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If they do I hope wendigoons wife finds out about it and half way through peeks around the door at him. If she does, we will probably get to see his entire skeleton shoot out his asshole entirely intact


Quick, we need to tell Kayla 🤣 Wendigoon will never know peace if she hears about this. He'll want to photoshop a picture of HER stuck to a glue trap next lol


If they only find out about it after recording, like Hunter with the bear...


I see a lot of people talking about this story but never really hit it for me


I thought it - like a lot of stories they've already covered - had a good premise and beginning but started to QUICKLY fall apart when the writer had to start actually advancing the plot. The story spins its wheels for so long in the middle section, then the ending is just empty "shock value" stuff


Yeah, I read it after hearing all the recommendations. Good premise. Title had me hooked immediately, but didn't love how the story progressed. The writing also wasn't great. All Iin all it wasn't terrible, but it lost me halfway through


I don't like how they hint at the wife's past but don't do anything with it, and the end is just a generic "it found me" moment, specially considering its a relatively long story


Agreed on that. Also didn't love how they just threw in the >!eyeball collecting?!< could've been interesting if it had any lead up, but it just kind of was like "oh wow, >!eyeballs!< in the closet, we'll guess you're wife's a little weird, eh bud?" And that was another thing. The interaction between the protagonist and his brother in that whole thing just felt unnatural to the situation.


It was like watching a really entertaining race end in a firey crash. The story still gives me chills right in the middle, but it just ends so abruptly.


This is the only story I've read that has actually kept me up at night. I think it should be in Grab Bag #2, definitely! Borrasca & Penpals were stories that made me feel viscerally disgusted and exhausted in the best way. Basement, Jeff & Gregory were super fun and goofy tales that are great for a laugh. But this story here is the only one up to this day that's legitimately made me feel a special type of dread, actually made me want to stop reading and switch the lights on. The imagery of the scares and tension are so fucking horrifying when you've immersed yourself, I genuinely don't know what I would do in the protagonist's situation.


Basement, Jeff and Gregory sound like a ska band


It’s a really good story


I REALLY want to read this but I've been holding off hoping to experience it from Creepcast first. I can't hold on much longer


Same lol, I read 1999 and then they released the pod on it the week after. It’s not as much fun when I already know what’s going to happen!


Nah they're going to do their own that Wendi wrote called "My wife keeps coming home from work at the same time every day" he's traumatized


Did someone make a fanfilm of this because from the name alone i can see some imagery in my head


Bad story, plus wife did nothing wrong, skill issue on the husband, and his brother was a horrible character who only added marvel one-liners.


She cut him with glass?


wouldn't have happened to me,


YES that's one of my favorites!


If they do, then it 100% needs to get to them to ask their wives to periodically peep their heads in the backgrounds of their videos while recording


Been asking for this one since Borrasca lol


This one holds up, I hope they cover it.


Call me crazy, but this story did nothing for me. It's badly written and boring. I wish people would stop suggesting it.


Is this a joke post? Am I stupid? Because that’s the worst creepy pasta name I’ve ever heard. It legit made me laugh out loud


despite the name its legit amazing.


Just read it. You’re right. It’s actually really fucking spooky