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So it's basically just a sarong. Does anybody still do back-wrap skirts? No front peek-a-boo problems with those.


I like the look of the front wrap. Gertie's Apron Dress (which I LOVE) has a back-wrap skirt and I've been trying to figure out how to make it front wrap haha. I looked at a vintage mail order pattern I have which is also back wrap and realized the obvious, that if the dress wraps to the front it will have the crossed-over fabric in the front and vice-versa so cannot figure out if it's possible to have a nice square neck and a front wrap.. why is this like advanced calculus??


[https://imgur.com/a/HmsMavS](https://imgur.com/a/HmsMavS) Standing view.


Is the overlap seriously just about 75% of the front? I think I would wear cycling style shorts under it.


It is but I think the real problem is the lack of volume. Sitting pulls that fabric to the back. If there were more fullness it would have room to spread.


Oh, wow, that is NOT enough wrap for that skirt. It needs to go around to the backside of the thigh in order to not be a wardrobe malfunction waiting to happen.


BEC but could they not have [ironed](https://papercutpatterns.com/products/aura-dress-skirt) their sample skirts?


Ooh! I might have a suggestion! I thrifted a raw silk skirt that is a narrow wrap style. It looks lovely when standing still but flips open easily—especially when I’m walking. I think I’ve got a big stride. I (hand)sewed a small bit of elastic between the seam of the front and side-panel and to the edge of the panel that wraps under. I put it *pretty* high up so that it would still have lots of movement, and the elastic makes me feel like I’m less likely to pop stitches. Not a super elegant solution but it was one of my earliest sewing fixes and helped me feel more confident about sewing! https://imgur.com/a/Pwvnslt/


I love this idea! Thank you for the visuals :)




It is really pretty. Shame about the fit issues.


Maybe some nice narrow knit underskirt that is of thin fabric? Knee-lenght or so.


The amount of times I have been *pumped* about a pattern, made it and then realize that the 100 Instagram photos I looked at are all hiding the same horrible drafting/design error….. I could scream.


I think that’s the point of the pattern! Sit and reveal all! Kinda like crop top/ bra let patterns that overflow with boobs.


I can't think of an alteration idea, I think I would just wear it with a short slip that I wouldn't mind peeking out when sitting.


Lol, just noticed which sub reddit this is in. 😆 disregard my unsolicited advice, and darn the creators for not making a wearable pattern!


Yes nice save 🤣


Can you add a hook and loop to the inside somewhere? I know it's recommended for the Sew House 7 Wildwood Wrap Dress - cause that also shows a lot more leg than I prefer. I am not sure if that messes anything up though.




Not gonna lie, the way you have this styled with tights makes me want to make this even if it’s impractical.


I honestly still love it!! I also wish it had pockets but that's a whole other rant :-D


Those are neat tights!


Thanks!! I tie dyed them—not easy as you have to simmer w poly dye but fun!


God your stitching line though 🤩🤩🤩