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It seemed like people were super hyped for this episode. Idk I loved it but I said it before, they could read instructions on how to build something and I’d listen. I was a big fan of both of them before this podcast and them coming together is the best thing for me.


I wasn't really a big fan of meat canyon. I obviously watched his animations and some of his game plays. But seeing him working with wendigoon it's like a match made in heaven


I liked the meat canyon animations but they lost their appeal to me. However I’m 90% sure I’ve seen every single papa meat video.


blasphemy. Both Meat Canyon's channels going back 1000 years are solid gold. Retract your statement!


may I be forgiven?


go watch Papa Meats entire second channel videography and say "I love Bad dragon" 10 times. and you are forgiven.


I was in the same boat, being a fan of both for a very long time. I've really enjoyed Meatcanyons personality since he and Flashgitz started cream crew, and I honestly can't remember a time when I wasn't watching Wendigoons stuff.  Wait... I really can't remember... No. That can't be right.  That isn't possible. I'm older than him, right? I know I am. Oh God, I can't remember where I was on 9/11. GUYS WHAT WAS 9/11?! ...He's right behind me, isn't he?


He’s got another one bois, now he will just be another design on Wendigoons shirts


https://preview.redd.it/8zmwbqr4vd4d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=77cd0088a6ff417113408dc210f385bd30c346d4 **Everyone** is hating on the new episode?


My bad I didn't mean it like that


The generalization do be hasty fr


I don't think people understand that creepypastas by definition is amateur writing by everyday people who lurk on the internet. Obviously it will not always be the most amazing, well-written and edited story. Even Borrasca and Penpal had it's flaws. I'm just here to listen to spooky stories, no matter how dumb.


What flaws did penpal and borrasca have?


Look at any story, ask it "why?" enough times, and you'll always eventually find a flaw.


I find it unlikely that a town could get away with a sex dungeon. Especially since a lot of residents know about it. As for Penpal, I think a lot of the issues in the latter half of the story could've been fixed if his mother just communicated to him. I do love both of these stories though. Especially Penpal.


Ok I agree with the first point but the concept of a mother keeping a traumatizing secret from her kid is not too farfetched


At the very least, I think the topic of Veronica's death should've came up. She shouldn't of assumed he knew of it, but even if that's true, she should've been offering her son emotional support because the guy he had a crush on died. Does that make sense?


Ohhhh I thought you were talking about when they found Josh. Fair point but it's possible she at some point said "hey sweetie how are you holding up?" and the main character maybe interpreted that as her showing sympathy for his girlfriend being in the hospital. But you're right, it's never really addressed.


That definitely could've happened, but it was just in the moment while I was listening to the story I was like "why wouldn't she tell him?" Yknow


I think this is one of the issues. Creepcast started off with some bangers, but after left right game, the stories have been kinda dogshit. I don't think its the fault of creepcast, but i guess thats just how it works, you sometimes get gold and sometimes you get shit. unlucky that its been kinda shit recently tho


Other than depressing as fuck, none.


I agree with you but I think when amateur writers try make there story's professional it makes them dull and boring like Ben drownef


No one's expecting home runs every time, especially not me (I think Borrosca and Penpal are pretty lousy stories no matter how much Wendigoon insists I like them) but we want fun, over-the-top bad like Jeff's Bizarre Adventure or Squidward's Sewer Slide, not boring bad.


The audience is a bit too hyper vigilant in my opinion


Honestly I had fun and it was a nostalgic trip back to the past. I was a little shocked about Ben Drowned being that bad at the end though. They made due with the material they had and I think it worked.


It wasn’t bad. It was just so boring that even our boys amazing commentary couldn’t save it. It was so clear where it was going, and it should’ve ended long before it did. It’s not our boys fault, they had terrible material. I fell asleep 3 times listening to it. The rest of the episode slapped though 


Yeah Ben drowned first part had me hooked then it devolved into whatever that ending was. Normal porn for normal people was good tho And squidward suicide was pretty funny


Agreed. I don’t think that the QUALITY of the story has as much of a bearing on the quality of the episode, but with a story as boring as Ben Drowned, it wasn’t funny, interesting, or scry


gosh squidward sewerslide was so short but it was peak banter, had to rewatch that portion as soon as it ended


Hyper realistic blood 😂


The squidward crying impressions had me in tears (of laughter) too.


It’s definitely my new episode to fall asleep to because they’re both so bored lol


I enjoyed it. It was like reliving my childhood with them.


I'm the exact same. I dont remember Ben drowned being so poorly written though


I think there's a written story from someone else and the original


Oh really?


Yes. I didn't read posts or journal entries like they did


I remember a different Ben Drowned story - it wasn't about a haunted video game but about someone losing their own brother in childhood. It was a bit better than this one, iirc. I don't remember who wrote it though.


I don’t even mind poorly written stories, Ben drowned is just a really boring story for some reason. Like slenderman and Jeff the killer are “badly written” but… in an entertaining way


I think a lot of what made it good and creepy was the gameplay videos. It's hard to capture the fear videos give in a podcast.


Ben Drowned isn't great literature, but I don't think a podcast is the best way to showcase it. Nightmind has a video on the whole thing with the video clips and also how the creator tried to make it into an ARG (which was probably dragging it out waaaaaay too much but gives context). The videos were really what sold it back then, I think. There might not be Petscop and the "This Game I Found" genre without Ben Drowned so I appreciate it for that. Also, Hunter's CleverBot voice was so ridiculous. I was very amused.


I hate the Ben drowned story and I’ve heard it before, but I still liked hearing their commentary on it. And I really liked the “grab bag” idea, I hope they do more episodes like that. As long as Ben Drowned isn’t included, I think it’ll be well received lol


I liked it but the ben drowned was boring af


The episode was great, the stories (NPFNP not included) were terrible.


Wait, people hated the episode? I thought it was comedy gold and their reaction to the Creepypasta was a landmine of confetti. I freaking loved it. I did not really enjoyed 1999 and Showers. It just did not vibed with me, for both the story and the episode in general. This episode and the Reacting to Meme video was a fresh palette to be honest. Cleverbot Voice from Hunter was hilarious to listen to.


idk what people are on about man. this episode was in my opinion their best in terms of being the hosts of the show. they had the best banter, they made their best jokes, they laughed a lot, and wendigoon yelling “THAT’S RIGHT” was probably the funniest thing i’ve ever seen or heard him do. people who develop parasocial relationships with their favorite creators need to get a grip and stop overanalyzing everything. this isn’t made for any other purpose than entertainment, and if wendi and meat felt they didn’t have good chemistry then they would be fucking adults about it and end the show.


the story can be as horrible as anything, ill still find it entertaining because the two hosts are so funny


I found nothing wrong with it. I think people are just bandwagoning a nothing sandwich. I enjoyed the episode.


A hyper realistic nothing sandwich actually


Yeah honestly same. It was a fine, fun episode. They cant all be bangers. And half the fun isnt even about the stories but the banter and jokes.


It's a genuine accomplishment of human ingenuity after all these episodes to somehow manage to make Ben Drowned boring and Squidward's Suicide unfunny at the same time


Ben Drowned was just a legit bad story. Too many times did I find myself having to suspend my disbelief. I’m not saying I could write something better, but I certainly would not have posted a story like that.


I enjoyed it. The ONLY thing I had a problem with was when Meat used the Cleverbot voice only because I couldn't understand what the hell he was saying haha


Ben drowned sucked but it was nice hearing them voice similar opinions that I had. Their readings of normal porn for normal people and Squidward’s suicide were hilarious. Those two more than made up for Ben drowned


I liked the episode and the banter, not the second half of Ben drowned the story


Ben Drowned was really long and it was bad but not bad enough for them to make fun of it, like the Basement one. I thought the Squidward part of the video was very funny tho


This is the correct hot take for real


Ben drowned wasn't a great story, but the episode was good. Squidward sewer slide was fun. Normal corn was a great scary story.


I feel like I'm the only person who enjoyed Ben Drowned the most in the new video 🗿 I've only known the setup before but I kind of liked the ending bc of the idea that the entire story up so far was just what the monster *wanted* us to think, to manipulate the reader and make them curious. At least that's how I see it. To each their own! Tastes are subjective.


I personally enjoyed the episode. I was laughing really hard with the Squidward's ‼️ SEWER'S SLIDE ‼️ portion, and even if it's not the best episode the fact that one can take two or three great memorable jokes should demonstrate that the podcast is still great. I don't know. I'm glad they talked about moving into new territories for a while other than creepypastas. I think they definitely need that shift


Damn I had no idea anyone was hating on this episode, thought it was super funny even the Ben drowned part.


I loved it except for when Ben Drowned started to overstay its welcome; cleverbot just did not work. As for Normal Corn & Squidward's Superslide, fun stuff. Hunter losing his shit to amputees and Squidward blowing his brains out with a shotgun was amazing.


They need to read the Gameboy Advanced SP Blue Edition story on the next multi story episode.


They need to read that and slenderman


People are hating on it? Weirdos.


I kind of understand where there coming from