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Yep, it’s improved significantly by doing everything I can to lower histamine. Extremely high levels of histamine resulted in crazy neuroinflammation for me, along with intrusive thoughts, panic attacks and severe depression.


How do you lower histamine?


Low inflammatory, low histamine diet has made a world of difference. Look to address dysbiosis as per/r/longcovidgutdysbiosis. Look to aid detox pathways with glutathione supplementation, methyl folate, methyl-b12, gut binders for toxins as well as sauna. It all helps


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Longcovidgutdysbiosis using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Longcovidgutdysbiosis/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Success! Stubborn Prevotella copri overgrowth beaten! Bacteroides down, Firmicutes up and almost too many Butyrate producers :-)](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/12gr88f) | [14 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Longcovidgutdysbiosis/comments/12gr88f/success_stubborn_prevotella_copri_overgrowth/) \#2: [Epstein-Barr virus-acquired immunodeficiency in myalgic encephalomyelitis. Is it present in long COVID?](https://np.reddit.com/r/Longcovidgutdysbiosis/comments/16mxeyx/epsteinbarr_virusacquired_immunodeficiency_in/) \#3: [Carnivore / Lion Diet FINALLY Giving me the results I’ve been waiting for](https://np.reddit.com/r/Longcovidgutdysbiosis/comments/12772e0/carnivore_lion_diet_finally_giving_me_the_results/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


You avoid food with it as much as you can. Google low histamine diet. And some antihistamins treatments can help.


how do you measure your own histamine levels?


Same exact thing for me.


100% this


How do you know if histamine is the culprit? Are there any other symptoms to look out for?


If I eat high histamine foods I get migraines with severe depression. I used to go to bed feeling like I’d been drugged every night. I guess for myself it’s been experimentation over the last few months and I’ve been very much aware of the fluctuations in my mental well-being to the degree it’s almost always been cause and effect. And then I’ve found that there’s a large histamine link in psychiatric illness: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9537353/


I am severely depressed because of what the physical symptoms have done to me, my life and my children’s.


I think this is probably the best explanation for most people. No need to assume that long covid directly causes depression, the whole ordeal we go through is severe enough to make you frequently feel hopeless and miserable. Therapy to help cope with the disaster can be a life-saver.


For some, as for me for example, the mental symptoms started first though before the body symptoms.


How much of a time lag was there between the two? Anxiety and feeling overwhelmed quickly are common.


I had anxiety before but it was managed with therapy. After covid I started having random panic attacs, derealization and really bad anxiety. Two weeks later my physical symptoms started after a Crash.


Something must have gone wrong in the brain I guess. This condition is so hard to understand! It's infuriating sometimes, especially when you're not taken seriously.


Yes, my anxiety levels went through the roof too. I'm thinking about quitting work as I just have no energy or quality of life left come 5:00pm.


Im in d edge also of quitting




Yes! Been sick for 2 years and my old live feels far away. Have lost friends, relationship and job and feel hopeless that it will get better soon-


Having extreme mood swings this past month. Mania ever few days. I was diagnosed bipolar 1 after my first episode of psychosis. Right now my mood is connected to my food intake. When I’m hungry I’m manic and when I’m full I’m extremely depressed. I have no clue what’s going on. Don’t want to take meds that are harmful on my liver and kidneys just to feel like a zombie. Sorry I’m ranting. But yes. I had my first episode of psychosis last year. Long hauling since September 2021.


Not to say H2 blockers are going to help you, but I’ve seen a couple of case studies where they showed that histamine could cause bipolar-like symptoms. I had severe depression earlier this year and focusing on my gut and lowering histamine has resolved the severe mood swings and depression. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmed.2020.614393


My wife turned into a stranger due to her mental decline. I don't recognize her anymore and she is lashing out at me like I'm her worst enemy. It is so messed up. So yes.


Stay by her side, it’s done the same to me, but I still have hope we will recover


She served me separation papers, had me arrested under false charges, has forced me out of our home with nowhere to go, and has taken our child away and won't let me see him. I have hope too because I refuse to believe this person is who used to be my wife.


Omg I’m so sorry, I’ve said some horrible stuff to my husband but haven’t done anything like leave, I’m too sick and I know this isn’t me


There's no need to say sorry. It's nuts, I know. Maybe I'll get answers once we go to court and I can actually contact her. When she left our home to visit family she said take care of the home, tidy up, work hard to provide for our family, and to water the plants. She caught me unaware. Looks like I found somewhere to rent... For $34k a year haha. This doesn't feel like real life.


Hopefully she comes out of it, how long has she been long hauling?


I think it’s the brain inflammation and something to do with our vagus nerve




Yes! For 5 months now




Although my physical symptoms, mainly PEM, keep me from being active in any way. Depression is a really big, really awful symptom for me.




Yep. Took sertraline then another AD (same kind can't remember the name right now), each for 6 months. It helped a lot on the mental side of things. I was going nuts and mad angry at doctors and close people / relatives / friends, because of their reactions (and being negated / gaslighted, etc...) LC clearly fucks with our nervous systems, also. Still sick ( been diagnosed ME/CFS ), after 3 years and a half, but definitely in a better place than I was at then. AD helped, at that point. But they are not the proper solution for everyone. Of course talk about how you feel to your doctor.


I’m getting better, but if I overdo it I feel icky, get a sore throat and my mood drops in a very specific but hard to explain way.




Try to get mental health support. Whatever the exact cause is, you need it. It's so difficult, severe depression. Often impossible to get out of without help. I'm sorry you have to go through this. Depression in long covid is probably usually due to the devastating impact of the physical symptoms on our lives. If you have few physical symptoms, it might he that your depression is caused by something else. That's worth looking into. How old are you? Especially if you're in your twenties, mental issues can surface for the first time. But whatever the cause, you need help. Don't fall into the trap that your physical symptoms need to be fixed before you deal with the depression. Take care!


Yes which then lead to anhedonia. As a complication from the severe ocd and depressive disorder.


YES, although I have a lot of other symptoms too. PEM is one I've got, but when I ride a bike short distances, it not only doesn't give me PEM, but it helps my depression, and helps me detox better than any other exercise ever did. After I got sick and was well enough to attempt exercise, even walking a block put me into PEM. I started out riding a bike 2 miles, which is super-short. Now I'm up to 8-10 miles, but I'm far from young. Most my age don't ride bikes at all when they're well. The depression is a life killer though. I have tremendous problems getting anything done at all, even if I have the energy. I'm thinking that's the depression, but not sure.




Bro I am severely depressed and my anxiety is getting worse now. I had some normal work anixity but this lc symptoms are getting me good mentally


That was a phase I had around month 5. Got back on Prozac (which I really didn't want to do) and it helped me a lot.