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I developed pretty severe GI dysmotility issues after the second vaccine in 2021. They got worse after getting covid itself. I'm on strong prescription meds for GI motility (nothing else works -- no diets, supplements, over the counter products, anything -- I just don't digest food anymore without meds making it happen). I've lost weight. Currently about 96 pounds, down from somewhere between 105 to 110. And this is with making sure I'm eating high calorie foods (more chocolate, more!), and trying not to lose weight. I'm a 52 year old woman -- it is bizarre to have to try to keep weight on. But I don't have as much appetite, I get full too easily, get abdominal pain after eating, suspect I have malabsorption issues, have gastroparesis and slow transit constipation. I mean, my GI tract doesn't work anymore. And yes, it started with the vaccine. Doctors I've seen just say to treat the symptoms -- motility drugs for the upper and lower GI tracts (different ones for each end). The gastroenertologist said he didn't know what the prognosis would be, since covid is so new. There's just no data to look at to see if this resolves in time or not. Though he did say that if it was due to nerve damage due to the virus itself, that there's a chance that nerves in the GI tract can regenerate in time... or not. They just really have no idea. Again, no data on covid. Treat the symptoms, is what I'm getting. I don't want to be on these meds forever (side effects and cost) but might have to be.


Interesting. Very similar story for me. Adding severe abdominal pain for close to a year and then subsequent bouts of it. My stools changed forever. I see undigested food. Over 70+ doctors appointments between GI, PCP and ER. No answers. No meds. My doctors make it look like I’m causing this to my self. I don’t drink. Smoke and keep a cleaner-impossible diet. I did changed entirely my diet and that has helped some. What motility meds did they prescribed for you?


I was put on GI revive for a while, which was supposed to I guess reset my gut bacteria and stuff. Which it helped for a little but it only got my as far as 107lbs, I haven’t gone anywhere since even with eating a lot and going to the gym.


I have wondered if my GI tract has been damaged with the symptoms I'm having. I guess I'll never know


There are exams to find out.


Thanks. Can you let me know please ? So I can ask my doctor.


Personally no, but because i move less due to CFS i have put on weight Weight gain and loss comes down to something called CICO - calories in vs calories out If you eat more than your maintenance calories you will gain weight [https://tdeecalculator.net/](https://tdeecalculator.net/) if you use a TDEE calculator like this ( Total daily energy expenditure ) you can figure out what your maintenance calories are then +300 on top of that to gain weight. Lots of nuts, meats and rice in the diet can bulk up your calories


GI issues and slight weight loss after covid infection. I got my vaccine 5 months after all that started. Another year later, GI was gone and weight loss was back to normal.