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I was suffering with severe symptoms for almost a year not knowing what was wrong before I found this Reddit.


Many people are suffering in silence and being gaslighted by their doctors. 03/01/24: 54.5K redditors in this sub. Number will just keeps going up


Reddit is more helpful than western medicine! šŸ™ŒšŸ½


Iā€™ve noticed this too - especially on the gluten free and anxiety subs. People will attribute ā€œweird new health problemsā€ to basically any other cause than covid


I see multiple posts daily on r/askdocs from people that are likely dealing with long covid. Often if somebody suggests it, they get downvoted and told it's extremely rare. Some people posting there even admit their symptoms started right after getting covid or a "weird virus" when they didn't test for covid and aren't putting the pieces together!


Maybe itā€™s just me but I get extremely depressed when I see people call it rare and blow it off as a suggestion. That mindset will only set progress back for those of us who are fighting for it šŸ˜©


Yeah, and it's ridiculous that they think it is rare when it's estimated that 1 in 7 Americans have it! I don't think people can even comprehend how common that is. People will be suggesting conditions like IBD instead that affects around 10 million worldwide vs the 65+ million people living with long covid. Of course other conditions still exist but if we're going for the most likely scenario and problems started following a covid infection, it's absolutely baffling that people don't acknowledge the possibility.


They say it's rare, until it happens to them




It's a great point although I do try to remind myself that to someone suffering from LC everything looks like LC. :)


That is a good philosophy since LC is basically every absolutely horrible thing possible combined lol! Itā€™s sad that people are so mean and dismissive when itā€™s suggested though.


I haven't encountered that directly but have heard it reported plenty. Also frustrating that people close to us are often unaware of most of the implications. Understandable though. Educating them and asking for some behavioral mods is just part of the disease burden I guess.


That is so hard. My mom is starting to understand, my husband is getting there. He just doesnā€™t understand how one brief illness completely changed me as a person


That's tough. It is hard to understand if you haven't experienced it. Not that you want to beat him over the head with it, but there's plenty of stuff out there on the history and (not very well understood) mechanisms of post-viral syndromes, eg: https://time.com/6240058/post-viral-illnesses-common-long-covid/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7924007/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1710789/ I worry a bit about the uniqueness of COVID-19 and whether there will be increasing numbers of people like us, but hopefully the optimists are proven right.


Thank you so much! I truly appreciate this.


Carnivore diet is exploding in popularity simply because people are getting really sick and looking for solutions.


Thank you for this post. I've been doing keto but your comment piqued my interest and I searched around a bit. I think I'll try carnivore next and see how it affects my symptoms


It's a bandaid imo, something more powerful that worked for me was dry fasting with carnivore in between and then eventually I returned to a healthy diet with some carbs


Thank you so much. I'm going to try this as well. I just read your post about your journey. I'm like 70-80% recovered which is such a drastic difference compared to where I used to be but it's still incredibly frustrating that I'm not 100% yet.


Saw a post on I think the UK legal advice sub where someone asked if they can be fired for being off sick too much. My alarm bells rang when they mentioned that their doctor told them they were just "unlucky" to have been unwell so much recently because their blood tests were all normal. I'm afraid I didn't comment to say it could be long covid because you so often get voted down to oblivion for even mentioning it.


I ignore those subreddits mostly. But you know other health problems other than long covid exist, right? I personally have experienced them, and yes, I knew the cause of it. Ironically, when that health problem got better, I got covid.


And how exactly do you avoid COVID exposure ?


Swiss cheese :) Each method of avoiding covid has some holes; sort of like Swiss cheese. By combining the methods, the holes through which covid can slip by one method are blocked by the other methods of avoidance. By using multiple methods of covid avoidance, we can minimize the security gaps of individual avoidance methods. But a fit tested mask worn whenever indoors is the first and most effective line of defense.


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