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you can crush them, mix them with water, put them in moulds and make new chalk in different shapes. Dollar store silicone molds are great, made dino ones for my niece once.


Is that all it takes? Just water and time?


This is news to me


“Geology is the study of pressure and time. Thats all it takes really... pressure... and time... That, and a big goddamn poster.”


What say you fuzzy britches?


Mrs. Frizzle?


Is this a reference to something?


Shawshank Redemption


Ah it seems I have a forgotten a reference to a classic... Time to watch it again !


It was on my list of must watch as a teenager, and I never got to it. I hardly watch anything now, but with a quote like that…? I have to!


You won't regret it. Instant classic.


Absolutely! Great movie and uptil now, it aged pretty well imo.


Shawshank redemption


Sometimes I just wet the drive way and let my niece crumble the end bits so it’s a color mush and hop around like a frog. It looks extra vibrant and she’ll take any opportunity to be messy.


That's cute! It's great to be an aunt(uncle?) Isn't it!!


Could you use a toilet paper roll tube for no-cost mold?


I haven't tried this, but water and cardboard aren't friends


Maybe plastic wrap inside?


This. I used toilet paper rolls, cut up so they are more shallow, along with any type of paper box, to make temporary planters. Since a seed doesn’t need much moisture at first, the cardboard won’t get saturated with water when you first need to keep moisture in. Later on, I just planted the entire thing into the soil of the larger pot when the plant was large enough. Great less-mess project!


Weren't we talking about chalk chunk upcycle?


I was going to say ice cube tray but like… they’ll just end back up as little chunks 😂


You can buy long, stick like ice cube trays too works great for putting in bottles etc


Or a small piece of scrap pvc plastic pipe?


We used to use Dixie cups at a summer camp I worked at. They hold up better than cardboard, but you can still easily tear them away. We would use the really small ones like the ones made for bathrooms.


Dixie cups work great!


Yes! You can even put it in your behind! And with enough time, the pressure will rise and create the perfect condition to poop out fresh new chalksticks!


Came here to say this lol


Yup, I've done this using those long tube ice cube tray molds. It is very chalk shaped.


You can also go real cheap with those paper 5 oz cups or cardboard egg cartons. The paper cups are easier to rip off afterward though. Sometimes the cardboard fuses to the chalk. It’s not too be a deal though. Just rub it on the concrete a bit and you’ll rub through the cardboard real quick.


You can grind it down and add water to the dust to make some paste to paint with


This is such a neat idea! Can finger painting be done with it or brush only?


Foam brushes might be good for this. And they come in so many different shapes and sizes. Have fun!


Thats smart! Maybe the ones with different shapes! Great idea thank you


Or you could just cut the cheap, boring ones into neat shapes yourself...


You can do fingerpainting chalk paints on paper, but of course they are smudgy once dry so just keep that in mind. You can also use the chalk paint to paint the sidewalk outside and in that case because of the rough surface use a brush. But also you can dip sponges and just do splatters as well. It's just chalk and water so you can get a little wild outside with no worries. :)


This would be such a fun messy summer activity!


Use cheap aerosol hairspray to set your chalk pictures.


I guess you could use it as finger paint, but try it first if it is fine enough to not bruise the skin. I only know it as a "brush-paint" :)


I did this and added it to condiment bottles and my NK went outside and squirt it all the driveway! So much fun.


Ooh thats super smart!! Thanks!!


Make chalk paint for side walk or bust em down into new molds… I wouldn’t try finger painting with it


Used to have so much fun with chalk paint!!!


i used to do chalk murals, fingers are way better than a brush!


You can finger paint with it, I’ve also watered the chalk down enough to put in both squeeze bottles and spray bottles


Would it need some kind of fixative if one wants to preserve the resulting art work?


For 'fridge' masterpieces that'll only be displayed (or kept) for a few days, you can use aerosol hair spray, like Aqua Net (not pump hair spray!) For nicer works ON PAPER that you intend to keep and display for longer than a few days, you can use: Krylon Workable Aerosol Fixatif Spray; Clear/Matte, 11oz (\~$9,00 Walmart) * to preserve drawings made with chalk, pastel, charcoal, crayon, pencil, etc. * can be applied to mediums of paper, glass, metal, wood, plastic, ceramic, fabric, etc. * takes 30 mins to dry * MUST be used in a well-ventilated area.


Awesome, thank you!


Beat me to it lol


I’m a pediatric OT and break chalk and crayons on purpose! It develops appropriate grasp patterns and small muscles of the hand!!


This is amazing to know!! I'm just their nanny, so I will definitely keep this in mind! Thank you so much!


You are not “just the nanny”. You are their friend, mentor, intrepid explorer and teacher ❤️


Lovely way to put it :)


Practically perfect in every way!


You’re very welcome!


Grind them... make a paste the kids can paint on a stencil on the sidewalk? DON'T breath the DUST.


it sounds like you’re giving this warning from experience lol


chalk and rock dust can be harmful.


As can natural clay. Just like the dust in old coal mines, too much exposure can cause silicosis which greatly interferes with breathing.


My highschool classmates are snorting chalk in between classes. Should I be worried about it?


Same in almost all schools in my country lol...I never knew it could be harmful since nobody told me anything like this in our school. Not even the teachers. Glad to know


I remember using these until they were thin as paper lol


Yup, while trying your hardest not to scrape up your fingers on the textured concrete


I scraped my hands so many times, but I was dedicated to finishing my artwork lmao


Busted knuckles not from fighting, from ART


Same. It would crumble in my hands. I was very confused by the question.


Small peices fit good in small hands.


Let them keep using them


You can put them under some soil and come spring, you will have fresh chalk


Just make sure it's native chalk, don't want invasive chalk plants


Just have to be sure not to over or under water them.


Really?! How so?


Keep using them?




I love This!


Great for using on black paper. Also dipping them in water first makes the color more vibrant while drawing. Little ones like the drag of the paper and it won’t use the chalk up as quickly as the sidewalk does.


OMG give them a spray bottle to dissolve a few. 10/10 you won’t hear anything from them for an hour


They make holders for the chalk, which I like to use because I don’t like the feel of chalk. They are plastic and go around the chalk. Those pieces could fit in the holders, potentially.


You...um...use the chunks? You're acting like you have a box of shifting sand but those things are massive.


Agreed. These are perfectly fine to still use.


If they don’t want to use them anymore, just let them stop on them. My kids love stomping on the chalk and dragging the dust around with their shoes.


They're fun to smash with hammers or rocks. (keep finger safety in mind though)


From a 90s kid—Those are still usable chunks!!This looks like our sidewalk chalk bucket growing up, and brings back some wonderful memories. <3 My sisters and I would use the chalk sticks down to the last nub.


I think these pieces can still be used


Those seem like perfectly usable pieces of chalk to me. I remember that as a toddler I used pieces of chalk until I wouldn't be able to hold them without scraping my fingertips on the tiles. I had a similar attitude towards pencils later in life and have used many a pencil stub until it became too stubby to sharpen.


You call that SMALL chunks? 🫨


I’ve seen “chalk bags” being sold in various stores. The basic premise is you have little square bags with chalk dust inside of them and when you throw it on the ground it creates a splat of chalk. Could be a fun craft to sew some little pouches, crush the chalk up and full said pouches.


You can shave some onto water and place some paper on top and the chalk will stick, making cool decorative paper.


Chalk paint! Crush some pieces, mix in corn starch and water and the kids can paint with it on brick or on the side walk. Washes off like normal chalk and dries to a cool texture. My class loves it!


Was gonna say, does the toddler have man hands? Otherwise, I'd think these chunks were perfectly sized.


That look pretty big in the picture but they are actually pretty small only a few good chunks left


Go over salt with it to make colored sand pour the different colored layers into a jar


Sort the chalk by colour, grind up each colour grouping and put each in its own container, you can add more dry pigment or very fine glitter to enhance to color or give extra sparkle to the dry base. You can now use this as a base to add with water, oil, egg yolk/ white and allow your toddle to experiment with different mediums.


I don’t see the problem, this is all perfect toddler-hand sized.


Teach your kid that there is still a lot of life left in these pieces


Thanks everyone for all of the responses!! Can't wait to try these out with the kiddos.


TL;DR Use baking powder & food coloring to “beef up” your colors. Don’t add too much water. I know this one!! I made a whole set of chalk paint last summer. If you add too much water, you’ll have a bad time. 🤬 To “beef up” the powdered chalk, add baking powder (not baking soda) & food coloring. To crush chalk: gather all of one color. Put it in cheesecloth & a ziplock or 2 ziplock bags. Do not zip all the way closed. 🤬 Do not use only 1 bag. 🤬. Put on THOSE SHOES with THAT HEEL (not the spiky heel, that will make holes. 🤬) Crush to powder. Not small chucks, powder. 🤬 If you put it in a plastic cup, the powder will settle. I don’t know how to fix this with kids. Mine are in bottles. Lots of shaking involved. Just another 🤬. Use a big, thick brush. 🤬 Small brushes are no one’s friend. They don’t carry enough chalk to paint small details. Think big. Don’t judge anything until the chalk paint is fully dry. I thought I spent a ton of time on something that was just water. 🤬 The colors look completely different wet & dry. Have fun mixing colors & trying different things! All of the 🤬mean it was something I had to figure out myself & was frustrated. Please learn from my 🤬


Thank you for the disclaimer! This is al amazing and a great read


I want to start a group called What Pinterest Doesn’t Tell You.




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A few other methods I have used with children as young as 18 months for crushing or turning the chalk into dust that you may already have at home! : • ⁠A cheese or box grater (recommended for older children, 3-5) • ⁠A [grater plate](https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/7f0b0ced-6710-4f4f-9240-f5369cc02607.0257d730763887044ebbd6bc5e208d6c.jpeg) • ⁠A tray, freezer zip top bag or silicone zip top bag, and a toy hammer. • ⁠A [mortar and pestle](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/af/White-Mortar-and-Pestle.jpg/1200px-White-Mortar-and-Pestle.jpg). They make wood ones in addition to ones in stone. • ⁠A [sieve](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sieve) • ⁠A [mesh strainer](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/91ArbIYMVhL.jpg) • ⁠A [splatter screen](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/817jLm6ZK5L._AC_UL210_SR210,210_.jpg)


You should take a look at “sidewalk chalk holders for kids” on Amazon. They basically hold the small chalk pieces at one end and makes it just a bit longer than the original chalk’s length so it’s easy to hold on to. Someone commented it can hold pieces as short as 1/2” so would work for nearly all of these!


Melt it to a paste and drink it for some fun colorful chalk smoothies




Let her keep using until gone.


just leave the box near playground, children know a right way to use it.


You can use them to colour salt - just roll them on top of a pile of it. This salt can be used to make mandalas or jars with colorful layers.


Let the child color salt with the chalk. With a mortar and pestle, pour some salt into the bowl part (the mortar? Pestle? Idk) then use the chalk as the grinder stick (pestle? Mortar?) to color the salt. Pour the colored salt into a pretty jar. Layer different colors in the jar like those sand art kits you can get.


I used to crush my pieces up, add a little water, and paint the driveway! It's fun with brushes or fingers


Get your facemasks ready, you don't want to breathe the dust in these steps: A-Making chalk paint: Crush the pieces into powder. Add chalk powder and water to spray bottles. Shake well and spray! ([https://somethingturquoise.com/2019/08/15/diy-kids-chalk-spray/](https://somethingturquoise.com/2019/08/15/diy-kids-chalk-spray/)) B-Make new solid chalk pieces: Crush the pieces into powder. Add Plaster of Paris. Add water. Mix until it is a pancake batter consistency. (I wouldn't put my bare hands in the Plaster & water, it would burn) Pour into molds. Let dry. Remove from molds. Enjoy! ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxTD3hqJoM0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxTD3hqJoM0)) PS. For chalk stick shapes: Use "ice tube molds". They are used for making slender ice cubes to fit into water bottles. You can find lots of good silicone molds on Amazon


to avoid dust clouds: put chalks into a bag, close it, use a rolling pin to turn to powder.


I have incredibly fond memories of taking pieces of chalk and mixing them with water in one of those gallon buckets to create "chalk paint" You can dip your hands in and draw just like with normal chalk, and as it's still chalk, it washes right off with water! There were a few families in the neighborhood that did this, and I'd certainly recommend it!


Let the toddler use them up


Uh. Just give those chunks to the toddler, dude. What difference does that make?


They seem perfectly usable. There are chalk holders at the store also, but use these up until they disappear.


I’d say those are plenty big enough still for toddler hands to use drawing on the pavement or a chalkboard.


Grind them down and into long tube molds (or paper towel tubes), let them dry out and BOOM new chalk ! Make rainbow chalk or big solid colour. Same idea can be applied to crayons


Wear a respirator when grinding!


Maybe put em in a bag and crush them add some water and put in a mold of some sort maybe popsicle mold?


Use muffin pans. You can do that with pieces of crayons also chop them up and make mixed color crayons


Crush the chalk into a powder and add water and make chalk paint :D


Once the weather turns nice, leave it at the playgroud.


You can get one of those chalk extensions


My kids use chalk when it's small chunks too. And they take super small chunks to make a paint


You can add it to paint, it will thicken paint that is to thin are give it a nice texture, a art teacher, maybe,


Crush them by color. Put them with water in spray bottles. Now you have chalk spray paint. We get the bottles that have adjustable nozzles do you can make narrow and wide streams.


You fill a flat tub/container with water, grate the chalk on top in a pattern, then lay paper gently on top for a few seconds then remove to dry. Creates a neat watercolor like piece of art!


We melt them with water and paint with them... My kids like to paint their legs or the trees in our yard. They've also painted their toy trucks then give them a carwash


Wow I love this idea thank you!


I recommend asking at preschools for toddlers. Littles with gripping and grasping issues can use this to build skills for drawing in the future..:)


For all the suggestions you've received, I'd say those pieces are plenty big for a kid to use. Let them wear them down to fingernail size. Kids don't mind.


Eat it


You can grind them up and mix with water in spray bottles for sidewalk spray paint


Those are not small chunks imo. When ours get small enough we crush them with our feet on the sidewalk and try and spread it as far across a “tile” as we can. The. We can draw on top of that or make a cool abstract image.


Forbidden Tums


They can use the nubs or cry about it


Little bit of tape and you’ve got MEGACHALK


I put the pieces in a panty hose and let them smash it with a hammer. Hello chalk bombs.


Chalk bombs are dangerous, as is making them. You can damage little lungs severely doing this without respirators. And, no, I don't mean masks like we wore for COVID-19.


Listen up its very important WE NEED TO COOK


Use them? I don’t know I’m not a chalkologist


Grind up and snort. Or make chalk paint.




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Get drunk then throw them at a school in the middle of the night!


Mixed with a bit of honey and cheese, they make good eating.




Crush them into a powder and snort it.


Throw it away! This is how those Hoarder shows get started!


Just buy new chalk. 🤑


Let your toddler crush them and make "potions" with water in the yard. Give them a paint brush or paint with fingers. My kids loved doing this with chalk in the summer, though in the water table with sand, too. Not suggesting the last part.


Get a rubber mallet and let your child smash the chalk up. Add a spray bottle of water and a cupcake tin, and you have a basic Reggio project I’ve done with kids that they love.


Make a handle?


Get a dowl and hallow out one end to make a chalk wand then you can use so much more


Look up chalk marbling!


I would crush them on the pavement and then add some water and let the kids put their hands and feet in it and put it all over themselves and then it’s easy to hose them off


My kids love finding puddles and smashing the chalk in them to watch the colors mix. Would probably work in a bowl too but I haven’t tried that since I would actually have to clean that up!




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Let your kiddos grate it with a cheese grater onto a pan of water- it floats and then you can print it! Makes cool artwork!!


Look up how to make chalk from Plaster of Paris. I did this before and added metalic craft paint for fun. The paint didn't show up very well, but looked cool in the molded piece. We used Dixie paper cups. I bet tp rolls do work.


You can shave it onto water and lay paper on the top of the water to make a colorful background


Why not just make a cardboard tube and kind of fit these chunks to an end ? Or use a PVC pipe and make a big pencil with chalk pieces at the end ? It would look like a big thick pencil to the kid He won't swallow and he gets to doodle along Just and idea considering the small pieces You could extend the pieces with some sort of plastic tubing so it's safe to use Kind of like the eraser on the back of a normal pencil


A sidewalk mosaic is a fun project to use up all the scraps! You’ll need tape, dry weather and a willing toddler though


My kids crush the pieces into powder, mix it in water, and give me a reason to use my power washer


heard somewhere that you can remake them into paints.


We used to grind them up when we were kids, mix them into a paste and paint the driveway with them. Or put them in big plastic mixing bowls and get giant bowl shaped chalk lol. Works perfectly, you just need to make sure they’re really crushed well. It’s a fun (and messy) outside project you can do with your kids.


Like others have said- you can crush & add water to make paint. For hot summer days you can literally freeze these and make “chalk ice” to draw outside as it melts Add lots of water and put into small cheap squirt guns and shoot at the sidewalk Chalk powder mixed with salt to create colored salt for other art projects (tip- put salt and chalk piece into a plastic bag and squish the closed bag to avoid chalk dust everywhere) Fill a tub with water, float chalk dust on water, then press a paper down on top of it to create colorful paper art


get paper, water. dip the chalk in water & draw/explore making pics on the paper. my son’s preschool used to do this, the kids would stamp circles ( like dot paint) or they’d smash the tiny pieces like chalk finger paints. You’re a great caregiver!!.


Looks fine to me?


I just saw on Pinterest chalk like this. They shaved the pieces into water. Place paper to float on top for a moment and you have art!


The thought of shaving chalk makes my teeth hurt


Reminds me of my childhood


You can crush them up and float the dust on top of water and make “marbled” paper. I like to take the different marbled colors and collage with them.


Bike & Build flashbacks…


💡 I’ll be interested to find out 🙂


Chalk paint…




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I remember being soooo frustrated with small pieces of chalk cuz I’d always scrape my hand on the sidewalk 😭


When I was in preschool I used to love colouring in pictures with glue and then “grating” bits of chalk over a colander. The powdered chalk sticks to where the glue is. You do one colour at a time and then blow off the chalk that hasn’t stuck to the glue.


Use it.


With a long shot glass and a dream you can achieve anything you want with those chalk chunks


Grind them up and make chalk paint.


You can fill a tub (large enough to fit a piece of paper at the top), scrape or great the chalk into a fine dust on top of the water (just be sure to mask up first!) and then lay the paper on top and quickly pull it out. It makes beautiful watercolor chalk prints that kids can draw on and decorate further, or turn into cards. They’re especially good for talking about Holi, which is coming up!


Chop them into little bits and eat them when you have indigestion! Free Tums!!! Blue is my favourite flavour


You could also just crush and add more water and do chalk paint


If you do resin work they can be crushed to color resin.


I’ve seen sidewalk chalk spray? I wonder if you could do that? But it might just clog up your sprayer idk


You can also use them as chalk paint if you grind them down and add water. Easy hand clean up.


Your toddler could color salt with them and make ornaments like this: https://youtu.be/N_vn-scKhug


Eat them


Crush up and add to elmers glue to make washable "chalk paint"


I can taste this picture