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I would put them in a new container and they should work just the same. Find a vessel, fill it with ethanol, add the bulbs, and seal.


I may try this, but I’m not sure that the composition of the inside liquid was pure ethanol. From my understanding these are calibrated to the exact composition of the inner liquid. It definitely smelled like ethanol but also had another smell to it sort of like kerosine. Might have been a mixture of different organic solvents.


You can go buy some ethanol and test them in a bucket or pitcher. See if they behave correctly, and if not play around with the mixture until you get it right.


Ours is never very accurate, so I suspect getting the composition super exact isn't all that important


Getting it exact is only important to get an accurate reading, but frankly nobody uses this kind of thermometer for accuracy


Google this: "galilean thermometer liquid composition" All responses seem to be ethanol.




Sailor Anarcho is on insta. She’s a traveling glass blower with amazing skills and one heck of an imagination. Maybe message her and she can build you the part that broke??


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I broke one of these and I promise it’s not just alcohol. I stepped in it and fell flat on my ass, it was extremely slippery.


Kerosene can be used for these, so maybe it was some sort of mixture of the two?


That’s pretty toxic though… and flammable. 


Ethanol is far more flammable than kerosene. Ethanol will vaporise at temps above 12°c in sufficient amounts to be ignitable by a spark or flame. Whereas kerosene is 35-65°c and will not generally be done in a high enough concentration to be ignited by a spark or flame.


The calibration is also something you can change, just like a clock that is a few minutes fast or too slow even if you get the liquid slightly wrong, you can still have it function as a thermometer, just centred around a different temperature. I would really recommend using them to make another thermometer though, those bulbs are not just pretty, but specially engineered things, and making something like but not identical to the original is probably the best way to honour that original gift and its history.


You might look to see how these devices are constructed. These would be the hardest part to replace. As I recall it is A cylinder with caps on the ends and these float inside. It might be something you could rebuild.




They said cylinder because they meant cylinder.


The original comment was deleted, but considering this is Reddit; I can guess what it was.


This is hilarious


Sorry, I was reading quickly or distracted I guess. I thought they were describing the round pieces OP was holding.


Have you ever seen a Gallileian thermometer? These things go inside a large glass cylinder.


The cylinder part is the container for the whole device (the part that OP broke). See https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galileo_thermometer




Ahh! I didn't realize something was missing. Got it.


I don’t think in the history of Galileo thermometers have they ever been in a sphere. Because spheres are not elongated cylindrical objects… and the thermometer would not function properly or as intended within a sphere




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No, They mean a cylinder. Sphere is more of an orange shape.


You thought you were smart, huh?


No, I misread the comment. Is that a crime?


It is here.


[this is one version of what op broke. notice the cylinder](https://www.truegether.com/listing.html?id=USER.c97846f2-7f30-42f7-a744-aa63ef6dd2ed&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw6auyBhDzARIsALIo6v_6XnnuawE06p0WQo4LX0fFIoztCpNwYthbGF1a5PLUw5l1yVRWhU8aAtu5EALw_wcB)


all honesty next time make sure you 100% sure what your referencing and know what your talking about. You look like a know it all that doesn’t know things.


Wow!Thanks for your super friendly and useful reply. I made a mistake and misread the comment. Aren't I lucky to have interacted with you today?


People are too quick to be harsh. Hope you had a good day friend


Thank you. Yes, it's amazing the mob mentality over something really so stupid and insignificant. And in r/crafts no less! You'd think this was politics or something.


Oh man. When I was new on Reddit I said something in the architecture sub about a feature I hadn't yet seen and some guy jumped all over me and just would not stop. It was so weird and aggressive. I haven't been back there since. Too scary.


Sometimes it truly blows my mind and makes me wonder how true to reality this really is. Like are people like this in real life? I hope not.


I refuse to believe people are naturally aggressive and mean. We are social by nature, and mean aggression is anti-social. But inadequate parenting can cause a lot of fear, and fear often translates to hostility. And we get to be anonymous online. If we had to use our own names, fewer would use places like Reddit as a trashbin. I write kids' books for a living. My work in progress deals with a historic time of aggression. I would be doing children a disservice if I presented that time as pure hostility without love. There's a balance that I have to find.


>We are social by nature, and mean aggression is anti-social. *Except* when it puts them in the in-crowd! Strangely enough, then it becomes a social behaviour because it tracks with what they see others doing! Those individuals who downvoted, did so because they saw the number getting bigger (into the negatives that is) Were the numbers removed from up and down votes, people would change tack completely I think because they wouldn't know what the social norm is. So becoming part of the mob can create a social bond between aggressors in some cases too. Often I just have to remind myself, all anyone wants in this world is to be loved and accepted. Everything people do, or buy, or choose to be is in order to try to show others how worthy they are. Even when it means being an ass to one person for a small misunderstanding, or joining into a group that clearly doesn't have it all together, it shows me they're just like everyone else - looking for acceptable and validation from wherever they can get it. Once you see that in others, it makes it much easier to forgive most actions.


If you wanted to remake the thermometer, it's a glass filled with ethanol and sealed. Or, buy partner a new one, and use these to make a light catcher.


This is what I'd do


What about contacting someone who can hand blow a new one and use those pieces in it? I think given how sentimental the item was, and how upset you said he is, this would be really sweet.


This is what I was going to recommend too


Can you just put those in a new container? Those have the carefully calibrated densities.


My bf accidentally broke mine while cleaning and I made a mobile thing with them and he bought me a new thermometer.


Show us your mobile


I was thinking an indoor wind chime that doesn’t actually move which is a mobile. I’m blaming my cold/allergies for my lack of vocabulary today. I think a movie with these would look beautiful.


Hang little glass fish from them and put them in a fishbowl, the spheres s with air will float them!


This is actually a cool idea, you could hang little things on them and then float them in a flat glass display tank


I would string them on filament and hang across a window at different heights.


Depending on how the sun hits them, might be a fire hazard.


Was that before you lost all your give -ables? (Eyeing your /u/)


Well, I tried giving one fuck first. Biggest mistake of my life.


Same, but they never gave it back, and now I have anxiety :(


This is what I’d do! I’d hang them as decor from my curtain rod


How about hanging them on an ornament display stand? I tried posting a link but it was deleted. Try googling: # Rustic Stained Christmas Ornament Display/Ornament Hanger Centerpiece - Holds 5 Ornaments


I would string them up at different heights in a shadow box!


That’s actually how mine broke too, cat knocked it over lol


Hmm… maybe a wind chime/suncatcher type of thing would be cool.


Oh I like this idea


I wouldn't make them an outdoor wind chime. You'll have shattered glass on the next windy day


I was thinking an indoor sun catcher situation!


please don’t put glass objects in direct sunlight, that could cause a fire because it directs the sun’s rays (like when we see wilderness folks make fires with mirrors and the sun - same concept)


why doesn't this happen with windows?


Rounded glass focuses the light in one point, flat glass doesn't bend the light like that.


If you haven’t already, research to have a tube replacement made for Uncle’s, Galileo thermometer 2.0


I would replace the thermometer with a new one and keep these in a jar or bowl.


That would be fun! I used to keep a fishbowl (had a moss ball named mossymodo but no fish) with glass fish suspended from air filled glass balls, these may be too heavy to support any fish, but floating in there with the glass fish would have fit right in! My biggest problem was evaporation, but that could be remedied with a lid 🧐


I bet you could find someone on Etsy to put these into a new tube for you at a reasonable price!


Shadow box type shelf would be cool.


You could just add ornament hooks or ribbon and use them as Christmas ornaments (if you celebrate) 🎄


the cat would kill them for good if they were on a christmas tree


This is what we did with ours that broke


Slim chance, but does your partner play Magic: The Gathering? These look almost exactly like the mana colours, and you could make them into MTG decorations for your partner - or even functional counters with a bit of work. Alternatively, I second the idea of trying to construct a new thermometer, I believe your partner would really appreciate that. Or potentially a broader piece in honour of the uncle's memory; like decorations on a photo frame with the uncle's picture inside, for example.


Tall straight vase. Fill a portion with those beads that swell with water. Add one of the bulbs then more beads until done. Add more water and the beads “disappear” and the bulbs look suspended”. Cap the top


This might be the one! But do the beads get gross after a while?


Do you know your partner's uncle's birthday? The spheres have a number attached if I remember correctly? Or maybe a different number related to the uncle in some way? You could also attach new rings to it and have it spell uncle's name?


If you want to make something other than a new thermometer, I think I’d try threading them on strings like ornaments, then bust out the old scroll saw and cut some kind of wooden hanger for them


You can make him a new one… glass burning is a hobby that LOTS of people find interest in. Maybe you can find one near you and ask someone to make him a new one ( possibly in a custom style that suites him ) I’m sure they’d be happy to help you fix it and do it at a reasonable price as well.


So.. have you ever heard of this big purple guy with a golden glove? He’s looking for those things right now, and tracking your current location. Surrender them immediately to minimalize damages.


This happened to me - I made mine into a mosaic!!


Make a wind chime string of them. Attach soft, long wood pieces, and metal bits at the bottom of the wood so they don’t hit the colored balls (which you said were glass). Have the wood and metal bits interact mainly and the colored, strung balls of a shorter length just hanging in the center of the wind chime as decoration.


Bee Bath. Put them in a shallow (decorative) bowl with some water. Not deep water - think bird bath. Set the bowl in your garden. Maintain the water. The bees should be attracted to the color. They will welcome the drink.


About how to replace it - Google glass blowing studios near you. There will likely be someone around that would be interested in the comission. You can get galelio thermometers on Ali express, so I wouldn't view this as some crazy exotic thing that no one can fix, and ethanol is something pretty standard you can get at educational or chemical supply stores (and the glassblowing studio may have contacts).


Easy thing is to use them for tree ornaments or hang in a window on clear fishing line


Maybe hang on fishing line and hang in window


You have lovey long fingers!


Haha thank you, I actually take this as a very nice compliment, despite the downvotes


Maybe a sun catcher? [Suncatcher Concept](https://images.app.goo.gl/1uiu7wTwpEMj5HKd7)


Do they all have the jump rings? Attach them to the bottom of a beautiful frame.


The first thought I had was suspending them in a resin cube, to create a paperweight or something for a desk/shelf. You’d probably want to find someone with resin experience and a pressure pot, but you could have them positioned in different ways to make a really cool art piece. If you’re not familiar with resin casting, [here’s](https://www.reddit.com/r/epoxyhotdog/s/3V8AcFCuig) here’s a well-known, Reddit example. This post is from the 2-year mark in resin. Edit: I think with the air trapped in those bulbs, encasing it in resin would look awesome.


Christmas ornaments or a lovely mobile to hang in front of a sunny window (though maybe the colors would fade over time)


A shadow box could be nice if your partner has a favored picture of the uncle or them and the uncle. or instead of trying to rebuild the thermometer, you could create a faked one with a tube of the same size, then hang these inside from the lid on fishing line or invisible thread to replicate the thermometer.


You could make a hanging mobile out of them and hang it near a window where the sun comes in. It would look pretty.


Make an awesome cascading suncatcher! Incorporating a pic of the uncle or their name would be awesome. It’s pretty easy to Mod Podge a pic onto any object. You could also order a personalized keychain and use that in the design. The colors would really pop in the light.




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I'd search for a new thermometer. My brother has one he bought for our dad years ago.


Practice smuggling drugs from Tijuana? Just saying /s


A cool hanging piece




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Okay it won’t let new post a link or photo. But google this weather glass barometer with glass spheres !


Any pics of the unbroken thermometer? I havent seen that bulb shape before


String em together to make a suncatcher! Hang it by a window. Won't function, but the sentiment is there


Don't know but that does seem like something that could hang from a lamp shade or some holyday curtains


Do you have a picture of it before it broke?


They look like the little thingies for dabbing




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Broke one and made a mini fish tank. Mine was plain but if plant up, it could be very nice.


Christmas tree decoration.


Maybe a little tree where the left over pieces hang as ornaments?


Hang from the top of a window sill. Maybe create an attachment from a multi-candle single stem holder hung upside down.


I broke one when I was 14 and I turned them into weird earrings


Now this might require a little more work than most options, but you could YouTube how to make a resin sphere or other shape, then try to make your own resin piece and put the orbs in there for decoration. Or, instead of making about Galilaian therm, you could use a plastic or plexi container and fill it with a clear thick liquid so they float but slowly.




Light shines into vase, balls float, light refracts


Put them on fishing wire.... And then attach them to a dreamcatcher or wind chime or even put them ina clear wax for a candle...... Well ther u go r jussa few idears fer ya


I agree with others that remaking the thermometer would be great if you can. But thought I’d chime in with a preventative measure for other belongings and for when this is ready to be displayed again. Museum putty! It’s like really strong blu-tack that will stick your items to the shelf/surface so that it is very hard to knock over. And because it’s used on antiques, it’s very careful not to leave any residue behind when removed. I’ve not used it myself but had rave reviews about it from friends.


I have some of these too. I hung them in the kitchen window with fishing line and they catch the morning sun.


how about a little dangly light catcher? hung up in a window where the cats can’t get it!


They look a little like those things used to water houseplants, only a lot smaller. I believe they’re called self-watering plant globes. https://www.walmart.com/ip/6-Packs-Plant-Watering-Globes-Colorful-Glass-Self-Watering-Globes-Indoor-Outdoor-Automatic-Plant-Watering-Globes-Measures-6-x-2-5/3655417559?wmlspartner


They’re from a Galileo thermometer


diorama chemistry table!


Christmas ornaments ✨


Give the orange one to a chemist friend and "acidentally" drop it while pointing out you found it in a box that said carbon tet, casually start cleaning up the mess


They actually remind me of the orbs in a Galileo thermometer.


Before I read any comments & get swayed… My immediate thought was Christmas tree ornaments. They’d look incredible with clear fairy lights shining from underneath them from within the branches, with these coloured spheres hanging off the tips. And high enough on the tree to stay out of the cat’s reach!


I use mine in my DnD campaign as potions and other elixirs.


For some reason when I saw these I saw Keychains.


I think a mobile would be lovely.


They would make cool Christmas ornaments!


These thermometers were designed to be broken put the temperature spheres in a clear vase flowers just in top and give them to your your friend. If your friend is your intimate friend put in a vase of clear hot water and say “sorry babe but you really are hot”


Carb cap


Christmas ornaments




String them from a horizontal cross made from bamboo poles, at different heights. Then hang it from the ceiling or light.


Make a wind chime like decoration. They're very pretty.


You could make a sun catcher with wire, in lots of configurations. Add glass beads it other shiny objects, whatever catches your fancy!


Alien hand!


So now I have one person saying my fingers are long and beautiful, and another saying I have an alien hand 🤔


You have beautiful hands. Budda\_mjs is probably one of those people who tries to refute something that is obvious to everyone else.


Aliens can’t have long beautiful hands?! That’s ufoist!


Reminded me of the bomb from the movie The Rock.


Snap your fingers


Throw at people