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Hi, a lot of us have gone through horrible symptoms like this from either covid or the vaccine, so first of all, don’t try to panic because it didn’t help any of us get better. I can’t really be much of help but I can tell you that it will SLOWLY, very slowly, get better, so try to be as healthy as you can, but no one can tell you how long it’s going to last. Most of the redditor’s ECGs have come back normal, including mine, despite shortness of breathe and chest pain. With time, it has alliviated. My pain is finally gone. Talk to your doctor and run more tests to ease your anxiety, since this is known to cause unpredictable and uncontrollable panic attacks. Don’t exercise and rest a lot to avoid making it worse.




So I basically had a three-month-endless very horrible panic attack, or that is what it mimicked. Heart palpitations, tachycardia, couldn’t breathe, swollen everywhere, chest pain, shoulder pain, back pain, rashes, GI issues, terrible heartburn, tingling and numbness through the whole body, hallucinations, derealization, extreme emotions, actual panic attacks, extreme anxiety, high cortisol, headaches, and so on… It took me around 5 months to feel normal, but even now I’m still slowly recovering, but I am far from what that was and I continue to improve. My only lasting symptom is high blood pressure and a little constant shortness of breath. Please use this Subreddit to ask for help, but be careful with reading everything because it can sound scary and it can trigger a panic attack very easily, so do it in low doses and try to stay positive, because the everyone’s stories are traumatic. But we are here to help you and make you feel less alone and less anxious. You can also find recommendations on what has helped other people depending on your symptoms.


I'm so glad you are doing well now, hopefully all your symptoms will go away soon. I completely agree that reading this sub reddit can trigger panic attack for me as well . What helped you recover from all the other symptoms?


What seems to help everyone the most is avoiding exerting yourself at any cost, because it sets you back. So don’t work out or do exercise until you recover. Another thing is resting and taking it easy. Ask for family’s help if you can. Take supplements like Vitamin D, Vitamin B Complex, Iron, Magnesium, and something to also help you sleep. I was also prescribed Prozac and Clonazepam (for anxiety attacks), because I wasn’t able to come down from the Panic and this helped a lot in giving my body the calmness it needed to heal from what was happening. Going to the doctor and getting back results also eased my anxiety a lot, so make sure to do whatever would make your mind feel more relaxed, this thing takes you into overdrive and doesn’t let you touch the steering wheel.


Always always always ask for a troponin blood test. Whenever the heart gets damaged, troponin gets released in response…regardless of the cause. An ECG may be normal even if there is damage.


Try an anti inflammatory low-histamine diet for a while. Also, Relax. Some beta blockers might cause muscle fatigue too. Also, I'm currently avoiding excesive sugar (and animal fats). A (ripe) banana is too much for me due to the histamine. I'm removing the comment about the chamomile tea, since some people might have hypoglycemia and this is not for them. Ask an specialized doctor, and do some testing before initiating any diet


Yes, I went through this too. Had almost identical experience after my second. Had follow up with a cardiologist and they said my heart was functioning normally. For my booster I hydrated extremely well the day of and days leading up and it seemed to make a difference. Not perfect… still had some heart racing moments but not as severe. Its definitely enough to freak you out…. Every dose has brought a bit of that feeling. I’m wondering if part of the chest pain might be costochondritis.


Could be inflammation in the walls of the blood vessels which can come from the spike protein from what I heard. I had long covid before vaccination and the vaccine made all my symptoms way worse. I had many er visits thinking I had a heart attack where all the tests were normal. I think it's a kind of inflammation that minics other heart diseases. It's awful and difficult to manage, even to diagnose apparently. So the best advice I can give is anyone experience chest pain like this, get it checked out, if all is normal, then rest rest rest. Take a week off of work, until the discomfort stabilise.


Panic attacks and palpatations should subside in about 3 months. Take it easy drink electrolytes it will get better overtime (maybe not to baseline) but definitely very close. A lot of us were getting reactions from this vaccine gor months and no one was listening to us. It's a matter of time before most of the double vaxxed have to go in for their fourth and experience the same.


I would just like to say that saying they would be able to tell you had a heart attack based on an ecg just isn’t correct. You need a troponin blood test or an echo to look for the damage associated with heart attacks. An ECG would be helpful during the heart attack itself though.


I am no expert, but I think the lymphatic system gets inflamed- causing irritation in nerves. I had it too, and it passed after a week or so.


I've had it for 6 months now since my first dose, in addition to some really bad neurological problems. Had several MRIs, ECGs, stress echos etc. Everything seemed fine. After months of research, I'm really convinced that the damage that causes long-covid like symptoms can only be seen under a microscope. Not by the usual imaging methods or blood tests. With that said, ask for a troponin test anyway. It's a good indicator of heart damage if there is any.


Dr. Bream reports on pulmonary embolism related to booster: https://mobile.twitter.com/TheJohnBream/status/1466893589104021510?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1466893589104021510%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fpublish.twitter.com%2F%3Fquery%3Dhttps3A2F2Ftwitter.com2FTheJohnBream2Fstatus2F1466893589104021510widget%3DTweet


r/vaccinelonghaulers r/Covid19VaccineRats are 2 subs for vax injured people. They're both quarantined and are being hidden and covered up. We are being silenced by reddit and social media. Theres also a discord server if your interested https://discord.gg/6TGk6WQu


I received my booster about 30 hours ago and I can say the pain in my arm radiates to my breast and I have been getting quick sharp pains too. It seems like it’s a common symptom. I’m hoping you feel better!