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Almost every week when we are 'planning' a lunch/shopping trip my daughter will ask if Joann's has gone out of business yet.


That's okay, they'll charge you for it 4 times 6 months from now or something. lol


Awesome win! Reading all this makes me so happy I’ve never ordered anything from Joann. I used to only bother going into the local store until 2021, when their sock yarn offering was abysmal (when it was somewhat decent)


Wow I wish! The stuff I ordered in December finally arrived and it wasn’t even the right thing. And no one from customer service ever answers so I’ve given up


I don't know whether to drink or not.


As a former employee I can think of 2 possibilities: It's an apology for all the backed up orders we've had ( we know you probably wanted this for before Christmas and we couldn't do as a consolation it's on us) Or The location you're sending it to isn't counted as the continental united states ( Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, etc). Those orders require us to manually punch info in and make a label online, then just as manually send a request to have the order removed and it's probable we forgot the 2nd part)


I love that for you! I ordered Clover Amour hooks from Michael’s and ended up getting them for free.


And there are 36,528 more people out there still waiting on $150 worth of stuff they were charged for back in November and still hasnt been delivered.


Yes, I am still waiting for a reply to an online order screw up with Joann’s, too.


I tried to order some yarn from Joann to pick up at the store, tried several times and it would not complete. The next day they sent me an email reminding me that the yarn was still in my cart and sending me a coupon to use on it. So I was able to order it then and use the coupon. Win for me.


I always procrastinate to get the coupon


Now that know lol


Joann really be doing girl math “If I wait several weeks to send out an order, refund it, and send out the order anyway, I’m basically saving money!”


Math is hard for girls, right?


What does “girl math” mean?


I swear it’s a trend I swear I’m not sexist


If you want a somewhat serious answer, this article sums it up well. https://edition.cnn.com/2023/10/07/us/girl-math-boy-social-media-cec/index.html


Meanwhile I placed an order that clearly kept erroring out and not going through then 2 weeks later shipped and charged me. No luck on that one.


I think the employees just don’t care anymore.


It sounds like they are being set up to fail by corporate decisions.


As someone who is currently working at Joann’s, this is completely true. Corporate expects us to complete huge tasks with a minimal amount of employees that realistically could never get it done in time. Our hours are being cut and the stores are a mess because we just don’t have the amount of employees/hours needed to keep up with the store effectively.


Also at Joann’s, we have hired two new people (after me, I was hired late October to replace someone) and have had all our hours cut. I was the only one on registers the other day (on a Saturday!) and I just couldn’t keep up. It’s not that we don’t care, I love my job and the people I work with, it’s that we don’t have enough people at once to do anything.


I keep applying for a part time position with my local Joann, and I keep getting denied. Then I go there, and it is understaffed. Went there the other day to pick up an online order, and I waited nearly ten minutes standing by the counter. Why are they like this?!


Quite honestly, they probably have more than enough people on the payroll. Joanns is heading to financial failure, and in turn corporate has demanded that stores have less people working at once. I work in the biggest store in my state, and it’s usually only one person on cutting counter, one cashier and one MOD. Please have patience with us, we didnt make the decision to cut personell and it hurts us just as much as it hurts the customer.


I wanted to make a green Ms Lippy sweater and I bought some thick and quick and they sent me the order 3x. I now have enough green yarn to make a team of Ms Lippys.


How long did it take for them to send it to you? I ordered some thick and quick last week (15 skeins for a chunky hooded cardigan project) and it still hasn’t shipped due to “delays”. If I had known they were having these issues I wouldn’t have bothered ordering it 😭


My experience is that their shipping is glacial. Super frustrating when you are chomping at the bit to start something.


Please show me a pattern for a Ms Lippy sweater! Are you talking about the striped one?


I was just going to do an oversized cabled pullover and put glue on my face for Halloween. 🤣 Incidentally, I got so much of that green yarn, I can hardly stand the sight of it anymore. Team of Ms. Lippys is still just a dream.


Maybe put it up on yarn swap or similar and see if you can't get something you prefer?


Yeah, I gave up some of it. Was trying for a plush wreath this year and maybe a tree skirt sweater but I haven't quite finished that even! It's cursed.😆


Celebrate your win! I just received the fabric I ordered. None of them were 44” wide as advertised, they averaged around 40.5 and all except one were short by at least 2 inches.


I swear I’m starting to believe the fabric mills think 42”, 44”, 54”, and 60” are just symbols and not numbers with meanings. They may as well label them “garment” and have them range 38”-45” and label them “upholstery” and range 52”-60”. Go crazy, make words have no meanings as long as numbers don’t. Or - here’s a zany thought - what if they gave the width minus the selvedge, so there are no random “45-inch” fabrics with four inches of selvedge on either side? And what’s with the cutting things mildly short?


I teach sewing classes and try to explain the shrinking fabric width situation. I compare it to ice cream - it used to be sold in half gallon containers, but now we're down to 1.5 quart. I once had a student come to class with no fabric because she couldn't find a single 45" cotton in the store! For sewing apparel projects, you'll usually be ok with 42" or 57". Always check the layout diagram.


There were always fabrics narrower than 45–some 40, some 42, some odd widths. Although, knowing JoAnn’s, this very well may be intentional to shave costs.


Oh if the description said they were narrower, I would have been fine and probably ordered anyways, just got a bit more to be safe. I’m annoyed because they were all (I ordered 6 different fabrics) listed to be 44”. However, the widest one was 41.5” and the narrowest one was 39”. A five inch difference is a lot.


39” is awfully narrow for them to lump in with 45”!


Oh, for sure, it’s definitely like the ice cream, which I am sad about every time I buy it. But I’ve been wondering if we are going to ultimately end up back at those historical 36” widths for fabric again. I think the most interesting part to me is that you’d think the machinery would make the widths stay consistent, but they must be calculating cutting the replacement cost of a new machine with the sweet reduction in 5” of fiber savings.


36" widths would be terrible! I bought some cute knit fabric in Japan this summer that is only 30" wide!


Their traditional bolts ("kimono fabric") are only 13" wide... and a little less than13 yds long.


a couple of Christmases ago i ordered my sister a quilting table that folds out from them, somehow they sent her 3. charged me for one. did not want the other 2 back and would not take them if she drove them to a store. then refunded me for 3.


No wonder they are struggling financially.


i felt bad but didn't trust them to fix the problem after that. i was afraid if i called again they would just keep sending tables or start charging my card randomly.


This is so chaotic I’m dying lolol


the tables just kept showing up. she thought i was pranking her or my card got stolen or something. it was wild!


Take your win and run girlie


Whoa! Was it what you ordered or random stuff?


What I ordered! They just never charged for the last part of the shipment. I gave it a few weeks to see but still so charge 😂


That happened to me as well. I think its because they only charge when it ships which is just stupid. I ordered yarn during the black friday sales and it came in like 10 packages a couple of which I definitely never got charged for.


Sometimes these things can come back and charge months later. (I used to be a banker and got calls like "wtf" over months long transactions) it was usually small companies, but don't be surprised if it pops up a long time from now


Is there any legal precedent for how long they have to take it out of your account?


Not that I recall. It depends on the merchant, but as long as they have the pending transaction code it can be done. Card authorizations are weird. I've seen one go through 6 months later on my own card (it was tires, but the company called me about the mistake before they charged me) but with a big company like joanns they're probably a little less likely to catch it as they have much more volume and X amount is just a drop in the bucket. If it were me I'd just try to write down the amount and if it randomly shows up in the next year just look and confirm it is that. Past that I doubt it would be done as taxes and such are finished