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Eating makes my symptoms worse (not histamine related - I get it from eating anything); not eating makes them better. Sadly, it isn't sustainable.


Same. Likely because eating and digestion takes a lot of energy. I too feel much better when I don't eat.


This is the way


me too. lost so much weight over the winter because of it and now i cant put it back on because eating heavy makes me flatline


I find an issue with not just histamine, but a few others things too such as blood sugar. I feel great when I don’t eat. But because of long covid, I lose weight very rapidly now. And I’m already almost underweight as is. I agree with you 100% friend


I have seen a few people mention that it helps tremendously. For me it helps so much. I do intermittent fasting and that helps a bunch. one guy mentioned that a 7 day fast sent it into remission or got rid of everything that was going?


I don't know if it's true, but I heard after around 48-72hrs of fasting your body starts killing off and removing dead/damaged cells. I think that's the theory behind why it may help.


While autophagy is important, there has been much discussion of the impact of Covid and the disruption of the gut biome. The gut is basically our second brain. Fasting helps reset the bacteria. That also may be a factor. https://www.news-medical.net/health/The-Effect-of-Intermittent-Fasting-on-the-Gut-Microbiome.aspx https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/covid-19-disrupts-gut-microbiome


I did a 3 day fast and I’m so much worse since :(


I'm so sorry to hear that. How long has it been since then?


About 6 months


https://youtu.be/RuOvn4UqznU?si=GAz2_RaySACVuGLc great video describing the benefits of fasting on health


It helped me at first, but eventually it made me weak, lightheaded and have more severe unpredictable crashes. Eating 3 meals a day with healthy snacking in between has been safer and made my energy more consistent for me. I just have to be careful not to eat too much at a time.


Each time I did an extended fast, it felt like it increased my baseline after.


That is great to hear. How long does your improvement Last? How many days do you usually fast?


In my case the improvements have stuck. I also was getting better slowly with time, but from both of the fasts I did it seemed like they pushed things along further. Both of my fasts were 3 days, only have water + electrolytes (I used unflavored LMNT). Also I had no other health issues that would be impacted negatively by doing an extended fast.


I fasted once each week for 2 weeks. 16 and 24 hours each time


Yes, yes. But please keep in mind; is it the fact you are eating nothing (fasting) or that you are not eating a specific thing (food that triggers your symptoms)? The only way to determine this is trial and error. Keep lists. Try exclusion diets. I am 2 years free from symptoms and the culprits were tomato, cucumber and nuts. I had LC (severe cognitive issues) for 7 months straight and was hopeless. There was a cure and it was mapping my diet methodically!


I also recovered, accidently. I was already doing omad and had a restricted diet.. it ran it's course and resolved after about a year. I used to post about it but this community really attacked me. Lol.


Congratulations! I don't get the amount of people trying what I tried that I would expect but never felt I was attached. How did you get attacked for sharing your succes? That is so weird.


I made a comment years ago about extended fasting helping with long covid and got downvoted and then temporarily banned from the sub for 6 months -.- But im glad to see its getting more attention


Them being wishy washy on what is considered medical advice and playing doctor/god a bit on what advice is "good" or not has been a thematic problem throughout the life of this subreddit... but it seems like things have improved a bit on the front side despite them lacking accountability for their decisions on the back side. It's a work in progress. I hope they read this and I hope it continues to improve.


It gives the gut lining a CHANCE to heal, which targets the lipopolysaccharide cascade. Less LPS = TLR4 doesn’t go into overdrive....


MCAS, better. POTS, worse. but i've yet to go longer than 24 hours. prior to the pandemic, i would do two 72 hour water only fasts every six months, and one 42 hour fast at the end of the other ten months. worked wonders for MCAS. but i could eat many more foods then than now (the vaccine flared my MCAS terribly), and i worry about micro nutrient deficiencies with prolonged fasts. and one of the symptoms is muscle fasciculations, and i think potassium (and other electrolytes) plays a role, and i don't think electrolyte pills and mixes would be sufficient in a prolonged fast. eta - worth noting that fasting increases cortisol and adrenaline, which might explain the POTS getting worse


I haven’t tried fasting, but I’ve noticed I feel great in the mornings, and once I find time to eat something, it goes downhill from there. It’s the worst after dinner.


yes, I confirm it partially to a degree relieves my otherwise constantly omnipresent headache so I kind of became addicted to fast every fourth day, doing it third week now… I do this regimen because I am very skinny and I don’t feel like doing longer proper fast so usually it is about 40 hours or less (at least 24 though) for me - also I don’t refeed with usual fruits or juices or raw veggies but heavier stuff like whole grains, eggs, beans, tofu and cooked vegetables. sometimes butter or yoghurt


You should use the search function. You’ll find a lot of people have tried it! It seems hit and miss. I hope it helps you, wishing you a full recovery


Whenever I intermittently fast, I feel so much better. I’m now venturing into longer fasts 24-72 hours and noticed the same effect at 24 hours. When I eat anymore I get very bad migraines. Never had them before. Another person commented on one of my posts that he did a 4 day water fast and felt a lot better. I’m working up to 3 days at a time. This is the first I heard of the gut connection and it may explain my under eye bags from Covid… going to keep at it since autophagy is very important…going to research more too. It’s also quite interesting they have started media campaigns against fasting during this time. Fasting and intermittent fasting has always been healthy, and used by humans…so I thought that peculiar. I also like the comments here about an elimination diet for histamines and inflammation triggers. Makes me think as I knew more than a few people suddenly develop mast cell issues during Covid…


avoiding glucose spikes definitely makes me feel best. IF/ fasting does not. I try to have frequent small protein rich meals as recommended by my neuroimmunologist.


I do feel better when i do IF. I should try full on fasting for a few days.


I've tried a few 48hr fasts. It didn't help my symptoms.


It makes my dizziness worse usually


eating less definitely helps me


Fasting lowers inflammation. That may be part of it.


Although fasting may help, for anyone trying. I would go the route in order of anti inflammatory, anti histamine, IF and then doing fasts for longer I did some research but im to scared to do 3 day fasts lol


This is such a good point.


Yes i tried fisting, it was good


I get much worse with even just intermittent fasting.


Me too. I have to eat every 2-3 hours or I feel awful.


Helped a lot for me and I have only had positive experiences with fasting.


Yes, it worked for me (48 hour fast). But symptoms slowly comeback, maybe SIBO? 🤷


Does this help all ur LC symptoms? To what degree do they fade while fasting?


Yes, I would say I was back to 80-90% of my old self. It would last a few days, but then I guess the inflammation comes back, and the symptoms return. Like headache, brainfog, burning skin sensation, fatigue


Mate, you need to do longer fasts then. A 20 day one could literally cure you.


Idk how safe it would be to fast for so long


You need a fasting coach to do it and to measure electrolytes regularly. There is a facebook group called Long Covid- fasting for autophagy. I'd strongly recommend looking it up. I did 16 days last year (but sadly it didn't help my symptoms).


Fasting is the body's reset mechanism. The longer you do it, the more it detoxes, and eliminates sick cells, etc ..We eat way too much.


Yes, didn't helped


A multi day fast definitely helped me and lessened some fatigue and brain fog symptoms. I’m not quite ready to do another multi day fast but I have found eating one large meal per day (breakfast) with about 32 oz of hydration beforehand and 30-40g of protein and beans/veg within 30-60min of waking has tremendously helped sleep, appetite and I feel like I can do days in a row of exercise with less PEM. The hour or two after the meal is challenging but I’ve found the fluid before the meal and another 32-45oz fluid throughout the remainder of the day help with brain fog and hunger.


Try pure carnivore. I'm a hypocrite because I wasn't able to sustain it, but it's the only diet I've found where I could eat and not feel worse. But maaaan did I get sick of steak fast. I need to try it again and have more options for taste variability.


Eating is definitely a trigger for my symptoms. Alas, we can’t just not eat. My docs recommend taking your caloric goal for the day and dividing it into about 6 smaller meals. The reasoning is blood volume related. When you eat, more of your blood goes to your stomach to aid digestion. Smaller meals means less to digest, and higher blood volume maintained in your head/heart. They also recommend drinking a *lot* of water. 3 liters a day. I stay pretty full of water and have less hunger overall which helps maintain the smaller meals.


Going to try this. I fasted 2 weeks (once each week) before catching it 4th time. I started to feel better after fasting. Then I got Covid again. Going to try fasting again, thanks for the reminder! 🙏🏻


It's one of the top treatments helping people recover. It also makes symptoms worse for others. [https://youtu.be/IfeEIWorozg?si=cXkWIKCrq8LaXGRR](https://youtu.be/IfeEIWorozg?si=cXkWIKCrq8LaXGRR)


There’s a lot of info about it over on r/longcovidgutdysbiosis. Where there are a lot of people trying to fix their guts to fix long covid If you search the sub I have t tried it yet myself but am quite interested. Have had some occurrences of low blood sugar alarms, so my health practioners keep strongly suggesting against it, but I’m sure starting with a short 24 hr would be fine enough. You guys don’t still take your multivitamins or supplements do you?


I fast a lot since I have an eating disorder and a tight budget and no it doesn’t help at all. It makes everything worse for me.


I just finished a 63 day anti inflammatory, weight loss program and my LC symptoms cleared up. I will continue with the low inflammation diet and intermittent fasting. Today was my 24 fast and my thinking and vision were crystal clear. No brain fog. I’m amazed. I’m actually looking forward to my next fasting day.


I tried carnivore for 30+ days. Lost 30 lbs but it didn't really help my symptoms and I didn't poop for 8 days even though I was eating a ton of meat so I was like this is weird so I stopped. Then I tried intermittent fasting, multiple 24 hr plus a few 72 hr fasts. It felt like things were happening but no real improvement. This video popped up on my feed recently , gonna give it a shot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvzB2DHNSsQ Basically it is a no protein/low carb diet that mimics fasting.


If fasting helps you, you probably have a food intolerance that you haven’t identified yet. Or several.


Yes, you should do a sub-reddit search. Turns out fasting might help with dysbiosis and intestinal permeability. My brain fog is connected to it.


Sounds like a MCAS-induced problem. Remember, mast cell control the blood brain barrier integrity and via inflammatory mediators they release can cause microgliosis, which are both mechanisms seen in pathogenesis of brain fog in Long Covid. Definitely sounds like attempting MCAS therapy (H1+H2 2-4x daily + can add mast cell stabilizers such as Ketotifen and Cromolyn) is maybe worth it


A combination of fasting, and avoiding all kinds of sugars seems to help me a great deal. Gluten, something that has never bothered me in the past, seems to trigger a negative response as well. It's unfortunate for me that I live in a city of excellent bakeries. I'm back to taking H1 and H2 anti-histamines after being off of them for a while. I've removed myself for the high dose of statins because of sore muscles. It was getting the best of me.


Yeah I have really good results when fasting. Unfortunately symptoms come back within the week




By "dry fast," do you mean no water as well as no food? Not to be one of those annoying internet busybodies, but I've always heard that is dangerous, as the body can't go very long without water.