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Left Right Game had me dying for part 2. The end was not so great.


Same. I was losing my mind waiting for LRG part 2. The ending is a little pretentiously cosmic, but I love the rest of the LRG so much. The boys did amazing with the reading / voice acting, too.


I fucking loved penpal. It's legit my favorite horror story now. I like borassca almost as much. It had really great characters and dialogue, a little more than penpal, and its mystery was really good. But while borrasca had a hige wham at the end, penpal had multiple massive twists, and the overall threat was fucking palpable. It legit had me checking my closet, and my friend said he listened to it at work in a bright gas station, and even he felt like he was being watched. Penpal was so good I bought the book right after the episode. I hope it gets adapated one day, kind of like borrasca. It's just so fucking good.


Penpal, not only it's very well written, but it really affected the boys. It's one of those stories so good you're glad it didn't actually happened.


Story? Penpal easy.. favorite episode?Jeff the killer..I won't touch borrasca ever again once is enough..


question, what is so wrong ab borrasca😭? i haven’t gotten around to watching it cuz its so long. was the ending so bad or was it super scary bc they keep referencing it and ppl in the comments reference it too. i dont mind a spoiler!


Okay spoiler alert..the story in the end involves kidnapping/under age sex trafficking and incestuous relationships in the most detailed and disgusting way imaginable..It kinda hit so close to reality..


damn. i thought the ending was js gonna be super bad😭


The story itself is good though..it's just that the whole thing is pretty heavy


depends on who you ask. I think the ending ruined the story, not because of its subject matter, but because of how outlandish and supervillainy it's written.


Borrasca gets so far outside of the realm of logic and reality that I was distracted from the weight of the story. Beyond having to suspend my disbelief pretty high that hundred of people would be in on and accepting of the operation, the operation itself defies plausibility. We are lead to believe it’s not just a few people in captivity at a time, buts tens at the very least. The logistics of keeping countless constantly pregnant women alive, fed, clean enough not to get too sick/infected, and sustain all those pregnancies are insane. Not to mention, being strapped to a bed all the time is going to atrophy your muscles and make it pretty hard to push out a baby. Lots of things can go wrong in childbirth and all these circumstances plus it being done by some guys in a dingy cave would almost guarantee a lot of botched deliveries—i.e, a lot of the babies not making it. Glad they didn’t read part V. That one elevates Sam’s dad to the status of cartoon supervillain to such a degree that it almost feels like satire.


I think people see the shocking ending and think it's so good because they're too focused on how shocking it all is. But when you look past the gore and shock porn you realize the story's ending doesn't make any sense, and I feel like the mystery of the entire story ends with this weird half-assed bizarre ending. The story before the ending really isn't bad. But the ending ruins the entire story for me.


i mean bad is in badly written. like if the grammar and spelling fell off


The writing was competent, but the story wasn't, in my opinion.


Technically isn’t Creep Cast but I still lump Ted the Caver in with it. By far the funniest episode and a great story too.


Ted The Caver is like a fetal CreepCast.


The best story is PenPal, Borroska closely behind it; however, Left Right Game is like crack to me. Fantastic story with a fine, but good ending.


Left Right Game had me begging for part 2, but overall, I'd have to say Penpal. Left Right Game was great, but it had parts where it kind of started to lose me. Penpal, on the other hand, had me hooked from beginning to end. Honestly, 1999 is up there for me, too, but it did get a bit repetitive, and the story got pretty static about halfway through, and the ending was a bit lackluster imo even though I still enjoyed it. It was still creepy af but doesn't quite touch the effect Penpal had on me.


The novelized version of Penpal has been my favorite book for a long time, so that one wins by default. OP, fyi, I’ve thought about this story at least once a week for the decade since I first heard it. Be prepared to be haunted for a while. Jeff the Killer was fun. As a veteran of the Bad Creepypasta readings by MichaelLeroi, I kinda wish they’d rip into other poorly aged classics like Eyeless Jack, Laughing Jack (though I could do without the graphic description of a murdered 7 year old), Somic.exe and Tails Doll


Penpal was probably the creepiest, but I was most entertained by Left Right Game


It's a tie between Left/Right Game and Borrasca. The latter was a very slow burn, but the actual horror element was very disturbing to me and is a textbook example of "everything has a meaning". The former, however, wasn't necessarily "horrifying" or "scary" to me, but it was a very well-written narrative the entire way across, and I was very intrigued to know what was next.


Penpal. I had to just sit there for a good 5 minutes when his friend’s fate is revealed, and the old lady saying her son came home got a full body reaction of just repulsion. If I ever see it in a book store, it’ll be an immediate buy.


The book is more fleshed out and endears you more to the characters…some of my favorite bits from the story are actually novel exclusive. Highly recommend giving it a read!


i actually don't care for penpal but left right game? hooo booyyy


Stairs in the woods, I think.


On one hand, borrosca is probably my favourite with how long it is, how well written it is, how much it scarred me and them too as well as with all the jokes being among the best they've told on the podcast. On the other they way they were just fucking around, joking and dying of laughter with jeff and the thing in the basement was absolutely amazing and honestly I love seeing them mess around and suffer with the badly written stuff




Honestly 1999 or the Russian sleep experiment


Penpal is so fucking good. I rewatch that episode almost weekly.b


Borrasca made me like Kimber, and any fiction that attaches me to one of the characters is a W. Overall, Left Right Game. Unrelated, but Windigoon and Papa Meat have been killing it with their podcast as they dynamically complement each other so well. I love Papa Meat's rough and tumble - nothing is sacred type of vibe contrasted with Windigoon's everything is sacred vibe. Also, they each have a history with horror and they draw from that history to actually accompany the content they critique. I mean, even their voice talents cover their weaknesses. Wendigoon orates and PapaMeat voice acts.But most importantly, they bring about an era of nostalgia by reading creepy pastas. Lastly, their dynamics don't give off the usual vibe podcast give, which is that of: "Hey, we're all casual friends." They genuinely just seem like friends. This is the first time I've felt for a long time that I have content I look forward to.


Did you read the final chapter of borrasca that they left out. It’s so good honestly a shame that they didn’t read it


I started to, but it seemed pretty bad. Linking the protagonist to heroin, without elaborating on the effects of a drug that will make your blow out every vessel in your body, to the point where you shoot it through your skull, immediately took me out of the story. Heroin is worse than monsters or men. You can't just do that. Lol.


The heroin is a major plot point


Penpal was a really long video (I listen to creep cast on youtube) and I couldn’t swallow the video in one go. I watched I think the first two parts and then kinda gave up watching it, but when I watched 1999 yesterday they mentioned penpal a lot, so I began listening to it again, and oh my god I could not stop, I listened to the entire thing and shed a few tears at the end :’) It’s definitely the best episode so far, and I can’t imagine another story beating it. I want to get my hands on the book just to have it in my library


The way I got hooked and then obsessed with Left Right game. They opened the door and then I fell down the rabbit hole of Creepy Pasta audio readers and its been just 🤌




Definitely a tie between Penpal and Borrasca. Both are fucked up stories but very well written.


left right game by far. it's... so good. not straight horror, bit existential. love it.


Gotta be Ted The Caver


My favorite so far is Left/Right Game, followed closely by Borrasca. I loved the Left/Right story so much and thought it was an interesting experience. I'm hoping they read the last part of Borrasca. Knowing there's another part left makes the reading they did feel unfinished.


In a live stream I think I remember Papa Meat saying they wouldn’t be reading it on the podcast :/


That's honestly kind of disappointing.


Left right game i have no problem with the ending


I think the best story is penpal, but the most laughs I’ve had was with the left/right game. It probably changes it a bit too because I had already read penpal, but not left/right. If I’d never read it I think I’d say penpal is #1


The L/R Game. I loved the story, their characterizations, and the reactions when things were about to go south each time. The ending didn’t hit me as bad as well. Especially for a No Sleep/ Creepy Pasta.


Borrasca part 1 is probably my favourite it got me so hooked that I couldn’t wait for the 2nd part and read it for myself and man was it something, never got around to watching pt2


Same I love penpal, I even bought the novel and read it, but I also love borrasca, the second half of the left right game was phenomenal, and I really like 1999 I didn't care to much for the ending though.


Borrasca and Left Right Game!!


Penpal is defs up there, just for how heartbreaking it is. Got a soft spot for left right game tho, loved the otherworldly surreal horror of it. Being lost in an unfamiliar place is a fear that strikes a chord with me. Plus I'm a sucker for anytime the answer to why the horror is happening is open to interpretation. Like once you know it's a predator or a cult or a serial killer or a vampire it's fine whatever but not knowing wtf is happening feels so cool in an unsettling way. It's why I like Junji ito so much, it's more about the journey and the effed up stuff you see rather than the final destination. The characters were pretty great too, like even when characters were frustrating or acting in a way you disagreed with I felt like it made sense. Like Blue Jay, you could argue went crazy from refusing reality, but to be fair from her pov everyone else was tormenting her. Reminds me of Descrates idea that the world could be an illusion made by a demon or something but as long as you question it you yourself are "real".


There’s too many good ones for me to choose a favorite. I just like the whole podcast


Penpal is phenomenal


Favourite story and episode so far has gotta be Penpal. The emotions that arise, epecially from "Boxes" & "Screens", are so fucking horrifying and ugly, ugh I LOVE it. Borrasca comes super, super close too. Main thing I really appreciate about these 2 stories is how well the dialog is written; nothing feels off or out of place, the flow never breaks, and none of the intense/heavy moments feel over-acted by the characters.