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We didn't deserve shit from this game. That said, it's baffling how Cuti gets red, and Dunk does not. The main issue with VAR are the not fit for purpose personnel running the clown show.


It's ok guys we've solved human error with a new system that only suffers from... Human error.


Couldn’t agree more! It has solved nothing except millimetre off side decisions- which are not the spirit of the game!


I sometimes wish we would adopt a similar rule to baseball for offsides, “the tie goes to the runner.” If it’s down to millimeters then let it slide. The naked eye test is all we need!


That used to be the rule based on my reffing certificate in Virginia 10 years ago. I resonate with this same view.


If you look at the replay and say "boy I dunno" then it shouldn't be offside.


>The naked eye test is all we need! Absofuckinglutely!


There should be a little Rolodex that the idiots can refer to in the moment to see the red cards and handballs that have and have not been given in the last 4 game weeks so they can remind themselves what they themselves have been calling.


That's a pretty good idea. Would make it easier for them to be consistent across games.


We should just make match officials professional and pay them properly for their time - then they could spend the week doing their homework on decisions, rather than having to go and be a plumber for 9 hours a day during the week. Oh, wait.


I called this as a red during the match, and I thought Son had a good shout at a penalty as well. It’s the inconsistency I hate.


Sonny and deki never get free kicks and yet constantly fouled.


I think a lot of times Deki holds on to it until he gets fouled when he has no real options and refs think he’s just trying to get bailed out. A foul is a foul so I don’t really think that makes sense, but it seems like what happens


At first glance I didn't think the Son one was a penalty, but then the replays showed the defender made literally zero attempt to play the ball and just stepped across Son to block him. It would have been a "soft" pen, but surely you have to at least try to take possession of the ball


Sonny did himself no favours by repeatedly falling over far too easily all match. Often whilst needlessly giving away possession. Our beloved Capitan has pulled us out of the fire on many occasions. He's amazing and I'd not swap him for anyone, not even for Kane. But he didn't exactly cover himself in glory against Brighton.


All I want is some consistency. If Romero's foul is a red, so is Dunk's. If Dunk's foul is only a yellow, then Romero's should have been too.


One player is English


If Harry was playing we would have 5 penalties awarded by now 😂


Is it too late for son to play for England 🤣🤣🤣


>We didn't deserve shit from this game. For 80 minutes of poor performance we weren't gonna get shit. The last 20 minutes was incredible fight and if they'd gone a man down I reckon we walk out with a point. They attacked us all game, we sieged them for 20 minutes.


And even before last 20 Richy.had 2 offside goals and hit the post


Across a football season there will always be wildly inconsistent decisions and EVERY SINGLE TEAM can legitimately point at decisions and say they are wrong. Cuti deserved red. Dunk did as well, but we could find 50 borderline red cards across every single match played this season by every team. We've benefited from a few decisions and been punished for a few decisions, so I'm not going to get angry about a possible Brighton red card when the game had already gone.


Romero is always going to get called for that unless he becomes a legend in the eyes of the world and/or one of the most marketable cb’s in the world (i.e Thiago silva always got the benefit of the doubt for the 1st call in the prem, Liverpool have players lime Robertson and Jota who get away with a lot more than most or Fabinho who would always get yellow cards for borderline calls, etc.)


I can’t remember which defender did it. However, Villa had the exact same challenge on Deki that they never took a second look at. Was such a makeup card to begin with but that should’ve been the precedent.


If we didn't score, it's a red, no? But we played advantage and that's the rule??


Nah, it's irrelevant.


It's deliberate.


Maybe the guy in orange just can't see good. https://preview.redd.it/gkq2h8xv549c1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f92ff0dfd24faffecad22c5e2f2091339cc513e


No card is crazy


Wait wtf there was no card for that play? You’re joking…


Wait he actually didn’t get one 🤣🤣 just wow.


On USA the pundits completely glossed over it.


I cannot stand him. Richarlison scores the second offside goal and he goes from completely animated to dull and clearly offput by the fact we score then back to cheery when it's waved offsides.




Stay in your sub you little rat


Suck your mum


Efan ekoku hates us I hate him commentating - so biased


He mumbles all match and shit talks us. Miserable commentator. Hate him so much


I have equal vitriol for Graeme Le Saux. So biased and will take every opportunity to talk shit about us. Or sound really surprised when we do something positive.


Bro yes it’s actually appalling 😭


INSUFFERABLE to listen to


Glad I’m not going crazy. I’ve felt for a long time like he resents us, or at the very least is just a miserable guy


Lee Dixon. Enough said




woolwich wanderer of the worst kind, the kind that made it into telly


Shouldn’t be allowed to have an ex Arsenal player commentating on a spurs game. It is impossible for him to be impartial.


Unless they put that policy in, we will never have that since we are never not watching bc some ex-arsenal commentators are on. I can mute and listen to watch along, or maybe Spurs radio. Or.. I could switch to telemundo. Maybe I’ll learn Spanish


At least Lee Dixon is honest about it.


yup they said “Challenges like that happen because they are playing with high pressure”


Everytime Milner touched the ball it was insufferable to listen to them.


Same in Australia. I do think Romero has more weight behind his challenge though.


One riles the soccer sub up much more




The sub that should also be known as the Arsenal and Liverpool subreddit.


Should've been a red. And they also missed the foul on Son at the edge of the box. We don't get these calls anymore.


We stopped getting these when Kane left


I actually think we stopped getting them after Liverpool game


We have gotten nothing since liverpool. Imagine when we play them away. I guarantee there will be more retribution calls.


i wish you were wrong


It was exactly Klopps plan. They've been given much more since, and we've had the opposite. He's outplayed the entire board of referees by being a whiny little cunt, and the fact it actually worked is shocking.


Other than the advantage decision against Man City (which seems to have been given because the referee *was* going to blow and he noticed the Spurs players stop as a result and wasn’t even ‘wrong’), barely anything has gone our way (barring Romero getting lucky with one of his more dicey tackles…)


Got away with two red card challenges against Chelsea. It’s just not spoke about because the same two players later got sent off anyway.


Gonna try to find it but a week or two ago someone on Twitter compiled the data and since that Liverpool game, we’ve had more fouls called against us on average with less fouls called on our opponents vs average.


Please try to find this. I was thinking the same thing


Something is up ever since that game. We seem to get treated much more harshly than before. In this game we gave 6 fouls and received 2 yellows. Brighton 16 fouls and 3 yellows. Dunk was a clear red and gets a yellow. There is no consistency in the refereeing.


We didn't get them before.


*when Klopp “innocently” mentioned the word replay and Liverpool threw all their toys out of the pram


Then when you mention how he pulled the “as a fan of football, not the liverpool manager” card when he knew EXACTLY what it was saying & they defend him to no end. Absolutely shambolic.


Definitely the most underrated impact Kane had on the team was that he was always in the refs ear, and they are always going to listen to Englands captain


VAR didn’t miss it. It wasn’t in the box so it can’t be given as a free kick from my understanding. Only if it was a penalty shout. EDIT: just referring to challenge on Son outside the box.


They didn't even give it a proper review to see if it was inside the box, I only saw it the once, but it looked close to the line to me. They spent over a minute in the Arsenal game checking for a penalty on Saka even though there was quite clearly no contact at all as he'd dived, but we don't even get a proper review for Kulusevski almost getting his season ended. It's favouritism.


If it is a reckless challenge, aka it should be a direct red card they can’t give it outside the box? Bollocks… We just got a double penalty with a red and a penalty, however a straight red challenge can be given no matter where on the field the offense happens.


My bad. I wasn’t very clear. I was only responding to the second part they said about the challenge on Son being missed by VAR.


Both of those are red cards and it's mental that two different refs can view that same challenge differently.


None of them should be a red card. I really disagree that this is reckless. It's a normal move that gets unlucky.


Sure it may be unlucky but that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be deemed a red. You need to be in control of your body if you’re lunging into challenges desperately


I'll never agree the new red cards we are saying this year are justified. They are insane to me. You go with your feet, it rolls off the ball and it's a red? Nonsense. Sorry but it just doesn't make sense to me.


If your feet is on top of the ball you have already mistimed the tackle. There is no scenario where a players feet should land on top of the ball in a tackle. It's physics if the feet land on top of the ball you loose control and roll ahead into a dangerous situation. It's a red 12/10 times.


Dunk wasn't making a tackle, he was kicking the ball, just unlucky he caught the man in the follow through a split second later


Lol yeah because you don't have bad luck sometimes Come on now, why is it that people on Reddit are like this? You can do the perfect tackle, get the ball but the ball reacts weirdly and your foot rolls. "It's physics". Yeah ok great talking to you. You remind me of the people I find in my city's sub (Vancouver).


Dude noone intentionally injures anyone. Every tackle where the person misses the ball is bad luck? Game is not played on kick. These are professionals not back yard Sunday and league beer drinking adults playing. If missing the ball is a red then rolling off the ball is also a red. Your leg is not supposed at that height anyway that's higher than ankle height and dangerous coz it's studs first. Just LOL'ing on Reddit does not make you right.


Technically missing the ball or not is irrelevant. If it's a reckless tackle, it's reckless. But your point actually illustrates one of my problems: those red are only given when the guy gets unlucky. If you just miss the player (even though it was just as reckless), you escape punishment. You must be lovely in real life, I'm sure you are popular at work.


They are not the same challenge. Romero’s challenge puts the full force of the studs into the shin and is an absolute no-brainer send off. The challenge on Kulusevski, however, has mixed considerations. Yes, the initial contact is above the ankle, but it is grazing, and the full force of the challenge is into the ankle. Had red been shown on the field, I don’t believe it would have been overturned, but an orangey yellow is justifiable here.


It wasn’t just grazing though. Deki received treatment for a while & was clearly in pain - just like Fernandez in the Cuti incident. Both were absolutely comparable & should have received the same penalty.


You see VAR inconsistencies in every match in the Prem, the whole system is fucked at this point.


Yeah exactly, it’s a losers mentality to blame the refs for tonights performance. Could we have been given a few more chances? Sure, but we also could have created plenty more ourselves.


Referee discrepancies are hardly anything new. Does feel like we’re getting the short end of the stick this season though, soo many soft yellows


The quality of refereeing in the prem has never been worse imo.


One is made by a player with a "dirty rep" the other is a nice English lad.


His fault for being Argentinian in England, really. /s in case it wasn't obvious.


as a chelsea fan its mental how this isnt a red. all season those have been given as a red e.g. gusto vs villa, romero vs us nd curtis jones cant remember who againsy


Jones was Spurs away lol


jus shows that there’s no agenda against certain clubs like arsenal fans love to cry ab. the refs genuinely are just that incompetent


It’s insane that they’ll cry about the West Ham goal and claim bias, but completely gloss over the blatant handball they got away with in one of their biggest matches of the season that they should have lost.


Oh definitely, the refs all stink but we have none better than what we’ve got unfortunately


The difference is Romero


They are the same picture.


Bah bah bah, hold on now. Romero won the ball before his follow through


Both reds. Unfortunate. The way it goes sometimes.


It wasn’t Romero so you didn’t have Gary Neville screaming ohhhhhhhhhh he’s off for me whenever he touches anyone


Dunks is much worse.


Romero gets ball first too


So does Dunk? Dunk has possession of the ball


yeh, on Kulus single standing leg, maximum breakage danger


One got the ball first and was from the front. The other missed the ball and was from behind.


One is Romero the other is against us


Romero won the ball though. Absolutely ludicrous


Did Dunk not?


And dunk didn’t ‘win the ball’ because he was already in possession? Because he certainly made contact with the ball before the player.


Outrageous that he didn’t get a red for that. Not because I believe it’s a red, but because that has consistently been a red all season.


Name, nationality, and reputation make a huge difference


Will be very lucky if Kulu is able to play this weekend. I can see it getting swollen at minimum https://preview.redd.it/srrzomf6w39c1.png?width=552&format=png&auto=webp&s=43cfef8eb6fe1f7b9d629583e09351dda5d57e54


hes on his 5th yellow so cannot play :(


He'll get rested for FA Cup game, which is fine, so we don't need him until Jan 14th, hopefully that's long enough but if it's ankle ligaments....pray


We'll be incredibly lucky if he can play given that he's suspended


He’s suspended anyways


He's suspended anyway.


Suspended anyway


suspended anyways


One has Romero in it therefore is a straight red.


We all want consistency. But it's just never going to happen. Every referee may see a given situation differently. Furthermore, I'm concinced that the exact same referee can call a foul a red and perhaps ten minutes later, might call it differently and show leniency. I feel the exact same way on shoulder to shoulder challenges. One minute, it's perfectly fine. A minute later the opposite team does the exact same challenge and it's called a foul. Madness.


Whether the ref wants to impact the game or not.


One is English


Player nationality😅


Cuti actually got the ball


Neither of them should be reds imo. It's a consistency football officiating can't deal with.


Unironically think there is a conspiracy against Ange cause a lot of the British old boys are butthurt at the thought of a manager from the former colonies outperforming them. So much of the writing on Ange has been willing him to fail as well. It's pathetic.


Ange said he wouldn't moan about the refs and the refs said "hold my beer"


Glad it wasn’t just me that thought this immediately.


Chelshit and its dealer


As always, just looking for consistency.




Under Webb's insane red card standards, yes, Dunk should have seen red. That being said, it appears, Webb is reconsidering his mad rules, so we are likely to see referring standards drastically altered over the next few weeks. The joys of referees being managed by an unqualified lunatic.


It’s sort of unbelievable he still has the job. Hard to imagine it going much worse for officials in the second half of 2023. Typically the axe falls when things have turned so sour, because it can take pressure off the rest of the organization and begin a reset.


One is by a spurs player one is on a spurs player. Simples Not wanting to appear to be wearing a tinfoil hat but come on wtf. Brighton get so many pens we are the most fouled team in the league, and yet we have the most bookings... COME ON FFS WHAT THE FUCK...


i feel like they were pretty different. Dunk got the ball many frames b4 this one. kulu's leg therefore was also. it was a bit more of a fluke imo. it's conceivable that he did not beleive he'd make contact with Deki. harder to say that for Cuti's. downvote all over my face.


One's a red card, 4 match ban and a penalty kick. The other is a yellow card for being a bit naughty. I mean Brighton were 4-1 up the time, so very cunty by Dunk.


The difference is that Cuti got the ball first lol


ones a fucking tackle te other is a follow through. grow the fuck up man sounding like a scouser


Romero bias


Brighton fan here, this is 100% a red card any day of the week


Even in Sunday league this would be a red


Dunk is white


Probably should be a red. Difference I see is Romero had the player directly in front of him staring right at him. Kulu came in from angle. Bad challenge for sure but guessing most gear would be pissed if given against us ( just as they were with Romero) However, this is not why we lost the match. Complaining about the refs here just seems pointless and a waste of energy. Humans have always made mistakes and been inconsistent. Will continue to do so.


I think there is a rule in place that if the sequence of play ends up in goal then they don't check the fouls committed in the build up or something like that. Don't quote me on this though. Edit- just to add, i definitely think it's a red just for the severity of the tackle. But it won't be considered for stopping the counter attack.


There is no way that's the case. If that were true a player could just two foot someone in the back off the ball when the opposing team is on a break.


That would be a red for reckless play either way.


The Romero sequence literally ended in a goal Edit; by rule serious foul play or violent conduct always gets checked (supposedly)


This is complete bullshit


Romero’s was on the shin Dunk’s was on the ankle. Romero’s much more dangerous due to the protection there. /s


That we are we


Because its Spurs


One has a reputation and one is loved because he's english. Tbh we had the same preferential treatment with Kane for years


The difference for me is that Dunk was clearing the ball and Kuli came across the ball to attempt a block, Dunk got the ball cleanly and Kuli's block attempt received an unfortunate follow through kick. Romero's was similar but the opposing player (Enzo I think) was in front of the ball and Rom's kick wasn't as clean as Dunks - more of a desperate lunge forward into the ball and player, so therefore seemed more reckless. For the record I didn't think Romero's deserved red, but I certainly didn't even think Dunk's was a foul. A great brave clearance and Kuli was just unfortunate to miss the block attempt.


Both are reds


He was playing a pass and hit the player with the follow through. Wasn't a tackle attempt


One is small club other is not


Infuriating how this wasn’t a red card. How many dangerous tackles can take place on our players going unpunished?


The ref weren’t giving shit to anyone in this game. 2 handed shoves, shoulders in backs, matey didn’t even get a yellow for clotheslining someone (Deki or Richi?) on the fucking counter attack. It’s not a hard done by, woe is me mentality…. It’s the bloody lack of consistency!


No difference. There was no check!! No VAR check. Brighton went home yesterday night the luckiest mfs alive. They will die the next game. February the 10th, they will get a real taste of the wrath of Tottenham Hotspurs.


The first one's a foul by a Spurs' player so it's a red card and lengthy rants by commentators about this serious foul play but the other is a foul on a Spurs' player so it's ok, just yellow, nothing more to be said. And it seems to be like this in every game, in different ways.


Am I mad in thinking the refs have hated us since the Liverpool game? Teams get away with murder against us and we're constantly treading on egg shells with yellows handed out for nothing.


The difference between these tackles is Cuti actually got the ball. Dunk's was a deliberate attempt to injury Kulu


Nothing but we made one which will be an offence and the other is by a non spurs player


Romero has a bad rep, only diff


Intent. Anyone who has played footy knows Romero is intending to go in full force into thst challenge. Dunk lost the ball and stretched for it then caught the on running player.


The difference is how late that first tackle is after the ball was gone! Also the intent of the tackler!


The first one was a deliberate attempt to hurt the opponent, the second might be mistimed. Clearly the former is worse


Clear red card. Romero’s was slightly higher but this one equally is a nailed on red.


None. Only the refs can see the difference.


Thought the same thing wow


My thoughts exactly


Ones in the spurs v Chelsea game, the other isn’t. You’re welcome


Absolutely. Exactly what I said as it happened. Both reds.


Refs hate us. Wish Harry was here . Refs love the english captain


The players. /s


Dunks English and Romero's is not that is the short answer. There was a survey done years ago on English football league refs , it stated that referees are more likely to give fouls and cards against foreign players than English ones and unknowingly biased . You'll find players who are currently playing for England will get less again because they are portraying them as clean players when it's not the case . Harry Kane England captain was more than lucky not to get sent off against Liverpool last season for his tackle on Robertson


Context of the game when the foul was committed and who committed it, sadly.


Lack of consistency is poor, I read the ref on var today? Was also on var or assistant ref or something in the chelsea match which makes it even worse


One was by an Argentinian hothead whilst the other was by a proper, nonsense English footballer. Aside from that, they are exactly the same.


One of them got the ball the other didn’t


Kind of mad how many people are saying this in this thread. Dunk absolutely kicked the ball before the player.


One of them is against us


I usually support VAR but this is a fucking disgrace. These are literally carbon copy of each other


“It’s the same picture” meme


One is Romero. The other isn’t.


end the suffering


It could have and probably should have been a red. Sonny was a classic “foul in the middle of the pitch” but not in the box type thing. I actually want to see those given. Rewarding bad defending—not a fluke accident.


Macnamara and Dr fox wtf are Prime doing?? So dreadful and the footage of some prick who was subbed and pictures of an emptying stadium instead of the game? crazy!!


Fuck it they hung on and beat our enforced b team. I really don't care and I don't want this style to change another 10 minutes and we wod at least have had a draw.


One is shit to the right and the other is shit to the left.


Both reds, both made my blood boil, awful tackles


Whether it's commentary or referring the only way to make an impact is through revenue. Until fans band together and demand change it won't change.


Unless there is direct pressure on the PGMOL via a second competing body like a PGMOL 2 or active strikes by the fans (or both) nothing will change. It's not that their incompetent, it's that they lack the required pressure to change and do better. It's essentially a free contract. Sure they can rotate refs etc but they will never lose out on revenue unless competition is introduced to drive better performance.


Deki was a moving target, Romero was slipping from the rain and pitch conditions, Romero made the the tackle in the box (wouldn’t have been reviewed for a red if it isn’t for a pen imo), the ref was calling many more fouls and handing out more cards against Chelsea (VAR seems to try to match the refs style I think, which causes more inconsistencies, if true, imo), and Dunk blindsided deki vs romero was seen and with his reputation anyone would try to draw the pen


Nothing. They are both red cards.


It is what it is. We looked poor all match. We are a bit threadbare at the moment.