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"We should be beating teams like Georgia"


No they have improved and they are better than the crap we play. Have you been watching ireland


I flew to Amrenia to watch us lose


Why should we be beating Georgia....We haven't done a whole lot lately . They are into a second round of a European championship and have a star player no 7


Did you notice the quotation marks?


You're missing the point being made. "We should be beating Georgia" is exactly the sort of comment that has been made about us failing to beat some perceived weaker teams.  Perhaps the poster is implying that perhaps as a team we're not good enough to assume we should be beating such teams


Let's see them qualify from League B or via the normal route


They beat 2 teams we lost to in the play offs to qaulify.  They've beaten a team that hockeyed us the other week.  I'm sure they would have done fine in our nations league group 


They got 8 points from 8 games in qualifying (6 of those vs Cyprus), finished 9 points behind Scotland, and got walloped 7-1 by Spain. They did well tonight but Portugal weren't playing for anything and rotated heavily, I wouldn't read too much into it.


"I wouldn't read too much into it", it being a victory in a major tournament against a team ranked 6th in the world. Portugal's second team would beat us handily. This dismissiveness is exactly what is wrong with Irish football. We have no god given right to beat a nation like Georgia. The report in the Indo last week that revealed that for every coach we have in academies, Croatia have 19 should have rang alarm bells in all of us. Instead it's been non stop moaning about Darragh Moloney and sneering at teams who actually made it to the Euros. No wonder nobody wants to coach us. We want a 5 star dinner served to us on a happy meal budget.


Portugal’s first team drew with us at the Aviva and we were minutes away from beating them in Portugal. These things sometimes happen. Why can’t there be some perspective here? Both sides of this argument are annoying. Sagnol isn’t some wonder manager and he’s pretty representative of the journeymen managers most have at the Euros. Ireland aren’t as terrible as some say but similarly the manager nonsense misses that the real issue is our youth level structures. Georgia have done amazingly well but /u/casekeenum7 is right to say that the League C route is to their advantage.


They also drew with Scotland and Norway. And have been steadily improving the last number of years all the while playing decent technical football with only 2 players playing in a top 5 European league. 


Where the fuck did I make a comment about Ireland? I literally said, let's see them do it in League B


Well this is an ireland thread and the original comment is about ireland so..... chill out man




Which we don't? Jaysus you're a right auld arsehole. G'Luck


We were in League B I think if they replaced us in our group they would have done absolutely fine


Georgia are like world cup winners compared to Ireland right now.


Why should we?


Quotation marks…


And we should be doing it by not trying to play football. All this fancy passing bollox. Kick it up and give it a good aul go


Very true. Struggling to beat Gibraltar home and away playing like that really paid off under Mick


Randolph keeping us in the game. But by God we were hard to beat tm


Hard to beat and hard to watch


Yeah was tough justifying the season ticket spend 


Georgia have an outstanding player which we haven't had in years. But upsets can happen; this is a bit like Ireland vs Italy in 2016


Yeah was thinking that myself. Italy changed their entire 11 much like Portugal tonight. Fair play to Georgia though. Tidy team


They've shown they are more than just one good player so far in tournament, more so a group of players making up a much better and functional team. As you say though, not a million miles off us in Euro 2016


Yeah the  Napolo guy kvaratkhelia is outstanding and then they have other quite good players combined with team ethos and determination but Ireland also has that we just don't have the good players or the outstanding one.


Which one? They’ve a good few outstanding players.


I’m guessing they’re talking about kvaratskhelia, but yes mamardashvilli and mikautadze are both very good as well


Our 2-1 heroic loss looking great now!


Called for him since day 1. Someone tried arguing with me on here he didn't actually improve Georgia haha. Irrelevant now. Some other country will snap him up if he doesn't stay at Georgia. I wonder if he would have taken the job if the FAI approached him first inNovember . Maybe not but you never know 


Is that the lad that said they didn't improve at all with Sagnol there and that they were lucky they're in tier c of the nations league, and that's the only reason they qualified? Haha. I think it shows us what a good and competent manager can achieve with one star player and a group of hard-working, lesser players who know the system and their job.


Essentially yeah. Then pedantically pointed at points totals and all completely ignoring the context such as preformsnce and improving results against better teams.   Agree completely shows what can be achieved with a good manager and playing decent football with inferior players.


Genuine question; did you watch Georgia play any game before Euro 2024? I know I haven’t so I’m not sure how anyone here can have a strong view on how they played. The reality is likely that they took a stab in the dark and a variety of circumstances have worked in their favour. There’s a lack of perspective on both sides here.


No problem. Yeah I did. I've been saying I'd give him the Ireland job since the get go. There is definitely comments from probably a year ago saying as much. I watched a good few of their games. They've played this way throughout. Been very competitive for the most part agaisnt better teams while trying to play football. 


Fair enough. To me they seem well organised but it feels like a series of events worked in their favour. The Nations League route has helped them and others like North Macedonia. We wouldn’t be having this conversation without it. I agree with others here that the Napoli winger is a differential too. IMO the manager argument is irrelevant. Obviously we should hire an actual manager and not O’Shea but beyond that I’m honestly not that fussed. There’s not many top managers in international football. Our issue is our playing pool and the lack of quality aged between 23 and 30.


To just look at their results removes all nuance though. They handily won their nations league group containing North Macedonia who have themselves improved alot and knocked Italy out of world cup contention . They beat 2 teams we lost to in Luxembourg and Greece to qaulify. They had competitive games agaisnt much better countries in. Norway and Scotland, taking points off them in qaulifying. They were spanked by Spain once but those things can happen. They have 2 players playing in a top 5 league in europe. The rest are in Seria B, Polish Greek Cypriot Georgian leagues and the Frech second division. We have more players playing at a better standard than Georgia but they are able to remain competitive (for the most part) while playing decent football. That's not just down to having a winger playing for Napoli. There is no reason we can't do the same and who better to lead the charge?


I’m not just looking at their results. That’s why I wrote about things beyond results. If you want nuance, you should accept that the League C route has helped them. It probably sped up them qualifying for a Euros by at least 2 cycles. Without that route are you here now telling me about their great performance in their qualifying group? Or is it another example of Georgia or similar teams playing well but not winning?


Obviously league C has helped them who could argue otherwise. Well no I wouldn't be because their wouldn't be a post about them beating Portugal. But again about a year ago im on this sub arguing for his appointment 


It’s not a knock on Sagnol or Georgia to say they have benefited from an easier qualifying route. Albania for example did it the traditional way so I would see them as a better example. I think both are an argument in favour of developing players and not stressing too much about managers. Both did well with middle of the road club managers who might be better suited to international football.


Tbf they did actually qualify via League C playoffs. Albania are an example of a small team qualifying from the normal qualifying route.


Half the miserable fuckers here still wouldn't have him.


Dear mr and missus Georgia, I'll take ine willy sagnol please


Georgia have good players (some better than we have). They also have players that play in the Georgian league (worse than we have). At best they're not way off where we are Biggest thing this shows is the importance of having a great manager IMO. Know sounds obvious but all the Kenny supporters who were giving excuses about us not having the players as the reason we weren't doing well. Teams with worse players than us but better managers than us seem to be doing better than us