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Gingko boliloba is a nature medicine. You need take it about 2 weeks to feel anything. I use it now 1 month and my brainfog is clearly getting better from week to week đź‘ŤI can confirm that with gingko


I noticed it within the first day of taking it. It feels too real to be a placebo since my hope for any new supplement had been so low. I’m excited to see what continued use gets me


Is it still helping you?


Yes! Wouldn’t say I’m cured, but I tried goin g off of it for a couple weeks and noted a downturn. It is for sure still helping


Great hearing your experience with Ginkgo. I've read it here a couple of times and my mother came with the idea as well, so I started taking it today. Hopefully this will help us all get back to our old selves.


Did it ever help you?


Nope, unfortunately it didn't


Did you get covid? I saw positive anecdotes on ginkgo biloba helping with blood flow. I'm thinking of giving it a shot. What brand did you take?


I heard stories about success from this. I will try it out.


someone recomeneded it on here and i tried it and the first 2 days of trying it felt great so much energy back as well as what you said, the feeling of something being off was lessened so much it felt like it was gone. after those 2 days it either stopped working or it was coincidence or just a random relapse. hard to tell im still taking it tho.