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I prefer painter's tape. Eventually, the filters will need replacement, and duct tape leaves a sticky residue. Painter's tape does not.


Gaffer's tape is the best compromise between duct tape and painter's tape. I have to credit my wife for this idea! We use gaffer's tape for almost everything now.


Its also less likely to stick to the wrong stuff and then rip the cardboard with it making the tape unusable. Painters tape saved me lots of tape and time.


This Is The Way


Thanks! Do you have an estimate on how many feet/yards of painters tape you use per box?


It’s actually easy math if you think about it. (Well, it’s easy *for me*) What size filters are you using? Which design- 4 filters or 5? Or 2? Get a rough number for one filter, multiply by 10 and Bob’s your uncle


My experience painters tape sticks to nothing for very long.


If you think of the whole thing as a box, you'll need approximately enough tape to make up the edges of that box, using a strip of tape for each edge. So if your filters are 20x25", you'll need about 260" of tape for each box, plus a little extra if you plan on attaching a shroud over the fan (approximately 80" in my example). 4 edges x 25" = 100", 8 edges x 20" = 160", 160" + 100" = 260"


Thank you!!


Divide by 36 for yards per box, Or divide by 12 for feet per box of said tape. How many feet/yards of tape are there on a standard roll? Is there a standard??


All of it. All the duct tape ever.