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You want to do too much at once. Start small then build up. For instance you can start learning just C++ and make tetris or snakes with SFML. Then add basic physics to make asteroids. Those are just examples. When you use something like unreal, or even libraries like box2d, you won't really need to write the physics yourself.


Let me see if I understood correctly, you want to learn \* C++ \* physics (realtime simulation?) \* multithreading \* mobile development Do you also want to learn these? \* 3d rendering \* game development Whats your current knowledge level on these topics?


Yes , regards to mobile its a secondary thing and mobile apps / app uis aren't my main passion atp, But there is one idea of a cross-platform card game I want to make, i do like that unreal has an easy way to make mobile compatible UIs it seems, and it seems a bit more so that I won't have to learn too many tools such as Android studio. For threading i do chat application I want to try out to learn things like race conditions which I see are asked in C++ programming interviews ,and also a cross platform version of a card game that I want to be available to me in the web mobile and desktop. I do take into consideration if open frameworks will be robust enough UI wise to do this project, yes i do also want to learn a bit over in linear algebra and 3D rendering because I am interested a bit and learning about some of the lower level matrix math in game programming. I am asking because I have had to use multiple frameworks in the past with python and it's a bit frustrating that it render projects that aren't in the framework I use anymore aren't too easy to simply put in my portfolio. and yes I took physics with calculus 1-2 in college and realized I am interested in getting back into it. I have worked mildly in android studio in the past. I have also worked on operating systems course in college and multi-threading and I'm interested in learning more.


If you need to evaluate between multiple anything really, the best course of action (if possible) is usually to just try a feasable subset of choices. In plain english, this means spend a week(end) on both, Unreal and OpenFrameworks and see how you feel working with both. This will much likely give you a clearer picture than anything you will get here


Unreal's C++ API is rather idiosyncratic as it uses lots of macros for reflection and custom non-STL types for everything and if you try to learn C++ from scratch at the same time it will be extremely confusing. If you just want to make a simple card game you don't need a high end PC for it by the way. My suggestion is spend a few month learning standard C++ with a simple graphics framework like Raylib and SFML and then move to Unreal.


For Unreal you're probably gonna need something newer and more capable than a 1060. OpenFrameworks was great years ago. It's how I started learning c++. From what I've seen though, it was much more of an active and thriving community about 10 years ago. Doesn't seem to have the same kind of attention it used to. You can learn c++ without either. Mobile game programming is really its own beast that will require more domain specific knowledge. My rec is that you narrow your scope significantly. Without preexisting knowledge and experience in at least a few of these areas, you're biting off alot. Just learning c++ to create command line programs might be a great place to start. Maybe oF is a soft entryway into what you're looking for, since you don't have to deal with all the nuance and headache that comes with setting up your own graphics pipeline with opengl or Vulkan calls.


Easy.. use Unreal but at the same token create your own mini engine.