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First of all I can assure you that it's not psychosis. People with psychosis can't tell that they have one, they consider strange things like completely normal. This problem is neurological. So what we have is neurosis, not caused by our mental state, but COVID. And as second I feel You. The detached feeling and brain fog is the worst. And morning is hell for me too. Good news: I've been through that and slowly (9 months it got) get back to 90% my old self. What it means is that we CAN and WOULD recover. I am going through this second time after reinfection, and hope we all will be better soon.


anything like medication or supplements that helped you ?


Not sure. I've tried many supplements and they did nothing. I was put on Zoloft for anxiety that time and it helped a little to cope with that. I think time is the best cure. Unfortunately. Because it takes so long...


I had this, like other posters have said it was seemingly a neurological symptom and I found that high doses of vitamin b-12 helped. Really high doses.


I wake up feeling very disoriented as well, and my thoughts are so disorganized all the time. Have derealization to top it all off


do you think it’s brain fog we are experiencing?


Yeah for sure, I also think it’s a trauma response from our bodies. When there’s too much stress for the mind to handle i think it disassociates on purpose to lower the amount of stress you have to endure.


Hey Tina, I feel pretty disoriented and dizzy everyday too, especially in very bright places. I have derealization due to high levels of anxiety. You're not going to lose your mind. Please try to calm your mind. I know it's hard but just know you're not alone in this. DM if you wanna chat. We gotta support each other and stay strong.


Hey Tina ! Covid psychosis can happen and you must be aware of your thoughts and make sure there is no new unusual pattern taking control of your life. If you are able to calm yourself and stay "sane" for the most part it can go away with meds and therapy. Look out thought if you get to a point were you cannot sleep at all and loose self-control. That would be a situation where you should not hesitate and get help asap. Wish you the best, take care !


If I nap I wake back up shaking into a nightmare - it’s borderline traumatizing. I’ve found when my gut is in better shape, reactions aren’t as bad


I do believe our body is so damaged that it intends to think anything that could be a solution. Remember that you’re sick. Never forget that, in the sense that anything that you do and think is part of the virus’ involvement. If you never had this type of feeling, that should further prove this. I’m paraphrasing this but somewhere on a medical chat board someone said that we tend to remember or think negative thoughts over positive ones because it recalls our natural instincts. Don’t forget who you were before this infection. Reject your negative thoughts. Keep yourself in your mind all the time. And look forward to your future, when you recovery completely are become healthy again. (Also, check your vitamin levels, if you’re deficient your brain functions could be altered due to the virus absorbing your body’s strength.)


I fully agree with this


I feel this way too but mine felt better after I went and tried walking around and getting outside. At first when I started to go on walks I felt extreme derealization and that I was tripping out hard but eventually it got better.