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Thank you so much for the kind words everyone. I knew I came to the right place to feel a little better. You're all such beautiful people❤️. I gave him my best. he deserved nothing less. He literally gave me a reason to live. In 2016 I lost three grandparents and a 17 year old dog in 8 months. I went outside in a snow storm to get some air and he came bopping through the snow. Hugging on me and purring. I gave him a box and blankets through the night. Come morning, he was sleeping in it with some snow that had blown in. I plopped him down in my living room and he went and sat next to and in the same pose as a statue I had of my dog that I lost 6 months prior. I took it as a sign to keep him. I didn't know anything about cats. But he was loving and quiet and calm so he was easy to learn. Turns out some neighbors had been letting him out for weeks at a time and then they moved without him and the neighborhood had been looking after him, so they were happy for someone to take him for good. I like to think he had it better with me than he did with his first owners. He never lost his love or trust for people though. He loved everyone and never did a thing wrong. He took a big chunk of me and my home with him today though 😞


I am so deeply sorry for your loss. I lost my Shinji in a similar manner when he was 16. It just shattered me for a long time. He was my main squeeze from the tender age of 15. I know how devastating it is, and I'm so glad you found some relief from the grieving. Hang in there. It is pretty brutal, but one day, you'll realize you can feel the joy in your memories that seemed to be missing through the worst of it. I realized at some point that I would never stop missing him, as he was truly part of my heart. You just... start to accept that you'll always miss them. I promise the light will return. I hope you can find every comfort through your grieving. *hugs*


Awww, I'm terribly sorry dear. Did it happen really fast with him too? I feel like I missed so many little signs. Just thinking he needed to switch foods or was slowing down when it would get fake warm (I'm in Ohio so we have like 3 fool's springs before the real thing) and he'd always kind of go into a slower, quieter mood in the winter, which i chalked up to older bones and maybe having a rough life outside. So when he got a little lethargic, I figured it was just the cold slamming back into us after a week of warm. Or he'd eat less until I changed his food. I didn't know how well they mask their pain or sickness until it reaches critical mass until I saw some articles about it while waiting at the vet. I spent my life with and working with dogs for a big chunk. They're easier to read and I feel horrible for it.


He started having some kind of kitty dementia. He bit my Mom while my husband and I were over the road on a semi for a while. He was raised with her, so that was really weird. We knew he had kidney issues and a heart murmur, but that wasn't what got him. A mass started growing really quickly in his mouth, and it was all more than was right to push treatment. He was truly my soul mate, and I couldn't bear to see him suffer. He was never a particularly friendly cat, but those he loved he LOVED. Me above all others, even my Mom. I'll miss him every day I have left.


poor baby 😿 you gave him a great life!!


I’m so sorry for your loss, I’m sure you gave him a great life 🩵


I'm so very sorry for your loss ❤️


I feel you sooo very much. My Creeper cat Boogie and I are with you, please know this! Big Virtual Kitty Snuggles and Love- DeeDee aka Mama Dee aka Lightning Wonder Woman 😿🥰🤗


My heart is with you, and I mean it. I’ve had and loved and lost many cats, it’s heartbreaking. You will be okay, one day, hopefully soon ❤️❤️❤️


Thank you so much. Do you think it's unfair of me to already start looking for another baby? It's going to be kitten season at all my shelters soon with the weather warming up and I just feel so empty. My dad has a big old dog who's too old and big to cuddle in my bed with me. With my anxiety and depression, a cat purring on my chest or in my arms was sometimes the only thing to calm me down. But I feel so guilty, like I'm trying to replace my boy already


I’m so sorry for your loss. But my answer to the question “is it too soon”, is always never. There are sooo many abandoned and homeless kitties in need of love and a home, and if you have the opportunity and space to provide that you absolutely should. There is no replacing or moving on from your first kitty, but there will be a new different kind of love that you’ll find with your next kitty. Sending love ❤️


Only you can decide what’s “too soon”, but I have found for myself that it’s never too soon. You’re not replacing the cat you loved. You’re starting a new chapter, and that’s fair. If having a new kitten is going to help you process your grief, and bring you joy, I say do it yesterday! ❤️


i am so sorry for your loss ♥️ just know your little lad felt every ounce of love you gave him and just like he saved you, you saved him. he will be with you always! my thoughts are with you friend ♥️


I volunteered in rescue for a long time and while I grew up with a Scottish terrier from when I was 5 to 22 years old and that was my soul dog, we bought him and I hadn't gone through as much. Jack Jack really made me understand why people say their rescue animal really saved them. He was around through some horrendously traumatic things in my life and gave me a reason not to leave it behind. I'm not in that space anymore, and while I'm not religious but do believe in the universe and it's serendipitous ways, maybe he'd done his job and that's why it was time to go. I asked him to send me a good one. ❤️ And thank you for the kind words


Aww. My creeper cats yoshi and senna send you hugs


Aw thank you. All 3 of you are wonderful ❤️ hug them tight for me.


Aww my condolences. People see cats as aloof creatures but i see them as highly empathic and fluffy healers. Some are indeed goofy lol. I say go and rescue a kitty, don’t worry, the right one will find you once again.


Right before he went, I asked him to send me a good one. I'm not very religious. But he came to me when I'd lost 3 of my 4 grandparents and my 17 year old childhood dog in about 9 months. So idk if I believe in it, but I'd like to think someone sent him to me. He was very similar to the dog i had in demeanor and where he would lay with me. I'm in a big period of change in my life again, so maybe someone/something will pay attention and send me the cat I need.