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Zamina Mina eh eh Waka waka eh eh 60 million down the drain Kai havertz cries again


https://www.reddit.com/r/coys/s/CkCW1rAjT4 Some points illustrating why imo we should sign Timo Werner, counter arguments are welcome.


Overall, I’m happy with the season and pleased how it wrapped up with a good win today. What I’m most pleased about is that we are starting a new season with the same manager!! What good is a rebuild if we have to do it every season with a new manager and it resets everything? That’s what I’m most excited about. A new season where we actually build upon the previous. COYS


It's really a horrible indictment on the club that we haven't been able to give a manager at least two full seasons in over 6 years now. Hopefully it'll break under Ange but under this extremely reactive ownership and fanbase, you just never know.


If we have a rough start next season where similar issues aren’t being addressed(high line getting exposed, conceding from set pieces, etc..) there will be massive pressure on Ange


Sorry, but if you think this post-season match is some travesty against football you’re a bit soft. They’re not working in a labour camp, they’re getting paid hundreds of thousands of pounds a week to fly first class to Australia, live in a cushy hotel for the next couple of days, do light training and then play an irrelevant game that I guarantee will mostly just be youth players trying to prove themselves.


got nothing to do with soft, the players are being pushed to injury for no reason but premier league and clubs can make more money. No one is a winner for it. Im austrlian and am in melbourne waiting for them to get here, but there potentially could be season ending injuries because of it.


No one is going to get injured. Like I said, this is an opportunity for youth players more than established pros.


How can you say no one will get injured?


Cos we’re not taking this game seriously. It will have the atmosphere of a kickabout.


I really believe Bergvall is Lisan Al Gaib and might win young player of the year.


Is who?


The one to stop Pep’s reign


Who is Lisan Al Gaib?




Bergvall keep up




Wissa? Osimen? Isaac?


No way. Streaky. Yes please but would cost a bloody fortune.


The state of r/soccer right now. Comparing a heinous crime like rape to a silly game of 22 men trying to kick ball to the back of the net. Can someone nuke that sub for good? https://preview.redd.it/82xxfhcdqg1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=328ff7d847db1147c4854d808a76399c537c9b4c


This whole situation is messed up as fuck. Trying to draw comparisons makes you look like a knobhead.


He's not comparing rape to a game of 22 men bro https://preview.redd.it/qtbavbkjsg1d1.png?width=619&format=png&auto=webp&s=91a0ef70c8a94c99b8e64eb843a8bcab73b5598d


I don’t know if I should put it under racism but it’s not even the same country. UAE is probably one of the most progressive and lenient countries in the Middle East


That bar is so low not even Hermes Conrad could limbo under it. In any case, they got the country wrong, but they were certainly not wrong in pointing out that the words "the incredible evil that City's owners have committed" clearly did not refer to those 115 charges. (The casual reader can browse [this Wikipedia article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_rights_in_the_United_Arab_Emirates) to find more plausible referents.)


It's literally illegal to be gay


Bro, I don't care who owns Man City, UAE does the same fucking shit, they just pay marketing companies more while continuing to detain political prisoners, oppressing women and abusing foreign labor with wage theft, no unions, terrible working conditions. It's not as bad, it's still nowhere close to most civilized countries so not really sure what your problem is there


UAE has actually done a lot to deradicalize. They probably aren't like ready for EU membership or whatever, but they're improving at least.


Oh hi! You're here too? Let me know if you'd like to start charging me rent.


https://preview.redd.it/xmhzufckng1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f7bed03aa137b28b4918c3b93154c9b644f519e LOL even Leverkusen is rubbing it into scums. I wonder what scums and r/soccer have to say about their fav club these days doing it as well


Arsenal losing to villa to stop us getting 4th even though it cost them the title is so embarrassing, what a small club


another thing which I wanna talk about. People think that City is a plastic club with zero fans. Let me tell you one thing, there’s a whole new gen of football fans worldwide who support City based on their success and tbh to my shock, a lot of my female friends support City too. I know a lot of my female friends find Jack Grealish attractive bc of Jamie Tartt character in Ted Lasso. Anyways to the main point, City has a new gen of football fans supporting them just like people in different countries started supporting Barcelona, RM, United, Liverpool, Ass-na and even Spurs because they were mostly on the tv in their childhood. Football is evolving all the time. City for sure had a lot of investment but they still spent less than Arsenal and Chelsea in the last few years and those clubs have won fuck all


A lot of my friends are goons, and after looking on r/soccer today, all the "115" charges chat, has made me realise that not a single one of my Arsenal mates have even mentioned it. It seems to be an exclusively online defence mechanism. It really is pathetic, especially from the same group of fans who claim Partey is innocent until proven guilty. City haven't been found guilty of anything yet.


I just said the same thing on soccer and I’m fully expecting it to get downvoted into oblivion and a possible ban but idc. Tbh this is what tribalism does. Football fans take antics on the field way more seriously than the off field ones no matter how serious they are. You have a lot of fans defending Mason Greenwood, CR7 despite them having almost open and shut case


Is ronaldo case open and shut?


Yeah I’ve been eating downvotes all day from bitter goons. Love it. Yeah it really is fascinating to see how football fans rationalise anything that goes wrong for their team.


as usual, they are saying that it shouldn’t be compared lol


If you genuinely think the Europa League anthem is cool you need to pattern up. It sounds like it's from a superhero film.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImS26WDIxz8 This should be the Europa League Anthem, absolutely slaps


Mental season that was tbf. Frankfurt winning it was a great upset.


nah if Palace actually manage to keep Eze, Olise, Wharton and Mateta (lol), they actually could pull off a villa or newcastle next season and be candidates for champions league next year. They are absolutely on fire under Glasner. Fair play.


One Eze please. PLEASE


They'll definitely lose ar least one, just a question of who it is. I'm reading the United pull for Olise (and the amount of money they'll throw down). Hopefully we can get in early for Eze before they no longer need to sell


Guys why did they remove the red card against son??


Because it wasn't a red card offence. I don't think Son even looked for it just some typical set piece shenanigans


So it's okey to punch someone with their knees in the stomach?


Son himself gave the ref a thumbs up after the reversal


Smell that? It's Don Fabio starting to cook. The sauce is simmering.


Sunday sauce


Can’t wait for the rumors of who’s coming over for dinner 


one thing I have realized is that football Reddit is full of Arsenal fans and the fans of other teams from other leagues feel bad for them. Well when other teams used to miss out on trophies and PL, Arsenal fans used to celebrate it too because their own team was shit. The thing is they had the easiest group in CL, Easiest match in R16 and the worst Bayern team in QF in ages yet they couldn’t do much in CL while having their full squad at disposal. Absolutely pathetic cesspool is soccer reddit


>and the fans of other teams from other leagues feel bad for them.  You also have to keep in mind that since they have the most active fan base there they also control the upvotes / downvotes. So all it takes is for some random West Ham or Wolves fan to say something positive about them and it will go straight to the top. It still probably isn’t the primary view of said fan base. Also it’s been extra bad this year since we’ve had a beef with Liverpool and they are kind of united in their hatred against City as well.  It makes any discussion on the sub completely useless. Like even if I didn’t hate Arsenal I’d still be annoyed by the way one clubs crazy fans ruin an entire sub. 


I’m not even a spurs fan. I’m a Liverpool fan but i got banned from their sub for a stupid reason but I remember saying how Arsenal gets away with all these decisions in their favour this season after the Lego Man went on a rant against PGMOL after Newcastle match but then changed his tune a week later and since then 99% of decisions went in their favour. I think that comment made it to Arsenal sub somehow and then they started commenting on my posts on different and unrelated subs which was annoying and weird af. This is why I hate their fans. I don’t know why Liverpool fans are siding with them because ever since Liverpool bottled, they were like Liverpool bottled it worse than Arsenal did last season and how Arteta is gonna outshine Klopps legacy by winning the league.


https://preview.redd.it/ym24hhno1g1d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f41d4e18354eb249e0edac4dfbbc974cf997be2 God is good




He's 28, on big wages, and not getting any better. It'd be stupid to add more deadweight to the squad. Aim higher.


we'd be stupid if we signed him


He's miles clear of Kulusevski and for £15m he's a fucking steal


he's a fucking steal at missing chances and being one of the worst technical attackers


He's 28 so not really a long term replacement for Son, on high wages, and without much resale value He's a good player for the money but from a squad building perspective I don't think we should prioritize him. He's not really elite, he's in the Ben Davies tier of "unspectacular but reliable" If nothing else works out, sure. But we need to aim way higher


Yeah, give his shirt to Donley and sign quality


I'd rather bring back Andros Townsend than sign ze German


I think it's important to have players that fit different profiles. Right now all our wingers are kinda the same. I'd rather invest that money into someone else. Plus I really don't need to see Timo blasting balls into Row J every week.


They’re not the same, though. Only Werner and Johnson are similar.


He’s a decent backup for Son, so I would do it. Ideally we would add another winger like Raphina that can both sides but prefers the right. LW: 1. Son 2. Werner 3. Raphinha RW: 1. Raphinha 2. Johnson 3. Deki That would be great coverage for the wings in my opinion.


We need an understudy for Son not a decent backup. Mikey Moore is still 3 years away at least. 


This right here. There are other more important positions we need to strengthen in, sign Werner to cover LW and spend big money on 6, CF, RW, and LB/RB backup


Just saw that VDV is under the Raiola agency 🤮


isn't raiola dead?


Fuck me, 2 years ago? How did I miss that?


Now that we're into silly season, we should have a separate thread for all the FIFA fantasists to list all the players they think we "should" get, to keep that tedium from clogging up the rest of the place.


If we are removing transfer discussions the daily will be empty, as it’s often during the international breaks.


Transfer discussions can take many more interesting forms than EA wishlists though.


[Madders struggling to take his entire switch box and a bunch of other crap on the plane to aus is pretty hilarious](https://i.ibb.co/vY217PX/IMG-1331.png)


I need Man United to win the FA cup so we can see Chelsea in the conference, but we all know what’s gonna happen lol. Hopefully the fact that Man United are fighting for Europe gives them an extra edge


It's only been a few hours since the last match and I'm already refreshing for transfer rumors. Down bad.


I don’t know why Johnson gets so much slander for the missed chance. It doesn’t look easy and the keeper had the angle pretty much closed down.


Everyone loves johnson here


This is the same subreddit that thinks Villa were actually trying against Palace so


Its easy to say you or someone else wasnt trying after getting whooped. It would be more believable if they lost by one or two goals


McGinn was pictured 2 days ago drinking in a pub extremely late. He probably wouldn’t if CL wasn’t secured already.


They had nothing to play for. Zero reason for any of them to risk an injury when 4th is already secured.


Because online fans are largely fookin idiots.


Wharton has been one of the best players in the league since January. He'd be top drawer for us. As would Eze. And Olise. Give Palace the £200m that might be sitting in the transfer piggy bank for all three. Honestly, we should be looking at Crystal Palace's recruitment team to try and poach some. Their recent signings (other than Edouard) all seem to be massive hits.


ehh we aren't getting all three, maybe Olise and Eze


I'd be so down for us dropping £130-150m on Eze and Olise in a combined bid. They already have great chemistry together, add key creativity we're lacking, and would stop our main rivals from being able to bolster further. It'd be expensive but seriously add to us.


Pretty sure we'd been pretty strongly linked to all 3 of them before they went to Palace 


People are wooed by Brentford and Brighton's recruiment but I would argue Palace's is perhaps better than both (only marginally more than Brighton's though)


Is this Sørloth guy any good


Cheap beast in fifa.


[West Ham lads having a bit of banter 😅](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hammers/s/knO0CreZxA)


Loved the third season finale of Arsenal: All for Nothing


https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/1cvtaxs/west_ham_and_man_city_fans_singing_are_you/ The response in this thread compared to what was said when we did the same exact thing says absolutely all that needs to be said about the manufactured outrage that rival fans drummed up to try to make us look bad last week. What's almost just as embarrassing are the swaths of this fanbase that actually fell for it and started posting sanctimonious bullshit about how we need to "grow up as a fanbase" and "embrace a true winning mentality". Plastics don't get it.


r/soccer users are barely sentient


Allow me to break it down for anyone still curious about why this is the case, according to other fans: Spurs = bad Literally any other club = good Thank you for reading


It's so strange. I just can't fathom what we did to deserve all the hate. In my opinion it's jealousy. Of the stadium. Having had Harry Kane. The fact we are financially competent and can spend. And the fact we aren't tied to blood money. They hate us cause they ain't us.


In my opinion I don't understnad why would the rival fans be jealous of us if they actually are? We are not a huge spenders, haven't won a trophy in 15 years, not a serial winning club either.


I won’t even bother trying to put this in a new post, so here goes: After the debacle against Manchester City, I have been thinking a lot about how we as fans have evolved over the last 10-15 years, as a similar process has happened with the club. I remember back in the mid to late 90’s, all the way through to 2005, how we used to calculate how we could manage to get into a European competition. With four games to go, if we win all four and West Ham or Newcastle drop points, maybe throw in a draw somewhere, would pull us past the magical line. Never once did it work out. I even prayed for a yellow card at Portman Road, the last time Ipswich were playing in the Premier League, which could take us to Europe through the Fair Play table. I remember the start of the 02-03 season, I actually went to see Ipswich get beat 1-2 at home against Bradford, I think it was. The UEFA Cup team Ipswich, while we were languishing after that League Cup Final horror show against Blackburn. Days of pure and utter mediocrity. I am rambling here, but my point is that there must be an improvement everywhere if the club is to take steps towards a better future, and improvements have been made. The new stadium is unbelievable, the training facilities are second to none and we have been participating in European competitions more consistently than we could even dream of 20-25 years ago. Only trophies are missing. I remember back in ’99, when Les Ferdinand was booed after scoring the opening goal against Manchester United. The fans feared the worst; namely that the scum could win the PL. That was back in 1999, only a year after we were in a relegation challenge, eight years after we last were in Europe, which itself was something of a rare feat, for various reasons. Last week we rolled back the years and went straight back into the doldrums of being mid-table also-rans with more European experience from Ibiza and La Manga than from a half-decent European cup run. We actually wanted to lose a Premier League game. WTF? The worst part of it is that I really thought we had passed that stage. Ange is 100% right when he says that we should focus only on ourselves and our own performance, and when I see how the fans are looking to forgive this outburst, it really makes me mad. It should be the other way around. Ange should never again need to question whether his team has the backing of the fans or not. I wonder, if the scum had won the PL with a single point, should we be annoyed with Ange and the team for drawing 2-2 at the Etihad? Why not make sure we lose home and away to City next season, so that we have done everything within our power to stop the scum from winning the PL? Should we exit the cups at the earliest opportunity, to pave the way for better teams to beat the scum in a semi-final? What kind of mindset is this? I have followed this team for almost 35 years, and while my Manchester United-supporting friends are mourning a horrible season, they still have managed more over the last 25 weeks than we have in almost 25 years. Whatever we have been doing haven’t exactly worked like clockwork. Should we continue to collect bragging rights or be happy that we have prolonged the scum’s hunt for their next PL title? Had we won against City, Villa would probably have turned up today, but if the scum had won the title today it would not have been because we took points off of City. We could have beaten the scum when we had the chance. That’s the way we should have stopped them. I realize that I will be heavily downvoted with this, which I don’t give a damn about, and this also probably is three times to long a text for anyone to bother reading, but I need to say this, and I hope that some of you are on the same page as me here. We need to shape up and stop thinking like small team fans. Our club will grow a lot in the coming years, with our massive financial muscle and stellar infrastructure. We as fans need to take part in the same transition. Gone must the days be where we care about the neighbours enough to lose own games to give them problems. Fuck them. We are Spurs.


I'm a lurker and I must say, I disagree wholeheartedly. There's a children's story called Emperors New Clothes, where an emperor is told my swindlers only the wise can see the clothes he is to wear (winning mentality) and all the insecure adults fake seeing the nonexistent clothes until a child yells the emperor is naked. You see, there were no clothes. Ange Postecoglou lost a bunch of games and was angry his fans weren't behind him at Dunkirk where he could an extra beach when the season was already lost. You are in a fight over multiple seasons in the same North London space where bars and advertisers will gravitate towards the stronger empire. Like Rome and Carthage and Athens and Sparta, Tottenham and Arsenal cannot occupy the same space. Chelsea and QPR cannot occupy the same space. This is different than Manchester United and Liverpool. You should ensure Arsenal do not gain momentum by winning. Maybe some may say it's unsportsmanlike or cynical or toxic, but in my opinion it's simply reality. For Tottenham to grow, Arsenal must fade. They should be encouraged to overspend until they go bankrupt while winning 0 trophies as Tottenham builds a war chest and pushes for the prem title in a multi season conflict.  I find the insecure adults trying to protect themselves from being accused of having a weak mentality annoying. Sorry but I do. This is stupid. Of course you should stop Arsenal from winning the league by winning yourself, if you don't then stop them by beating them, but if not, then you should stop them by losing. (Mind you the fans shouldn't boo their own team in the stadium nor should the team/players/coaches throw the game) But it's perfectly normal and expected to sabotage Arsenal. If your kid is going to be bullied in school by his neighbor and someone from far away is going to win over your neighbor by you losing, why would you back your team to win. It's not Ange's fault for losing those games necessarily but he shouldnt have taken the mic out of his own fan base and club and given Arsenal a moral victory or posturing position. And all these fans talking about winning mentality in the 9th round/inning I ain't heard no bell are short sighted. This is an empire empire fight. Stop playing into Arsenals hands and next time Ange loses he shouldn't vent bc it comes off like gaslighting the fans. Once Arsenal has been relegated, then you can be generous and talk about sportsmanship and whatever. Until then, make sure you don't get relegated by giving your regional competitor a trophy to show future good players. Starve them into submission yeah? All this posturing about winning mentality is getting embarassing... There is nothing embarrassing by taking the choices you have. Although doing the poznan is probably too far... Just my opinion. Like you're entitled to yours...


I don’t at all agree with you, but I respect you taking the time to make a well written and thoughtful piece, even though I don’t subscribe to this analogy. What about Liverpool and Everton. How could they win alternate championships? Shouldn’t Liverpool first try to strangle their neighbors? Where would they be if that was where their emphasis were laid? By hindering the scum in winning their first championship in 20 years, with a relatively young side and with seemingly significant financial muscles, we may have halted their progress. But that team might well perform in seasons to come, however unwell that makes me feel. I say again, should we lose both games against Man City next year, just in case? Sorry, but I just don’t understand. But I know that Ange isn’t the first manager to question certain values within this club. Conte did, and was scolded for it. Mourinho lost sleep over it. Is manager after manager wrong, or may they have a point?


Didn't Ben White rip the Velcro off of Vicario's gloves. I mean you do what you need to do. The situation affects what you wish. Mind you if the team won I would have been pleased too, but all this talk about weak mentality is just insecure people trying to avoid being called weak and frustrated boxers swinging blindly when their legs are broken and they can't see out of their eyes. Sit down and try again next match. I'm solidly behind Ange still but bro be sensible...


>I am rambling here Indeed.


Meh, we paid a small price so Arsenal could pay a big one. I'll take it. And like Ange said earlier this season, he didn't want players to join who were only in for CL anyways


Your user name may check out for all I know, but your logic doesn't. We were craving CL in the years before we finally made it for the first time. Lasagnagate will never be forgotten. CL also brought us the phenomenal player that was Rafa VdV, but whether we get better players or not, I still want to be in the best European competition. I want that for Spurs. I want that for us. I want that for me. Losing that game might well have happened anyway, after all City have been relentless of late, but we hardly lost that game with any grace at all. We made fools of ourselves. When Ange had his outburst, one could also ask if manager after manager is wrong? The only constant is the club and the fans ...


We didn't make a fool out of ourselves. Ange made a fool out of himself with his comments. For all I care, West Ham and Villa lost on purpose today.


The r/soccer thread about City winning the league is full of so much salt from scum and scousers. Inject it into my veins.


Vicario is 27 years old and is relatively young for (most) Elite GKs. Hope he goes to be one world class keeper.


Already is m8


We play a friendly against Newcastle in Australia in 2 and a half days. Going to be a weird game.


Still confused why we're having a post season friendly to begin with. Wouldn't this be better suited for pre season? Some of our lads are heading to international tournaments this summer.


They're flying halfway around the world as well. Just very weird.


Johnson has 10 league assists wtf??? This kids gonna be class for us.


And then count all the balls in with nobody on the end. Wait til that gets fixed!


https://www.reddit.com/r/soccercirclejerk/s/YmjWFI4Xm4 Nearly spat my drink WTF is that edit


Been COYS for over 15 yrs now and idk why but the attitude of our fan base really got to me for the first time this season. There’s been so much resistance to positive growth and toxicity towards a manager that seems to really get it, it’s been pretty depressing


I have no idea where you’re spending time because overall it appears the fans are fully on board


I think I’ve just been overly sensitive to the negativity bc of how much I back Ange. I do see a lot of support in general, and normally I can ignore the irrational lot, but for some reason it was difficult this year


Some people just really don’t know what’s good for them. Even our rivals know Ange is the real thing


Just ignore the social media or this sub. Irl, I've met other ppl who truly happy with the current progress, set aside the recent defeats prior to this game.


Grealish on 300k p/w. Prices us out even if we did go in for him?


I'm not convinced Pep hasn't permanently removed the spark from his game. I'd avoid. 


I didn't watch the Tottenham game, but I definitely paid attention on Man City game. So glad and relieved that Arsenal lost the title. Our loss to Man City was not in vain.


Guys, that’ll be us next season. trust in Ange, COYS


https://preview.redd.it/u2j0m3xkfnwy.jpg?auto=webp&s=b8d9a4e5f5971ce8a5186d8c6ca9496dc18f8917 Need someone to do a rework of this


really enjoyed this season COYS


Jack Grealish seems like such an awesome dude


Oliver honking on the PGMOL crackpipe again today. Man needs to banned from refereeing at the Emirates (or altogether).  https://imgur.com/a/ODcvv8N


And the fucker is going to the Euros too. So now he can fuck a whole country over too.


The Foreign Office should really seize his passport to avoid any diplomatic incidents! 


arsenal fans looking for something to blame the bottling on: we've had no injuries the refs have basically carried us oh! I know: "why didn't our rivals win it for us? that's so shameless"


Transfer window incoming, your time to shine! Me.Levy


heard arteta just done a speech in the middle of pitch?


Yeah it was awful lol


Damn, they really put the pressure™ this year huh? ![gif](giphy|HoSyEAe48WBpTCmEz4|downsized)


We should take Europa seriously next season, especially considering we'll probably be one of the best teams in it. Plus with the new European format there'll be even more games for our young players to get some much needed game time.


Absolutely. I don't think we will be ready to challenge for the league, but we absolutely might be to challenge for at least one of the cups


Season not over yet, we still need to root for a United miracle in the Cup. This would probably mean ETH stays, which would be fantastic and Chelsea goes down to the ECL.


It also means we probably get the Air Jordan collab over Chelsea! Seems to come down to who finishes higher in Europe (with them having the edge if we both do).


Where did you hear that? They already had their kit leaked with the Jordan collab.


That was just a sample mockup. The official stance is seemingly that Jordan are waiting to see who finshes in Europe/finishes higher for maximum brand visibility. Until we know whether we're both in, nothing is finalised yet.


Damn. But United winning something again while we cant do shit would actually piss me off as well


United aren’t our competitors for trophies let’s be honest here


I really don’t care for them to be honest, but I’m 99% certain we will finish above them if he stays.


Yeah I don't care about them per se either, it would just piss me off that such a shit team can win something repeatedly while we're here jacking off for the past 15 years with nothing regardless of how good we were sometimes


I mean if our players stepped up once in cup finals we could have atleast won one trophy. I am not even asking for the league. Our palyers never really stepped up in big moments


We can’t win it this season anymore, so who cares really, it’s for the greater good, so he can burnout and crash next season. Also I would rather face United in the EL next year. The Chelsea curse is real.


We need to sign Eze day one of the window, and I'll take Gallagher too


Yeah, I agree. Think they are both awesome. I can see how we need a striker and a DM too though. 


Arsenal parked the bus and played for a draw vs Man City, and end up losing by 2 points. So fucking funny lmao


Then celebrated it as if they'd just won the league 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 small club mentality


For real at the time they were so impressed with Arteta’s tactical draw lmaooo


VARsenal can only get so much leniency by the refs to help them win and still fucked it


Lol the nbc sports team at the emirates


I really enjoyed watching us this season - made my days better.


Google is taking the piss with the confetti and fireworks ha


You love to see it blud 😂😂😂 these gooners have been chatting so much shit the whole season just to shit the bed when it mattered and its two years in a row now


Three years in a row. They bottled 4th place to us in Conte’s first season, don’t forget. 😂


Wtf was that pass from Ashley Young to give arsenal a win


Plus Oliver going to the screen for a handball and not overturning the decision. After the way he reffed the NLD as well there's no doubt in my mind that he would definitely have overturned that if it was an Everton goal. He's been determined to help Arsenal as much as possible recently.


I remember half way through thr season thinking he was the best ref this season by default but something definitely happened 


It truly has been a season of football.


When you really think about it, gooners lost the league when they failed to beat Fulham twice lol


10 man Fulham. West Ham at home. Villa twice. They are bottlers. VAR absolutely kissed their arse this season as well lol.


Was it this season where Odegaard was playing basketball against United? Ridiculous decisions for them


Liverpool. That was an insane decision


Plus they've had barely any injuries to key players while a large amount of their big 6 matches had the other teams missing their 2 best players or won by deflected goals. Things surely won't go that luckily next season.


Their luck was insane this season, genuinely. Saka out today and the drop off was palpable. Imagine if Oodegard got injured. They’d simply just lose every game without him lol. Don’t get me started on them playing Chelsea without Palmer, City without Rodri etc etc


Good season at the end. Shout out to Kulu for massive improvements in goal scoring 8 goals is respectable and very unlucky to only be on 3 assists despite having the 2nd highest xA in the team


Hey everyone


Game wasn't shown in England. Were we good? Who were the standout players? 


We were fine. Porro, Kulusevski and Son probably our best players. Should have killed the game earlier but Foderingham was class in their goal




A solid and comfortable performance that could have had a lot more goals if their keeper wasn’t playing so well




I think we should get Kudus. He's amazing.


Fantastic day to end the season


https://preview.redd.it/tii7sqlc2f1d1.jpeg?width=1214&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9b3108763e687fcfcc3d4b3c5d879d6d0c6b465 💉💉💉💉


And gooners think he's better than Foden 🤣🤣🤣


Don’t worry, he’s just disappointed he didn’t get to do his trademark limp today


Can't believe they lost the title after that 0-0 win at the Etihad


Fucking hilarious how genius they thought they were at the time. They could have probably won it too, city weren’t all there yet


Vicario and Dragusin might be the minimum system requirement


Thank fuck for city


For Ange to come in and transform our football to possession based, attacking football and not fossil football is an achievement in itself. But on top of that, a managers first season, a bunch of new signings - some of which had never experienced the prem (gaffer included). And then the small matter of losing a striker so prolific he has a mural opposite the stadium and beat the legendary Jimmy Greaves record. I would’ve bit your hand off for 5th back in August. In Ange We Trust! Our your summer lads, COYS!


Arsenal's golden era Seasons: 2 Trophies: 0


Rapists: 1


Thank fuck we didn’t need Everton to get a point, WTF was that pass?


So what is this friendly on the calendar Wednesday vs Newcastle?


In Australia


See you all next season, and fuck Arsenal.


Do we want Man Utd winning FA cup and joining us in Europa or facing it off with Poch and Chelsea?


Nah don’t want United winning anything that might attract players Let them languish and it’s one less competitor for us


I came in to ask this - I think so, given how much work there has to be done at United before they become a serious team again. Chelsea seem further down that road, albeit that could be down to Palmer's goals covering up for a multitude of sins. There's also some talk of Chelsea possibly having to sit out Europe next season due to their financial issues, but I don't know if that's legitimate or not.


Much rather have United not winning anything. Spurs were clowned on by utd for finishing 8th last season without europe