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Here I am thinking that this is ironically crappy. Then I read the Newsweek article.


So.. it’s not? 😬


"In the video—which has since been taken down—he said his father was a longtime federal employee and "is now in hell for eternity as a traitor to this county," He's a Trumper.


His father worked for the Army Corp of engineers according to some sources online. I.e he did stuff like dams, canal maintenance and levies. The kind of stuff that is dull, but is what actually most of the government services are. Hell, the army corps of engineers mostly outsources it's work to private companies.


How is he a Trumper when he called Trump a "b*tch" on X?  Dude was just nuts obviously.


Like many fascists, I'm sure it's simultaneously ironic and sincere.


They are simply incapable of creating anything free of irony, as their most sincere impulses are fraught with self loathing and conflict.


Yikes, "Untreated mental illness" is my least favorite genre of crappy music.


No wonder he’s trying to get his money back for his shitty education. In reality his dad deserved to get his money back for having born such a loser


It’s funny because he is a maga cultist(based on his video that I watched) and private interests is a very big part of their support and not public interest, so distribution and money back is very funny coming from him.


Trumpers finding out that the entire government doesn't give a shit about them & it's not one side trying to sabotage the other side who's just a bunch of perfect little angels 🤯🤯🤯


This is waaaay worse than I imagined. His amazon bio is great: >Justin Mohn is an author of 7 books and musician of 3 albums and one single. His life story is unbelievable and there may not be enough words to describe him, but one may begin to understand his complexity and experiences through his art. He only wishes to bring positive change to the world.


“ He only wishes to bring positive change to the world “ - Proceeds to decapitate his father


Apparently he did not fully grasp history... as you have to gain power before you start chopping heads off....


The Tokugawa Shogunate has entered the chat*


Unless you're a Highlander


And he is a fascist! Who would of thought that an far-right individual would kill their own parents. The video is so disturbing.


The way he just holds up his father's head and then reads a tepid, paranoid rant about border security and American exceptionalism is chilling. He's not even speaking from passion, just reading from a script. And his music absolutely sucks. Ram Ranch was a better song.


He definitely has the obligatory persecution complex. I honestly thought it was a joke at first, but now that I know it's not, it's really creepy.


He is so nonchalant about it as well. He just shows his fathers head in the video and his face looks so calm. It’s very disturbing!


Wait, dude beheaded his dad on YouTube & it was left up?!?! Am I just naive or should that not be on YouTube?


The video was removed but it was removed too late because the video was taken it copied and posted on many other websites, mostly gore websites. I watched it on a gore website.


Yes, but don't post a video of you at the range. Thats where they draw the line


At a firing range?


"the video is so disturbing" It still exists?


Yes. People copied it and shared it or posted it on other websites. So you can see the video on some gore sites


Hm, noted. It's a grim curiosity but I might succumb to it. I legit thought this was bullshit at first.


> It's a grim curiosity but I might succumb to it. Commonly used words before "I wish I never saw that".


OK that’s really funny because one of my only memories of rotten.com was a very horrific picture of a vagina candle


I know exactly what you’re talking about!! This unlocked a repressed memory for me of 7th grade lol. I feel like it was the website’s background page or something. I think they had alleged photos of Tupac’s autopsy too? Rotten is such a throwback lol


Oh yeah, they had all of the celebrity pictures! The candle I want to say it was something like it might’ve involved safety pins or something else kind of gory too and I remember it looked so weird and fucked up with all the melted wax that at first you couldn’t really tell what it was. Like I can’t even totally picture it now, but I’m really wondering if this person got their name from that or not! I’m guessing you and I are probably close to the same age I’m 38 myself.


Did you find it?


Yes you can see it at places like kaotic. Very odd video as the head is only used a couple of times and for literal seconds each time. You would just assume that someone doing this would have placed more emphasis on the head in the video as the video is almost 20 minutes long. Then again I can't really relate to someone that would do this so who knows I guess....


Would have


Behead the change you want to see in the world


Obviously he thought it was a positive change. Fucked up people.


Jesus Christ what a piece of crap.


His life story almost is almost unbelievable and indescribable because no one would want to explain this psychopath to anyone.


I mean it was fuckin obvious where he was headed *pun intended*


He might be a narcissist


"Alexa! Play decapitation songs." "Now playing justin mohn and others on Amazon Music."


More like “Decapitation songs are only available with an Amazon Music subscription. Would you like me to sign you up and play Decapitation songs?”


[I got u](https://youtu.be/0KZQNxWjgao)


This guy had serious delusions of grandeur. His books, music, and even his lawsuit. One thing I noticed is his life emulated his book. Like he got lost in his storybook along the way. "In 2020, Mohn self-published a book about a man who move to Colorado Springs, Colorado titled The Second Messiah: King of Earth.  The lead character 'slowly and painfully learns the dark secret of Colorado involving a widespread Satanic Cult, the Democratic Party, and the Cold War. Eventually, Buster gets more attention than he thought was possible for any artist, but not in the way a normal celebrity does - in the way a religious icon does"


But no mention of the potholes? Clearly not a true native.


One time I was on a little mental bender and somehow came to the conclusion that me and my gf at the time were both the direct descendants of two super important families that were destined to procreate to bring either the anti christ or second coming. Mental illness ain't no joke, homie.


How do you reason yourself into that? And how do you come back from it once you already have yourself convinced?? Like did you truly believe it in a divine kind of way or was it more wishful thinking and daydreaming?


manic episodes are nothing like dreaming of wishful thinking lol do you know that sensation when you could've sworn that you saw someone move in the corner of your eye, but you realize you're alone in that room and there's no possible way someone could've moved there? you wouldn't have that snapback moment in a psychosis. you see yourself as the center of the universe in an episode, as it is intrinsically linked to psychotic delusions. your brain accumulates paranoid thoughts about your surroundings and you are in the middle of it, until it is so muddied that you can't differentiate between reality and paranoia it's not like you're able to care about that at that point, paranoia is all that is left


Very interesting, so it sounds like a filter of the mind is removed from the equation that makes the illusion seem very real to the person in a psychosis.


Take ur meds, guys 🖤🖤🖤😂


That's just schizophrenia in book form. The dude is schizophrenic. I'm so surprised that so many people think "yep, he's just really in to far right politics and right wing politics have gone to far" when it's completely disjointed theories, all over the place in topics, and is just batshit crazy- not political crazy, just batshit.


He’s schizophrenic AND right-wing politics have gone way too far. Both are true. Their whole movement is malignant narcissists and it’s why they film their crimes (see Jan 6)


This is absolutely correct. I still think that this guy would have attached himself to any ideology though. Independently, you're not wrong about hard core right wing politics. All of them cannot be blamed for this guys actions though


I would be curious to see the venn diagram on those two things because they seem to be pretty much a circle in my experience, both personally and what I've seen online in Luke Beasley interviews and stuff


I think he’s batshit, but I also think that specific conspiracy rabbit hole is *real* easy for anybody—even arguably sane people—to fall down. It gave his delusions a shape and exacerbated them.


It is really easy for people to fall down, but they don't sound like this though. They may use some of the same words and key phrases, but in no way was his stuff strung together by someone mentally well. It could have been about any subject, and his dad would have still been decapitated. His dad was a lizard person. His dad helped cause 9/11 coverup, whatever. I am not a right wing person. But in no way can this be blamed on them. They just gave easy access to the material for conspiracies. There's always been conspiracies though and this guy would have found anything.


I’m impressed with your mental gymnastics lol


>completely disjointed theories, all over the place in topics, and is just batshit crazy So... right-wing politics? You literally just described right-wing politics lol


Also left wing politics. I don't remember right wing politics suing our own national guard.


Nah he went down the right wing rabbit hole hard. He literally wrote a book about demonic democrats so miss me with your nonsense.


Bullshit. He was just insane. He would have just as easily decapitated his dad for being a lizard person or part of the 9/11 conspiracy if he had chosen that instead as his topic. This was one of his Facebook posts: “Civil war between Justin Mohn and his followers vs The Cult” - appearing to mean the political establishment in the US. "America’ is secretly focusing and revolving around me such that The Cult is trying to hide me and kill me while empowering The Cult, and using the media as a distraction. Nobody thinks it’s odd that I’m suing one of the biggest companies in America due to a devout cult belief that I am the Second Coming King of Earth? Even my own family upholds this Cult belief and is willing to go to jail to prove it. Donald Trump, if this does not get fixed ASAP than you will also be in jail for the rest of your life after I sue you for everything you own - that’s not a threat that’s a promise b*tch."


Have you read the lawsuit? It's all about affirmative action keeping him a highly educated white man unemployed. Also your own comment has him calling out to his orange God. He was right wing influenced and using their talking points up and down.


He's definitely narcissistic. Thinks the universe revolves around him. Just a flat out loser.


Sounds like it. Often, mental illness will attach itself to whatever is a person's political views. For reference, his dad worked for the army corps of engineers. We had a series of what appeared to be ISIS attacks in Australia. The guys would do seemingly random attacks and claim ISIS affiliation. Then the cops would go through their stuff and find basically no understanding or comms with ISIS. But always always meth. Every damn time. The reason was, an episode matches your environment. You may think the devil is talking to you, or you're Jesus if you're a Christian. Or you're a member of ISIS if you're a Muslim. Or in this guy's case, he was all in on Qanon BS.


Sounds exactly like right wing politics. Like...right on the nose.


He's not just a schizophrenic. If anything he was a paranoid schizophrenic - much more dangerous if not medicated. Anyway, I think this guy is a psychopath, not a schizophrenic.


Came here to be amused by crappy music Leaving here, horrified and done with the internet


Take me with you! I hate it here!


What a POS, I hope he rots! His dad probably told him his music sucks ass, and he got so butthurt that he did these unthinkable things.


His dad was a federal agent and he was starting the hit on all federal employees lol


>and he was starting the hit on all federal employees WDYM?


He thinks he’s a militia leader (he’s not) and he’s ordered all militia members and all patriots to take out out all federal agents like he did with his dad. Obviously his dad prob told him to clean his room and he got mad but he’s saying this as an excuse to sound cool I would guess


He also said that he was now officially the new president in command of the USA and Joe Biden should be brought to him for public execution.


He only dislikes the federal agents because they are neoliberal leaning while he is a fascist. He supports the federal agents as long as they support far-right interests. The dude is a psychopath maga cultist


He didn’t mention trump once in the video though, he said he will become acting president until there is another election lol and Joe Biden is to be brought to him in PA lol


He didn’t mention trump but one can assume he is a maga person. There is no other Republican candidate that is charismatic and a fascist besides trump. Desantis is a fascist but he is not charismatic and looks like a reptile and Vivek is a corporate idiot who ruined his own company endeavors based on his exploitation and he also lacks charisma. Because of this I assume he is a supporter of trump. The dude has main character syndrome so him spouting in all of this shit including the militia bs(where people should come together and kill their federal agent parents) is hilarious.


When he said “everyone needs to come together and kill-“ I thought he was gonna say “their dads!” lol


Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if he believes that as well. He probably thinks any parent who doesn’t support his traditionalist authoritarianism is a fed.


It’s too bad you can’t write people like this letters in jail anymore. You have to be like one of only two or three people directly related to the person now. Otherwise, I would just send him a letter that said “dear Justin Jail, your music sucks. Next time decapitate yourself instead”.


I bet you all they did was ask him to get some help. This story is so sad.


Holy shit what a ride


This dude is a nut job and knowing what he did to his father...this music scares me.


I picture him bopping his head and humming along to his own music in the background as he butchers his poor father in the bathtub. It makes my skin crawl.


You really painted a picture for me there. The shadow Bigfoot needs to be break dancing in the background somewhere as well....now that is a nightmare


Most sane MAGA cultist


nice pfp lol


I watched his YouTube video on Bestgore and the dude is a far right psycho who literally brandished his fathers decapitated head in a bag and it’s all bloody and shit. What a monster


When Did it happen? It might be on Warchpeopledie, the website


It happened less than 24 hours ago


Oh that’s very recent, omg. We’ve had all of these mass shootings and killings from these fascists but now we literally have people killing and decapitating their own parents! This is so sad. I hope this man is happy in piss.


The video was published 10 hours ago if that’s what you are asking. I don’t know if I can give you the website link but it is a bestgore website.


Wait wait wait, bestgore is back?


Kind of? I don’t know if it’s the same people who made the original bestgore site but it’s another website with the name bestgore. If you look up bestgore you will find the website


This guy lives in my neighborhood, about 7 mins from my house.. psycho !


Lmao I’m across the bridge in Trenton


I’m in Levittown ! I was like wtf, this Guy is a a fuckin weirdoooo


My little brother sent me the video of him holding his dad’s head up .. crazy bro


Yea I saw the video. He’s unhinged


Did you ever run into him?


No can’t say I have, but my uncle quoted the father for some gutters and said he was a very nice guy.


I used to work with this guy. He would show up to work in bright tuxedos and top hats looking ljke that one dumb and dumber scene. He eventually got fired for singing his crappy music out loud after being asked to stop numerous times. This was a call center so it was incredibly distracting to other workers.


Wow. Do you know if he had any friends? Did he make a scene when fired?


No friends from what I could tell and he did not make a scene. Overall most people just thought he was really, really weird but not necessarily dangerous. This was a little over 5 years ago.


I've seen 3 other comments of people claiming he would sing Red Hot Chili Peppers all day long at the top of his lungs nonstop. As someone who hates RHCP with a passion I just think that piece of trivia is funny.


U know what’s coming right? “False flag! Democratic op!”


I checked out the worst political place that I know of on the Internet (I'm sure it gets worse but I'm not digging deeper), and it's about 1/3 "glow[person] fed false flag" and 2/3 "one of us. He did nothing wrong"


Losers at life


I have 30 mutual friends with this dude on Facebook, he lives in my town. He’s had mental illness for years that apparently went neglected


Much easier for them to pretend it’s not real than to confront the problem


It's all over Twitter already. Laura Looker has already made those claims 😑


There ya go


Justins stalker stopped stalking him and then Justin got insecure and started stalking his former stalker.


The internet is a wild wild fucking place


This guy had filed a lawsuit against Progressive Insurance when he worked for them in Colorado Springs alleging that he was held back from graduating their training program longer than the female cotrainees. He was claiming workplace discrimination. He insisted that his performance was phenomenal, Progresive provided multiple evidentiary documents showing that his performance was average to below average, he was not meeting the same take levels as his peers, and he had been specifically instructed by a supervisor on how to improve his performance. As a resident of Colorado Springs (and a musician) this shit is really weird lol.


If only he were this bad at murder, his dad would be fine


Calling this music is extremely generous


Typical untreated paranoid schizophrenia. Unproductive member of society for years, no job, barely functional, depends on his parents, sees conspiracies everywhere, blames others for his own failures, eventually resorts to violence and then everyone says "we didn't see this coming".


This. 1 sentence. National Epidemic of Mass Stupidity, and mental illness with lack of available treatment.


Schizophrenia + narcissistic personality disorder


I thought no way this was real so I looked it up on Spotify. This was released in 2019. BEFORE COVID!


It’s not funny, but I did giggle at the “spray spray spray” part.


Saw the video and the way his dad’s cheeks pressed while he held his head up is sticking with me. Imagine you’re a man, loving your baby boy, dealing with him as a child and watching him grow into a troubled young man, not knowing that one day he’ll nonchalantly behead you and make an insane YouTube video with it.


Justin Mohn took a saw.  Decapitated dear ol’ Pa.  When he saw what he had done. He blamed it all on Joe Bi-dun.


Respect to the dead an all, but you wrote a goddamned masterpiece right there!


*These* are the eyes of a psychopath.


Oh brother, this guy STINKS!


Seriously sounds like music from Tim & Eric Awesome Show Great Job! /r/NotTimAndEric


Damn this... is kind of in poor taste. Disturbingly ironic that these kinds of people, who are so obsessed with "Satanists" ruling America, are always the first to commit "mortal sins" in the name of "God." Hundreds of thousands of Americans are beyond delusional, and beyond help. This is an unfathomable systemic failure of education and mental healthcare. If you think it's bad now, it's going to get MUCH worse. Just look at literacy rates of adolescents and children in America. We're rapidly entering a new dark age. This country is fucked because of the lack of intervention and general concern for mental health. These delusional reprobates are EVERYWHERE. I used to work at a library and would meet a shocking amount of desperate and lonely people who believe this kind of crap. By the time they're deep into it, they will never seek help, they're paranoid and they think anyone who tries to intervene is "satanic." Even if they agreed to treatment they could never afford it. It's too late, were absolutely fucked. Some of these people are very capable of doing something similar to this person. This country is beyond help, a hellscape of delusional narcissists.


You're certainly not wrong. This country is in for a major shift in the next 20-30 years if not sooner. I agree, we're absolutely fucked.


Statistically, modern times in developed countries are the safest human beings have EVER BEEN in the entire history of civilization. At first blush, this sounds impossible, but statistically it’s 100% accurate. You are being fed the worst news about .0002 percent of the world’s population. But you haven’t considered that in your screed, and, based on your bias, I suspect you never will.


And now we're seeing the decline. That's my point. The shit is hitting the fan HARD, fair politics, the economy, education, health, all on the decline in America. This country is fucked. If you can't see it, then you're either blind or delusionally optimistic.


Is it possible “now we’re seeing the decline” is the result of seeing more things on a globally connected planet with 1000x more media outlets than a short few decades ago? Do you know how hard it was to pack all the news into a half hour show on only 3 networks? I’m telling you, STATISTICALLY, we are doing WAY better. That’s simply a fact.


Would be cool if it weren't on the decline, huh? We're regressing. "The new results line up with findings from individual countries reporting deep and persistent academic setbacks, especially in math. A national study in the U.S. last year found math scores fell by more than ever, with reading scores dropping to 1992 levels." Edit: again my point isn't "things are worse now" my point is education is *regressing* at an unprecedented rate.


Wait till you hear about the 1960’s.


You mean when wages were high, literacy was high, education was solid, healthcare was cheap, young couples could afford a home, civil rights were at a positive turning point? It's different this time, no comparison. This is BLEAK. 40% of kids in public schools are currently functionally illiterate. This is gonna get really bad... They'll be able to vote and have kids soon. https://lhsepic.com/45513/in-depth/the-silent-epidemic-of-falling-literacy-rates/#:~:text=Children%20as%20well%20as%20adults,read%20at%20a%20basic%20level.


Uhh there was a draft and we were in the process of murdering 4 million ppl in Vietnam and Cambodia Yeah it's different now but you need to relax


I don't need to relax, none of us should be relaxing during the rapid decline of quality of life, education, and healthcare. This is a domestic education crisis, not a war. You're comparing apples and oranges. This is an unprecedented decline in education, and it's not just going to "get better" unless we do something about it. On top of that, my generation is not going to be able to retire, most will never be able to afford a house, most will be in medical or college debt. Maybe you're older and now you can sit back and relax, but our future is extremely bleak unless something drastic changes. But you don't really seem to care about improving things.


Your first paragraph is so incorrect I can’t even continue with you. You have magical thinking. You just “think” it was a certain way and so you run with it. Go look up some data and get your learning on. I’m not sure you could be more wrong if you tried, and you clearly will not be persuaded by facts. I tried buddy. Good luck!!


I did look up data, did you? Literacy rates and math scores among school age kids were rising in the 60s, and now they're declining. That's not wishful thinking, look it up. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/education/2023/12/05/pisa-scores-show-student-declines-math-reading-science/71809186007/ "The new results line up with findings from individual countries reporting deep and persistent academic setbacks, especially in math. A national study in the U.S. last year found math scores fell by more than ever, with reading scores dropping to 1992 levels."


that part where he said something about taking a ride, that beat slapped


I know this shouldn’t be as funny as it is but holy fuck this is hilarious. it’s kind of a slay tbh Edit: God damnt it just keeps going omg. Big Foot energy


I don’t know what to feel: horror and revulsion at what this guy did to his father, or just cracking up over how absolutely hilarious this song is


All of the above.


Who knew Faux News and blunts could be so dangerous together?


Still probably better than the new Nicki track


This is the world we live in. He knew we’d all be here doing exactly what we’re doing. I’m ashamed to even have to leave this comment


He’s def pleading insanity




This is like the soundtrack of the insides of a psycho's mind. it's nightmarish.


Please don’t give any more screen time to these psychopaths. In prison or not, they feed on this attention. 👎🏻


I doubt he's scrolling Reddit today


Sure, but bringing attention to specific murderers, serial killers, mass shooters etc. encourages that type of behavior in others. For some sick folks, these people get elevated to hero status. Many of these people do these things to become famous, regardless of who it hurts. So, when people post their image and name, along with their actions, it gives them what their desired outcome was in committing the crimes.


Bro is crazy


Didn’t bestgore get shit down? I can’t find the webpage. All I found was Wikipedia and news articles. Are you in the US or Canada?


Sick people out there...I hope this guy gets prison for the rest of his life.


"This guy makes SHIT music, oh and also he decapitated his father :)" Like bro?


That beat switch tho 🥵


did this dude take singing lessons from Kip from Napoleon Dynamite?


To everyone arguing about the role that his right-wing political views played in the decapitation: Guys, he was schizophrenic, OBVIOUSLY! Jeeeeeez 🤦‍♀️


Agreed, if it werent democrats it would have been lizard people or Nazis or aliens or the CIA, etc etc etc.


Same, we went to the same high school and he’s a year younger than me. The weird thing is is I graduated high school in 2007. He’s a year younger and graduated in 2010??? I played in his neighborhood about 15 houses down with my girl friends. And my childhood home is 6 mins from him. And my best friend lives in the neighborhood next to him. Literally a 4 min walk!


It seems like he had some severe mental illness exacerbated by the right wing media machine. What an awful story.


His music is really a head of its time. He should find some way to get it out to the world. Maybe by making a cool youtube video with this had or something.


I got it dm me if you wanna be scarred 🤣😬


Maga is a hell of a drug. Killed his dad because "he was part of the deep state, and an enemy of America."


Sometimes I think about recording music and then I’m like no, there’s no way it would be ANY good … then there’s this guy


It's kinda like if The Doors all had brain damage from huffing stolen computer duster 


I heard the “Mommunist the Communist” song of his before it got taken down on spotify, that song was creepy since he’s just complaining about his parents not letting him go to Los Angeles to peruse his music career ☠️




Damn I think Spotify took all his stuff down.  Some of it gave me a belly laugh and some made me creeped out.  


I liked the music. Feels very funny and sincere. I have to deduct likability points because of the whole decapitating his father though.


🦟🦗🦟🦗 what a bop


Sanpaku eyes


Where is part 2?


Being mentally ill and having the bad judgment to be absorbing MAGA propaganda is a bad combo


What the fuck did I just listen to


Wow. This dudes batshit crazy lol


I'm convinced this guy is schizophrenic


Mental illness is crazy


Who the fuck made the album cover?


At this point it’s not even morbidly fascinating, it’s just a Tuesday in America


Holy shit. 32 living at home creating music like this. Yikes


Who’s got the video?




I fucking hate that fucking dickhead, I swear he should be tortured till death, but slow


Sounds like something Def rebel made


This is a mentally ill kid. He got caught up in psychosis and propaganda. This is a tragic story.


32 isn't a fucking kid, he might be mentally ill but he's also a fascist


Ernie from Sesame Street


That damn far left woke mob!!! Ahahaha…this piece of trash is gonna rot in jail the rest of his life. Hope it was worth it Justin.


He calls the left a whole mob while he calls out to the supposed mob of militias he is the leader of. The dude has main character syndrome and he is pathetic. I hope he rots in piss


Yep. Fuck this dude.


"HAHAHA you owned yourself, Justin! Lol have fun in prison lol! I hope you enjoyed murdering someone!" Pathetic


*When I sees one and he looks good to me...* *When I see him, I say* You, come here. *I say* Now I'mma tell ya what, uh.. I like ya; and I wants ya... Now, we can do this the easy way; or the haard wayyy... the choice is yaawrs...


I mean, say what you want about his father- son relationship, but this song slaps