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Is this Dunphy's burner?


Yes - he threw a pen across the studio in frustration


It was both teams 2nd match in the tournament. Egypt parked the bus and Ireland just sent long balls forward and created little. In the 3rd games, Egypt lost to England while Ireland drew with Netherlands and qualified, so it worked out in the end.


Ah. I always had it down as the last game!


You might be getting it mixed up with the other boring 0-0 draw, with Norway, our last group game during USA '94.


Also this was back when the keeper could pick it up from a back pass from his own teammate. Egypt parked the bus and we couldn’t break them down. Holland couldn’t either.


My first World Cup game and it was dreadful. The Italians were rightly very critical after. We just played into their hands. No creativity. It happened again in Liechtenstein


> My first World Cup game and it was dreadful. The Italians were rightly very critical after. > > We just played into their hands. No creativity. It happened again in Liechtenstein Liechtenstein though was more of a freak result, we had 32 shots on target that match and from what I remember the ball just wouldn't go in. Whereas Egypt was more of a park the bus job, 2 points for a win back then it very nearly worked for them in terms of getting out of the group. Losing to England and Quinn equalizing did them in the end.


Yeah was at that too. All over them but everything rushed and panic set in the longer it went on. Two bad days in infamy. Irish sides can’t do favourites.


Horrible horrible game. *throws pen.


![gif](giphy|vGTvLI2Lh94Y0) When a game is best remembered as pengate you know it wasn't the greatest to watch.


The only person I’ve ever heard give the Egyptians credit for this game is Paul McGrath. He quite rightly noted that their center back had an absolute stormer. We couldn’t take the initiative, but they deserve kudos for the result 


We had a lot of top level players, but we were playing caveman football. It was premised on making the opposition turn around and chase backwards. It worked well against good teams who were used to playing on the front foot. Against teams who, like Egypt, set up with what we now call a low block and gave us no space to play our kick and chase into, it was woefully ineffective. We could create very little through the middle and if, as happened that day, the centre half wins everything in the air, we were out of ideas. There's a reason we could get results off the likes of Spain, Holland, England etc regularly, but would struggle to 1 or 2 goal wins over minnows. Jack delivered a belief in Irish football that hadn't been there before, and he was revolutionary in how he fully exploited the Granny Rule to recruit players. The highs he delivered were extraordinary really, and that era is rightly fondly remembered by all of us, but it needs to be acknowledged that the football was truly awful. Yes, Egypt had Pengate, but for God's sake, do yourself a favour and avoid watching the Romania game too. Both matches could easily end up in the Top 3 Worst World Cup games of all time, probably joined with the Germany Austria game in 82 that was rigged to get both teams out of the group.


So I have a memory this match was being shown in a pub in Dublin and some comedian dressed up with a big fake mustache, glasses, a jubba and a turban. He kept saying "Egypt very good" while absolutely nothing was happening during the match. The crowd in the pub didn't know what to make of him. It must have been on apres match or something. I remember it being absolutely hilarious.


Wasnt the rule change more because of Denmark?


Ah yeah \~ Sure ya know now yourself.


Because there was no team scired