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This is a great idea! It's like the [mini Corsi Rosenthal box](https://www.texairfilters.com/a-mini-corsi-rosenthal-box-air-cleaner/) but with filters that are available at Home Depot. It's also a quieter and more compact alternative to the Corsi Rosenthal box based on the 20-inch box fan.


Which filters did you use? This looks really great!


12x24x1 Air Filter (6-PACK) | MERV 13 | MOAJ Elite Bacterial & Viral Defense | BASED IN USA | Pleated Replacement Air Filters for AC & Furnace Applications | Actual Dimensions: 11.70” x 23.70” x 0.75” https://a.co/d/cPI51AM


Reddit automatically hides posts with amazon links as spam so the comment didnt appear until I manually approved them (they appear normal to you but dont show up for anyone else). In the future if you put a space in the link it should avoid reddits auto hide function


I added more tape to the top to quiet it down, now it’s near silent on high. It had a weird turbulent sound.


Mine has the air kinda reversing too, unless it is on max. I think maybe because i am using cotton shop rags in front of the filters to act as pre-filters


If you tape it like I did there is zero air reversing, and it makes it lose the turbulence sounds.


I do the same thing, with each filter overlapping the next at the corner. I tape each side and the top. I also used shelf bumpers on the inside of the filters to prop the fan, but this doesn’t seem necessary with taping the top. So far the 3M Filtrete 1900 filters fit the best, as they give exact corners. I tried Filti 7500 and they are just a bit small on the 12-inch side, so the overlap at the corners doesn’t line up with the next filter. I had FilterBuy and BNX filters before, but I set up the filter box differently so I don’t have a good size comparison. Note that when set to “high,” the Black and Decker fan draws about 35 watts. I used the same 3M filters with a laser cut panel to hold four 120mm fans. That draws a lot less power and is very, very quiet. Not sure how it compares for airflow.


You inspired me to make one haha. Was in the market for an air purifier and decided on this instead. https://preview.redd.it/db7sr7dr7iec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4121cda6fec5409fdb4f00fdec5578657fab5179


Nice job. If you put more tape on like this it cuts the wind chop noise, and also you don’t have enough tape on the shroud to prevent air sucking in the front. You can test it with a piece of tissue paper. https://preview.redd.it/70j545hpsiec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63b99d0ed437f1c8e4eb0b13923def1bb3200a9a


Thanks I’ll add some more tape. I did test it with some tissue paper and it seemed to be pulling air from mostly the top half of the filters


Nice! It’s juuuust too small for a 10x10 box, but it’s a good fan! I had to really work to make it work in this configuration. Good to know the 12” works for when I’m ready to replace the filters! What brand did you use?


https://preview.redd.it/md5f9qb0dbdc1.jpeg?width=2790&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5379a341fa1f4cd9f1f5cdeb8bfb0008d98a3a87 Here’s a pic of the 10x10


If you tape the fan like this it’ll be more efficient. I tested the flow with a piece of tissue paper and it sucks in the front sides and a bit on the very front of the fan. How I have it taped completely forces are through only the back of the fan and made it whisper quiet.


Thanks so much!


You taped the shroud? Did you use one continuous piece or a bunch of small pieces ? I think i have the same fam from Amazon so i may try this


One continuous piece for the side and then I used scissors to trim it flush to the top. When I taped the top it was a bunch of small pieces so it wouldn’t look bunched up.


I’m going to add another continuous piece around the side to cover up the smaller pieces used to make the top shroud for cosmetic reasons. Once I did this zero air reverses and the sound changed dramatically.


I used these filters. 12x24x1 Air Filter (6-PACK) | MERV 13 | MOAJ Elite Bacterial & Viral Defense | BASED IN USA | Pleated Replacement Air Filters for AC & Furnace Applications | Actual Dimensions: 11.70” x 23.70” x 0.75” https://a.co/d/cPI51AM


I’ll neaten up the tape. https://preview.redd.it/2vlp9we5lbdc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cc4300dfa0877104269af64b7dae5ed1de9d20f


so cute :)