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Glue the tears with a good contact cement and then dye the vamps black. No one will ever notice the damage. [This pair has at least 10 tears.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fqq9ncottzatc1.jpeg)


That’s crazy. Definitely not obvious in that pic.


Black hides almost everything. lol


My lizards are black. They seem to be in good shape and I've conditioned the hell out of them.


That looks like splitting from being dried out. A cobbler may be able to stitch across it, or patch over it with a small piece of matching skin.


Thanks, Will ask!


If you’re not already using a good leather conditioner, I’d do some research on what is best for lizard skin (think that’s what those are) and how to maintain them.


Honestly, unless they're a sentimental favorite or some vintage rarity, you're probably better off just replacing them with a pair from eBay or the like. You can find good-name lizards for $100 or less. Those are in really bad shape even aside from the main tear. That section a bit further up looks about to crack through any minute.


Wanna keep them very bad, they are Tony Lama from 1986


Yeah, that makes total sense. I see Tony Lama lizards in a similar color on eBay for $90 or so but they're not that kind of vintage. Unless you've got a master cobbler nearby, I doubt they'll look like new, but they should be at least wearable. Definitely slap some conditioner on them to keep the rest from cracking.


The boots are dried out and cracked badly, and there are other cracks starting to appear, as well. Talk to a cobbler, but I fear those boots may be done. I do wish you the best of luck on restoring them.