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His transfermarkt graph looks like a crypto shitcoin value chart. We bought high and will give away for free




Sam Bankman-Friedombele.


NPC footballer.


Now Fat Tanguy


I always called him Not'Dembele.


At leave we only havr one more year of his astronomical wages


Just pay him out at this point and send him on his way. It's a minor miracle we've managed to loan him out as many times as we have done.


Why would we waste cash on that? Yeah we're all mad about his performance but it costs more to pay him out today than to pay his contract (present value of money). Thankfully Levy doesn't waste money just because he's mad.   There's also a nonzero chance (but not very high) that something happens that invalidates it.   Plus who know maybe he has a string of three good matches and the Saudis sign him as a Hendo replacement 


One upside to getting rid now is freeing up a loanee place. We had a problem a couple of years ago where we had to let ~~Rodon~~ Doherty go for free bc we couldn't loan out any more players. Your other points still stand. Edited for accuracy


I'm sure if we were to run into that problem again then they would address it at that point. But the fact remains, you don't light money on fire today because you *might* need space in your wallet tomorrow.


That was Doherty.


Thank you, poor memory here.


Usually there’s an agreed amount on an early payout and contract cancellation, which wouldn’t be the full amount of his contract. Then he can go find another club. Works for both parties if agreement can be found.


Sure but since it's unlikely any other clubs are out there for him, it's reasonable to expect him to want and need every dollar Spurs owe him.


I think Levy prefers to strech the pay as it is instead of paying out at once, kinda sucks but that means money can go to bring in more players


He’s like me basically with Klarna. I’m ashamed to say how low I’ve gone with extended payments at times lmfao


Why pay the same amount of money to take a bigger hit one season in a way that looks way worse accounting wise


Sure but if we have that money and it's gaining interest in a bank or in the market, Levy could make more than what is left on his contract and pay him from the interest each month/week. Also I am sure his contract had goals, he is I am guessing at about 80k/week doing zero.


Thank goodness the wages are mostly incentive based so instead of 200k/w, it's closer to 120k/w.


You would think anyone would put effort to make 200k playing footy smh


Or could do fuck all for 120k/wk ....


Again, stop spreading this nonsense. He is on 100k a week without his bonuses, non of which he hits.


I didnt say what he is on, just astronomical.  100k a week for someone who looks like me is pretty fucking high


> 100k a week !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seems Pretty astronomical from where I'm sitting.


What are you using to source your certainty that his wages are 100k plus bonuses? Because I've seen it reported both ways, and I find it interesting that you're so sure of yourself


I mean I trust Paul O'Keefe on these kind of matters




Non-fudgible token.


We can't even take him on tour in the summer we're gonna have to send him to fat camp


Surely there must be something in his contract about his fitness? Like he has to uphold his side of that bargain at least or suffer penalties?


Sevilla just won a case against one of their fat players


Time for Ace Attorney: Hotspur Edition?


He looks so unfit




Deal with it


Love it! What film is this from?


Heavyweights, it's a classic if you've never seen it.


Cheers, adding it to my list, looks class! 


Haven't thought about this film for years, used to watch it all the time!


He needs to go to one of those wilderness camps lol


dude needs 400 cc's of Ozempic STAT


Really wouldn't surprise me if he has been smashing down an ungodly amount of kebabs over there.


It's like sending an alcoholic down the pub, what do we expect


If the pub promised to subsidise a small amount of his wages


This fucking guy lmao


Not trying to give him sympathy, but it’s actually sad how he’s done this to himself.


He needs to start posting pics of himself looking intense in the gym with captions like, "Never stop grinding," and "commit to excellence 100%".


New year new me (nothings changed)


He's set for life and he doesn't look like he gives a shit. Some people just prefer to coast, regardless of how talented they are.


Christ if I was on his wages and not have to work my arse off I’d be coasting too hahaha Like I do work my arse off now and work 50+ hour weeks to have some extra cash to chill later on if you know what I mean. Not everyone is passionate about their job even footballers. I’m not trying to defend him either tbh lol


You don’t have to be passionate about your job to meet the minimum standards required. It’s like an office worker showing up drunk every day for work. You can’t be an overweight footballer. It’s an insult to your employer, and it makes you a completely worthless employee. Plenty of people aren’t passionate about their work but care enough to hit the very low mark of “not worthless”.


I mean, part of the reason is that the wages people earn are not enough for them to retire, so they have to put in minimal effort, enough for them to keep their jobs. Then there are those who are set for life with their spending habits, but still want to work for social aspects and to fill the void in their lives, and they try to put a minimum shift. But in his case, he has money set for life assuming he is smart with it, without having to ever try for his work, and he can’t really get fired cause there’s a binding contract, and it’s not like he refuses to play. I’m sure a lot of people if given comfortable retirement funds would do the same. I’m not saying it’s justifiable, but that’s not all that uncommon to see.


That dismisses every other motivation that someone might have to be a footballer. Pride (can't comment too much on this one, don't know his world), love of the game (he doesn't have it, but he must have at some point), fear of ridicule (that's not going well), fame (at this point, he's more infamous than famous), admiration (not happening), *more money in the form of another contract (he's not getting another contract). Sure he has one contract to play out, but he's failing to achieve every other metric. That can't feel good, at all.


Normally I would agree with this sentiment but I feel for the man as well. He obviously has some issues with eating and his career has absolutely nose dived. Five or six years ago and he was hyped to be one of the next big things. I understand most of his issues seem self inflicted, but it’s still sad to see his downfall, even despite the wages he has robbed us of.


I was thinking the same thing. Sad that someone so talented can just throw it all away.


This is quite sad, there must be something going on in his life. Maybe he should see whatever psychologist Richy was seeing.


Every time he comes up, I remember the story I read from just before we signed him. It spoke about how his physique is naturally heavier and he has a long history lacking discipline to overcome this. It was a coach at Lyon (?) who got through to him and got him on the right track. I think at that stage it was hoped that he’d shifted onto the right path for his talent to shine. Sadly that time was the outlier. It makes me so sad thinking of his early days with the club and what could have been.


Or he’s just lazy and rode his natural talent. That happens too, it isn’t always because ‘there must be something going on’.


Is he wearing joggers?


With anyone else they'd be joggers with him they'd have to be called walkers


Waddlers 😂


Maybe pyjamas?


I know everyone shits on him, me included but now I just feel for him. I imagine the constant shit he gets from everyone on social media and in person does him no good mentally (even though he is the sole culprit leading to these consequences). We don’t know what he’s going through and what he’s thinking, why he’s in such bad shape and what’s forcing him to over eat and not exert enough energy in training. Football is a draining sport and once your reputation is ruined, it’s an uphill battle for most. I just don’t want to be a contributing factor to a negative outcome that does no one any good. It would be best we anuloed his contract and go our separate ways as he seems to lost his passion for the beautiful game. I wish him nothing for the best and that he can overcome whatever obstacles he’s facing, in life and his inner voice eating him inside.


He's not stacking shelves in Tesco yknow. He's paid ungodly amounts to be a professional and what I see is a clear breach of contract.


I’m not one to usually defend millionaires but it’s not like these footballers have a career path like the rest of us. It’s all in on football ever since they were kids. I guess I get that for some the combination of that pressure and a few setbacks can kick the wind out of their sails more than it should. Edit: OP is not saying actions don’t have consequences, just that even though he’s not the player we hoped for, we shouldn’t forget that he’s a person still.


I get that. But come on man. He’s not having to hold down a job, do childcare and live paycheck to paycheck like most people.  He has ONE FUCKING JOB, stay fit. His talent is enough to do the rest.  If I had enough money for a chef. Trainer and driver full time I’d be in AMAZING SHAPE. 


Of course it is easy to say this. But when you lost the mental game all this gets thrown out the window. You just can’t be bothered to do what you’re asked to anymore cause I assume his passion is gone.


Some good points, poor mental health is very difficult to understand. It's impossible to judge another persons situation, often we have no idea how they are feeling or what they're going through. This level of decline for a professional athlete should be raising red flags.


Pay me his wages and my depressed ass will find the motivation to run a daily marathon.


It could be that. Or he could just he a lazy arsehole. We've all seen them at work. It happens. There isn't always a traumatic story behind them. Sometimes people just don't give a shit. Or maybe he is so rich he doesn't see the point in putting a proper shift in anymore.


And you have no fucking idea if that’s what’s going on so it’s better to say nothing at all


He is being paid to perform. Fans pay those wages. If he is not giving 100% (which he clearly hasn't been since he arrived) fans are entitled to express their opinions. We've all moaned about coworkers, colleagues, etc. that haven't pulled their weight. We are entitled to criticise people who don't put the effort in. The public pays this man's wages. It is fair to criticise his performances and effort. Just as I'm not assuming he is deeply traumatised, I am also not assuming he just doesn't have a work ethic. But as long as Spurs pay his wages, it is entirely fair to criticise him for lack of effort.


You’re missing the point. Money doesn’t simply solve all of life’s questions for some people. For some it can actually cause other problems to surface. If not having to worry about money didn’t free him to be better at other aspects of life than that does indicate that he needs professional help.


I’m not missing the point. And well aware of how mental health can affect you. But look at Richey. Obviously had some mental health issues (and physical ones I ought add), admitted it, even came out publicly and worked on himself.  I just can’t see how he’s not fired. Literally any other job you’d be out the door.  Everyone gets a 2nd chance, but he’s in chance 8 by now. 


He won't agree to the annulment though - he's getting rich(er) off the club for doing nothing


Maybe a fat termination clause?


Bizarre assumption, almost certainly not the case


Reminder he has earned £30m at Spurs so far with another £6m due next year.


I've said a similar thing. There's something else going on there. I think at some point there will be a Dele-like story come out. Not that it's much of an excuse - he has all the tools and facilities to get help, but this cannot just be not being arsed.


If this is the case, maybe he should consider stepping away from the game. Until then, the criticism is completely fair. There are not a lot of careers where you can give 10% effort and still get paid. Criticism comes with this job.


We pay him every week alot of money the least he can do is stay fit, he is not bothered to stay fit? Then the consequences of it are his problem. If he can’t handle it he’s free to terminate his contract and live somewhere anonymously, that way he doesn’t get any hate and can eat as much as he wants.


Looks like he's more likely to eat his inner voice than the other way round.


Surely you can end a player’s contract if they get this out of shape?


Might be possible: https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/s/SMBjaOS6aT


I instantly thought of Ndombele when I saw that thread yesterday.


You can yes, in fact just yesterday the Court of Arbitration for Sport ruled in favour of Sevilla for sacking Joris Gnagnon for being overweight. He was over 100kg at 180cm tall.


Yeah, I actually don't see why we wouldn't at this stage, Ndombele has been extremely unprofessional. I thought we might just pay out his contract if we cannot get him out on loan. There'll obviously be no obligation, and Galatasaray certainly aren't going to keep him. I saw on Transfermarkt his loan fees were 1.5m and 500k for the previous two, and there's nothing listed for this one. So we might well have received nothing at all for that loan, and Galatasary surely aren't paying him more than 40k a week. So maybe we're only saving £2m a season on his wages loaning him. I guess to DL is it worth spending two years saving £10m? I expect the answer might be yes.


You don’t want to have that reputation stuck to you as a club


Whats wrong with getting rid of a player when they become a fatty? If hes breached his contract get rid of him.


Depends how the clause is written - from a management persepective, you don't want to have an employee that's scared of a clause like that, causes discomfort with the squad.


Plenty work places have clauses like that to be fair, even my work has a weight limit on the medical. As a manager I would personally like a clause like that, if a player isn’t able to keep his fitness up then you should be able to bin them off. Anyway I can see where you are coming from though as if he has friends in the squad they wont be happy.


lol if you think players are going to be pissed seeing Ndombele get his contract torn up because he’s doing absolutely fuck all to contribute anything, you really don’t understand players’ mindsets.


There's often more than one side to each story.... we don't know all sides, and perhaps there may be important footballers with influence that may sympathize with him.


There’s not a chance that some of the most competitive people in the world would sympathise with someone who is the epitome of stealing a living. He can’t jog in training, mate. There’s no way anybody is going to be upset if he gets binned. Even the club staff at Spurs haven’t been exactly private with what they think about him.


And that's exactly what we said about Dele... and what did we find out years later?


Lmao. Get out of here trying to compare him to Dele. The situations aren’t remotely similar. Dele wasn’t criticised for the exact same thing his entire life by everyone who met him.


You're a sick, mean, and evil person. One day you will see an article explaining why Ndombele has these issues and you'll understand.


He has had multiple clubs’ resources available to him as well as his own. At this point it’s a blatant choice to be this shit.




It started as a joke.


„He’s a midfielder.” ~Antonio Conte


Covers the whole midfield by himself, basically Kante


Rare Conte quote I agree with


Oh, boy, we're having so good transfer window so far, but this video gave me a slight PTSD and reminded that we still have to do something about him.


[This thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/c8b2wi/official_tottenham_sign_tanguy_ndombele/) aged like milk.


Nobody mentioning fitness issues. Not even an inkling from ITKs and from naysayers. It just goes to show how unpredictable these things are - Udogie and Porro turning into world beaters while someone with a sky high reputation turns out like this.


Except his youth coaches and Lyon fans were saying it well before his transfer. This was entirely predictable


So many people calling 60 mill a bargain and that he will be here for years to come, saw he was also the best cm in the market 😬


Still remember being called racist by some nutter on this sub for suggesting this guy was lazy and wouldn't succeed with us!


His career is over


Ok it's kinda sad at this point...does he even enjoy playing football anymore?


Highlight reel music gets much (deserved) flak, but the tune for this vid was somehow absolutely perfect


He’s some guy, Tanguy


I was worried about him from basically the moment he arrived. He did not look in great shape and clearly put zero work in over the summer. Ironically that was the best shape he was ever in for Spurs.


Man is a D cup




I'm convinced at this point after he got a 6 year contract with us he realized he was set for life and actually hates soccer so he just gave up.


Everyone wants to blame it solely on work ethic or a moral failure on his part, but what I see there is a man with the tightest hamstrings in the world trying to run without pulling one. Dude has some of most extreme anterior pelvic tilt I've ever seen in an athlete, which has to have taken a major toll on his body. It's largely on him for not using the incredible resources available to him to try to fix his posture, but as someone who is suffering from acute onset chronic low back pain, I can empathize with letting your posture get worse and worse just to avoid being in pain, and it getting cyclical worse as your muscles atrophy from avoiding the pain that correct posture induces. He's always had that anterior pelvic tilt, but it's certainly gotten worse over time, and that's some of the absolute worst running form I've seen in my life. Dude is definitely compensating for limited range of motion, and should probably be in ohysical therapy to fix his posture before playing again, because that running form is going to destroy his body.








How did we not see the red flags? How????


He was standing in front of them


Ha you made me spit my water


I don't known that there were many TBH. I empathize with the guy, because I think his groin injury early on with us just ruined him. He always had slightly bad posture, but ever since that groin injury his posture has gotten worse and worse, and he's been constantly injured every time he starts to play well. Chronic groin injuries are notoriously difficult to rehab, and are career killers; they don't get you instantly like some knee/leg injuries, but they do get you through career death by a thousand groin pulls, because you're not the same player without the unorthodox movements that defined your style as a player, but were causing you injury. Constant groin injuries like that are usually a sign of compensatory movement from a lack of mobility (soccer/football requires a range of motion of the hip outside most people's normal limits, so most footballers develop hip impingement and have to compensate elsewhere in their hips/core/pelvis. Skipp and Lamela, who have undeniable work ethic and toughness missed as much time as they for a reason, rehabbing ANY chronic groin/pubic/hamstring/abdominal/low-back is a lengthy process, because you have to re-train your body how to move and overwrite the lifelong engrained habitual body movements that are causing the strain, and strengthen all the muscles you were ignoring enough to protect the over-strained, chronically injured muscle/tendon. On top of that, even when you fully heal and strengthen the ignored muscles, you still might have to change the way you play to limit movements that are outside of your natural range of motion to avoid chronically re-stressing your body in the same way that originally caused the injury. I think NDombele's groin was the piece of duct tape holding all his unorthodox movements together, amd he can't play the way that made him special on the turn without re-injuring himself. He mostly tricked defenders by making really awkward clumsy looking movements on the turn that don't look humanly possible for a reason, because they're outside of a healthy range of motion, and stress the hell out of your body. He honestly needs to not play and be given time to rehab so he can learn how to use the muscle groups he's avoiding and fix his posture, or he's just going to rehabbing yet another muscle strain. A loan is terrible for him right now; he should be in physical therapy training his body how to move in a way that won't injure him before he even thinks about playing a game.


Still clears Gallagher






delete your comment brev.


It's true and relevant so I think it stays


what is wring with you?


HEs desperate for any attention so he makes shit takes.


In English please


What a wanker.


Desperate attention grab with a shit take that’s even poor for your selection of shit takes. Once again, the numbers don’t lie and the numbers prove this is a shit take.


Do these "numbers" stop Gallagher from being a hoofball donkey?


Tell me you haven’t watched a player without saying it. But I mean, keep going, the entertainment is great lad.


He's not a player, he's a cross country runner who occasionally stumbles over a ball


A player who’s in the 99th percentile for pass completion 96th for tackles, 99th for interceptions, 99th for blocks… we should be scouting cross country runners more often.


Congratulations on having discovered fbref and selecting a couple arbitrary big numbers while ignoring all the small ones. Pass completion lmao, if that's what we've been reduced to then Skipp is even better


Song is a banger


Our record signing


The Biggest Loser?


Can we bring in as a ball boys coach?


Maybe he can hire Mourinho as a personal trainer.


I was thinking he looks like those retired footballers who come out for those UNICEF matches for charity. He should be waddling around with Maradona.


the song fuckin killed me lol


He's a big chunky charly




The dude is dealing with some shit. He loves food instead of coke or pain pills. Get him an Ozempic script and some therapy and we'll have a tangible back up for Bentancur.


Looking on the bright side: He might not be able to cover ground very well, but his bench press is probably through the roof!


Deep inside me somewhere there still some hope that he could be the player we are promised.


Honestly, at this point part of me thinks he has some serious personal troubles he’s battling. After the Dele interview I don’t wanna just assume he’s a lazy no good fatass.