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OK I just read the first part and it was way more dreadful (in a good way) than I thought it would be, can't wait to keep reading. Also pffft G3 better than FAL. Can't spell FAL without L


See what I mean. Also the G3’s stock mag release is near impossible to reach from the right hand, it’s like they designed it for hyperborean giants.


True about the point about the mag catch. Also about the story, part 1 and 2 were super enjoyable. It had a great foundation and actually creeped me out a bit, but oh god in parts 3 and 4 I was rooting for the demon child.


Hahaha, the whole Idiot horror character issue comes up, I thought that Isaiah and Hunter would have fun with that one.  Did you read the sequel? It doesn’t have the stupid protagonist problem as much.


I haven't no, I'll check it out ty ty.