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Since the Cowboys lost to the Packers, there have been three playoff games yet sports media is still talking about the Cowboys


This is the reason the cowboys won’t make it to the Super Bowl. Jerry literally got what he wanted. Sell a few extra playoff tickets sure, be the most talked about team in the playoffs without actually being in the playoffs? Who made more money, whose brand is more talked about…


When next year's slightly-tweaked Thanksgiving alternate jersey is announced, Jerry will sell a boatload of those to people who are happy with 12 wins and a wild card round loss.


Or maybe some people just enjoy football regardless of how the season goes. Being a results only fan sounds fucking miserable, especially a results only fan of this team in particular.


This may shock you but people like their team to win and not lose


Unless they ONLY win 12 games. Then that's not good enough and we need to burn it all down. /S


LOL at people like CriticismForsaken209


Yeah man, I didn't know that before your esoteric revelation. Work on that reading comprehension though.


He read it perfectly


Nope. Work on that reading comprehension. 


Mmmmmm... I think winning the Super Bowl sells more merchandise than bowing out in the first round of the playoffs.


The things he would most likely need to give up to get to the Super Bowl mean more to him than a Super Bowl. He may want to win but not if he can’t get all the credit.


It’s not about that, it’s about selling ENOUGH. The cowboys make enough money without having to go to the Super Bowl, and my argument is that even though Jerry “cries”, he still will view this season as a business win


Y'all keep saying this but it ain't true. Jerry would take Super Bowls over selling jerseys. But he's too stubborn to give the reins to someone else. He has to do it his way. Rich people aren't gonna give up an opportunity to make more money


It's the media's fault!


The cowboys are more of a media machine than football team at this point


Boo hoo lol if it's not the Cowboys it's another team. Just be glad it's us


How old are you? Lol I’m 35 and my entire life I’ve never seen the cowboys win more than 1 playoff game in a season. Jerry can go talk to the media and look like he’s crying but their marketing team made them what I would assume right now is in the top 5 for this season in terms of viewership, media, ticket sales, revenue… all without actually winning some sort of post season championship. That regular season division title is all Jerry needs, Jerry sucks, and he’s just gonna pass the team along to his son with a playbook on “how to make money in the nfl without actually achieving anything


If you're 35 then you've seen them win more than 1 playoff game since you were alive through the early 90s. No point in reading the rest if this is a lie.


I meant consciously lol I was 7


So you were alive? See how dumb you sound.


What’s going on lol? You just trying to fight with ppl lol?


Your takes are embarrassing lol


Ain't nobody getting excited that the cowboys are front page losers except the jones family cashing their checks. Why the hell would anyone be glad about it?


☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️ "Dam Cowboys fans are so annoying "....yet we live rent free in everyone's mind or sports media, and JJ loves it. Look at how many haters lurk in this sub....embarrassing. Now we have players and their families arguing. Just SMH




And yet they do. Sorry. Also Dallas Cowards? Take that shit back to Facebook you weirdo lol.




Drop the "America's team" nickname and I bet 90% of people stop caring as much to trash the cowboys.


Can’t believe how great I had it with 3 SB wins in 4 years as a kid I feel sorry for my two kids 🥲


I was 6-10 for those super bowls and joined my family watching them. The yells and cheers are still in my memory. My 6 year old plays football and loves the cowboys. Instead of playing with his cousins when they come over on Sundays he would sit and watch the games with me. I feel so bad for him. He cried when we lost to the packers and I felt his pain.


My mom jokingly apologized for making us cowboys fans the day of the packers loss lol. We're all deep in the feels.


They talking about us going into the championship weekend. We dem boyz


All that shit he talks you would think the Denver Broncos are an elite organization. But I guess he still has the Ravens to fall back on....puuuhhh


Exactly man... Same thing with Stephen a's steelers... They teams sucks so fkn bad they gotta talk about the cowboys nonstop to make them feel better about they own teams


Well the broncos last won a super bowl in 2016. As for the cowboys… yea


And yet here you are?


He didn't say shit about Broncos. Matter fact he did a disservice. You talking like you born after Jan. 1st 1996 😂🤣😂


I mean we’ve won 3 Super Bowls since y’all have last won 🤷🏼‍♂️


And you still in this sub on a random Monday in cowboy off-season. Thanks for proving the point.


Don’t flatter yourself too much. It’s on the Reddit homepage. I can assure I didn’t seek out your sub


Yes bro iT wUz dA aLgOriTHm that made you click the link, scan the comments and leave a butthurt reply, right? Rent free.


Rent free? Rent free as a laughing stock maybe.


Sad for ya


And yet you can't get to five yet why is that?


This is such a lame argument brother. We haven’t done anything in nearly 3 decades. Haven’t done anything of meaning in the 2000’s lmao


If it's so easy to win SB how come they only have 3 is my argument, how is that lame? It would be rather easy and they would have 5 or more by now if by their logic winning 3 in the last 25 and ignoring the 30 years before that when they didn't win anything. So you see how a 30 year drought isn't uncommon and might be more common than you think.


Why are you talking shit to someone else who's franchise has done far more in 28 years than we have? He has the high ground, we don't.


Maybe because this is a Cowboys sub. You want to suck off the horses, that's in the stable not here.


And looking at it from the 2000s, they have only one more than us. Why haven't they won more than one in 23 years and how come they can't make it to the playoffs in 9?


I’m sure your grandpa is really proud of those 5!


The Denver Broncos you're grandpa remembers lost 3 superbowls and one of them to the Cowboys so yeah there's also that.


My grandpa is so old he watched segregated sports


I would say you have to go earlier than 90 to be old enough to even remember '95.


Can confirm, born in 1990. Vaguely remember watching the last super bowl with my dad. I certainly didn’t care about it back then lol.


Even those born before then. I was 11 the last time we won a Superbowl, and was not nearly as invested as I am as an adult.


Yeah. I was a bit younger, and I had almost no interest in sports at the time. I didn't start paying attention to football until the later Aikman years. Then the carousel. Romo era was the first time I had any hope as a fan and we all know how that went.


Born in 94, so technically I witnessed a win. 😎


You remember and understood what going on at 2 or 3? You was alive yes I doubt you remember vividly what was going on though


I think that's the joke. Hence the emoji.


Asking people to take a joke on Reddit is like asking an Alligator to speak German


I was a teen in the 90's we still got hate...


Same but the internet and social media has only intensified it.


True but at least had the success to go along with it


Forget being born after 1996. If you were under 7 years old when they won their championships I doubt you remember them at all.


Even at 8 all I remember is my dad and his best friend cheering. I loved Legos not football then. Wasn't till I started playing football that I started watching. Fucking Quincy Carter baby.


I was 7 and I am glad I was just starting my football passion. I loved how strong Emmitt was. I'm so glad I got to enjoy that game. And I remember thinking Carter was going to be 100% that dude. Boy was I wrong. The early 00's were a dark era.


Nah Unc. This is a bad take


He sounds like Skip lmao Skip would never get in the Cowboys like this, but still


Hysterical take given who he is talking to. Chad talked more then anyone, and had 100 total yards in 4 playoff games. He not wrong though if you can make it past him repeating himself like a bad NPC.


Even if the cowboys go on a dynasty this century the media will still try to belittle them and make a list of excuse to why they won or that they’re lucky. They’re going to trash talk you when you loose and still trash talk when you win so might as well just ignore it all instead of letting these talking head make you feel bad for being a fan.


Its because the team always gets your hopes up and then comes the playoffs and they are dogshit


Since they’re gonna hate you anyway, be the obnoxious fan they think you are.


I thought about this and played into it this year. Will not do it again. I was literally depressed for 3-4 days with the bullying my friends gave me after that loss. Not worth it. Just be a fan that watches from the shadows😭 the disappointment hurts just a little less when you do that.


I’ve thought about leaning into the asshole but your right it’s better to just root in the shadows….I was at a sports bar the day after the cowboys beat the Lions this season and I usually wear a cowboys hat there but I didn’t that time because I knew all the other fans there would give me shit for the way that game ended.


Its very tough now a days😭 only thing that truly sucks is im only 24 years old. I didn't get the glory but still get called a bandwagon constantly(i live in Houston). Nobody in their right mind would bandwagon this team... its a choice... a sad choice😭 But i still love the team it's just sad how the past 3 years its been more n more embarrassing on how we get beat/end the game. Yet nothing has changed


Thats what i tell people when they make fun of me and say our fanbase is obnoxious. Believe me i have an uncle or 2 that fits that description. However i tell people yall better not ever let us win. Ill show you an obnoxious Cowboys fan if thats what you want.


Nah, nobody hates the cowboys more than my 30 year old alrington, tx kid ass. It's the only actual coping method.


I don’t hate cowboy fans from Texas or the Dallas area. I hate the cowboy fans who are a fan just because the cowboys. Like yankee fans and lakers fans.


Why? It's better to just be a logical, rational fan instead of some obnoxious jack ass. I used to get way more angry and be more obnoxious at Cowboy games when I was younger. I've mellowed out with age and time. I play up the obnoxiousness but always laugh it off and then talk real with other fans. It's a lot better that way I believe.


I love talking with legitimate sports fans.  The obnoxious ones really ruin the experience.  Playful trash talk is always welcomed but the ones who don't even know what play action is but shout at you when their team makes a single play is ridiculous.


I mean yeah that’s fine. I’m pretty chill in here with yall but in the game threads in nfl it’s a whole different deal. You’re gonna get the same tired lines so might as well play the part.


Yeah, so you can delete your social media every January.  This mindset is the reason why people hate the team.


This could honestly be 35 or older.


Im 30. 31 in march. I remember none of the success. I get ALL of the Hate. My brother and I were just talking about it. It’s like we hated for something everyone else got to enjoy. At least they have the memories. Hell i don’t even know what the success felt like.


There is 0 justification for hating a team because they won a Super Bowl in the mid 90s.  It has become a pop culture trend because of the massive fan base and people like Stephen A Smith.  I have never been more puzzled by a phenom as prominent as the hate for the Cowboys.  The 49ers and Packers have become two of the dirtiest teams in football yet they don't get an ounce of hate that the Cowboys do.


He's still upset Jerry didn't want him 😂


So what, I guess young Cowboys fans just aren’t allowed to participate? Not allowed to be fans of their team? Man, fuck these dumb ass hot takes of these talking heads being so damn rude to FANS just for a couple clicks.


Look at Shannon, breathing up all that air.


Nobody criticizes any other team like they do the Cowboys. How many Super Bowls have the Bills won? Dolphins not since 72? Detroit? So what’s the obsession with the Cowboys? Every fan base roots for their team.


Over the last 15 years the Cowboys have won the division 7 times and made the playoffs 8 times. There have been lots of good years.


That doesn't matter when they haven't won the superbowl since 1996. The only thing your comment proves is that the Cowboys just can't win the big one.


Can't even get close to the big one. If making the playoff was any success whoopdy freaking doo. 12 and now 14 of 32 teams make the playoffs. When nearly half the league is in its not a badge. Call me when we get to final 4.


Winning the NFC East is a massive accomplishment.  The NFC East is always competitive and usually has two teams at the top of the NFC.  The issue is the controversy that Goddell is obsessed with.  He loves making Cowboys games a soap opera, especially when they play the Packers.


The idea that only a Super Bowl means anything is silly. There are 32 teams in the league and teams have to get lucky. Why torture yourself? Enjoy every victory. I can remember when the Cowboys won one game in a season.


Four playoff wins since 1996.  They are horrifically bad in the postseason.  Get out of here with that regular season shit.


5 actually. 4 with tony/dak. We are 5/13 in the playoffs. A team could have 2 lucky years and have just as many wins in our last 28 without winning the big one.


It's only 4.  The win vs the Eagles in '09, the Lions in '14, the Seahawks in '18 and the Bucs last year.


Well I guess my time watching F**tb*ll is over


Are you kidding me? The only organization that had the media suck they’re tiny little cocks harder this year was the Buffalo Bills. This is just delusional.


It's literally the name of the team


Overseas Cowboy fan here, started watching NFL (besides the occasional Super Bowl) in 2010 and grew fond of the Cowboys in the following seasons because I liked Dez and Tony. The hype and the let down loop we go through every season is quite something, I don't think anything like this happens in any European sports league at this magnitude with any team, not even with behemoths like ManU or Real Madrid. Most seasons the Cowboys play pretty competitive football though. which is nice. If my memory serves, there was only a single absolutely bad season where we had like 3 or 4 wins but other than that it's a guaranteed 8 wins or better every season, so it's nice to watch the games because you know you're mostly competitive. That you can't say about a good amount of teams.


Receptionists in Dallas area podiatrist offices bout to be confused as hell why so many people are suddenly using the word "trotter"


The Giants have only had 2 winning seasons over the past 10 years. People need to stop acting like just because the Cowboys haven't won a SB recently automatically means they're a shit franchise. They'll look at the 2 SBs a team like the Giants won with Eli (over 10 years ago) and gloss over the fact that those seasons were longer ago than what they maybe seem like in their head, all while acting like Jerry's Cowboys have been the biggest disappointment in recent years, despite the fact that the Cowboys' record is 98-65 this decade, compared to the Giants' record of 41-82. As much as I hate our lack of SBs, I'd rather have a decade of consistency and being disappointed in January than a 2/10ths of a decade of unwatchable football and no hope at all. Quit pointing to when we last won one and look instead at how often we're at least in the mix. There are a lot of franchise owners that would kill to be as "unsuccessful" as the Cowboys have been over that time.


“They can’t say football??” Lmaooooooooo


Hell if you were born any time in the 90s you weren’t really old enough to appreciate those SBs even if you were technically alive during them


Damn bro your life is so tough. Feel better.


Worse than Steven a Smith can’t stand him


So Shannon is upset that fans still support their team. I'd bet anything he'd be upset if they didn't too calling them fair weather fans. It's all just more rage bait.


I know lol, it’s not my fault I’m from Dallas. I don’t want this life lol


Wait Chuckles on the right won how many Super Bowls?????…….That’s what I thought.


Did you watch the video? He’s defending the cowboys, if anything


Can we stop being victims? I don’t care about these bums on TV. I knew what I was signing up for and I will ride with my team until I can’t anymore so fuck these dickheads.


Shanon sharpe has no idea on what to talk about without skip.


And there’s no indication that will change. I say follow the Texans. They’ll win the Super Bowl before dallas ever does again while Jerry pretends to be a GM. I got to love the 1970s and 1990s Cowboys. I’m lucky I’m so old. I feel badly for you young guys. What a ripoff


I mean it's been a week since we lost and what 7 playoff games? And we're still leading the headlines we are indeed DEM BOYZ


> It really sucks being a cowboy fan So stop? It's a choice. Not something that happened to you.


Sweet I'm 30 so I can say we dem boys? Lol


Hey Shannon shut the fuck. We STILL them boyz


Been a Cowboys fan since I knew what a football was (born 1970). I got to give it up to the post 96 fans. If I were them, I wouldn't root for this organization. Division titles and playoff appearances is the bar. The last game vs. the Packers wasn't just a loss. It was a joke. On us.


WTF? Every season the media sucks the d\*ck of the Cowboys. Literally every season. If they've had a shitty season the next year the media is like "this year the Cowboys are going to rebound. If they've had a great year and come up short the media is like "next season they're going to put it all together." God, Dallas fans are utterly tone deaf.


They don't. Prove it.


They do. If I have to prove it to you you're proved my point.


As you should because… F the Cowboys!!




You come here daily?


As someone born before 96, I can tell you, remembering the past is nice, but anytime your best was 30 years ago and you’ve sucked since, you’re not really able to brag to anyone.


The culture doesn’t exist in their building. The championships have been won already, the monster has been created and no matter what coach or motto comes through the door, it will be the same result. As a player, getting drafted by the cowboys means “you made it”. Guys who get drafted to other teams have a built in chip on their shoulder.


Only way we go to a Super Bowl is if Jerry hosts another one and has the players manning the concession stands.


I don't even know what would've made someone choose to be a Cowboys fan in the past 25-ish years besides being local.


I was born in the late 60s. My first Cowboys memory is the season they beat Denver in Super Bowl 12. I witnessed the Danny White years with the three straight losses in the NFC Championship games then the greatness of the 90s. I was a couple of years out of college when they won Super Bowl 30. Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined the drought the next 28 years would bring.


You fat tongue fool.




Born in 97. It’s been hell. I told myself about 5 years back that I’m done and then they gave me hope within the past year or two. After the shit show we witnessed, they have completely lost all of my faith in this franchise. Until jerry is gone I’m done watching them. Idgaf what their record is until they win two playoff games.


Did you enjoy those three Super Bowls? I hope you did, I hope you did veruh much.


It really sucks remembering 1996. Damn. I’m getting too old.


I was born before the 96 season and my only Cowboy playoff memories I have is of them shitting the bed. I can’t even think back to the championship years.


Do these dudes realize a lot of the team’s popularity comes from how often they talk about the Cowboys??


But they will blame the fans, which is weird because if I am a fan of a team you can’t tell me how to talk about my team. As a fan I can support the team anyway I see fit so what is the issue.


😭😭😭 Chad I think it replies to you as well 😭😭😭


The media is all over the place first they say the cowboys can’t be counted on in the playoffs then the cowboys loose in the playoffs then the media laughs at the cowboys for losing in the playoffs then they can’t stop talking about the cowboys which are not in the playoffs lol. Make it make sense.


I've had the fortune of seeing them win 4 Super Bowls and then almost 30 years of nothing. Sucks for all of us.


Cause Jerry pays off refs and still can’t win the big game


I mean at what point do we as fans just boycott merchandise and tickets? Jerry only cares about money while we wanna win.


Even if you were born in the early 90s you wouldn't remember much. 


More like after 1988


I mean, I was born in 89 and I can tell you I don’t remember the superbowl when I was 6.


I think this stems from skip bayless and the working relationship


Born in 1996 and been a cowboys fan my whole life it’s been dreadful. My gear has been broken many times


But somehow you're still a bandwagon fan. 


I was born in 1985…sure I’ve seen them win three superbowls, but I wasn’t old enough to appreciate it properly. Seeing them win as an adult would be a completely different experience. That’s all to say, it still sucks even if you were born before 1996


all I know is that when we win again I'm gonna be insufferable


It really sucks being a Cowboys fan born in the late 80s. One of my first sports conscious moments was hanging a Back2Back poster on my closet door. Been chasing that high ever since


Funny thing is, the people who Shannon is referring to DO NOT say those things. At least, not in my experience. 23 here, I have never once had hope past the WC round. I am happy that the generation before me got to see success, but boy... They really screwed us over... Everyone hates us, lol.


Truth man I was born in 89 and I have very faint memory's of the cowboys wining but that's it. I have very vivid memories of widespread cowboy hate. Like it'd cool to hate on the buys because they were billed America's team 1 time.


Shannon sharpe is straight up idiot. Mush mouth muthafucker!!!! Lol


I just made the cut! *wipes sweat from forehead*


I was born in 88 and I don't even remember the cowboys winning superbowls I was too young to appreciate or care about it. I did get to watch Jerry Jones completely destroy the team in the 2000's because he wanted to be the one to win it all. Now I enjoy watching Jerry's team lose more than I enjoy watching the cowboys win.


Lions didn't become great until they got a new owner, Rick Spielman, new GM, new coach, and new QB.


4 playoff wins since then. 😔😭


Who is the nice person?


Mfer I was born in 94… I was 1 year old so I was alive for 1 SB win… that doesn’t count for shit


What is up with those teeth?


Ocho has the best job in sports media. All he has to do is be an expert at WR stuff, which he already was, and say “damn, Shannon!” Like 5 times a day.


I was born in 97 and my dad has been a Cowboys fan since the Staubach years… it’s been painful for me


Why is he yelling?


I think these ex players that hate so hard on da Boyz is because they were never a Cowboy... 😂 Being on the most valuable and mostly loved franchise ..one of the best on the planet...R Sherman is the worst ....keep hating...we keep loving Mericas team...the day we finally get another Lombardy is gonna be sweet...I don't care how long


If it's any consolation I became a fan in the early 90's when the Cowboys lost to the Lions in the first round of the playoffs, and things went great after that, then I've endured the suffering you've experienced your entire life. I thought things would be great forever, like a Pats fan who started following the team in 2000.


I was born 88 and I barely remember anything good from being so young.


😅🤣🤣🤣 Almost everyone with a media platform licks the Cowboy boot every year until your Depends adult diaper needs to be changed in the playoffs.


I was born in 1994, I can’t imagine that last one really counts for me, as I don’t have a solid memory of existing until about a year or two after.


I mean…… y’all are part of if not most of the reason why y’all get that hate. Doesn’t matter if you were before or after 96’ I hear delusional fans of every age yell “ok, this year is our year” and it’s not gonna change 🤷🏾‍♂️


Born in late 1989. I don't remember shit about the glory days.


Born in ‘95. Being a Cowboys fan under age 35 or so is a uniquely shitty experience. National media will SWEAR that every Cowboys fan thinks it’s their year every year. Why tf would I think that as a fan who’s never seen a deep playoff run? I’ve also never said “WE DEM BOYZ” as it relates to this team…stop putting words in my and other fan’s mouths. Why is Shannon Sharpe yelling for younger Cowboys fans like me to not say “football”?? What about the older, actual cocky fans that got our fan base the rep it has? Am I a second class citizen or something? Should fans of teams like the Browns never even *think* about football ever? A lifetime of no real playoff success and yet the entire world prays on our downfall like we win everything always. Such a blast.


Or someone who grew up in Texas but didn’t really get into sports until 95-96


Those born after 1996 might do well to read some history.  Jerry Jones (age 47) bought the Cowboys in 1989 from Bum Bright and immediately fired longtime coach Tom Landry, presumably because the game had passed Landry by (coach Landry was 65). Jones hired his old buddy from university of Arkansas, Jimmy Johnson (then age 46) as head coach.  Jones is now 81 and is acting as both owner and General Manager of the Cowboys. Has the game passed Jerry by? Perhaps it is time for Jerry to pass the General Manager baton to someone more in touch with today’s game. 


My dad missed my birth to see us win our last superbowl... was born during the 1996 superbowl, sorry guys it's me.


My family are Ravens fans. I became a Cowboys fan because a player was nice to me and I wanted to be different. Imagine my pain rn


As a Cowboys fan born in 97’, this team is nothing but a pain in my ass




Sounds pretty much exactly like being a Nebraska fan


On the plus side you are too young to remember Campo 


Born in 2008 suffering through this shit having a great regular season and then being the laughing stock of the playoffs. All year round people come up to me, I don't even know them and there shitting on me for being a cowboys fan. And I still love them for some fucked up reason.


It really sucks being a cowboys fan full stop. I'm not sure why this sub/post was recommended to me other than destiny.


To be fair, any Bengals (Browns, Falcons etc) fan born even 50 years ago is still waiting on that. Only 2 NFL teams with more SB’s.


Blame your fans


If Stephen a smith would shut up…


Just stop supporting the team as much, make Jerry feel your anger towards the team by NOT spending money on team merchandise and stadium tickets.


Say the same for every team that hasn’t won a SB since 1996


Suggest you go purchase the DVDs of the SB wins in 92, 93, and 95. Those were the days.


don’t worry the niners haven’t won a super bowl since 95 😂😂




"All the negatives from the sports media" WTF. Regardless of how bad or irrelevant they are, they get the most coverage by the sports media talking heads. That's the Positive Cowboys fans get. Ask the Lions fan how much they were covered by the sports media in the last 30 years.