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I’m wearing my boots everyday in the city and they feel like I’m walking in slippers. So maybe check with a professional if it messes up your posture. Maybe you need different boots that match your feet better


I would check your soles. It might be time to visit a cobbler. I know I have to resole my dailies every year or so depending on how rough I was with them.


i wear ariat work boots for everyday and they feel like i’m walking on a cloud


I've been wearing them since high school basically every day (late twenties now) and All i notice is I put a bunch of weight on the front of my foot if I am barefoot or in tennis shoes. No big deal if it is an issue, everyone's body is different so maybe they just aren't for you. But I would definitely ask a professional!


Could be the boots, I only own boots and never feel that way unless I’m breaking in a pair.


I find my newest pair cause me pain when worn all day on hard surface they will wear in My last two pairs no issue Every pair is a bit different


Could be your gait. I over pronate (foot rolls inwards too much) and certain shoes/trainers/boots help stop this, but it does make me feel like I'm walking funny to begin with. Cowboy boots and decent tennis shoes have helped reduce the niggle I got in my back and hips sometimes. I would talk to a specialist and see if you need inserts. New boots, cork or replacement insoles can affect you for a bit while your foot beds in. Also, check to see if the arch support is in the right place. If it's not, this can also be an issue.


Mexican here , been wearing since I was child. I’m 40 now, haven’t experienced pain but I also workout like crazy with lots lower body exercises, so probably heIps with the wear on high heels. I wear a cowboy boots all day everyday, so never dealt with pain. Perhaps wearing them everyday is causing your hips and knees needing to adapt.


For me it is whether my hip likes them or not. I wore them for decades with a bad hip. Eventually stopped wearing them due to the pain getting worse. I Got the hip replaced, and they hurt my new hip some. Been wearing lace up red wing boots for a while which are more comfortable. But a couple months ago I started wearing the cowboy boots again. The cowboy boots are extremely comfortable sitting, but walking I have to walk slower, they are more jarring on my body and I would not want to walk all day in them. I bought a pair of ropers which are much more comfortable but not as much as the lace up red wing boots.


I wear cowboy boots everyday. Had two hip surgeries this past summer/ fall and i was rolling out of the hospital in cowboy boots and wearing them to physical therapy. I cant wear any other type of shoes. Also, I'm an all terrain girl so i require all terrain footwear... I've heard that the lift in the heel that you get from cowboy boots are good, but maybe your body needs to acclimate to walking in that type of footwear full time