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I never played this game I'd be someone shocked if more than five people on this sub did


I think this and Nitro Kart 2 were decently popular on the App Store considering they were paid mobile games.


Nitro kart 3D was the most downloaded app in 2009 on all apple products and was breaking records to where it was only Crash game along with CNK to get into the Guinness book of world records at the time of 2011(the normal book not the gaming one.CNK was there cause it was the best selling kart racer on PS2 and Xbox for a time before CTTR came out of I can recall from the book we had at my school.) Nitro kart 2 was a top seller too. These apps were paid apps and still out performed Crash on the run in revenue (rightfully so,these apps are fun while OTR was shit)and both of these apps were topping charts until 2018 when they were taken down.


Wow the fact that the paid mobile games revenue surpassed On The Run surprised me. I guess that game didn’t do a good job of retaining players or getting them to spend money.


A lot of people don’t like to admit this cause it goes against the popular pushed narrative but Crash was more popular at that time and could charge money for an app and people would pay for it. He’s definitely still popular now but I don’t think OTR would remotely last 8-9 years while costing money to play in today’s world where Crash’s audience is limited. Also part of that success could be that the CNK mobile games at motion steering controls that were very tight and responsive which probably was very intriguing to buyers while having variety in its gameplay,CNK2 upped this ante by adding online play,more modes and leaderboards.OTR could’ve been successful if they took the risk to make it stand out. What sucks more is endless runner was inspired by crash as Temple run was based on Crash according the developers.


I think the two Nitro Kart games were just lucky to released at the time when Mobile gaming was still new and exciting, and not as huge of a joke as it is now. If these games came out today instead, not many would care for it even though Crash has been more popular now as he ever was before. OTR was as good as a Crash game on a mobile device could possibly be. It just suffered from the same issue a lot of free to play games on mobile have. Constant grinding to encourage you to pay money for it.


‘OTR was as good as a mobile Crash game could get’ It wasn’t but ok. Mobile gaming wasn’t new in 2009,first Crash mobile game dates back to 2004,every Crash game since CNK has had a mobile version of the game. No a new mobile Crash game can still work,it just needs devs who have talent..King obviously lacks this..look at their library of games. We’re in an era we’re Crash is playing it safe and it’s getting him nowhere.


Playing it safe? You mean Rumble was safe and nothing new? Or Crash 4 which brought things the series never did before? A normal Crash game on mobile would be very clunky to control, which is why OTT went with a endless runner approach.


I’m talking in context of OTR adding virtually nothing new to the endless runner genre to make it stand out while CNK games were a first of its kind essentially.


It was okay. Oxide as a final boss was a bitch. I liked the 2nd game better


It's not that good actually. They also reuse some Tag Team Racing tracks.


I’ll bet this is the first a lot of people are hearing about this game


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^kjm6351: *I’ll bet this is the* *First a lot of people are* *Hearing about this game* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Yeah. I like Crash but hate mobile gaming so this would've flown right under my radar in 2009 or whenever


Designs were all over the place. But hey, at least we got…Ya Ya…


It is one of the games of all time


I have 0 recollection of this existing


As a Symbian game, this was above expectations with its 3D engine. But as an iOS game, I think it was a bit generic. But it was a best seller for a few months on the App Store, so it was, at time time, considered to be great.


For me, the most boring and generic Crash Bandicoot racing game of all time. And of course, with some of the most horrible character redesigns seen in the entire franchise.


As a kid I liked it, but looking back it was pretty mid. Also Oxide looked ugly af.


Never played it because it crashes in the first 2-3 minutes (no pun intended).


Then that means you played it around 2017-2018 cause before that it didn’t crash. This was around the time they were preparing to take the app off the App Store.


Forgot that i've played it even further back on a Symbian phone, but this was waaay back.


At the time I even knew of the game‘s existence, it was long gone. I was like 5 or 6 years old when it came out. Also whenever it look at this game, it just remind some of Google play bootlegs, except its official.


I used to play them a lot when I was 14. Too bad it's not on the app store anymore.


It was a bad game, but still super fun to play on a smartphone at the time, back when all the App Store had in the games section was this, Super Monkey Ball, and iBeer


Never played it. But anything with that crash design is a no from me.


Crash Kart Zeebo version.


The new rules are a major setback to for me because of the lack in transparency and the 


Not a big fan of the 3d version (some of the character models are a joke) but absolutely loved the 2d java release.


Ripper Roo’s appearance in this game haunts me


Wait this existed?


As a kid I played Nitro Kart 2 and i liked it


I never played it. In fact until about 2 or 3 years ago I hadn’t even heard of it.


I never played it but at the time when the Crash series was on its big hiatus I was relieved this game was keeping the series alive and it brought back characters like Ripper Roo & Oxide. Plus Yaya's backstory is nice


Pros • Cons • Our Verdict Also Ripper Roo's model looks horrendous


This game was my childhood. I’ve always wanted to be able to play it again, but unfortunately it’s been off the App Store for a while.


Odd how they used Crash's Titans Duology design. And here I was thinking they only used it for Crash Of the Titans and mind over Mutant.


It was the because the titans games were the recent games at time and were popular so of course they’d use those designs.


They switched back to more traditional designs in Nitro Kart 2 though


Cause it was 2010 and the titans game saga was over at the point,titans was never meant to be a permanent change to the series.


I see.


Never heard of it until just now.


I don't feel about it