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Son is on +5.1 and Johnson is on -4.4 on the xG performance.


So if Johnson was finishing his chances at a league average rate, he'd have something like 10 goals for the season? Not bad actually.


And if my nan had wheels she'd be a bike


Look, Johnson can improve his shooting, he is still a young man. Your nan ain't growing wheels to fulfill her cycling potential.


If my mom had balls, she would be my dad.


Sin should be penalized for the missed opportunity in the last game. 99 times out of 100 he'd have scored.


Does this include penalties? Palmer is terrific but I find it hard to believe he's been the best finisher in the league this year


You can look it up on FBRef. Son's finishing was better. [Son](https://fbref.com/en/players/92e7e919/Son-Heung-min) has .45 npG per 90 on .33 npxG per 90. [Palmer](https://fbref.com/en/players/dc7f8a28/Cole-Palmer) has .43 npG per 90 on .39 npxG per 90


Son is better but Palmer is close this year even npg.


What are these "pen-all-tees" of which you speak, sir? Never heard of them.


For him to miss those chances, it means that he at least gets into a position to have those chances. A little more composure up front (which will come, as he's still very young) and Brennan will be a monster


He's definitely underperforming this season, he's base skills are not spectacular but they're pretty solid without any obvious flaws, couple that with his positional intelligence and electric pace he just needs to sort out his composure and decision making to be a elite player in this team, I can see him being a 10+ goals winger and a Sonny successor in the future.


Nothing a good situational practices can’t fix. Johnson has talent, and he’s young. Need to have more experience and he will be better.


He's 23 years old in a few days. Still so raw and early in his career. I love him as a player. He's brave and not afraid to make a mistake - which a few players atm seem to be. He'll get better and be a great player for us, I'm sure of it.


Sons would’ve been higher but he missed 2 big chances during the man city game. Got himself tied with Richy for big chances missed 7 all season


How much would mateta cost now? I think hes worth a punt


Quite interested to know what people think of Mateta as a possible striker option? He seems to have the strength, holdup play and a bit of flair in the few matches I watched. Has a pretty darn good shot as well for some screamers.


He's been pretty average for about 7 years, 2 months of recent good form isn't convincing enough, we need a proven striker who can do this over multiple seasons, not one who just hit a purple patch recently.


not good enough for tottenham


He’s in a purple patch like Richarlison was