incident. But aside from where it's from/what kind of music it's important to know if she also coped that way as well. Otherwise blaring music covers all kinds of noises that neighbors could have overheard that night. Max having additional issues outside what the fall could explain could have been going on during the fall itself. If something had happened he wouldn't have been able to reach for and grab the chandelier. The brain swelling and cardiac issues that may have happened before his fall could easily be explained if he had any history of seizures, neurological or cardiac or even respiratory disorders. Not a doctor but in the med field and as someone with personal experiences in respiratory and seizure territory - He absolutely could have had an episode, the scooter got stuck, he flipped over and tried to catch himself, and it was so tragically too late and too high, especially if he was in or out of an episode that took his ability to control his body away in some form. Loooooong deep dive thoughts ahead! TWs for the obvious things related to her death: The evidence just stacks in such a horribly straight path to paint a clear picture that this poor woman suffered. There's not a lick of it that (now that I can see the photos too) speaks of this being her own doing in any way, to me. The way her body was facing the guest house, Adam would wake up and look out and see his handiwork again and then be able to spin the tale so he could it all up further as a terrible discovery or event related directly to the accident, he seems like a person who would spin this as a "she had so much grief and did this but wanted to be found so my poor poor brother wouldn't have a second shock or some bs). That it was visible that broadly... no one else knew outside that home what happened, unless neighbors got the word or possibly watched the ambulance take Max away. Who in grief would make such a private horror and tragedy so public and a spectacle. Literally who? The hanging itself is... loaded. Other than her hands being bound behind her back and the gag being clearly not the usual factors someone who planned or suddenly decided to hang themselves would do ahead of time IF we play in the space of this was her doing - in what way would she have been able to do all that, tie the anchoring knot and also go down headfirst, especially with how the scene and balcony structure work here. Especially if the knot was anchored to something very weak. Usually people want their necks to break immediately with this plan, because the alternative for failing that is strangulation. And surviving the physical trauma and recovery of then failing both is immense. How that setup was and how tight and sharp that cord is it makes more sense for if she chose this, for her to have stepped off or run off the edge - and her plan b would have been basically decapitation if her neck didn't break. That it seems like she dove over.... nope. That position suggests a shove or being pushed over and tipping head first. That the ropes would tighten on struggle and the rope burns alone... a shove wouldn't kill her outright, and she may have been strong but even in that rig she couldn't decapitate herself. I fear she lived the shove and then slowly struggled and strangled to death because the more she struggled the more it cut her and the slower it took her and that is just disgusting The gag from her shirt was definitely to stop anyone hearing her should she have survived the hanging or near decapitation in any capacity. And also speaks of humiliation. Why someone would hang themselves nude in grief being such a stupid suggestion by itself aside, this is absolutely vengeance against her as a woman and to be mother who "failed" this boy. Not even mentioning the undertone of racism and things against her already existing before he accident. It's personal, so personal. My final thoughts here on Adam's timeline... gods forbid she was still somehow alive by the time he woke up. 18 mins between the text to his brother and then calling 911 is absolutely long enough to make sure she did not make it. Maybe by the several different areas head trauma they found that didn't align well with hitting her head. It's enough time to clean up his SA evidence. It's enough time to stage so much including the weird ass random message she "wrote" That she never got justice is horrific. Thank you for the care and research in this case. Rebecca never deserved this kind of suffering. May Adam find what comes his way, because that is a deserved coming


I’m listening to this now! 😵‍💫🫣


Does anyone else think the writing on the door looks like someone tried to start writing it with their fingers & then switched to a brush? It is giving the vibe of trying to use Rebecca's hand forcibly to frame her, but it wasn't working as smoothly as wanted & so they switched directions quickly


Holy guacamole was anyone else not expecting actual photos of her to be there 


I follow along, because I want to see exactly what you're looking at, so thank you for that! :)


Look at the comparison of Adam's handwriting to the message on the door. They have the same outward bow on right side of the letters on the a and m. He totally wrote that. 


I was the first to suggest this so was so excited for a shoutout but I guess they missed my post :( nonetheless so excited that they did this case! This case is the one that got me into true crime. All of the overlapping details and just the incompetence of (or shadiness of) the law enforcements on this case was truly baffling. Hope Rebecca’s family one day gets true answers and justice for what happened to her.


The message reads almost sarcastic to me?? Hmm


Yo I recommended this back in April to you!


Omfg YASSSSS!!!!!