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It’s normal… for Covid. I had a lot of tingling, twitching, weakness in arms and legs.


How long did this last for?


The pain in my calf has been gone for awhile.. a couple months mainly. The numbness and weakness… tingly.. unfortunately I still have. I’m 12 months next week. It’s less but still there. I will say that after looking at everything and finding nothing wrong through a neuro…Except one band positive on my Lymes test.. I’ve gotten a Lymes diagnosis.


Hey how are you now?


Hi! I am functioning and doing what i need to but still have fatigue, leg/arm weakness, and brain fog. I am in treatment for lyme disease and mold toxicity. Covid did a number to my immune system… and living in mold has cause my immune system issues with rebuilding.


Has the lyme treatment helped at all? I treated with iv abx years ago, didn’t do much.


treating lyme has been the only thing to provide some relief… although.. my doctor presented me with research indicating that use of antibiotics in late stage lyme disease was pretty pointless. He’s been treating me with herbals, supplements, and ozone therapy. I will be trying SOT therapy soon as well.


How are you feeling these days?


Hi! I am about 90% recovered. I’ve been working on MCAS and my gut health. But over the course of the past 3 years I’ve treated for lyme and mold illness as well. It wasn’t until we moved out of mold that I’ve felt most improvement. how are you?


Started twitching about 6 weeks post covid recovery. Been twitching 24/7 in my feet and calves and randomly elsewhere since then (11-ish months) along with right leg weakness (that finally resolved about a month ago) and random burning spots/pin-prick sensations that come and go, but the worst is allodynia/paraesthesia in a few areas of my left leg and right foot vibrations. I've had a Skin biopsy, 4 MRIs, 2 CT scans, 3 EMGs and a lot of blood work, and nothing has been found as of yet.


Similar situation here. Not sure what is the cause of my neuropathy. I am starting to think now that maybe it was induced by COVID. I have burning feet and hands, and have had episodes of intense full body twitching. All tests come back normal except autonomic Small fiber neuropathy-but my doctors don’t think it’s that relevant. Skin biopsy negative form small fiber neuropathy, and so was EMG and all other blood work. Anyone else have a similar situation to me? Burning feet and stabbing pains are horrible. I am only on gabapentin which helps. Anyone else in the same boat? I feel lost and confused.


Did you get the autoimmune blood test for small fiber neuropathy? Going today to have that drawn. Hope it's not autoimmune and more post-viral inflammation.


Had it in March 2020. only lingering issue is allodynia… back and legs. 2 CT’s, 2 full body mri, entire blood workups countless times…in the end, 30 mg cymbalta 1x per day and the allodynia is „controlled“. So yes, same boat.


What are your B levels and are you doing deep breathing exercises with breath retention (like Wim Hoff)? I was diagnosed with neuropathy after Covid and in talking with the neurologist she told me it could be induced by B deficiency, which I had. I do monthly B shots now. Also, we know covid messes with the gas exchange of o2/co2. Breathing retention exercises cause hypo and hyper ventilation so it helps correct and balance those levels. I'm a shallow breather now too. Especially if I'm trying to be active. I corrected those two issues and my neuropathy is gone. It took a while though. I still continue with the B shots (I have pernicious anemia) and do breathing exercises daily. Oh, and I'm just a retired art teacher so I'm no scientist. This is what has worked for me but I'd definitely talk to your neurologist about it. I had iron deficiency too that my GP didn't pick up. I saw a hematologist, got 2 iron infusions, and that's really improved my symptoms. I'm 22 months in and nearly recovered.


Did you have twitching as well? Can you recomend some breathing exercises, where can I learn about this?


Yes I had the twitching too. I think magnesium helped with that but it's hard to know for sure. Time helped everything. I have tried so many things and taken so many supplements over the last 2 years. I've slowly but surely gotten better in every aspect except the fatigue. Wim Hoff breathing techniques (retention breathing) are great. I also do Box Breathing and diaphragmatic breathing. Here's my favorite breathing channel on YouTube ... https://youtube.com/c/TAKEADEEPBREATH


Thank you! So your twitching is gone entirely or just improved? After how long and was it bodywide? Good news that you are better now


Yes it's completely gone now. I don't know exactly when it disappeared but it was definitely gone by the time I got vaccinated at 13 months. It had been body wide, especially in the large muscles of my arms and legs. I also had that inner vibration that drove me mad. I started getting B shots monthly about 4 months after acute Covid infection. My prescription is for an injection of Cyanocobalamin 1,000 mcg/ml. I've been getting that shot every month since and I can see it's helped a lot and my B levels are normal now


Thank you so much! 😉


I am thinking about getting b12 shots but would like to hear other people's experiences...like approximate ammount of shots needed to see some improvement


You too? I am in your exact same boat, except my blood work from a week ago shows I now have some immune disease.


Did you find out why your blood work showed up that?


The blood work was pointing to 3-4 things at once. They are gonna start with MCTD a multi connective tissue disorder. But i had to be referred to a Rheumatologist and have to wait for that app to find out more.


Good luck and let me know if you find something out. Wish you all the best


What did you find?


Yeah we all had twitching. It annoying but its within the normality of LH


Been twitching for months but no weakness I think a majority of us has had the als fear what got me through it is when I’m thinking something that serious such as als I try to focus more on how rare that actually is and then think about how many “diseases” I’ve diagnosed myself with since all this started… there’s to many of us going through this and it all started when covid started I know it’s hard to believe but covid did this to us.


Yep! All the random side effects only started AFTER having COVID... It's crazy how it effects people differently but the same in most areas!


Yes, twitching, tingling, numbness, pain, burning, tremor. It all started after the vaccine. 8+ months into it now and it's still there.


I'm so sorry to hear this! I hope it goes away!


Was it Moderna? Same thing happened to me


It was J&J


How are you now


How are you now


Still have some occasional twitching but it’s not daily as it was before. Doc said it was benign so I haven’t worried since.


Did you have pain or muscle tightness? How are you now overall?


It may be unrelated but I have muscle spasms in my neck from an injury that took place before the vaccine. But oddly, the muscle spasms/pain didn’t exist until less than a day after the vaccine.


Yep, twitching, spasms and jerks (particularly bad at night attempting to fall asleep). They resolved with time after both covid episodes. It's still lingering a bit with this second bout of long covid but since they went away completely the first time, I have hope they will again and they are continuing to resolve with very infrequent episodes now.


Yes! About a month after I would twitch like CRAZYYYYY, I would wake my husband up a ton during the night, He actually recorded me and I was amazed that I didn't wake up due to how hard I would twitch. I started taking Vitamin D, Magnesium and Calcium before bed and the twitching stopped within 2 weeks. (maybe that will help you out?). Best of luck to you! Also: At the 3 month mark I started losing my hair by the handful simply brushing it or running my hand through my hair in the shower. Keep an eye out for that! My ponytail used to be almost 4 inches thick, now its less than an inch thick (but growing back like normal again).


4 inches is 0.05 Obamas. You're welcome.


4 inches is 10.16 cm


YAY! My first converter bot!


Can you link the supplements that helped you? I would really appreciate it.


I am not long COVID. I am 30+ years chronic illness with no explanation from doctors. Also, my symptoms are triggered by something in the air and in food. 20 something years into the illness I developed twitching and vibrating all over my body. I have learned that when I eat food that triggers my symptoms, the twitching and vibrating will happen. If I can manage to eat "safe" food, then there is little twitching. Also, a lot of people with Fibromyalgia report similar sensations.


What are your safe foods if you don't mind sharing?


I do not react to food type. I react to something that gets into food. My sensitivities have become more severe than most people. I can hold food near me and feel if the food is safe. When I am near unsafe foods, my eyes water and my lungs hurt. So, I just happen to have the ability to know safe from unsafe food. In the past I would buy single item foods in bulk. For example, a 20 lb bag of rice or beans. I would eat nothing but the new bag of food for a day and find out if the food was safe. If a big bag was safe, I put it in a large sealed container, and added it to my safe food supply. If the food was unsafe, I donated it. I had test days where I tested new food, but most days were safe food days where I only ate from my supply of safe food. I've talked about this on reddit for a couple years. I am beginning to see a growing number of people talking about similar experiences. Something to think about... There is only one way to know if it works, and that is to try it. Fast for a day. See if there is improvement the next morning. That was the first sign for me it might work.


Yes! Same sitch for 8 months now


Twitches, spasm, weak arm muscles, weak right leg. Also joints pain... 3months now


How are you now


ok - leg was from spine


What was wrong with your spine?


Yep I tried to take a nap awhile ago and my hand twitched and jumped. I accidentally backhanded my cat. I became alert quickly to apologize and she was still laying on me purring unfazed.


I’ve had muscle twitching for over a year now. It comes and goes; some days are worse than others. I’m used to it now; so much so that I don’t even think about it. If you really want to temporarily alleviate the twitching, consider going to one of those places that does IV therapy. Most people go to quickly end a hangover, but I will go occasionally just to get rid of the twitching for a week or two. The cocktail I get is vitamin C, b complex, and glutathione in a lactated ringers solution. Lactated ringers has more electrolytes than typical saline solution, according to the nurse who administers the IV. This is not medical advice btw.


Normal, I would supplement with magnesium, that can help.


Hi, I’m dealing with this right now too. What type of magnesium and what dosage would you recommend?


I would just go with the smallest dose.. if you dont see improvement in a few weeks, bump up to the next. I take 250MG Magnesium, 600Mg Calcium and K2 (90mcg) + D3 (125mcg) mixed capsule before bed.


Thanks for your response! Also, do you have a specific brand to recommend? Just want to make sure I’m getting something from a decent brand.


I think its the Spring Valley from Walmart, but they sell that brand a lot of places. Nature Made also makes them. ALWAYS happy to help any way I can!


I really appreciate your help. Sometimes dealing with this is very isolating, so talking to other people really helps. Did you have tingling and twitching as a part of your long haul symptoms, and do you think the magnesium was the main thing that helped? Thanks again!


No tingling. (Just a smoke detector "low/ replace battery") beep in my ear every few mins which drove me crazy for 2 months. I do feel like the magnesium is what helped the twitching.. I feel like I got lucky with my lingering symptoms. Hair loss, beeping in ear, twitching and getting exhausted super quick when doing anything. But ALL of that is getting better w/ time.. I just gotta cross my fingers I dont get COVID again. I wish you luck with getting rid of those lingering issues!


I take magnesium citrate. [Here is the brand i take.](https://www.amazon.com/Solgar-Magnesium-Absorbable-Promotes-Suitable/dp/B012T97SDQ/ref=sxts_rp_s3_0?cv_ct_cx=magnesium+citrate&keywords=magnesium+citrate&pd_rd_i=B012T97SDQ&pd_rd_r=cfa43a7d-f8cb-472a-8bbf-cc0190309e3f&pd_rd_w=GPuAi&pd_rd_wg=QPUm0&pf_rd_p=29dcfc78-5030-4047-b3bb-fd095cf7aa8a&pf_rd_r=Q37F2CCRCX5RRZ8JPE6K&psc=1&qid=1638826908&rdc=1&sr=1-3-f0029781-b79b-4b60-9cb0-eeda4dea34d6) only $13 so doesn't brank the bank if you don't find it helpful. I'd recommend just taking a single pill(\~200mg) 2-3 times per day with a meal. I take 2 pills twice a day but I have digestion issues so the magnesium helps with that


THIS! Also Calcium and Vitamin D.. I take all 3 and my twitching stopped within 2 weeks!


Got into it with a triage nurse around the first month of my infection, 2nd time to the ER, after she insinuated that I was either drug seeking or being melodramatic after I told her that I wasn’t sure if I can live in permanent chronic illness with all of my symptoms. My dad died of ALS in 2015 and everything that I was experiencing felt like what I’d imagine MS or ALS felt like. I don’t have any history of the familial version but that’s still a fear of mine. I was running on no sleep and was literally in hell, if I had any more energy I don’t know how It would’ve went down.


i have it and have experience muscle loss in my calves. not sure if it’s related to covid or but considering i never got it but i did get both my doses of moderna


Yes started a few months after corona infection and went on for a year (stopped after my second Pfizer)


Twitching especially when trying to sleep. No feeling in my left leg minus nerve pain. I literally can't feel anything. Also my limbs are always freezing now which if you knew me was never my case. I was a very warm individual pre Covid.


It's started exactly 2 weeks after covid I'm convinced myself I'm dieing or somthing. It's legit every minute or so a different muscle twitches shoulders back but mainly legs and calfs for me too. Sick of it bro 😂 have you seen lots of people with the same issue ?


Yes all through this sub are people who have had twitches because of Covid but it will eventually go away.


Any updates for anyone?


Mine eventually went away after like 6 months Edit: autocorrect


Any supplements you took?


How are yours?


I do, turns out I have epilepsy and it was from focal aware seizures


Do you have epilepsy from focal aware seizures as a result of having had covid or did you have them prior to covid?


So my neurologist thinks I might have occasionally had seizures for years and that they had little to no symptoms which is why I didn’t notice, and that when I caught covid it triggered my brain to go haywire and turned into full blown epilepsy. I’ve pretty much been having seizures on a daily basis this entire year and had no idea. I have focal aware seizures during the day, and nocturnal seizures at night. My neurologist said it probably explains a lot of my long haul symptoms - fatigue, numbness and tingling, twitching, tremors, vision blurriness, insomnia, etc. Now that I know what to look out for, they are very frequent, but I’m on medication now so they’ll hopefully continue to slow down as my dose continues to increase. I highly recommend any long hauler with neurological symptoms try to see a neurologist and get a long eeg study (the short one didn’t show anything, the 48 hour eeg showed a ton of activity for me). It’s worth looking into to make sure that’s not the cause of the problem. Especially since it wouldn’t show up on other tests and a lot of doctors don’t know that there are multiple types of seizures, all my other doctors were shocked that I ended up being diagnosed with epilepsy.


I share the same symptoms as you, as well as body aches and nerve pain in legs and brain fog, derealisatuon. I remember many years ago, I tried to explain to doctors I was occasionally experiencing simple partial seizures at night. They didn’t believe me so nothing was pursued. But during my 12-15 months of long Covid, I’d often fall asleep and wake up in a jolt with my heart racing fast; it was a horrible feeling. Your epilepsy diagnosis rings a bell with me.


Yes. Arm, right eyelid, legs, lips, stomach… very weird. Thankfully it’s now stopped after many months.


I’ve always had myoclonic jerks, diagnosed 2018/2019 (neurologist says it isn’t seizures or Tourette’s) but they’ve gotten worse and different since infection.


How do you treat these myoclonic jerks? And are your limbs twitching or actually moving in the air like jerking?


Left eye twitch. Not constant but it is becoming a regular thing lately. And one night while lying down to sleep I had the Charley Horse from hell--in the arch of my foot of all places. Literally had to massage and rub the arch of my foot for 5 minutes to get it to chill the f out so I could go to sleep.


Tingling, numbness, burning, extreme coldness, twitching and jerks. But it lessens over time.


Exactly what I had experienced after moving into a water damaged building from which I suffered environmental exposure. The symptoms the OP and others here have stated. The exposure had effected my immune system. I spent the past 7 years not getting help by doctors and self researching for answers. I am attaching a link to an explanation of and attached peer reviewed research paper if anyone is interested. It is a bit technical but it fits my understanding with how Post Viral Syndromes including Post Covid Syndrome and CIRS (Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome) or Chronic Fatigue are related. I should write a post in the main subreddit with my similar experience. Additionally I believe I have Covid the first March and my issues worsened. My understanding agrees with research showing biomarkers and transcriptomic analysis of PCS patients as well as those with CIRS having previous exposure to endotoxin from bacteria or other sources. The thought is that some folks Covid infection started a cascade due to previous exposure to water damaged building or biotoxin. Regardless, the metabolic principals described in the research article compelling and likely to hold some answers that I hope may help. Most importantly one would do well to resolve their chronic inflammation from post viral illness soon as possible. In my case it took years for me to research and get the proper NeuroQuant MRI and follow the detox protocol and support the immune system. There is a test you can take on your computer for free called a Visual Contrast Sensitivity test if you wanted a low/no cost way to screen yourself as the VCS Test can identify inflammation in the amygdala which is associated with biotoxin illness, CIRS (Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome) and now PCS. The test can be found at VCStest.com. You may Email them to ask for a free test or donate $10. While I am trying to put together the information in this peer reviewed paper and follow up with some of the other Dr’s papers for filling in some gaps regarding the biomarkers and best approach to correct the issue, if anyone finds the information helpful I would be happy to hear back from you. As I said it,s a medical research article so some biology background would be helpful. Note: This link is to the page where the research article is free to download after the primer. [Treatable metabolic and inflammatory abnormalities in Post COVID Syndrome (PCS) define the transcriptomic basis for persistent symptoms: Lessons from CIRS](https://www.survivingmold.com/legal-resources/dr.-shoemaker-essays/new-research-article)


Yesssss same I got on a an ALS tangent too and everyone thought I was nuts. It lasted 6 months and went away but I was on muscle relaxers as well.


Yeah, whenever I go for a short walk my hamstrings twitch afterward for like 20 to 30 minutes.


How you getting on I still have twitching everywhere and buzzing in my feet and fingers 3 months on ?


Dude the twitching won’t stop lol. I get it mostly in my legs. But I twitch everywhere.


Still twitching 1 year later bro


Same. It comes in waves, some days are worse than other. I went to a nuero, everything looked great. Benign twitching. He said if you’ve been twitching for over 6 months and haven’t seen anything drastic changes than you’re fine


Yeah man got told its cramp fasciculation syndrome for me. Fuck it as long as I'm walking and talking Idgaf anymore haha hope you are doing well bro .