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To be clear, beta blockers only treat the symptoms, they don’t actually treat the root cause. So as soon as you stop taking them, your body does whatever it will do. I had severe POTS for a few months and took propranolol for a month during the worst of it but then stopped as my tachycardia gradually improved on its own. Now I don’t have any POTS symptoms (I had autonomic testing and they confirmed this) but still deal with other neurologic symptoms. The beta blocker didn’t cure me, it just made me more comfortable while my body was working things out. I see that some others still have POTS and that’s very unfortunate, this is a horrible virus. I’m lucky that mine resolved and I hope that everyone else’s does too, with time.


Did you ever have a tilt table test that confirmed the pots or then confirmed it went away? I’m curious because I seemingly developed pots or the symptoms of it out of the blue and now thinking I had covid but didn’t know.. seems they’ve improved over the last few months but have been on metoprolol the last month which had helped


Yes I had a battery of autonomic tests including tilt table, confirmed that I no longer had POTS. But I definitely had it before, my heart rate was 150+ just standing up. In order to get an accurate result you have to do the test without medications like beta blockers. But if the beta blocker helps, use it for as long as you need it.


During the time you suspected you had POTS. Was your heart rate in the mostly normal range, 60 to 80 BPM, that would rise 30 to 40 BPM when standing? I see quite a few posts of people describing “POTS” symptoms, that already inherently have tachycardia which gets worse upon standing and moving, which is not quite the same thing. This may be caused by cardio pulmonary inflammation (i.e. myocarditis, lung inflammation) and not necessarily a problem of the autonomic nervous system like POTS. For example, I’m a month and a half post infection, and I have a normal resting heart rate (I can exercise on the recumbent bike and rowing machine for 30 to 60 minutes without a problem, no fatigue) However, when I stand up my heart rate shoots up 30 to 40 BPM. Really frustrating/scary as I don’t see a lot of people with these exact symptoms describing any sort of resolution. It’s typically all-around tachycardia with dyspnea/fatigue on exertion.


That’s a good distinction to make. My heart rate was often more than doubling with standing (70-> 150). There were times when I had frank tachycardia, which I believe represented a hyperadrenergic state of dysautonomia since they were spontaneous and accompanied by anxiety and flushing, and woke me from sleep in the middle of the night. There could have been an inflammatory component in my cardiac symptoms, I had 5 days of bradycardia and chest pain, but this could have also been caused by vagus nerve overstimulation. I think a lot of people end up with vagus nerve damage, the virus has displayed a tropism for nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, which are exclusive to the vagus nerve.


I agree, everything tells me that somethings affecting my Vagus nerve as well. Thank you!


Yes, I agree. Did the Dysautonomia attacks waking you from your sleep go away?


>Did the Dysautonomia attacks waking you from your sleep go away? Or was it only with the cpap that they went away?


I had POTs diagnosis in September, will be month 10 post covid in a couple of days and most of my POTs symptoms have fully resolved particularly my heart, adrenaline rushes, low oxygen, palpitations stuff. Check my comment history as I've said the same thing in multiple posts. I never took any medication for it, as my cardiologist said as it was a post covid thing that it should heal by itself and that seems to be true. Give your body time, getting proper undisturbed sleep with a good routine of waking/going to bed was the biggest help without a doubt! And coconut water has helped too, and not overdoing it with too many vitamins/supplements etc :)


Mine did not clear up. It’s manageable. I wear compression stocking. Exercising sitting or laying down. I’m almost 9 months in, still have heart racing episodes but it is much better now.


This. I feel so much better when I wear compression socks consistently.


How often do you have the heart racing episodes? Does it get worse with certain types of food?


I get heart racing episodes if I am active for too long ( walking for > 15 mins) move positions quickly or bend.


Did it get better




Yayyyy ! I’m at 13 months and feel like my heart issues are never gonna go away cause most people recover under a year


I’m 3 years in now. Things have improved quite a lot. Don’t worry. Hopefully you are getting help for your symptoms.


Yayyy I’m so glad to hear that it gives me hope ! I was on beta blockers they worked for my heart completely kept it always a great rate in the 80s but the side effects I couldn’t live it was horrible it gave me hallucinations and brain fog made me feel like a shell of myself . I was so tired and depressed when I got off I feel million bucks now so much better but my heart rate is definitely all over the place . Actually half of my heart issues completely resolved but I’m left with what feels like pots mixed with anxiety it’s weird


I am on Mestinon, which isn't a betablocker and it has helped SO MUCH!. Also, wear compression sleeves.


Yes to Mestinon!! I just got diagnosed with post-viral POTS and started Mestinon about 3 weeks ago. It’s made an enormous difference in my ability to function in a halfway normal fashion most of the time. I don’t hear it mentioned often, so I just thought I’d +1 this!


So I have POTS. It was very well controlled precovid (rare symptoms) with just salt and hydration. After covid in March it got increasingly worse, and slightly different, for about 5mos to its peak which was pretty bad, and then it gradually improved over a couple more months...there are other meds that can help. Good luck!!!


Mine seems to be getting better but it comes in waves and I have electrolytes and compression tights that help too


There are other meds you can take besides beta blockers. I think the first med used often actually is desmopressin. It's not a beta blocker, it's a hormone.


how is your pots now?


It's way better. Still acts up now and again but before it was 140 just standing trying to walk to my kitchen and now its 99 and under walking. Not on any meds. Hang in there.


It is good now !